高三全册单词拼写训练 9-10(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)


高三全册单词拼写训练 9-10(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)(共4篇)

篇1:高三全册单词拼写训练 9-10(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)


班级 ______________ 姓名 ______________ 分数 ______________

1. Beijing is the c _______________ of the P.R.C as well as the centre of China’s political matters and culture.

2. She wore sun-glasses so that I didn’t r _______________ her at the first sight.

3. Smoking is strictly f _______________ in the gas station.

4. The sunlight is a kind of limitless e _______________ for us to use.

5. He was w _______________ so that we couldn’t hear what he was saying.

6. Children are taught to believe in the _______________ (原则) of equal opportunity for everyone.

7. His work this week hasn’t been up to his usual _______________ (水准).

8. I know your back hurts, but you have to wait _______________ (耐心地) until the doctor arrives.

9. In fact, he felt the condition even _______________ (糟糕) than before.

10. The doctor are busy _______________ (做手术) on the wounded soldier now.

11. The a _______________ of air can easily cause a man to die.

12. Cancer is a kind of disease which is almost i _______________.

13. Please follow these sentence p _______________ to make a few sentences.

14. His teacher asked him not to be c _______________ with himself with a little success.

15. She was e _______________ to that man but got married to this man.

16. The girl was so _______________ (着迷) by the mighty river that she would spend hours sitting on its bank and watching the boats going and coming.

17. It being very hot, the boy had to stand in the _______________ (阴凉处).

18. The city of Nanjing _______________ (目暏) the cruelty of the Japanese invaders.

19. Look, our troops are _______________ (接近) the enemy’s position and will soon attack them.

20. It said that that plane _______________ (坠毁) in the valley.


班级 ______________ 姓名 ______________ 分数 ______________

1. What he says is not in h _______________ with what he does.

2. Before taking action, be sure to get p _______________ from your parents.

3. In China the a _______________ population takes up a large part of the whole population.

4. A $ 1,000 r _______________ has been offered for the return of the stolen painting.

5. It doesn’t seem ugly to me; on the c _______________, I think it’s rather beautiful.

6. The models are kept in locked cases as they are too valuable and _______________ (易碎的) for classroom use.

7. Although he was _______________ (残疾的) when he was only ten years of age, yet he aimed high, for which his classmates spoke highly of him.

8. Finally, Chairman made a short speech, _______________ (结束时说) that the plan should be carried out soon.

9. In Britain, some abandoned cats and dogs will be _______________ (收养) by kind-hearted people.

10. It rained _______________ (连续的) for seven days, completely ruining our holiday.

11. As far as I know, that country c _______________ of many tiny islands.

12. I can’t s _______________ my dictionary with you. I don’t like someone else to use it.

13. SARS is a kind of disease s _______________ very quickly.

14. There are seven c _______________ and four oceans in the earth.

15. Volleyball is played t _______________ the world.

16. Smoking _______________ (香烟) is harmful to our health.

17. I’ll _______________ (推荐) you a good book which will give you a lot of knowledge.

18. You’d better have all the programmes _______________ (简化) .

19. We gave our classroom a _______________ (彻底) cleaning before the National Day.

20. There will be a large apple _______________ (收成) in my hometown this year.


1. capital 2. recognize 3. forbidden 4. energy 5. whispering 6. principle 7. standard 8. patiently 9. worse 10. operating 11. absence 12. incurable 13. patterns 14. content 15. engaged 16. fasinated 17. shade 18. witnessed 19. approaching 20. crashed


1. harmony 2. permission 3. agricultural 4. reward 5. contrary 6. fragile 7. disabled 8. concluding 9. adopted 10. continuously 11. consist of 12. share 13. spreading 14. continents 15. throughout 16. cigrettes 17. recommend 18. simplified 19. thorough 20. harvest

篇2:高三全册单词拼写训练 9-10(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)

班级 ______________ 姓名 ______________ 分数 ______________

1. “Let me feel your p _______________,” the doctor said to the boy.

2. I like f _______________ music while she loves pop music.

3. L _______________ is the greatest enemy to an old man who lives alone.

4. Matter has three states; solid, l _______________ and gas.

5. Some scientists are carrying out a lot of research work in _______________ (南极洲).

6. He has _______________ (概括) what he saw and heard in America.

7. His _______________ (乐意) to help others moved many people.

8. Follow your teacher’s _______________ (教导) in class, please.

9. He dipped one of his _______________ (手指) into the mixture, took it out and sucked it.

10. Tom is _______________ (在楼上). Go and find him yourself.

11. The letter “b” in the work “climb” is not p _______________.

12. This great invention is sure to b _______________ the whole world.

13. Don’t always try to find f _______________ with me.

14. The great m _______________ of doctors believe smoking is harmful to health. But a few perhaps don’t.

15. My son is h _______________ joining the baseball team because it might take him a lot of time.

16. All these _______________ (天文学家) are trying to discover why the earth is becoming so hot.

17. They are going on _______________ (各自的) holidays in a few days’ time.

18. The Chinese Table Tennis Team won all the medals in the _______________ (竞赛).

19. What are you cooking in the _______________ (厨房)? It smells nice.

20. I only need one volume to _______________ (使完善) my set of Dickens’s novels.


班级 ______________ 姓名 ______________ 分数 ______________

1. B _______________ is a man who studies living things.

2. Both our material and s _______________ life has been greatly improved in recent years.

3. The government is now making every e _______________ to improve the peasants’ life.

4. He remained modest d _______________ his great achievements.

5. He is doing scientific r _______________ on AEDS.

6. _______________ (农业) is the foundation of the national economy.

7. Thousands of people _______________ (示威) on the square in Britain to oppose the war.

8. The news on the Internet is _______________ (更新) every day.

9. The young woman is very _______________ (挑剔的) about clothes.

10. The union is opposed to the _______________ (引进) of the new technology because of the loss of the jobs it would cause.

11. We sell good quality food at _______________ (reason) prices.

12. He is good at grammar, but poor in _______________ (pronounce).

13. “ Here we are!” he shouted in a ______________ (cheer) voice.

14. Facing the south, the room was _______________ (comfort) warm.

15. Though _______________ (wealth), the lady doesn’t feel very happy.

16. Young mothers should be taught how to raise their babies in a _______________ (science) way.

17. To her _______________ (satisfy) , business has been good in the first two months.

18. We heard the air hostess’s _______________ (announce) as soon as we got on the plane.

19. I owe you an _______________ (apologize) for my rudeness last night.

20. The brain needs a _______________ (continue) supply of blood.


1. pulse 2. folk 3. Loneliness 4. liquid 5. Antarctica 6. summarized 7. willing 8. instructions 9. finger 10. upstairs 11. pronounced 12. benefit 13. faults 14. majority 15. hesitating 16. astronomers 17. separate 18. competition 19. kitchen 20. complete


篇3:高三全册单词拼写训练 9-10(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Unit One

1. on Sunday morning 在星期天早晨

2. go for a walk 去散步

3. be glad to see them 很高兴见到你

4. under a big tree 在一棵大树下

5. have a chat 聊天

6. a twin sister 双胞胎姐姐/妹妹

7. look the same 看上去一样

8. as tall as 和……一样高

9. twenty minutes younger than… 比……小二十分钟

10. want to do sth. 想做某事

11. one day 有一天

12. the one child in my family 我家的独生子

13. the man in black 穿着黑色衣服的男人

14. Who’s younger, you or Su Yang? 谁年龄小,你还是苏扬?

15. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 你有兄弟姐妹吗?

16. He’s one year younger than me. 他比我小一岁。

17. You’ve got a brother. 你有一个哥哥。

18. I’m taller than Su Yang. 我比苏扬高。

19. Who’s taller than David? 谁比David高?

20. Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine? 谁的书包重,你的还是我的?

Unit Two

1. be good at 擅长

2. do well in 在……方面做得好

3. talk to sb. about sth. 和某人谈有关某方面的情况

4. need help with… 在……方面需要帮助

5. run faster than… 比……跑得快

6. a good football player 一位好的足球运动员

7. some of the boys 其中一些男孩

8. Don’t worry. 不用担心。

9. do some exercise 做练习/做运动 do more exercise 多做练习/运动

10. get stronger 变得更健壮

11. jog to school 慢跑去学校

12. play ball games 玩球类运动

13. all of us 我们所有人

14. be late for school 上学迟到

15. What’s the matter? 怎么了?

16. I’ll get up earlier every day and do some exercise before I go to school.


17. Please don’t be late again. 请下次别迟到。

18. Shall we start our lesson now? 我们现在开始上课吧?

19. You have five minutes to remember them. 你们有五分钟的时间来记住他们。

Unit Three

1. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to …? 请问,你能告诉我去……的路吗?

2. go along this street 沿着这条街走

3. turn right/left 向右/左拐

4. at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口

5. on your left/right 在你的左/右边

6. take bus No. 5 坐5路车

7. a long walk 走一段很长的路

8. every five minutes 每5分钟

9. in front of 在……前面

10. get off 下车 get on上车

11. at the third stop 在第三站

12. the History Museum 在历史博物馆

13. a shopping centre 购物中心

14. a post office 邮局

15. a middle school 中学

16. a primary school 小学

17. a train station 火车站

18. last Sunday afternoon 上个星期天下午

19. a book about animals 有关动物的书

20. run out of 跑出……

21. stop thief 抓贼

22. start to run 开始跑

23. get sth. back 把某物拿回

24. come to help 来帮忙

25. He’s asking Yang Ling how to get there. 他在问杨凌怎么去那儿。

26. You can’t miss it. 你不会错过的。

27. How far is it from here? 离这儿有多远?

28. It’s about a kilometer away. 大约一公里远。

Unit 5

1. be going to do sth 将做某事

2. next week 下个星期

3. for one year 有一年的时间

4. want to know about sth 想知道某事的情况

5. What’s the weather like…? 天气怎样?

6. in spring/summer/autumn/winter 在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天

7. in the countryside 在乡村

8. Sounds great! 听起来很棒!

9. most of the time 大部分时间

10. make snowmen 做雪人

11. It’s great fun. 这很有趣。

12. warm clothes for winter 冬天穿的保暖衣服

13. go rowing and fishing 去划船钓鱼

14. go jogging 去小跑

15. It’s usually very hot, as hot as in Nanjing. 通常很热,很南京一样热。

16. What about…? ……怎么样?

17. Does it often rain there in spring? 春天经常下雨吗?

18. There’s a lot of rain in spring. 在春天雨水很多。

19. Which season do you like best? 哪个季节你最喜欢?

20. turn green 变绿

21. get shorter 变短

22. go swimming 去游泳

Unit 6

1. have school 上课,有课

2. talk about 谈论

3. see a Beijing opera 看京剧

4. this afternoon 今天下午

5. Would you like to join us? 你想和我们一起去吗?

6. by the way 顺便说/问一下

7. at the concert 在音乐会上

8. play the violin/piano 拉小提琴/弹钢琴

9. have a picnic 进行野餐

10. go on an outing 去远足

11. see a play 看戏

12. take part in… 参加

13. a singing contest 歌咏比赛

14. a sports meeting 运动会

15. have a class outing 进行班级远足

16. class project 班级课题

17. at the bus stop 在公共汽车站

18. come home 回家

Unit 7

1. yesterday afternoon 昨天下午

2. some writing paper 一些信纸

3. What for? 为什么

4. write a letter 写信

5. listen to music 听音乐

6. make model planes 制作模型飞机

7. have the same hobbies 有同样的爱好

8. I hope so. 我希望如此。

9. tell sb about sth. 告诉某人有关某事的情况

10. of course 当然

11.a fax machine 传真机

12. a telephone number 电话号码

13. write to sb 给某人写信

14. collect stamps 收集邮票

15. draw a picture 画画

16. make a kite 做风筝

17. do one’s homework 做回家作业

18. ask for 要求

19. some other subjects 一些其他课程

20. finish primary school 小学毕业

21. go to middle school 上中学

22. know everything about 了解有关……的一切

23. penfriend club 笔友俱乐部

篇4:高三全册单词拼写训练 9-10(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)


Unit 1 Who is younger?

young 年轻的

than (用于形容词、副词的比较级之后)比

old 年老的

tall 高的

heavy 重的

light 轻的

strong 强壮的

go for a walk 去散步

met (meet的过去式)遇见、会见、见面

sat (sit的过去式)坐

twin 孪生的;双胞胎之一

look the same 看起来很像

minute 分钟

one day 某一天

only 唯一的;仅有的

child (复数children)孩子;儿童

cute 漂亮的;娇小可爱的

little 小的

centimetre 厘米

height 高;高度

weight 重量;质量

try again 再试一次

worm 虫;蠕虫

Unit 2 More exercise

be good at 善于

low 低;低的

slow 慢的;慢地

late 迟的;迟地

fish 鱼

do well in (在某方面)做得好

problem 问题

have problems with (在某方面)有问题

thing 事情

true 真实的;确实的

do more exercise 多做运动

jog 慢跑

far 远的;远地

farther (far的比较级)更远

well 好

animal show 动物演出

traffic 交通

well done [表示赞许]好!做得好!干得好!

Unit 3 Asking the way

get 到达

along 沿着

street 街,街道

turn right / left 向右/左转

stop (名词)停车站

post office 邮政局

get on / off 上车/下车

bookshop 书店

come from 来自于

History Museum 历史博物馆

way 路,路线

crossing 十字路口

miss 找不到,错过

kilometer 千米

away 离开

walk (名词)路程

No. [number的缩写,用于数字前]……号;编号

city 城市

told (tell的过去式)告诉

shopping centre 购物中心

middle school 中学

train station 火车站

road 路,道路

suddenly 突然

steal 偷盗(过去式stole)

ran (run的过去式)跑

out of 在……外

shout 呼喊;喊叫

thief 小偷,贼

Stop thief! 抓贼

caught (catch的过去式)捉,抓住

hotel 宾馆

Unit 5 The seasons

weather 天气

What’s the weather like there? 那儿天气怎么样?

summer 夏季

hot 热的

autumn 秋季

spring 春季

winter 冬季

cold 冷的

season 季;季节

best 最好的(good well的最高级)

cool 凉的;凉快的

sunny 晴朗的

windy 有风的;多风的

countryside 农村地区

rain 雨;下雨

rainy 下雨的;多雨的

warm 温暖的

snowman (雪堆成的)雪人

snowball 雪球

snowball fights 打雪仗

snowy 下雪的;多雪的

cloudy 多云的;阴天的

foggy 有雾的;多雾的

because 因为

turn 变得

fish 钓鱼

hexagon 六边形

Unit 6 Planning for the weekend

plan 计划;打算

picnic 野餐

play (戏剧的)演出

take part ( in ) 参加(……);参与(……)

have school 上课;有课

still 仍然

Beijing opera 京剧

show 演出;(广播或电视)节目

I’d love to… 我很愿意……

theatre 戏院;剧场

by the way 顺便地;附带说说

concert 音乐会

of course 当然

outing 短途旅游;远足

contest 竞赛;比赛

sports meeting 运动会

zebra 斑马

Africa 非洲

Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend

letter 信

penfriend (不见面的)通信朋友;笔友

write a letter 写信

glue 胶水;胶粘物

writing paper 书写纸;信纸;便条纸

envelope 信封

What for? 为何目的;为什么?

both (两个)都

I hope so. 我希望这样。

favourite 特别喜爱的

address 地址

number 号码

postcard 明信片

fax 传真

machine 机器

wanted [广告用语]征求;招聘

finish 结束;完成

lake 湖;湖泊

everything 每件事;一切

wish [复数]祝愿

With best wishes. (信末结束语)祝好。

receive 收到;接到

Sentence patterns in each unit

Unit 1 Who is younger?

Who’s taller than David?

Gao Shan is taller than David.

I’m as tall as you.

Su Yang’s (twenty minutes) younger than Su Hai.

Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine?

Unit 2 More exercise

Ben runs faster than Jim.

Do the boys jump higher than the girls?

Does Jim swim slower than David?

That’s true.

Well done.

Jim is not as strong as other boys.

Mike runs as fast as Ben.

Unit 3 Asking the way

Can you tell me the way to…, please?

Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing.

How far is it from here?

It’s about a kilometer away.

You can take bus No. 5.

How many stops are there?

How can I get to the shopping center?

Unit 5 The seasons

What’s the weather like in summer there?

Which season do you like best?

I like…


Because it’s…I can…

Unit 6 Planning for the weekend

What are we going to do…?

We’re going to…

Is that Gao Shan?

Yes, speaking.

By the way, what are you going to do…?

Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend

I want…

I want to do…

What for?

I hope so.

Can I have…?
