



Name: Miss Chen

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: 1985-10-10

National: Han

Height: 164 Weight: 48

Place of origin: Shanghai

Current location: Shanghai

Education: Undergraduate

Political outlook: Party members

Graduate institutions: Jiangxi Normal University

Graduation Time: June

Studies by category: Foreign Language category

Professional title: Business English

Contact Tel:

Educational background / training experience

And professional expertise

Foreign Language: English Language: 6

Computer capability: Putonghua at the provincial level: good

Presentation and other professional expertise


Comprehensive English, English Reading, English audio, English writing, English, English tone of voice, Britain and the United States country profile, English newspaper culture, international business negotiations, international business contracts, letters and telegrams of international business, international marketing, advanced English, English-Chinese translation, Ya thinking and so on.

Minor courses:

Japanese, international finance, management, organizational behavior, accounting, economics.

Personal strengths:

I was a highly principled, practical work hard, have a sense of responsibility, caring, friendly, and have good communication skills, team spirit, strong adaptability and enterprise, learning ability, interest in a wide range.

Personal practice, work experience

/08--2005/09 drama rehearsal话剧社in a foreign language, on behalf of Xinyu College to participate in social performance

/07--2006/09 in the “stars of hope” remedial classes as English teacher

2006/10--2006/10 “11” color TV during the promotion to do in Nanchang

2007/07--2007/09 Putuo District in Shanghai as the three teachers tutor students

Job intentions

Job type: Full-time monthly salary requirements: Negotiable

I hope the candidates positions: Business / Trade / International Business candidates other jobs: salesman / sales representative

Hope that the Working Location: Shanghai, other duty stations:


I am in school majoring in Business English professional, time and again was awarded a scholarship, she won an Outstanding Student Award, students Miyoshi title. Members at school to learn the post office, through the University of English and professional 4 6, the eight-question, and to participate in high-level Business English Certificate exams (BEC Higher).

I was a highly principled, practical work hard, have a sense of responsibility, caring, friendly, and have good communication skills, team spirit, strong adaptability and enterprise, learning ability.


Gender: female

Education: college

Working age: 3 years

Date of birth: 1990-11

Ethnic composition: the han nationality

Native place: xx

Registration time: /3/1 7:00:56

Highest degree: college degree

Graduate school: xx city, xx province xx institute of construction technology

Major: business English

To master a foreign language: English (general)

Political landscape: the communist youth league

Registration time: 2016/3/1 7:00:56

Education experience:

Between September and June , xx city, xx province xx college business English professional construction technology

Working age: 3 years

Ability and expertise:

I have outgoing personality has a strong ability of communication and coordination team cooperation consciousness is strong learning ability

Working experience:

From to 2012, the university internship In yiwu city beautiful beautiful jewelry co., LTD is engaged in foreign trade merchandiser for more than a year

In June to the end of has been engaged in building materials furniture industry in yiwu Gold hutch ark One and a half years time to do sales More than half a year time was elected as the manager management of the company

Personal profile:

During the period of school was awarded triple-a student documents of foreign trade salesman of foreign trade English class A certificate The school speech contest second prize certificate, etc

Won the certificate of good staff and incentive in the work

No matter in life or work, is a confident, open and bright, can bring positive energy to all the girls I hope my next bole is you!

Hope work types: the hotel/restaurant manager

Hope salary: 3000-5000 yuan (RMB) hope job type: full-time working place of hope: xx county intention to submit time: 2016/3/1

Other job requirements:

Hope any jobs. Accommodation is preferred


Keller defines motivation as the choice people make as to what goals they will approach.Gardner regards motivation as the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language.Williams and Burden think motivation leads to a conscious decision to act in order to attain previous set goals.

Motivation is classified by cognitive psychologist into two types:intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.Intrinsic motivation means people do things out of their own will such as interest or enjoyment or curiosity.Extrinsic motivation means doing activities in order to get a reward or to avoid punishment.Gardner and Lambert(1972)collected many researches among which some people made a distinction:that is integrative orientation and instrumental orientation.

1.1 Definition of motivation

The Latin term“motives”means a moving cause.It is the origin of the word“motivation”.To some degree,motivation can encourage people to produce a course of action.It is accepted by researchers that motivation is very important in language learning,ye seldom general agreement is made on the definition of motivation Different views have appeared.

Motivation is defined by Keller as:“the choice people make as to what experiences or goals they will approach or avoid,and the degree of effort they will exert in that respect”(Crookes and Schmidt1991).

Gardner indicates in his social-psychological model that motivation is“the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goa of learning the language”(Ellis,1997:509).In this definition,four words should be focused on in order to learn a language and achieve the goal:goal,effort,desire and attitude.According to Gardner,two orientations can influence motivation:instrumental orientation and integration orientation.

Williams and Burden see motivation as“a state of cognitive and emotional arousal,which leads to a conscious decision to act and which gives rise to a period of sustained intellectual and/or physical effort in order to attain a previous set goal(goals)”(Liu2002).

There surely exists some relationship between them.All agree that motivation has connection with goals.The purpose or the aim is to achieve some goals.My own understanding about motivation is that I think motivation is a source of learning,a source of action.If learners have motivation,they are willing to do something.They produce some actions out of their own will.They do things from their own hearts.

1.2 Classification of motivation

Motivation is classified by cognitive psychologist into two types:intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.Intrinsic motivation means people do things out of their own will such as interest or enjoyment or curiosity.Extrinsic motivation means doing activities in order to get a reward or to avoid punishment.

Gardner and Lambert(1972)collected many researches among which some people made a distinction:that is integrative orientation and instrumental orientation.People with integrative orientation want to share the same feelings with the second language speaking group and finally to be one member of it,for this aim,these people learn the second language;and instrumental orientation is regarded as more practical reason for people to learn a second language.

1.3 Several important theories about motivation

Motivation includes a lot of theories and it is also a complex topic.The author is going to introduce several theories which are very important and have great influence.One is the behavioral theory.The important element of the theory is the reinforcement.This theory tries to give explanations in terms of behavior for a wide rage of cognitive phenomena,which is one of the distinctive aspects of the theory.Another is cognitive theory.Cognitive theory of motivation pays special attention to the idea that our anticipations and perceptions are the bases of many behaviors.

2 Methodology

This survey is based on the sophomores of Huanghuai University.There are two purposes in the research.And in order to achieve the purposes,three research questions are designed.The subjects in the survey are 255 second year non-English majors.They are randomly selected from Huanghuai University.A questionnaire designed by Qin Xiaoqing and Wen Qiufang(2002)is adopted.

2.1 Purpose of the research

Many English teachers have the same feelings that some students especially the sophomores don’t have initiative in English learning.Yet there are still a small part of students who have a better achievement in English learning than those who are lack of motivation,although the students with better achievement may not be clever.In fact the students with better grades are highly motivated ones.The different results between the two groups are caused by different reasons.Thus,there are two purposes in the research.

1)Teachers should know clearly about the main types of motivation that exist among non-English major sophomores.

2)Teachers need to identify the reasons that affect on sophomores’different motivation in English learning.

2.2 Subjects

The subjects in the survey are 255 second year non-English majors(146 males and 109 females).They are randomly selected from Huanghuai University.They are not from the same regions but various areas of the country.For them all Chinese is their native language.They study English as a foreign language in the University Among them 89 students are liberal arts,103 subjects are from engineering major,and for 63 subjects science is their major.

2.3 Instruments of the research

In order to conduct the survey,the author will use one instrument.That is a questionnaire for subjects.For the questionnaire the author chooses one which is designed by Qin Xiaoqing and Wen Qiufang(2002).It includes 40 items.The author divides these items into two parts.In the first part 23 items are designed to measure the types of motivation concerning sophomores’English learning.In the second part,17 items are used to measure the reasons that affect on their motivation.Items in part one will be divided into4 subscales:instrumental motivation,integrative motivation,intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

2.4 Research questions

In order to achieve the purposes,three research questions are designed.

1)What are the main types of motivation that exist among non-English major sophomores,integrative and instrumental motivation?Or intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?Or others?

2)Which one may have greater influence on the English learning for sophomores?

3)What are the reasons that affect on sophomores’differen motivations in English learning?

2.5 Data analysis

255 subjects will answer the questions of the questionnaire Before they give their answers to these questions,the author will explain how to do the questionnaire:When they finish reading one question,they should respond immediately without hesitation.They should be careful,honest and responsible to tell their true feelings Subjects will be told that the purpose of the questionnaire is just for study and it will not have any bad influence on them.They can turn in their finished questionnaire anonymously.They should choose only one answer from A(strongly agree),B(agree),C(no clear answer),D(disagree)and E(strongly disagree).Only twenty minutes are given for them to finish the questionnaire,and it is a requirement to give their answers to all items.

After collecting the questionnaires finished by the subjects the author used statistics to deal with them.For the types of motivation,the author got some percentages which show how many students have intrinsic motivation and how many have extrinsic motivation.That what the percentage of students with integrative motivation is and what the percentage of those with instrumental motivation is is also got with the help of statistics.The same way is also applied to other issues.

3 Results

One result is a large percentage of students(61.3%)have extrinsic motivation and they lack enthusiasm when they study English.They don’t have enough interest.English is regarded as a pressure and they don’t like English learning in their own deep hearts Another result is the number of the students with instrumental motivation is greater than that of those with integrative motivation.The sophomores with integrative motivation accounts for 52.7%and those with instrumental motivation accounts for 78.3%.Another result is some uncontrollable factors are regarded as the reasons tha lead to their lack of motivation in learning English.Most students think that learning environment can affect their motivation in learning English.A good learning environment will encourage learners to have a desire to study English.They don’t want to go on or remain their enthusiasm in learning English any more if the environment or the atmosphere is not good.Some students think that they lack motivation because English is difficult.All these belong to uncontrollable factors.Next result is students always relay on their teachers.They contribute their failure in English learning to their teachers.

3.1 Subjects’extrinsic motivation superior to intrinsic moti-vation

The questionnaire uses 5 items(1~5)to measure intrinsic motivation.And 4 items(6~9)are used to measure extrinsic motivation.The result of the votes can be shown in the following chart.

The differences between their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can be indicated clearly by the above chart:A large percentage of students(61.3%)have extrinsic motivation and they lack enthusiasm when they study English.They don’t have enough interest.English is regarded as a pressure and they don’t like English learning in their own deep hearts.

3.2 Subjects’integrative motivation inferior to instrumental motivation

The number of the students with instrumental motivation is greater than that of those with integrative motivation.

Integrative motivation is measured by five items(10~14).And instrumental motivation is measured by nine items(15~23).The result of the votes can be shown in the following chart.

The above figure reflects that sophomores with integrative motivation accounts for 52.7%and those with instrumental motivation accounts for 78.3%.The result corroborates the result of Zhu Guozheng(2003)who reported that instrumental motivation is possessed by most of the Chinese university students in English learning.

3.3 Some uncontrollable factors in learning English

Some uncontrollable factors are regarded as the reasons tha lead to their lack of motivation in learning English.

Seventeen items(24~40)like controllable(24~29)are designed to explore the reasons.And uncontrollable factors(30~35are also designed to explore the reasons.From the following chart a clear result can be seen.

Most students think that learning environment can affect their motivation in learning English.A good learning environment will encourage learners to have a desire to study English.They don’t wan to go on or remain their enthusiasm in learning English any more i the environment or the atmosphere is not good.Some students think that they lack motivation because English is difficult.All these belong to uncontrollable factors.

3.4 Teachers’influence on students’motivation

Items from 34 to 39 are designed to measure how great teachers affect sophomores’motivation.

The figure above indicates students always relay on their teachers.They contribute their failure in English learning to their teachers.English teachers in author’s university should be aroused by this result of survey.

4 Conclusion

Main results of the study:

The thesis provides a survey of the second year non-English majors’learning motivation.The survey tells us that main types o motivation for sophomores are extrinsic motivation and instrumenta motivation and that the main factors which influence their motivation are teachers and learning environment.

1)The result of the present study is the same as most former studies,.This study showed that instrumental motivation is superior to integrative motivation among sophomores in their English learning process.Most learners study English only to pass English examinations or CET4/6,or to find a good job after graduation.Instrumental motivation makes them to study hard.Another major type is extrinsic motivation.A large percentage of students has extrinsic motivation and they lack enthusiasm when they study English.They don’t have enough interest.English is regarded as a pressure and they don’t like English learning in their own deep hearts.

2)The survey also showed some students believed that uncontrollable factors resulted in their unsuccessful English learning.For some sophomores,the intensity/force with which they learn English is influenced by their teachers and the learning environment.Mos think they will have a strong desire to study English if their teachers are knowledgeable,if their teachers’teaching style is interesting,if the relationship between teachers and students is good.And learning environment has a great effect on learners.They are willing to learn English in good environment and they long for learning i better.In contrast,they will lose their interest and confidence gradually in learning English if the environment doesn’t exists.Some students believed that uncontrollable factors result in their unsuccessful English learning.Most students think that learning environmen could affect their motivation in learning English.A good learning environment will encourage learners to have a desire to study English.They don’t want to go on or remain their enthusiasm in learning English any more if the environment or the atmosphere is no good.Some students think that they lack motivation because English is difficult.All these belong to uncontrollable factors.And teachers are considered to have a great influence on their English learning.Students always rely on their teachers.They contribute their failure in English learning to their teachers.

Limitations in this study:

The survey cannot be perfect although it is conducted carefully.Firstly the number of the participants is not large.They are only a small part of all Chinese sophomores.And they are all selected just from Huanghuai University.And maybe these participants are not the best representatives.Secondly,the true feelings from the subjects may not be the reason that they didn’t give their careful re-




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一、 商务英语方向的特点



二、 传统的教学方法的弊端








为了避免学生对函电常用语记忆零散这一问题,教师应阶段性的帮学生总结意思相似的语句,如达成交易可以用complete a transaction, conclude a business 或close business等词语表达;又如在函电或合同中出现hereby一词,教师应帮学生总结here, there, where 加介词的规律。另外,教师引导学生牢记写作步骤是传统函电教学法的延续,学生对每一类函电的写作步骤烂熟于心是他们在以后的工作岗位上业务操作熟练程度的有力证明。例如当学生得知要写一篇还盘函,头脑中需清楚地呈现出如下几步:对卖主报盘表示感谢;对不能接受对方报盘表示遗憾并告知原因;做还盘,提出建议;期望建议被采纳并渴望得到早日回复。学生在撰写函电时严格遵循写作步骤的策略性和完整性,对两个公司建立和维系长期的友好互利的贸易关系起到促进作用。










bao name

room xxx, buildingxxx, qinxi, zijingang campus, zhejiang university310058 010-8xxxxxxx13xxxxxxx


sep.2005 –presentzhejiang universityschool of international studies

main courses: intensive reading, listening comprehension, oral english,advanced writing, c-e, e-c translation, c-e, e-c interpretation.optical courses: international law, economic law, civil law sep.2005 – mar.2007member of the youths’ comprehensive development society

 took part in the consulting meeting to promote the plan of comprehensive

development for university students, answering questions

 hosted promotions for the plan of comprehensive development for university

students, getting the freshmen in the school of economy and the school of

medicine know the plan

 did test work for the re-building of the web site youth’s comprehensive


may.2005 – presentgoverness

 taught several middle school students english at the weekend and in the

summer holiday

 successfully helped some students improve their english, got trust from their


aug.2006editor of voice of drill, the magazine of the

university during the drill

 collected and edited articlescontributed to voice of drill

aug.2007english teaching practice in wenchan high school in hangzhou

apr.2008english teaching practice in zhejiang university for non-english majors

 interacted with instructors to learn teaching skills, wrote summary reportsmade preparation for the classes(searching relevant pictures, audios, texts,making ppt), got familiar with the teaching facility

 gave classes, got praise from the instructors, as “being calm and relaxed,having good time management skills and good preparation”.scholarships & honors

2005-2007outstanding student in academy, morality at zhejiang university2005-2007the third prize scholarship(awarded to top 20% students)

2006.12the third prize in the drama match between dormitories during the 17th international culture festival of zhejiang university



Personal Information

Name: Gender: male Date of Birth: 1986/02/22

Residency: HuangShi Zip Code: Career Objective:English

Home Tel: Mobile:

Email: Wang Jiang 19860222@163.com Political Background:probationary party member

Leadership Position:the chair of league member

Address: HuBei province HuangShi City Ma Fang village


/09--/06 XianNing University English Education Associate

2007/09--/06 HuBei Normal Univercity English Bachelor


/10--2006/12 No 14 Middle School in HuangShi city English cadet teacher

Work Experience

/07-2005/9:commended by dean to be an English private tutor in BeiJing

2006/03--2007/05:QiHui private tutor Center as an English Tutor in XianNing

2007/06-/12:as an English Tutor teaching High School student in HuangShi

2007/10-2008/05:as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies

2008/08-2008/12:an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. Huang Shi Branch

Language Skills
