



Wuthering Heights which has long been one of the most popular and highly regarded novels in English literature, it has a secure position in the canon of world literature.As a shattering presentation of the doomed love between the passionate Catherine and Heathcliff, it remains one of the most haunting love stories in all of literature.In Wuthering Heights, Nature is represented by the Earnshaw family and especially Catherine and Heathcliff.These characters are governed by their emotions, not by reflection or ideals of civility.Wuthering Heights symbolized a similar wildness.On the other hand, Thrushcross Grange and the Linton family represent culture, refinement, convention, and cultivation.Wuthering heights, through a love tragedy, presented a picture of deformity of the social life and Outlines a kind of humanity twisted by society and all kinds of terrible events.The story ended with Heathcliff’s suicide.He died for love and his death shows his love to Katherine.He gave up the revenge to the younger generation after he knew that young Catherine and Harleton had fallen in love with each other shows that he was kind in nature.It was the cruel reality that twisted his humanity and made him become brutal and heartless.This kind of recovery of humanity was sublimation in spirit and it glared a kind of humanitarian ideal of the author and endows the terrible love tragedy some hope.Therefore, Heathcliff’s change of “love---hate---revenge---a recovery of humanity” is not only the essence of the novel but also a clue throughout the whole novel.According to the clue, the author arranged an unpredictable scene for us.Sometimes it was the moor full of clouds, sometimes it was courtyard with a sudden rain and wind.The story has always been shrouded in a kind of mysterious and horrible atmosphere.The novel is actually structured around two parallel love stories, the first half of the novel told about the love between Catherine and Heathcliff, while the rest dramatic second half told developing love between young Catherine and Harleton.In contrast to the first, the latter tale ends happily, restoring peace and order to Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange.The most important feature of young Catherine and Harleton’s love story is that it involves growth and change.Early in the novel Harleton seems brutal, savage, and illiterate, but over time he becomes a loyal friend to young Catherine and learns to read.Catherine and Heathcliff’s love, on the other hand, is rooted in their childhood and is marked by the refusal to change.In choosing to marry Edgar, Catherine seeks a more genteel life, but she refuses to adapt to her role as wife, either by sacrificing Heathcliff or embracing Edgar.Catherine and Heathcliff’s love is based on their shared perception that they are identical.As Catherine declares, “I am Heathcliff,” while Heathcliff, upon Catherine’s death, said that he cannot live without his “soul,” meaning Catherine.Catherine’s betrayal and her bitter destiny was the turning point of the whole story.It made Heathcliff change his love to hate.After Catherine died, the hate became the motivation of his revenge.He successfully attained his objective.Not only he let Edgar and the Linton died in desolation and possessed their property but also let their innocent younger generation experience the hardships.This kind of crazy revenge clearly showed his uncommon and rebellious behavior.This special spirit of revolt was formed by the special environment and his special character.Heathcliff’s love tragedy was a tragedy of the society and that time.Wuthering Heights was known as “most strange novel” in the history of English literature and it was an unpredictable “strange book”.The reason is that it was different from the sentimentalism that lies in the works of the same age.It replaced the deep sadness and depression with intense love, brutal hate and ruthless revenge.It just like a strange lyric poem, imagination and intensive emotion existed among the words and between the lines and it had a kind of amazing artistic power.









作者艾米莉在书中描述了大自然给予人的朴素的喜悦:希克厉在呼啸的晚风中的狂喜, 凯瑟琳欣赏金雀花的忘情, 小凯瑟琳为在摇晃的榆树枝上消磨了一个夏日而快活得如痴如醉。因而尽管故事是阴郁的, 但一点都不是病态的, 主人公们的暴戾狂放, 在清新的晨光的照耀下, 在纯净的寒风的吹拂下, 闪现着一种年轻、不可抗拒的魅力。

书中的呼啸山庄和画眉山庄分别代表着风暴和宁静, 当这两极遭遇时, 必然会发生激烈的碰撞和冲突。凯瑟琳首先把风暴引进了画眉山庄, 并且为这宁静的文明而狂喜不已。凯瑟琳愤怒地质问:“是谁来拆散我们?……人世间有多少林敦, 一个个都化为乌有, 我也不答应抛弃希克厉, 啊, 那不是我原来的打算———那不是我原来的意思!”在无意识的状态下, 凯瑟琳的“自我”被画眉山庄的精神气质所改变, 环境的变异作为一种外部力量推动着性格的矛盾运动。凯瑟琳为此付出了生命, 但依旧没有平息两个世界、两种力量的较量。而小凯瑟琳和小林敦关于如何度过七月中酷热的一天的谈话, 实际上就是对两种生活方式的论争。小林敦认为“最愉快不过的办法是来到原野中央, 在石楠丛生的高坡上一躺, 从早到晚就躺在那里不动……就算是他的十全十美的、天堂般的幸福了。”但对小凯瑟琳来说, “最快乐的是坐在一株沙沙作响的绿树上摇荡……整个世界都苏醒过来了, 陶醉在疯狂的欢乐中。”小林敦对恬静生活的向往和小凯瑟琳对闪烁与激情的向往, 分别代表着画眉山庄和呼啸山庄的生活方式与精神气质。小凯瑟琳与哈里顿的结合, 体现了新的和谐重新建立。

书中动荡不安的情绪和各种奇特现象的神秘有一种摄人心魄的力量。希克厉出走的夜里, 电闪雷鸣, 狂风暴雨大作, 树木倒了并且打垮了烟囱, 这种狂暴的自然力, 表现出了希克厉的粗野和愤怒。而凯瑟琳死去的清晨, 晨曦通过房间的百叶窗静寂地透进来, 淡红色的光线温和柔润, 凸显而出死亡仿佛是一种无法言喻的超越境界。

艾米莉一生中很少离开约克郡荒原, 她挚爱荒原有如生命, 带着本能的喜悦投身到追求的狂喜中去, 荒凉幽寂隔绝尘世的旷野激发起艾米莉心中的深沉伟大的情感, 而她以敏感的心灵及其超乎寻常的想象力, 表现了自然与人的默契。


艾米莉特意营造出诡异的梦魇般的夸张氛围。有些情节似乎带有非现实世界的蹊跷神秘。灵魂、呓语、幻象、噩梦使故事有了传奇色彩, 淋漓尽致地展现了最深的迷恋, 最痴的执著, 最痛苦的挣扎。风雨, 暴雪, 黑夜, 自然的野性与人物激荡的情怀相得益彰, 荒凉的旷野深远多变, 阴郁悲怆, 突显了人物性格, 展现来自人性的深沉之爱, 让主人公像大自然一样野性无常、深邃无边地爱深入人心, 强烈地撼动着人的灵魂。




Chapter 1

Mr Lockwood visits Wuthering Heights

1801 I have just returned from a visit to my landlord①, Mr Heathcliff. I am delighted with the house I am renting from him. Thrushcross Grange(画眉山庄) is miles away from any town or village. That suits me perfectly. And the scenery here in Yorkshire is so beautiful!

Mr Heathcliff, in fact, is my only neighbour, and I think his character is similar to mine. He does not like people either.

“My name is Lockwood,” I said, when I met him at the gate to his house. “I’m renting Thrushcross Grange from you. I just wanted to come and introduce myself.”

He said nothing, but frowned②, and did not encourage me to enter. After a while, however, he decided to invite me in.

“Joseph, take Mr Lock wood’s horse!” he called. “And bring up some wine from the cellar!” Joseph was a very old servant, with a sour③ expression on his face. He looked crossly up at me as he took my horse.

“God help us! A visitor!” he muttered④ to himself. Perhaps there were no other servants, I thought. And it seemed that Mr Heathcliff hardly ever received guests.

His house is called Wuthering Heights. The name means “a windswept house on a hill”, and it is a very good description. The trees around the house do not grow straight, but are bent by the north wind, which blows over the moors every day of the year. Fortunately, the house is strongly built, and is not damaged even by the worst winter storms. The name “Earn·Shaw” is cut into a stone over the front door.

Mr Heathcliff and I entered the huge main room. It could have been any Yorkshire farmhouse kitchen, except that there was no sign of cooking, and no farmer sitting at the table. Mr Heathcliff certainly does not look like a farmer. His hair and skin are dark, like a gipsy’s, but he has the manners of a gentleman. He could perhaps take more care with his appearance, but he is handsome. I think he is proud, and also unhappy.

We sat down by the fire, in silence.

“Joseph!” shouted Mr Heathcliff. No answer came from the cellar, so he dived⑤ down there, leaving me alone with several rather fierc—looking dogs. Suddenly one of them jumped angrily up at me, and in a moment all the others were attacking me. From every shadowy corner in the great room appeared a growling animal,ready to kill me,it seemed.


① landlord房东、店主、地主。如果房东或地主是女性的话,还可以用landlady来突出性别。

② frown 皱眉;表示不喜欢 常与upon/on连用。

③ sour 字面意思是酸的、酸臭的、发酵的,同时还有引申意思为生气的、讨厌的、不高兴的。

④ mutter 自言自语。

⑤ dive 意思是潜水、使下潜、急速下降。

Chapter 2

“Catherine Linton,” it replied. “I’ve come home. I lost my way!” There seemed to be a child’s face looking in at the window.

Terror made me cruel. I rubbed the creature’s tiny wrist against the broken glass so that blood poured down on to the bed. As soon as the cold fingers let go for a moment, I pulled my hand quickly back, put a pile of books in front of the broken window, and tried not to listen to the desperate cries outside.

“Go away!” I called. “I’ll never let you in, not if you go on crying for twenty years!”

“It is almost twenty years!” replied the sad little voice. “I’ve been out here in the dark for nearly twenty years!” The hand started pushing through the window at the pile of books, and I knew it would find me and catch hold of① me again. Unable to move, I stared in horror at the shape behind the glass, and screamed.

There were rapid footsteps outside my bedroom door, and then I saw the light of a candle in the room.

“Is anyone here?”whispered Heathcliff. He could not see me behind the curtains, and clearly did not expect an answer. I knew I could not hide from him, so I opened the curtains wide.

I was surprised by the effect of my action. Heathcliff dropped his candle and stood without moving, his face as white as the wall behind him.He did not seem to recognize me.

“It’s only your guest, Lockwood,” I said. “I’m sorry, I must have had a bad dream and screamed in my sleep.”

“To the devil with you, Mr Lockwood!” growled my landlord. “Who allowed you to sleep in this room? Who was it?”

“It was your housekeeper, Mr Heathcliff,” I said, quickly putting my clothes on. “And I’m angry with her myself!No one can sleep in a room full of ghosts!”

“What do you mean?” asked Heathcliff, looking suddenly very interested. “Ghosts, you say?”

“That little girl, Catherine Linton, or Earnshaw, or whatever her name was, must have been wicked②!She told me she had been a ghost for nearly twenty years. It was probably a punishment for her wickedness!”

“How dare you speak of③ her to me?” cried Heathcliff wildly. But as I described my dream, he became calmer, and sat down on the bed, trembling as he tried to control his feelings.


① catch hold of 的字面意思是抓住、控制,同时也引申为理解、掌握。

② wicked 邪恶的、不道德的、讨厌的,是个贬义词,也可用以指恶人。


Wuthering Heights transcends its genre in its sophisticated observation and artistic subtlety.The novel has been studied, analyzed, dissected, and discussed from every imaginable critical perspective, yet it remains unexhausted.And while the novel’s symbolism, themes, structure, and language may all spark fertile exploration, the bulk of its popularity may rest on its unforgettable characters.As a shattering presentation of the doomed love affair between the fiercely passionate Catherine and Heathcliff, it remains one of the most haunting love stories in all of literature.Today, Wuthering Heights has a secure position in the canon of world literature, and Emily Brontë is revered as one of the finest writers—male or female—of the nineteenth century.Like Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights is based partly on the Gothic tradition of the late eighteenth century, a style of literature that featured supernatural encounters, crumbling ruins, moonless nights, and grotesque imagery, seeking to create effects of mystery and fear.But Wuthering Heights transcends its genre in its sophisticated observation and artistic subtlety.The novel has been studied, analyzed, dissected, and discussed from every imaginable critical perspective, yet it remains unexhausted.And while the novel’s symbolism, themes, structure, and language may all spark fertile exploration, the bulk of its popularity may rest on its unforgettable characters.As a shattering presentation of the doomed love affair between the fiercely passionate Catherine and Heathcliff, it remains one of the most haunting love stories in all of literature.Analysis of Major Characters Heathcliff Wuthering Heights centers around the story of Heathcliff.The first paragraph of the novel provides a vivid physical picture of him, as Lockwood describes how his “black eyes” withdraw suspiciously under his brows at Lockwood’s approach.Nelly’s story begins with his introduction into the Earnshaw family, his vengeful machinations drive the entire plot, and his death ends the book.The desire to understand him and his motivations has kept countless readers engaged in the novel.Heathcliff, however, defies being understood, and it is difficult for readers to resist seeing what they want or expect to see in him.The novel teases the reader with the possibility that Heathcliff is something other than what he seems—that his cruelty is merely an expression of his frustrated love for Catherine, or that his sinister behaviors serve to conceal the heart of a romantic hero.We expect Heathcliff’s character to contain such a hidden virtue because he resembles a hero in a romance novel.Traditionally, romance novel heroes appear dangerous, brooding, and cold at first, only later to emerge as fiercely devoted and loving.One hundred years before Emily Brontë wrote Wuthering Heights, the notion that “a reformed rake makes the best husband” was already a cliché of romantic literature, and romance novels center around the same cliché to this day.However, Heathcliff does not reform, and his malevolence proves so great and long-lasting that it cannot be adequately explained even as a desire for revenge against Hindley, Catherine, Edgar, etc.As he himself points out, his abuse of Isabella is purely sadistic, as he amuses himself by seeing how much abuse she can take and still come cringing back for more.Critic Joyce Carol Oates argues that Emily Brontë does the same thing to the reader that Heathcliff does to Isabella, testing to see how many times the reader can be shocked by Heathcliff’s gratuitous violence and still, masochistically, insist on seeing him as a romantic hero.呼啸山庄

It is significant that Heathcliff begins his life as a homeless orphan on the streets of Liverpool.When Brontë composed her book, in the 1840s, the English economy was severely depressed, and the conditions of the factory workers in industrial areas like Liverpool were so appalling that the upper and middle classes feared violent revolt.Thus, many of the more affluent members of society beheld these workers with a mixture of sympathy and fear.In literature, the smoky, threatening, miserable factory-towns were often represented in religious terms, and compared to hell.The poet William Blake, writing near the turn of the nineteenth century, speaks of England’s “dark Satanic Mills.” Heathcliff, of course, is frequently compared to a demon by the other characters in the book.Considering this historical context, Heathcliff seems to embody the anxieties that the book’s upper-and middle-class audience had about the working classes.The reader may easily sympathize with him when he is powerless, as a child tyrannized by Hindley Earnshaw, but he becomes a villain when he acquires power and returns to Wuthering Heights with money and the trappings of a gentleman.This corresponds with the ambivalence the upper classes felt toward the lower classes—the upper classes had charitable impulses toward lower-class citizens when they were miserable, but feared the prospect of the lower classes trying to escape their miserable circumstances by acquiring political, social, cultural, or economic power.Catherine The location of Catherine’s coffin symbolizes the conflict that tears apart her short life.She is not buried in the chapel with the Lintons.Nor is her coffin placed among the tombs of the Earnshaws.Instead, as Nelly describes in Chapter XVI, Catherine is buried “in a corner of the kirkyard, where the wall is so low that heath and bilberry plants have climbed over it from the moor.” Moreover, she is buried with Edgar on one side and Heathcliff on the other, suggesting her conflicted loyalties.Her actions are driven in part by her social ambitions, which initially are awakened during her first stay at the Lintons’, and which eventually compel her to marry Edgar.However, she is also motivated by impulses that prompt her to violate social conventions—to love Heathcliff, throw temper tantrums, and run around on the moor.Edgar Just as Isabella Linton serves as Catherine’s foil, Edgar Linton serves as Heathcliff’s.Edgar is born and raised a gentleman.He is graceful, well-mannered, and instilled with civilized virtues.These qualities cause Catherine to choose Edgar over Heathcliff and thus to initiate the contention between the men.Nevertheless, Edgar’s gentlemanly qualities ultimately prove useless in his ensuing rivalry with Heathcliff.Edgar is particularly humiliated by his confrontation with Heathcliff in Chapter XI, in which he openly shows his fear of fighting Heathcliff.Catherine, having witnessed the scene, taunts him, saying, “Heathcliff would as soon lift a finger at you as the king would march his army against a colony of mice.” As the reader can see from the earliest descriptions of Edgar as a spoiled child, his refinement is tied to his helplessness and impotence.Charlotte Brontë, in her preface to the 1850 edition of Wuthering Heights, refers to Edgar as “an example of constancy and tenderness,” and goes on to suggest that her sister Emily was using Edgar to point out that such characteristics constitute true virtues in all human beings, and not just in women, as society tended to believe.However, Charlotte’s reading seems influenced by her own feminist agenda.Edgar’s inability to counter Heathcliff’s vengeance, and his naïve belief on his deathbed in his daughter’s safety and happiness, make him a weak, if sympathetic, character

Themes, Motifs

Themes Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work.Moreover, Catherine and Heathcliff’s love is based on their shared perception that they are identical.Catherine declares, famously, “I am Heathcliff,” while Heathcliff, upon Catherine’s death, wails that he cannot live without his “soul,” meaning Catherine.Their love denies difference, and is strangely asexual.The two do not kiss in dark corners or arrange secret trysts, as adulterers do.Given that Catherine and Heathcliff’s love is based upon their refusal to change over time or embrace difference in others, it is fitting that the disastrous problems of their generation are overcome not by some climactic reversal, but simply by the inexorable passage of time, and the rise of a new and distinct generation.Ultimately, Wuthering Heights presents a vision of life as a process of change, and celebrates this process over and against the romantic intensity of its principal



希斯克厉夫 因为爱的挫折变得凶残,心狠手辣。后来他为了仇恨去折磨和坑害亨德莱,用不正当的手段得到呼啸山庄,他利用自己的儿子和小凯瑟琳的爱情去争夺埃德加的财产,他被金钱的仇恨冲昏了头脑,他自私自利,不顾他人。虽然他很爱凯瑟琳,但是他的爱回让人觉得很累,他与埃德加的方式完全不同。因为他的嫉妒和冷漠,他终究还是失去了凯瑟琳,永远永远……





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