




第一句:It is … that …

第二句:You cannot … until you …

第三句:The more you …, the more …

第四句:If you …, you …


第一句:Examples can be easily found to make a case for this proverb.

第二句:Let’s take … for instance.


第四句:Another illustration of this is…



事务书信和私人信件 (求职信、投诉信、慰问信、建议信、说明信、感谢信?)




You have asked me for my advice with regard to? andI will try to make some suggestions.

I would like to suggest that?

It is important to?

It helps to ?

It should be a good idea to?

I think it would be a good idea/ more beneficial if you could?

Why not??/ Why don’t you??



高考英语短文改错题型是命题者将中学生日常英语写作时常犯的各种典型错误系统地整理出来, 融入一篇内容较为浅显, 题材较为轻松的短文中设计而成的, 目的在于测试考生发现并纠正语篇中语言错误综合运用英语知识的能力。1967年, Pit Corder发表了论文“The Significance of Learner’s Errors”, 认为有必要对学习者的错误进行系统分析研究, 以确定错误的来源。本文以Pit Corder提出的错误分析理论为依据, 以高考英语短文改错试题为语料, 通过定量统计和定性分析相结合的方法, 试图探究该题型的设错类型及设错理据。


1. 研究对象

研究对象为1997年至2011年15年间普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试卷短文改错试题45份。为了便于统计, 语料选取了历年连续使用该题型的省份的试题。研究语料具体包括:1997年至2005年全国卷9份;2000年至2003年春季卷4份;2006年至2011年全国卷I和II12份;2008年至2011年浙江卷、四川卷、陕西卷、重庆卷、辽宁卷20份。

2. 研究方法

本文采用桂诗春主持建立的中国学习者英语语料库对错误进行分类标记的方法, 逐句对45份短文改错试题进行标记, 使用Wconcord语词检索软件进行定量统计, 然后将错误归类保存为word文档进行定性观察分析。


定量检索得出, 45份短文改错试题共计错误417处, 主要考查词汇、动词短语、名词短语、代词、连词、介词、句子以及词形8类错误。前四者出现频率均达50处以上, 占总错误的82.9%。词汇错误位居第一, 为134处, 占总错误的32.1%;动词短语错误位居第二, 为96处, 占总错误的23%;名词短语错误和代词错误分别为64处和52处。这一结论与中国学习者英语语料库对中学生常见言语失误的统计结果吻合。

1. 词汇错误设错类型

统计得出的134处词汇错误中, 词类错误 (wd2) 45处, 占总词汇错误的33.58%;词汇冗余错误 (wd5) 42处, 占31.34%;缺词错误 (wd4) 34处, 占25.37%;其余为词汇替代错误 (wd3) 。其中词类错误主要涉及5类:形容词与副词混用;to do动词不定式与to doing介词宾语混用;介词宾语形式误用;动词作主语形式误用;名词与形容词混用。在所考查的词类错误中, 形容词与副词混用考查最多, 出现22处, 主要考查考生是否明确形容词与副词二者的词性及用法差异。单纯性形容词错误相对较少, 考查最多的-ing形容词与-ed形容词混用也仅有5处。以下为一些典型考查实例。

(1) Although her English is a little hardly[wd2]to understand…[2011CQ.TXT]

(2) He had time for a properly[wd2]breakfast...[2011SC.TXT]

(3) Still, your happiness makes him happily[wd2]too.[2010CQ.TXT]

例 (1) 、例 (2) 、例 (3) 考查用形容词作表语、定语、宾语补足语而不是用副词的知识点。例 (1) 应将hardly改为hard, 例 (2) 应将properly改为proper, 例 (3) 应将happily改为happy。

(4) Themaninsisted, so Igrateful[wd2]accepted the offer…[2009ZJ.TXT]

例 (4) 考查考生是用副词作状语修饰动词, 而不是使用形容词的意识, 应将grateful改为gratefully。

(5) …he begged my parents to staying[wd2]another couple of day[np6].[2011QG2.TXT]

(6) I look forward to hear[wd2]from you soon.[1997QG.TXT]

例 (5) 、例 (6) 考查to作不定式引导词和介词时的区别, 作不定式引导词时to后加动词原形, 作介词时后加动词动名词形式。例 (5) 中的动名词staying应分别改为stay, 例 (6) 中动词原形hear应改为动名词hearing,

(7) …develop the habit of read[wd2]and the ability to enjoy themselves.[2003CJ.TXT]

在英语中介词宾语如果是动词, 动词必须使用动名词形式。例 (7) 中的动词原形read应分别改为动名词reading。

(8) Play[wd2]football not only makes us grow tall…[1998QG.TXT]

在英语中动词作主语时, 动词应转化为动名词或不定式形式。例 (8) 中动词原形play应改为动名词playing或不定式形式to play。

(9) But he is difference[wd2]now.[2002CJ.TXT]

例 (9) 中名词difference应改为形容词different。

2. 动词短语错误设错类型

统计得出的96处动词词组错误中, 最多的是时态错误 (vp6) 42处, 占43.75%;主谓一致 (vp3) 以及动词作谓语动词和非谓语动词时形式的变化 (vp4) 也比较多。该发现与中国英语学习者语料库研究结论一致。由于汉语动词不随时间状语、主语人称、以及主语单复数变化而变化, 受母语思维影响, 中国英语学习者学习过程中在动词形式变化上很容易犯错误。

(1) I win[vp6]a national prize for painting last week.[2008QG1.TXT]

(2) Now my picture and the prize is[vp3]hanging in the library.[2000QG.TXT]

(3) I was at the Shanghai Railway Station buy[vp4]a ticket to Hangzhou.[2011XKB.TXT]

例 (1) 中时间状语为过去时间last week, 谓语动词应使用过去式形式won。例 (2) 中句子主语为复数, 谓语动词应使用复数形式are。例 (3) 中buy[vp4]a ticket to Hangzhou在句子中作伴随状语, 动词buy应使用现在分词形式buying。

3. 名词短语错误设错类型

短文改错对名词词组主要考查可数名词 (np6) 和不可数名词 (np5) 的区别、名词前面冠词的使用以及单复数变化。其中可数名词 (np6) 考查比率占整个名词词组考查的59.38%。与中国学习者英语语料库中对中学生最常见名词词组失误的统计结果完全吻合。

(1) They take him lots of good book[np6]and fresh fruit.[2009SX.TXT]

(2) …it’s[np6]famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals.[2002QG.TXT]

(3) …or can at least give you some advices[np5].[2010CQ.TXT]

例 (1) 中可数名词book前有表示大量的修饰语lots of, book需使用复数形式books。例 (2) 中mountain是单数可数名词, 且不是表示特指, 其前面需使用不定冠词a。例 (3) 中advice为不可数名词, 没有复数形式。

4. 代词错误设错类型

短文改错中对代词主要考查指称错误 (pr1) , 疑问、关系、连接三种代词混用 (pr5) , 不定代词错误 (pr6) , 代词属格错误 (pr4) 。其中指称错误 (pr1) 考查最多, 占代词考查总数的42.31%, 与中国学习者英语语料库中对中学生最常见代词失误的统计结果一致。照应衔接是英文语篇的衔接手段之一, 照应包括人称代词照应、指示照应和比较照应三种。人称代词照应时, 必须使用恰当的人称代词才能使语篇达到有效的衔接。英语中代词种类较多, 有用于疑问句的疑问代词, 用于定语从句的关系代词, 用于名词性从句的连接代词等。对这三种句式的概念和结构不明确的话, 就极易混用。

(1) The doctor gave him some medicine and told him to take them[pr1]before he went to bed.[2011SC.TXT]

(2) It was turned out to be her own cup, that[pr5]she’d left on the shelf by mistake.[2010SX.TXT]

(3) …and there's just a chance which[pr5]I can join it.[2007QG2.TXT]

例 (1) 中them应改为it, 从上文语义看来这里是用来回指medicine, 而medicine是不可数名词, 没有复数, 不能使用them来回指。例 (2) 是对非限制性定语从句中关系代词使用的考查。在非限制性定语从句中, 不能使用that连接主从句, that应改为which。例 (3) 中chance后的从句是同位语从句, 且从句不缺任何成分, 应使用连接代词that。

5. 连词错误设错类型

在417处错误中, 连词使用错误有27处, 其中并列连词and, but, or混用16处, 部分从属连词的误用11处。

(1) It looks as if my parents treat me as a visitor and[cj1]a guest.[2001QG.TXT]

(2) It’s been a week after[cj1]we left your family and…[2011QG2.TXT]

例 (1) 中从上文语义可得知a visitor和a guest属于选择关系, 应用选择性并列连词or。例 (2) 中完成时的时间状语从句应使用since引导。

6. 介词错误设错类型

英语中介词属于虚词, 不能在句中单独承担成分, 可用于名词、代词、或相当于名词的结构之前;也可以与形容词、名词、动词构成固定搭配使用。定量统计得出, 在417处错误中介词错误有25处。


描述错误是为了更好地分析错误产生的原因, 探讨学习者的学习过程和学习策略。Abbort指出:“错误分析的目的就是为了提供心理的解释”。为此, 参照上文统计结果, 笔者将分析高考英语短文改错考查此类错误原因, 并提出相应的建议。

1. 直接原因

教师在平时的教学过程中英汉对比力度不大, 致使学生对英汉语言词汇、句法、篇章等方面的知识欠缺, 对其差异不甚明确;学生在学习过程中对所犯错误不加以重视和深究, 致使考试中对错误敏感性不强, 甚至不能发现一些简单的错误。为此, 教师在在平时教的过程中应加大英汉对比力度, 帮助学生在头脑中清晰构建两种语言框架;学生在学习过程中应善于对错误进行归类分析并总结。

2. 根本原因

英汉思维方式差异引起两种语言表达差异。作为初级英语学习者的中学生常常借助于汉语思维进行汉英互译来习得英语, 导致大量的负迁移出现而却浑然不知, 在考试中对各类错误视而不见。建议学生在平时学的过程中应逐步摆脱母语思维的束缚, 养成用英语思维的习惯, 从而增强对英语语言的敏感度。


[1]Abbort, G.Toward a more rigorous analysis of foreign language errors.International Review of Applied Linguistics, 1980 (18) .

[2]Corder, S.Pit.The Significance of Learner’s Errors.International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 1967 (5) .

[3]C order, S.Pit.Error Analysis and Interlanguage.Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1981.




明白了阅读理解题的题材和体裁,我们就能更好的结合试题的类型突破阅读理解。在高考的阅读理解试题的题型中主要包括细节题,主旨大意和作者意图题,推理判断题,猜词悟意题等题型。我认为深入透彻的掌握阅读理解试题的题型和其基本解题技巧才是突破阅读理解的关键。细节题。这类试题是最容易拿分的试题。它主要考查阅读速度和正确捕捉相关信息的能力。细节题包括直接细节题和间接细节题。做好这类试题对于把握文章主题和中心思想有很大帮助。在平时的教学中我感觉针对这类题型,主要采取的应该是“先看问题,带着问题找答案”这种方法。既高效,又实效。另外,明白细节题的设题方式也很重要:以wh—(what,who,when,where,which,why),how,how many,how much等提出的问题。判断正误题,就文中数字,排序等提出的问题。主旨大意和作者意图题。此类试题要求学生在理解全文的基础上对文章进行深层次的概括和总结,能较好的运用判断,推理,归纳等逻辑思维方法,属于难度很大的题型。这类试题的设问方式主要有:The text is mainly about______.Whats the purpose of the writer? What does the third paragraph discuss? 等设问方式。此类试题我认为主要的解题方法是:首先解决掉细节题,这样对文章就有了更好的理解,有利于把握文章的主题。即便是此类试题在四个题中排在最前面,也要放到后面去解决。还有就是要把握好文章的首尾段,以及每段的开头和结尾的句子。这些对于此类试题的解决帮助很大。推理判断题。这类试题在阅读理解中的比重很大。因为其他类型的设题方式多少都需要学生具备必要的推理判断能力。这类试题的设问方式主要有:1)What can we infer from the text? 2)We can conclude/infer from the text that______.等设问方式。这类试题看似难度很大,但是我通过研究近几年的高考试题发现,其实所谓的推理判断题绝大多数都属于是非题,也就是细节题。我想如果我们的学生都能看透这一点,对于此类试题的突破那将是轻而易举的。猜词悟意题。这类题型也是每年的高考中必考的内容。它主要考查学生对文章上下连贯性的理解和一定的逻辑推理能力。针对此类试题我认为有几种方法还是比较实用的:利用上下文语境寻找突破口。利用关键词寻找解题思路。比如,在划线的单词或者短语的前后经常出现although,but,yet,while,and,so,rather than等之类的词,把握好这些词和划线部分的关系对于解题帮助会很大。根据构词法解决问题。注意熟词生义。这一条在这类题型的突破中是必须要掌握的。
















英语作文精彩句子集锦 (2011-01-13 16:55:46)转载▼

标签: 杂谈


1. Nothing is more important than …没有什么比。。。更重要

Eg。Nothing is more important than health./ to be independent.


2. sb./sth. is the +最高级+(n.) that I have ever met/ seen/ known.。。。


Eg。 Mr zhang is the kindest teacher that I have ever met/ seen/ known.


Freindship is the most valuable thing that I have ever had.


3. We can not/ never emphasize the importance of(doing)sth … too much.

We can never attach too much importance to(doing)sth ….


Eg。 We can not/ never emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.


We can never attach too much importance to reading books widely and wisely.


4. Only when we。。。。。can we….只有当我们。。。时候,我们才能。。。。。

Eg。Only when we devote ourselves to study can we achieve great success.


Only when we have a healthy body can we do what we want.


5. As the saying goes 正如谚语所说

There is a saying that goes,

As a proverb says,

Eg。As the saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way.


There is a saying that goes, “failure is the mother of success.”


As a proverb says, no pains, no gains.


6. Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation today is…


7. Never before in history has the issue of…been more evident than now。


8. Perhaps it is time to reexamine the idea that…


9. A growing number of people are beginning to realize that…is not the sole prerequisite for happiness。


10. Years of observing human behavior has enabled me to conclude that the major difference between…and…lies solely with…


★ 高考英语作文介绍信常用句型模板

★ 高考英语作文常用的句式句型

★ 高考英语满分作文解析

★ 英语作文模板万能句型

★ 高考英语写作常用的几种句型

★ 高考英语作文开头句型 高考英语作文的加分

★ 英语四级作文常用句型

★ 四级英语作文模板万能句型

★ 英语四级作文万能句型


How can we keep our health? Only by knowing and carefully obeying the laws of health.A happy man is a healthy man, and only the healthy man can live a happy life.The desire of good health is universal.Everyone who loves life understands how important good health is.First, good health is the guarantee for enjoying life.The only desire of a patient is always to live an ordinary and healthy life.Second, good health establishes a firm foundation for your ambition of the career.Without it, any lofty aspiration turns to be a day-dream.Then how to keep fit? Everyone has his own answers to this question, while I think three principal suggestions should be followed.The first one is that a scientific diet should be adopted, which offers the necessities for your body.The second one is that physical exercises must be persisted, especially for the indoor people.The last, but not the least, is that the cheerful mood should be kept.In order to keep fit, I force myself to keep away from the “junk food” , although it usually tastes good.I even form a good habit of doing morning exercises.And the beautiful music and good books always cheer me up.20

My Views on Large Modern Cities

Since every coin has two sides, living in large modern cities offers us many advantages, simultaneously causes many troubles.Better education and better jobs are easy to get, and better medical care is convenient to receive in large modern cities.People are usually well-informed(见闻广的)due to the advanced(先进的)media, such as television, newspaper and net PC.Large modern cities also provide varied(各种各样的)entertainment for the city-dwellers(城市居民).The public places like cinema, bar, disco-hall are everywhere.On the other hand, large modern cities are too big to control, so the traffic jams and traffic accidents often happen, and the social security is a headache problem.And city-dwellers have to face the housing problem.Usually a house is too expensive for the salary earning class(工薪阶层)to buy and the rent is also high.Moreover, noise and pollution in large cities bring harm to people’s health.21

Live in the City or in the Country

Where do you like to live, in the city or in the country?

Most cities are centers of economy, trade, transportation or culture.With the development of economy and society, more and more people have flooded into(涌入)the cities, which makes the scale(规模)of the cities lager and larger.Surely, it is very convenient for shopping, education, business and so on.But it also has many disadvantages: the large population makes it crowded in each corner of the city;the big factories, too many cars, buses and trucks pollute the

clean air;too much noise can make people mad.To live in the city, one even can’t get enough room for living.To live in the country is another thing.You can breathe the fresh air cheerfully, own a spacious(宽敞的)house with a big backyard, relax yourself in quietness.But when you want to go shopping, or take your child to school, perhaps you will complain about its inconvenient transportation, its remoteness(路途遥远)…

I am an ordinary person.I am always longing for(渴望)the peaceful idyllic(田园诗般的)life of the countryside.22

Should Firecrackers(爆竹)Be Banned

Letting off firecrackers(放炮)has long been a custom for the Chinese on their happy occasions.However, these years, people in China have different opinions about the custom.Some people think letting off firecrackers is a good thing.It reflects(反映)the heritage(传统)of Chinese culture.And it adds much to the warm atmosphere of the most important Chinese holidays—the Spring Festival.People can’t imagine what the holidays would be like without such a custom.But many people, on the other hand, believe that letting off firecrackers should be banned.The main reasons, in the eyes, are that letting off firecrackers not only brings great economic loss to the country, but also causes certain disorder in the society.For example, during holidays, some buildings are burnt to ashes(烧成灰烬)due to the firecrackers.And many persons are injured by the firecrackers and sent to hospital.In my opinion, letting off firecrackers should be banned.We must try our best to find new, beneficial(有益的)ways to replace the old custom.Only in this way can we spend our holiday in a peaceful and joyful manner.23


It is well known that smoking does harm to the health.Today, however, so many people still keep smoking, which has drawn wide attention of the society.Smoking has so many disadvantages but no advantages at all.Firstly, the cigarettes with nicotine(尼古丁)in them do great harm to the health.Such diseases as pneumonia(肺炎), lung cancer may be caused or partly caused by them.Furthermore, the bad effects of cigarettes cost the smokers lots of money which could be spent on the meaningful things.Thirdly, the accidents of fire all over the world every year are mostly caused by the still-burning butts(烟蒂).The government has formulated(制定)the regulation(规章)of no smoking in public places.Yet its result is not so satisfactory.From my point of view, it needs the common efforts of the society.Not only the nonsmokers but the smokers should cooperate(合作)on this matter.24

On Making Friends

As a human being, one can hardly do anything without a friend.Helping one out of trouble and bringing happiness to a lonely heart, a true friend may shed(spread)sunshine and love on one’ life.A friend will help you find out and overcome an overlooked(忽略的)shortcoming, so that you can make progress and have success in your work or study.All the splendor(辉煌)in the world is not worth a good friend.True friendship is like an in-time rain falling on the dry land.True friends are not those who like to eat or drink with you, but those who concern more about your needs, growth, success and failures.They will never flee for their own sake when faced with a great danger.Just as the old saying puts it, “ A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

I like making friends.In order to make true friends, I will trust others, following their advice and lending a hand whenever they need help.I like to make friends with those who have the same interests and ideas with me, but not those who are boastful(full of self-praise), aimless, narrow-minded or selfish.Once I made friends with someone, I hope that the friendship will last all through my life.25

Don’t Give up


一、分割定语从句 (朗读并翻译下列句子, 认真查看定语


1.I was the only person in my off ice who was invited.

2.Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to see you ?

3.The day will surely come when everybody realizes the danger of pollution.

4.He arrived in Jinzhou in 1984, Where he became a manager some years later.

5.China has produced many great writers over the past ten years , among whom was Mo Yan.

要点归纳:分割定语从句, 先行词余定语从句被其他成分分割时, 首先要根据句子意义确定先行词和定语从句, 然后选择合适的关系词。


1. Ahead of me I saw a woman who I thought was my aunt.

2.I will hire the man who they say is a good English speaker.

3.The girl who you suppose is honest is her sister.

要点归纳:关系词后含有插入语you think /suppose /believe/imagine/say/guess等地定语从句中, 确定关系词在从句中的成分时, 要先去掉插入语, 然后再确定句子成分, 不要受插入语的影响。


1.MR Li has three daughters, none of whom is an engineer.

2.Mr Li has three daughters, but none of them is a dancer.

3.Mr Li has three daughters; none/they are doctors.

要点归纳:并列句用but , and, 或分号连接;定语句子用关系词来引导, 关系词具有两个作用, 一是放在先行词与定语从句之间起连接主语和从句的作用, 二时充当从句的一个成分。


1.He left the key where he had been an hour before . (状语从句)

2.He left the place where lived for many years. (定语从句)

3.Rice grows well where there is enough water. (状语从句)

4.I still remember the farm where/on which my parents worked the years ago. (定语从句)

要点归纳:where引导的定语从句用来修饰表示地点意义的名词或代词, 可以改成介词+which;where引导的地点状语从句用来修饰动词, 表示动作发生或存在的地点, 不可以改成介词+which;做题时, 先根据句意确定有无先行词。如有, 是定语从句, 无则是状语从句。


1.It is on the morning of May 1st that I met John at the airport. (强调句)

2.It is the factory where /in which John works. (定语从句)

3.It is in Qingdao you’re going to pay a visit to that this kind of washing machine is produced . (强调句)

4.It was in Beihai Park where they made a date for the first time that the old couple told us their love story. (强调句)

5.——Wasn’t it Doctor Wang who spoke to you just now?

——Yes, it was. (定语从句)

要点归纳:定语从句去掉it be …that句子不完整;强调句去掉it be …that句子完整。有时强调句还以省略形式出现例如2就是省略了强调句。


1.I have the same computer as you have. (定语从句)

2.She is such a kind girl that all of us like to make friends with her. (结果状语从句)

3.He is such a good teacher as we all love and respect. (定语从句)

4.He is such a good teacher that we all love and respect him. (结果状语从句)

要点归纳:such/the same …as中, as是关系代词, 其后句子不完整。as在从句中充当成分 (主语, 宾语或表语) ;such…that结果状语从句中, 其后句子是完整的, that只起连接作用。


1.The text tells me a fact (that) I have already known. (定语从句)

2 . T h e t e x t t e l l s m e a f a c t t h a t s m o k i n g d o e s h a r m t o people’s health. (同位语从句)

3.The news that he told me yesterday made me surprised. (定语从句)

4.The news that he had passed the exam made me surprised. (同位语从句)

要点归纳: t h a t连接同位语从句常放在抽象名词 (news, fact, idea, suggestion , advice, hope) 等之后, 表明抽象名词具体内容, 中间加be可以理解。同位语从句本身句子完整, that无意义, 只起连接作用, 不在从句中作任何成分, 不能省略, 也不可用which代替;that引导定语从句, 定语从句句子不完整, that是关系代词, 它在从句中不但起连接作用, 同时在从句中做成分 (主语, 宾语或表语) , 做宾语时可以省略, 指物时还可以用which代替, 指人时常用who代替。

八、it, was与that三种句型的转换

1.What is well known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games were a great success.

2.It is well known to us all that the 2008 Olympic Games were a great success.

3.As is well known to us all, the 2008 Olympic Games were a great success.

