




It’s a short story by O.Henry that has moved me for a long time.Maybe most of you are familar with its name,that is,The Gift of the Magi.I have read it many times but every time I like to read it slowly and deliberately.I think “The Gift of the Magi”

is meant to be savored.

Maybe there is no necessity for me to repeat the main idea of the story.But I’m

so fascinated with the short story that I want to retell it yo you,and to myself.

It happened to a very poor but blissful young couple named Jim and Della in the end of 18th century in England.Because of the maladies of that society and the effect of economic crisis,they worked hard but earned little.Life is very hard for them.Despite of this,their love to each other and the enthusiasm for life didn’t changed at all.When Chrismas day was approuching ,Della used the money she got from selling her beautiful hair which she treasured very much to give Jim a fob for his grandfather’s pocket watch.But Jim had already sold that watch to buy Della tortoiseshell combs to wear in her long hair,not knowing she’d cut it off.

It appears that the gifts they gave each other have been useless.But I think they gave each other the best of what they had to make the other happy.Isn’t that true love?We can image,in such rough conditions,as it said in the story,”Life is made up of sobs,sniffles,and smiles,with sniffles predominating.”Its’t absolute reasonable for them to be beaten by the misery.But the fact is that no matter how tough life had been,they would’t lose heart.With strong faith and their love ,they did their best to make the other pleased.”Whennever Mr. James came home and reached his flat ,above he was called ‘Jim’and greatly hugged by Mrs. James.”Maybe this account is the best description of their love and struggle against hard life.It was said that the povertier life is ,the firmer and truer love is.”Actually,they’d given the very best they had out of love.

“They are too foolish children in a flat,who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of their house.But in a last word,to the wise of these days,let it be said that of all who give gifts these two were the wisest.”Said the writer in the last paragraph.Yes,they are wisest.They are the magi.Are there any reasons for us not to show respect for the young couple?

I remind my grandparents.They have spent fifty years together.No romantic words,no stirring behaviours,just comman even pedestrian life.But I can say love exists in every detail of their life.They have gone through war period,three years’ natural disasters,cultural revolution and so on.But no matter what happens,they are always considering for the other.Even now both of them have become old step by step,they still cared about each other.My grandparents,in my opinion,is a pair of lovers forever.

Love has nothing to do with money,possession or status.It’s consideration,tolerance and respect.It’s giving one’s best to the other even it means sacrifice.It’s affection which connects two persons’ hearts,and it’s reinforced by adversities.

Struggle against adversities.Nothing did they have,at least they owened love.Never give up as long as love exists.From”The Gift of the Magi”,from Jim and Della and from my grandparents,I have learned a lot about love,life and hope.


The past always keeps me fresh. The student is very tall. He always looks serious, but he always smiles on his face when he helps others. We have always been a very good playing partner. Remember, thats my Christmas day in grade two. Its a bit slippery on the ground under the drizzle. When we took turns shooting, I sprained my feet after landing, but I couldnt even stand up. After he saw it, he put down the ball immediately, gently lifted me up, and slowly helped me into the teaching building. From his eyes, I could see a bit of worry. I knew he was worried about whether I could walk up to the four floor classroom.

There are fifty steps to go up to the four floor classroom, because our speed is very slow, so that we just walked to the two floor, and the bell rang. I asked him to go quickly, but he said, “after I leave, how do you get there? Id like to stay. ” Looking at his solemn expression, listening to his firm words and feeling his powerful arm, suddenly a warm current came to his heart, and the pain seemed to ease a lot. With his support, one step and one stop, we strolled fifty steps hard. These fifty steps left me with the love of my classmates. This is the special Christmas gift that I got that year!


We attended the wedding of a friend's son.Because we did not know theyoung man or his bride,we decided to send them a practical household gift,a fire extinguisher(灭火器).

Apparently,the couple (大批量制作) their thank-you notes be-cause we received a card saying:“Thank you very much for the nice wedding gift.We look forward to using it soon.”


The car to the Department when I was surprised to find that the fields, actually there is not light cotton, in some of the trees silhouetted against the dead twigs and withered leaves, the pure white soft cotton. I see the heart Yang, straight daxiaosuanpan: ”Hey, you, I want to take my mother not to pay attention, to pick cotton.“

After getting off, I saw a friend in Shanghai, Ge Dongnan. Both of us were overjoyed, and we had a company at last. At the same time, I put my hand over Ge Dongnans ear and told him the ghost idea. Mother was in the master and speech, I see the time is up, is crafty and sinister to sneak out and swiftly like came to the fields.

Ah, a unique aroma of the earth, which makes me feel relaxed and happy, perfectly speechless. We looked east, turned west, and came to a cotton field. Why? Why is this so hard? I remain perplexed despite much thought, suddenly I found that I take is not yet mature bolls, so not out of cotton. Its hard, of course. But Im not picking bolls, how lovely the white cotton. As a result, I stretched out my hands, grabbed the fluffy cotton. Just listen to the cotton girl and say, ”little friend, thank you for coming to see me. Thank you for taking me.“

”Yes, lovely girl cotton? Why dont you go home in the fall? Who is the farmer abandoned you extremely cruel and merciless in this field?“ I asked a strange question.

”NO, NO, its too busy for the farmer, but it doesnt matter. Its important for you to pick me up and I can warm the people...“ The cotton girl danced happily, and said happily.

”Dont worry, maiden, you are so selfless, Ill take you away.“

I thought in my heart, how warm it would be to make a quilt! After a while, we pick a full four pockets, is rewarding.



This is a group with many gifts.


Jeff: Where did you get so many gifts from?


I had many gifts, you know.


He is a man of many gifts.


I would like to thank you for your lovely gift I recieved lately. You have been such a good friend to me, and the gift was just one more e_ample of your thoughtfulness. You have my deepest thanks and gratitude for a memory I will always treasure.

Thank you again for the lovely present,

Best regards,



George Eliot(1819-1880)has always been regarded as one of the greatest and most distinguished English writers in the 19th century by many critics.Virginia Woolf ranks Gorge Eliot in a high position and claims that"she was the pride and model of women"(Spittles 188).As a talented and prolific writer,Eliot made her contribution to English literature with eight novels among which the most autobiographical one is The Mill on the Floss.The novel mainly depicts the protagonist Maggie Tulliver's spiritual growth from childhood into adulthood.In a general sense,spiritual growth refers to an individual's cultivation of selfidentity to a fulfilled self.In The Mill on the Floss,Maggie's spiritual growth is embodied in the development of her sense of selfconsciousness and self-realization.

In The Mill on the Floss,Maggie Tulliver is a sensitive and intelligent girl living in a family of oppressive narrowness,where she suffers constraints placed upon her free imagination.Her spiritual growth starts from an early age.At the beginning of story,when she is a young girl,she begins to demonstrate her desire for self-consciousness which is an important component in her spiritual growth.Maggie is separated from other people because of her unusual looking and"odd"behavior,but she spares no effort in seeking her self-consciousness and other people's recognition of her intellectual talent.Different from other people in St.Ogg's,Maggie is a girl who yearns for knowledge and intelligence of life.Apart from her thirst for learning,she also desires for love,especially from her dear brother who always ignores her existence.Being a"mistake of nature",she is disgraced and scorned by her mother and relatives because of her dark complexion and wild nature.She rebels against the conventions of society and yearns for self-realization.After Mr.Tulliver's bankruptcy,Maggie steps out of her family to seek an occupation to be economically independent.In the process of Maggie's spiritual growth,she undergoes obstacles and predicaments.

The difficulties in Maggie's spiritual growth derive largely from the conflict between her personal desires and social background.In Victorian time,the only roles women were supposed to play were unexceptionally housekeepers or something of an ornament to make men's lives more comfortable.Women were generally instructed to be silent,mild and obedient,undertaking an inferior role.They were encouraged not to be intelligent and they had no access to independent thinking.In the novel,Lucy Deane is set as a perfect model of Victorian woman.Compared to Maggie's trouble-making and rebelliousness,she is meek and submissive.Consequently,she is praised and applauded by people around her.

The difficulty in Maggie's pursuit of knowledge lies in the fact that her behavior contradicts the conventional model of female image.In the story,she is portrayed as a girl of extraordinary cleverness.She is regarded as a difficult child in Tulliver family because she is tomboyish and full of imagination.Viewing social expectations as limitations,Maggie always does something that contradicts what her family expects.She rejects her mother's instructions and refuses to do needlework.Instead of becoming a lady,she dreams over her books and wants to be equal with men in knowledge learning.Her family's reactions to her irregular behavior express the ideology that girls and boys should be differen in the way they are brought up according to their social positions they will take.The girls are merely instructed to cultivate and perform their domestic virtues.They are taught to behave in a lady-like manner and follow the restrictions of their activities because of social expectations people put upon them.So a woman is usually educated from an early age that she is supposed to be subordinate and submissive to men and renounce her autonomy She is always treated as a live doll and therefore is denied independent thinking.But Maggie is different from the conventiona female image and she is not satisfied with the imprisonment in the castle of female ignorance.She wants to be cultivated by knowledge and love.Her natural desire for learning and her inner drive shift her forward,but in her growth she encounters many difficulties that hinder her growth progress.

Being measured by the criteria for traditional female role models,the heroine Maggie fails to fulfill her role to become a perfect woman.Thus her unusual behavior is frowned and disgraced by her relatives.Her aunts Mrs.Pullet and Mrs.Glegg think that it is Maggie who has brought Mrs.Tulliver"bad lack"because of her mischief and naughtiness.So Mrs.Pullet"pitied poor Bessy's bad luck with her children,and expressed a halfformed project of paying for Maggie's being sent to a distan boarding school,which would not prevent her being so brown but might tend to subdue some other vices in her"(The Mil137).In Maggie's relatives'eyes,she is a girl inborn with vices As a"small mistake of nature",she cannot find her place in this society with its conventional standard of women,and part of this is that learning is constantly defined as unnatural female attributes.

In the early part of The Mill on the Floss,Mr.Stelling is made to be a good spokesman for Victorian concept of female intellect.When Maggie asks him whether she has the ability o learning Euclid,he responds to the question by saying that girls"can pick up a little of everything[...]they've a great deal of superficial cleverness:but they couldn't go far into anything They're quick and shallow"(The Mill 158).Mr.Stelling first admits that girls are somewhat intelligent,but he continues his words with a denial that they cannot get deep into anything with their"quick and shallow"intelligence.The problem is raised in the novel that the acquisition of knowledge in Victorian time is gendered and hierarchized.In Mr.Tulliver's family,the quality o education is differentiated for Maggie and Tom.This difference is made more apparent in their early socialization.Despite the fact that it is Maggie who loves reading shows more talent in learning Mr.Tulliver sends Tom,who"hasn't got the right sort o'brains for a smart fellow"and is"a bit slowish"(14),to receive a better education and he gladly expends a large amount of money on Tom's education without hesitation because he is a boy.Little Maggie can only go to a third-class school.Her father's prejudiced view of the role of women is socially accepted and it makes no opportunity for Maggie's intelligence even though Mr.Tulliver acknowledges that if Maggie were a boy,her intelligence would make her different by saying that"it's a pity but what she'd been the lad-she'd ha'been a match for the lawyers,she would"(22)Although Maggie's intelligence is occasionally appreciated by Mr Tulliver,her personality is totally incompatible with her time.She is clever and cute,but she is"too cute for a woman";she is longing for books and reading,but her desire can never be fulfilled because she lives in a society that holds the belief tha knowledge has nothing to do with women and"a woman's no business wi'being so clever"(20).Though Maggie endeavors to get her own identity in the patriarchal society,she is hindered by outside obstacles of conventional value.

The difficulty in Maggie's seeking for recognition is represented in her failure in being identified and the disillusionment in her pursuit of recognition.After the accident of pushing Lucy into the cow-trodden mud,Maggie decides to run away to the gypsies.The apparent cause of her act seems to be her fear o getting punished,but the real reason could be more complex since she has been suffered for a long time due to her being"over-cute"in her living world.In the story,Maggie is portrayed as a girl different from others because she does not own the appearance that the typical Victorian ladies are supposed to have Contrary to Lucy's pink cheek and blonde,curly hair,she is brown-skinned and black-haired.And even her mother once grumbles that"that niver run i'my family,thank God,no more nor a brown skin as makes her look like a mulatter1"(The Mil15).When Maggie cuts her hair after being reproached by her aunts due to her messy hair,she is teased by Mrs.Pullet:"She's more like a gypsy nor ever."(73)She has always been disgraced and complained because of her resemblance with the gypsies in appearance by people around her.For Maggie,her desire to be recognized and respected can only be satisfied in gypsydom When she finds that her identity is incompatible with the world around her,she inevitably begins to seek for some place where she can be identified and get a sense of belonging.So she leaves home to find the gypsies and believes that semicircular tent is her"refuge"from all the prejudice and bullies that imposed on her in civilized life.But can the gypsies really take her out of the troubles she is suffering?And what is actually the gypsies'life?From the situation of gypsies,it can be concluded that the gypsies'wandering life is indeed a sign of being marginalized by the mainstream society at that time.

When Maggie begins to share with the gypsies her knowledge,telling them that"Columbus was a wonderful man"and she learns it from Catechism Geography2,the gypsies obviously show no interest or understanding in her words.So she"felt very lonely and was quite sure she should begin to cry before long:the gypsies didn't seem to mind her at all,and she felt quite weak among them"(The Mill 118).She becomes disappointed at them and feels that it is impossible to"communicate to them amusing and useful knowledge"(118).Thus,her seeking for recognition turns out to be disappointing.


1 Here"mulatter"refers to"mulatto",a person who is biraciawith one black parent and one white.The word is no longerpolitically correct.

2 Presumably by William Pinnock,author of many educationaworks.He was most active in the 1820s and 1830s.The Catechisms are lists of questions answers to be learned by rote The titles range from Anatomy to Universal History,taking in Ichthyology,Moral and Social Duty,the Religions Now Existing in the World,Perspective,Trade and Commerce,Punctuation,as well as most orthodox languages and sciences.


[1] Bennett,Joan.George Eliot:Her Mind and her Art [M].Cam- bridge:Cambridge UP,1966.

[2] Bonaparte,Felicia.Will and Destiny:Morality and Tragedy in George Eliot's Novels[M].New York:New York UP,1975.

[3] Carrol,David.George Eliot:The Critical Heritage [M].London: Routledge,1996.

[4] Eliot,George.The Mill on the Floss[M].London:Penguin,1979.

[5] Harvey W J.The Art of George Eliot[M].Westport:Greenwood, 1961.

[6] Spittles,Brian.George Eliot:Godless Woman [M].London: Macmillan,1993.
