




ACSI America Customer Satisfaction Indices 美国顾客满意度指数 AM Agile Manufacturing 敏捷制造

ANSI America National Standard Institution 美国标准协会 APEC Asia-pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织 APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning 事先产品品质计划 AQL Acceptable Quality Level 品质允收水准 BB Black Belt 黑带

BMK Benchmarking 同行业最高(标杆)BOM Bill of Material 物料清单

BPR Business Processes Reengineering 业务流程再造 BSC Balanced Score Card平衡记分卡

BSI British Standard Institution 英国标准协会 BVQI(法语缩写)法国船级社

CAP Corrective Action Plan 纠正措施计划 CAR Corrective Action Record 纠正措施要求单 CAS Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院 CBM Cubic Meter(体积)立方米

CCC Customs Cooperation Council 海关合作理事费

CCC(3C)China Compulsory Certification 中国强制性认证

CCSI China Customer Satisfaction Indices 中国顾客满意度指数 CE Concurrent Engineering 并行工程

CEO Chief Execute Officeholder 首席执行官 CH Custom House 海关

CI Consumers International 消费者国际

CIMS Computer Integrated Made Systems 计算机集成制造系统 CL Center Line 中心线

CNC Computer Number Control 计算机数字控制 COP Customer Orientation Process 顾客导向过程 Cp Capability Indices 工程能力质数

CPD Continue Profession Development 持续职业发展 Cpk Capability Indices/Bias 工程能力指数/有偏置 CRM Customer Relation Management 顾客关系管理 D&D Design and Development 设计与开发 DCC Document Control Center 文件控制中心

DE Design Engineering(Engineer)设计工程(师)DIN Deutsches Insitut Fur Normung 德国标准化学会

DMAIC Define Measure Analyze Improve Control 定义/测量/分析/改进/控制 DNV Det Norske Verities 挪威船级社 DOE Design of Experiments 实验设计

DSS Decision Support System 决策支持系统 ECN Engineering Change Note 工程更改通知

ECO Engineering Change Order 工程更改指令(单)EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理

EE Environment Engineering(Engineer)环境工程(师)

EMBA Executive Master of Business Administration 高级工商管理硕士 EMC Electromagnetic Compatible 电磁兼容

EMS Environment Management System 环境管理体系 EMS Efficiency Management System 效率管理体系 ERP Enterprise Resources Planning 企业资源计划

FCC Federal Communications Commission 美国联邦通讯委员会 FDA Food and Drug Administration 美国食品与药品协会 FIFO First In First Out 先进先出

FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 失败模式与效应分析 FMS Flexible Manufacturing System 柔性制造系统

FQA Final Quality Assurance 最终品质保证 FQC Final Quality Control 最终品质控制

GAR German Accreditation Council 德国认可委员会 GB Green Belt 绿带



GD&T Geometry Dimension and Tolerance 几何尺寸与公差 GM Green Manufacturing 绿色制造

GRR Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility 量具的重复性和再现性 H.P House-power 马力

h.p.n House-power Nominal 标称马力

IE Industry Engineering(Engineer)工业工程(师)

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission 国际电工委员会 ILO International Labor Organization 国际劳工组织 IM Intelligent Manufacturing 智能制造

IPQA Inprocess Quality Assurance 制程品质保证 IPQC Inprocess Quality Control 制程品质控制 IQA Incoming Quality Assurance 来料品质保证 IQC Incoming Quality Control 来料品质控制 IS International Standard 国际标准

ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织 IT Information Technology 信息技术

JAB Japan Accreditation Board Quality System 日本质量体系认可机构 JIS Japan Industry Standard 日本工业标准 JIT Just in Time 必须时间

KAB Korean Accreditation Board 韩国认可委员会 KFQ Korean Foundation for Quality 韩国质量财团 L/C Letter of Credit 信用证 LCL Low Control Line 下控制线 LP Lean Production 精益生产

LR Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, LR 劳式船级社 LS Locus Sigil(Place of Seal)盖印处 LSL Low Specification Limit 规格下限

MBA Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士 MBB Master Black Belt 黑带大师

MBO Managing by Objectives 目标管理

ME Machine Engineering(Engineer)设备工程(师)MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统 MR Method Research 方法研究

MRB Material Return Bill 返纳物料清单 MRB Material Review Board 材料评价委员会

MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需求计划

MRP Ⅱ Manufacturing Resources Planning 制造资源计划 MSA Measure System Analyze 测量体系分析

MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet 物料安全数据表 MTO Make to Order 订货型生产 MTS Make to Stock 备货型生产 NC Number Control 数字控制 NG No Goof 不良

OA Office Automation 办公自动化

ODM Origin Design Manufactory 原设计制造商 OEM Origin Equipment Manufactory 原设备制造商 Off-JT Off Job for Training 脱岗培训 OJT On Job for Training 岗位培训

OQA Outgoing Quality Assurance 出货品质保证 OQC Outgoing Quality Control 出货品质控制 P.P Pilot Production 试验产品 P.S Pilot Sample 试验样品 P/L Part List 物料清单 P/N Part Number 部品号

P/O Purchase Order 采购订单

PDCA Plan-do-check-action 计划-实施-检查-措施

PE Production Engineering(Engineer)生产工程(师)PMC Production Material Control 生产物料控制

PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序 PPM Part per Million 百万分率 PSO Process sign-off 过程认定

PVT Production Verification Test 生产验证试验 QA Quality Assurance 品质保证 QC Quality Control 品质控制

QCC Quality Control Circle 品管圈

QE Quality Engineering(Engineer)品质工程(师)QFD Quality Function Development 质量机能展开 QMS Quality Management System 质量管理体系 QS Quality System 质量体系

QSA Quality System Assess 质量体系评定

QSR Quality System Requirement 质量体系要求 QST Quality System Team 质量体系小组 R&D Research and Development 研究与开发

R&R Repeatability and Reproducibility 重复性和再现性 RAB Registrar Accreditation Board 美国认可委员会 RPN Risk Priority Number 风险系数

RVA The Dutch Accreditation Council 荷兰认可委员会 SE Schedule Engineering(Engineer)计划工程(师)

SGS Society Generate de Surveillance S.A.瑞士通用公证行 SPA Statistical Process Analysis 统计过程分析 SPC Statistical Process Control 统计过程控制 SPD Statistical Process Diagnose 统计过程诊断 STD Standard 标准

T、Q、C Time、Quality、Cost 交期、质量、成本 TE Test Engineering(Engineer)测试工程(师)TPM Total Productive Maintenance 全面生产设备保养 TPM Total Productive Management 全面生产管理 TQC Total Quality Control 全面质量管理 TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量经营 TT(T/T)Telegraphic, Transfers 电汇汇票

TUV Technischer uber-wachungsverein Germany 德国技术监督协会 UCL Up Control Line 上控制线

UKAS The United Kingdom Accreditation Service 英国认可服务组织 UL Underwriters Laboratories 美国保险商实验室 UN United Nations 联合国

USL Up Specification Limit 规格上限 VA Value Analysis 价值分析 VE Value Engineering 价值工程 VER Version 版本

VM Virtual Manufacturing 虚拟制造

WHA World Health Assembly 世界卫生大会 WHO World Health Organization 世界卫生组织 WIP Work in Process 在工品

WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization 世界知识产权组织 WMO World Meteorological Organization 世界气象组织 WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织

ZD Zero Defect 零缺陷




withtheaccompanimentmusicofourband,let’swishourmotherlandmoreprosperityandourcountry 合:更加郁郁葱葱。moreverdure.女:新春的脚步已在耳畔响起。


lookingforwardtothecomingofthenewspring,wearefullofhope.女:贺新春,唱新春,说不完心中欢乐无限。celebratingthenewspring,wearefullofhappiness.男:联欢会的帷幕即将拉上,但是我们知道,在华初的这块沃土上,我们将更加茁壮成长。thoughtheget-togetherisabouttoend,westillknowwearereachingmorematurity.女:让我们衷心祝福我们的嘉宾在新的一年里工作顺利,家庭幸福!wisheachofourdistinguishedguestsasuccessfulcareerandahappyfamily.男:祝福我们的同事工作进步,再创佳绩。wishourcolleaguesgreatprogressandmoreachievements.女:祝福我们的祖国,在新的一年里,wishourcountryamoresplendidfuture 合:再攀高峰,再创辉煌。inthenewyear.男:2012年新年晚会到此结束。





甲:新年的钟声即将敲响,时光的车轮又留下了一道深深的印痕。伴随着冬日里温暖的阳光,满怀着喜悦的心情,2016年元旦如约而至 乙:新年拉近了我们成长的距离 甲:新年染红了我们快乐的生活 乙:新年让我们截取下了四季的片段 甲:新年给了我们人生的禅想



乙:今天,我们相聚在这里,一起用心来感受真情,用爱来融化冰雪 甲:今天,我们相聚在这里,敞开你的心扉,释放你的激情


甲:今天,我们欢聚一堂、载歌载舞 乙:今天,我们激情满怀、心潮澎湃 甲:今天,我们送去我们的祝福 乙:带着祝愿、带着嘱托 甲:埋藏已久的期盼,化做今日相逢的喜悦 乙:看,阳光灿烂,那是新年绚丽的色彩 甲:听,金钟朗朗,这是新年动人的旋律

合:在诗与画流动的佳节里我欲邀同来一起庆贺快乐的节日.********2016年元旦联欢会现在开始 结束语

甲:虽然我们无法阻拦时间的流逝,但是我们可以主宰自己的心情 乙:妍丽的鲜花祝你节日愉快;闪动的烛光祝你平安如意


乙:温馨的气息、恬静的氛围、舒心的休憩编织成您快活的生活 甲:愿你以微笑迎接青春的岁月和火一般的年华 乙:愿人世间梦幻般的鲜花与绿叶永远陪伴你温馨的回忆


乙:今天的联欢会更加体现出我们是一个充满活力,面向未来的集体 甲:在这里,有默默耕耘的辛勤园丁,有孜孜以求的莘莘学子 乙:在这里,散发着油墨的清香,跳动着青春的脉搏 甲:在这里,有我们对生活的激情,更有我们对未来的渴望 合:因为,我们始终相信:明天会更好

乙:今天的联欢会到此结束,再次祝大家新年快乐,万事如意,心想事成。开场白: 甲:新年的钟声即将敲响,时光的车轮又留下了一道深深的印痕。伴随着冬日里温暖的阳光,2014年元旦如约而至;乙:在这一刻,我们已经感受到了春的气息,这是我们利民的春天,这是我们职教处这个大家庭的春天,这更是我们每个人的春天;甲:今天,我们相约在这里,享受缘分带给我们的欢乐,享受这段美好时光;乙:今天,我们相聚在这里,一起用心来感受真情,用爱来融化冰雪;甲:今天,我们相聚在这里,敞开你的心扉,释放你的激情;乙:今天,我们相聚在这里,这里将成为欢乐的海洋,让快乐响彻云霄!甲:职教处2014年元旦联欢会现在开始!首先,由处长致新年祝词!(......)感谢处长的祝福!让我们用掌声把祝福也送给她和她的家人,祝他们新年快乐,身体健康!同时,也把祝福送给在座的每一位,祝大家新的一年万事如意,心想事成!1.新年新气象,在新的一年里,你都有哪些想法呢?技校班同学的想法就是希望明天会更好,这也是我们大家的想法,我们每个人都希望明天会更好!下面,就让我们在的歌声中进入今天联欢会的第一版块!12.每个人都有过纯真的童年时代,它象一股清泉流淌在我们心底.长大了,每每想起童年,我们都会回味无穷.下面,电大班***等给大家带来配乐诗朗诵.有请!19.赵本山,宋丹丹以其诙谐、幽默打动了亿万观众的心,再加上小崔的机智,更显得珠联壁合。接下来就由***、***、***为我们演绎02级版本的《昨天,今天,明天》!27.一段充满青春活力的劲舞过后,我们来共同欣赏一首歌曲《亲密爱人》。





这篇用词铿锵、掷地有声的演说辞,是3个人的心血结晶。其中,有记者出身的戈尔本人,有戈尔的策略顾问罗伯特·索伦,但人们都把目光放在戈尔的首席演说撰稿人艾里·阿提(Elli Attie身上。阿提是哈佛大学毕业生,长期以来是克林顿、民主党众议院领袖格普哈特等重量级政治人物的一级“写手”。及后选战起风云,戈尔将他拉到麾下,声势立时不同凡响。本刊在此独家刊登戈尔这篇将千古不朽的“认输讲话”(原载于港报),读者可从这中英文对照的精彩文章中细细领略英文写作的典范笔法,包括其整个运筹帷幄的立意、精妙的造词用句等。


































good evening.

just moments agoi spoke with george .w.bush and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the united statesand i promised him that i wouldn't call him back this time.

i offered to meet with him as soon as possible so that we can start to heal the divisons of the campaign and the contest through which we just passed.

almost a century and a half ago senator stephen douglas told abraham lincolnwho had just defeated him for the presidency“partisan feeling must yield to patriotismi’m with you mr.president  and god bless you.”

well in that same spirit i say to president-elect bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside  and may god bless his stewardship of this country.

neither he nor i anticipated this long and difficult road. Certainly neither of us wanted it to happen. Yet it cameand now it has ended resolved as it must be resolvedthrough the honored institutions of our democracy.

over the library of one of our great law schools is inscribed the motto “not under man but under god and law.”that’s the ruling principle of american freedomthe source of our democratic liberties. I’ve tried to make it my guide throughout this contest as it has guided america’s deliberations of all the complex issues of the past five weeks.

now the u.s supreme court has spoken. Let there be no doubt while i strongly disagree with the court's decision i accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome which will be ratified next monday in the electoral college and tonight for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy  i offer my concession.

i also accept my responsibilitywhich i will discharge unconditionally  to honor the new president-elect and do everything possible to help him bring americans together in fulfillment of the great vision that our declaration of independence defines and that our constitution affirms and defends.

let me say how grateful i am to all those who supported me and supported the cause for which we have fought.tipper and i feel a deep gratitude to joe and hadassah lieberman who brought passion and high purpose to our partnership and opened new doorsnot just for our campaign but for our country.

this has been an extraordinary election. But in one of god’s unforeseen paths this belatedly broken impasse can point us all to a new common ground  for its very closeness can serve to remind us that we are one people with a shared history and a shared destiny.

indeed  that history gives us many examples of contests as hotly debatedas fiercely fought with their own challenges to the popular will.

other disputes have dragged on for weeks before reaching resolution.and each time both the victor and the vanquished have accepted the result peacefully and in the spirit of reconciliation.

so let it be with us.

i know that many of my supporters are disappointed.i am too . But our disappointment must be overcome by our love of country.

and i say to our fellow members of the world community let no one see this contest as a sign of american weaknessthe strength of american democracy is shown most clearly through the difficulties it can overcome.

some have expressed concern that the unusual nature of this election might hamper the next president in the conduct of his office. I do not believe it need be so.

president-elect bush inherits a nation whose citizens will be ready to assist him in the conduct of his large responsibilities.

i personally will be at his disposaland i call on all americans -i particularly urge all who stood with us to unite being our next president. This is america. Just as we fight hard when the stakes are highwe close ranks and come together when the contest is done.

and while there will be time enough to debate our continuing differencesnow is the time to recognize that that which unites us is greater than that which divides us.

while we yet hold and do not yield our opposing beliefsthere is a higher duty than the one we owe to political party.this is america and we put country before party.we will stand together behind our new president.

as for what i’ll do nexti don’t know the answer to that one yet . Like many of you i’m looking forward to spending the holidays with family and old friends.i know i’ll spend time in tennessee and mend some fencesliterally and figuratively.

some have asked whether i have any regrets and i do have one regret that i didn’t get the chance to stay and fight for the american people over the next four years especially for those who need burdens lifted and barriers removedespecially for those who feel their voices have not been heard i heard you and i will not forget.

i’ve seen america in this campaign and i like what i see. It’s worth fighting for and that’s a fight i’ll never stop.

as for the battle that ends tonight  i do believe as my father once said  that on matter how hard the lossdefeat might serve as well as victory to shape the soul and let the glory out.

so for me this campaign ends as it beganwith the love of tipper and our family with faith in god and in the country i have been so proud to servefrom vietnam to the vice presidencyand with gratitude to our truly tireless campaign staff and volunteersincluding all those who worked so hard in florida for the last 36 days.

now the political struggle is over and we turn again to the unending struggle for the common good of all americans and for those multitudes around the world who look to us for leadership in the cause of freedom.

in the words of our great hymn“america  america”“let us crown thy good with brotherhoodfrom sea to shining sea.”

and now my friends in a phrase i once addressed to othersit’s time for me to go.


Host:Echo JIANG, Wenrui MA

18:30-19:00 嘉宾签到

19:15-19:20 红鼓舞

19:20-19:22 主持人出场,介绍到场嘉宾

女士们先生们,伴随着精彩的红鼓舞,“Cheers 2011 威立雅新春派对”拉开了序幕!我是xx.Ladies and gentlemen, with the excellent “Red Drum Dance”, the “Cheers 2011 VE Annual Party” opened!I’m xx.我是xx.I’m xx.合:大家晚上好。Together: Good evening.首先,让我们用热力的掌声欢迎威立雅环境集团执行副总裁,Denis Gasquet先生到访。至此中国春节来临之前,我们威立雅环境集团中国区的所有员工欢聚一堂,共庆佳节。

First, let’s welcome the visit of Mr Denis Gasquet, Chief Operating Officer of Veolia environment.Before the Chinese New Year, all employees of Veolia Environment gather here and celebrate the festival together.今天的晚会现场,不仅有许多伴随威立雅成长的员工,更有集团的领导与我们一起见证辉煌!首先,请允许我介绍一下出席今天晚会的集团领导,他们是: 威立雅环境集团执行副总裁vp, Denis Gasquet先生 威立雅环境集团亚太区总裁CEO,Jorge Mora先生

威立雅环境集团亚太区首席运营官COO,Regis Calmels先生 威立雅交通,Daniel Cukierman先生 威立雅能源,Roland Schoorl先生 威立雅环境服务,Luc Zeller先生

Tonight, we have not only all the employees at the party, but we also have our Boss here.Now please allowed me to introduce our VIPs, there are: COO of VE, Mr.Denis Gasquet.CEO of VE Asia Pacific, Mr.Jorge Mora.COO of VE, Mr.Regis Calmels.Veolia Transportation, Mr.Daniel Cukierman.Veolia Environment Service, Mr.Luc Zeller.首先掌声欢迎威立雅环境集团执行副总裁, Denis Gasquet先生为我们今天的晚会做开幕致辞,有请!

Please welcome VE COO, Mr Denise Gasquet to give us the opening speech for the ceremony.19:22-19:27 Denis Gasquet致辞中„„


回顾2010年,在Jorge Mora先生的带领下,威立雅环境集团在中国取得了骄人业绩。下面,就有请威立雅环境集团总裁Jorge Mora先生为我们做新年致辞,有请Mora先生!Thanks for Mr Gasquet’s passionate speech.In 2010, under the leadership of Mr.Mora, VE has rapid developed in China, now let’s welcome VE President Mr.Jorge Mora to give us the New Year’s Speech.19:28-19:32 Jorge Mora致辞中„„

请Mora先生留步。感谢Mora先生的精彩致辞!下面让我们以热烈的掌声再次有请Denis Gasquet先生,以及Regis Calmels先生,Daniel Cukierman先生,Roland Schoorl先生,和Luc Zeller先生为晚会开启香槟!

Mr.Mora, please wait.Thanks for your speech.Now let’s welcome Mr.Denis Gasquet, Mr.Regis Calmels, Mr.Daniel Cukierman, Mr.Roland Schoorl and Mr.Luc Zeller by the warm applause to open the champagne tower for tonight!

19:33-19:38 开启香槟,宣布酒会开始


Thanks for the Boss.Now, please enjoy the Chinese traditional Sichuan Opera show---Face Changing show!

19:39-19:45 变脸

欣赏了这么精彩的变脸表演后,下面即将进入的是激动人心的抽奖环节,我们第一轮的抽奖活动马上就要开始了,首先揭晓的是三等奖(欧舒丹礼盒一份)!有请抽奖嘉宾Luc Zeller先生,Roland Schoorl(Dalkia)先生,Daniel Cukierman先生。After the wonderful Face Changing show, the following is the exciting lucky draw, our first

rdround of lucky draw will begin, let’s start from 3 Prize, Gift of l’occitane.Please welcome Mr.Luc

19:45-20:00 第一轮抽奖(三等奖24个)



Let’s welcome the winner!Congratulations!

下面是晚宴时间,请大家尽情享受今晚的美酒佳肴。Now it’s time for dinner, please enjoy it.我们还准备了丰富多彩的娱乐节目,并有多项大奖即将揭晓,朋友们,待会儿见!

And we’ll have different kinds of entertainment and prizes later, see you later!

20:00-20:30 就餐、交流,背景音乐


Ladies and gentlemen, as we know Veolia Environment is the biggest environment service group in the world, so we do not only have the professional experts, but also have a lot of special talent.Now let’s welcome the magic show from Veolia Water----the magic moment!

20:30-20:36 魔术表演 VW


Amazing!Thanks you!The following is the performance from VES??

20:36-20:42 VES


Thanks!We all know that the girls in Veolia Energy are beautiful, so let’s enjoy the Mysterious Indian dance from Veolia energy!

20:42-20:48 印度舞表演 Dalkia

谢谢我们员工们的精彩表演!下面,又到了激动人心的抽奖时间,有请Regis Calmels先生为我们抽取二等奖5名,奖品是apple nano。

Thanks for all the performers!Now, it’s time for lucky draw again, let’s welcome Mr Regis Calmes to draw the 2nd Prize for 5 persons, and the prize is apple nano!

20:48-20:55 第二轮抽奖(二等奖、一等奖)


Let’s welcome the winner!Congratulations!

下面有请Jorge Mora先生为我们抽取一等奖2名,奖品是wii!

Now let’s welcome Mr.Jorge Mora to draw 2 1st Prize, the prize is wii!


Let’s welcome the winner!Congratulations!

转眼间一等奖也各归其主了,台下没有获奖的朋友们要坚持住,让我们稍事休息,一会儿还有更大更惊喜的大奖等着大家。After the the 1st prize, let’s take a rest, for those who haven’t awarded, please be patient, we’ll have surprise prize later!

20:55-21:15 就餐、交流

亲爱的朋友们,游戏时间到了,让我们请出“BOSS”队,有请Denis Gasquet/ Jorge Mora/ Regis Calmels/Daniel Cukierman/Roland Schoorl/ Luc Zeller。下面出场的是我们的“Bonnie”队!游戏规则是,分别在两队队员脚上系上气球,游戏开始后两队互相踩对方脚上的气球,最后,哪一队最先将对方的气球全踩爆,就获胜。


Ladies and gentlemen, now it’s time for game!Let’s welcome “BOSS” team, Mr Denis Gasquet, Mr.Jorge Mora, Mr.Regis Calmels, Mr.Daniel Cukierman, Mr Roland Schoorl, Mr.Luc Zeller!Another team is “BONNIE”!Let me introduce the game rule, first, all the players have to tied balloons on their foot, then the two team start to blow up each other the balloons by their foot, the team who has no balloons at the end will be the loser!Now, let’s start the game!

21:15-21:25 游戏


谢谢我们的”BOSS”队和“BONNIE”队!下面请欣赏舞蹈“梁祝”.Thanks for our “BOSS” team and “BONNIE” team!Now please enjoy the dance of “liangshanbo and zhuyingtai”

21:25-21:30 舞蹈:梁祝

接下来是传统表演“舞狮”,让我们掌声有请Denis Gasquet先生和Jorge Mora先生为狮子点睛!

Now is the traditional show “Lion dancing”, please welcome Mr.Denis Gasquet and Mr.Jorge Mora to draw the eyes of lion!

21:30-21:35 舞狮表演



Perfect performance!Thank you very much!

最激动人心的时刻到了,让我们有请Denis Gasquet先生为我们抽取今天的特等奖,奖品是 ipad!Now is the most exciting moment for tonight, please welcome Mr.Denis Gasquet to draw the special prize, an ipad!

21:35-21:40 第三轮抽奖(特等奖)


Welcome the luckiest winner!

欢乐的时光总是特别的短暂,今天的新春派对到这里就要结束了,感谢今天所有到场的领导和朋友们,特别是Denis Gasquet先生。祝大家春节快乐,兔年大吉!我们明年见!

Happy time is so short, the annual party has to say goodbye, thanks for all the Boss and friends here, especially for Mr Denis Gasquet.Happy Spring Festival and good luck, the Year of the rabbit!See you next year!


Please come to the front and take a photo for souvenir!



The Gettysburg Address

Four score and seven years1 ago our fathers brought forth2 on this continent, a new nation, conceived3 in liberty, and dedicated4to the proposition5 that all men are created equal.Now we are engaged6 in a great civil war7, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.We are met on a great battle-field of that war.We have come to dedicate a portion8 of that field9, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives10 that that nation might live.11 It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate--we can not consecrate12--we can not hallow13--this ground.The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.14 The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause15 for which they gave the last full measure16 of devotion--that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain--that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall notperish17 from the earth.蓋茨堡演講詞




註1.score:二十,因此「four score and seven」即為「四個二十又七」,亦即87。這樣的表述方式類似我們在自己的母語中偶而會講”一甲子之前…”,風格類似。

註2.bring forth:產生、建造。


例:Who first conceived the idea of building nuclear power plants? 是誰第一個想到建造核電廠? 例:She conceives love for the children.她愛這些孩子。註4.dedicate:奉獻(身)或把(時間、精力等)用於(+to)。註5.proposition:主張、論點。註6.engage:使從事、聘雇、與...交戰、佔用(時間、精力等)、使訂婚。例:He was busily engaged in painting the furniture.他忙於油漆傢俱。例:They engaged a cook for the summer.那個夏天他們雇了一個廚子。例:The book engaged my full attention.這本書把我完全吸引住了。

註7.civil war 內戰。Civil的字意為:公民的、民用的,民事的,意思甚廣。譬如:civil rights為公民權;civil engineering為土木工程;而civil status可指婚姻狀態(單身或已婚),相當於marital status。


例:He was hungry and ordered two portions of roast chicken.他很餓,因而叫了兩份烤雞。

例:She portioned out the cake, so everyone had a piece.她將蛋糕切成多塊,每人可得一份。

註9.field:原野、田地、(戰)場、(遼闊的大片)地、實地、野外,意思甚廣。例如:field trip指實地考察旅行(配合正課到校外作參訪式旅行可用)。field trial常用於新技術或服務即將上線、提供大規模使用之前,所作的實地測試。註10.此為life的複數形式(請注意讀法),意指許多人的生命。

註11.這邊連續使用二個that並非筆誤;第一個that為關係連接詞,而第二個that為形容詞,與跟在其後的nation形成語意上的一個單元。整個子句「that that nation might live」係用以修飾that之前的lives,可將lives視為nation might live的受詞。舉個例子,我們可說“They live lives of luxury”(他們過著奢華的生活/生命),在這此例中,lives為live的受詞。同學們注意此例中的lives與live的關係與功能,再回過頭來看原演講文,應即能掌握到整句話的意涵。註12.consecrate:奉...為神聖、尊崇、現身致力於…。例:She consecrated her life to art.她獻身於藝術。


例:The scandal will not detract from his fame.這個醜聞無損於他的名聲。註15.cause:原因、起因、動機、目標(理想、事業)。

例:World peace is a cause we should all work for.世界和平是一項我們都應該為之而努力的事業。


例:I feel a measure of compassion for her.我對她懷有一定程度的同情。註17.perish:消滅、卒亡、枯萎、腐爛,亦可當及物動詞或解作「麻痺」。例:Hundreds of people perished in the earthquake.數百人在那場地震中喪生。例:Flowers perish in frost.花毀於霜凍。

例:Oil on your car tires will perish them.車胎上的油會毀損車胎。例:I was perished with cold.我被凍僵了。編按:

