




全球高校网(4ICU)国家高校排名 第12名

奈杰尔・沃德(Nigelward)日本前30位大学排名 第7名



泰晤士报高等教育-QS世界大学排名 第158名


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泰晤士报高等教育-QS自然科学专业大学排名 第135名

《亚洲周刊》跨学科专业大学排名 第15名

















































综合以上三个世界大学综合排名中的近3年日本大学排名情况,总结出了日本大学Top 15的榜单,以各大学在各榜单上的名次为依据供同学们参考,希望能给大家一个最准确的日本大学综合排名参考。


1.东京大学 2.京都大学 3.东北大学 4.大阪大学 5.东京工业大学 6.名古屋大学 7.九州大学 8.北海道大学 9.筑波大学 10.早稻田大学 11.庆应义塾大学 12.广岛大学 13.神户大学 14.首都大学东京 15.东京医科齿科大学


















镰田薰, 毕业于早稻田大学研究生院法学研究科, 研究方向为民法、不动产法、法国法。1983年4月担任早稻田大学法学系教授, 1990年9月担任法学系教务主任, 2005年4月担任研究生院法务研究科长, 2010年11月起至今担任早稻田大学校长。2008年荣获柬埔寨友好勋章。

镰田教授是日本著名的法学专家, 在民法特别是财产法领域有着极高的造诣, 现任政府中枢法务省法制审议会民法部会委员长。镰田教授的专业著作涉及民法财产法许多领域, 撰写过多部优秀学术专著和论文, 如《民法笔记物权法》、《分析和发挥民法Ⅰ (总则·物权) 》、《现代的法》 (共15卷) 、《民事法》 (共3卷) 等, 对当今日本民法学界的发展作出了极大贡献。




早稻田大学 (Waseda University) , 简称早大, 是日本最负盛名的大学之一, 其前身是1882年大隈重信设立的东京专门学校。1902年改名为早稻田大学。

创始人大隈重信以“学术独立”“学问活用”以及“造就模范公民”为办校方针, 主张自由探讨学术, 提倡独创的钻研精神, 培养具有实际应用知识并在国际事务中具有广泛活动能力的人才。学校现有13个本科院系和22个研究生院, 其中包括早稻田大学近年增设的6所专业学位研究生院, 5所独立研究生院。

早稻田大学的最大特色在于“多样性”, 在尊重自由和独创性的校风里, 具有不同背景的学生与丰富个性的教职员工相互促进, 在研究、教育、文化等广泛领域不断拓展着他们的才能。

2007年10月21日, 早稻田大学在建校125周年校庆之际, 郑重宣布在今后十年里, 突破仅仅是一所日本国内大学的界限, 构建全球性大学的Waseda。

University:Prisident Kaoru Kamata, once Shigenobu Okuma, founder of Waseda University, had a saying as“125 years of life”, and today, Waseda University can proclaim 130years of history.What do you believe to be the fundamental driving force behind Waseda’sachievement of a high-qualit sustainable development?

President Kamata:The“125 years of life”saying advocated by Shigenobu Okuma, the founder of Waseda University, indicates“125years as the original human life span.Focusing on good health will lead to the enjoyment of a full natural human life span.”This is why Waseda University highly treasures the number125.On the occasion of the university’s 125th anniversary, Waseda organized grand festivities to celebrate the arrival of its 2nd century.

A leader of development in a tumultuous era, the great politician Shigenobu Okuma believed the building of a new age requires the cultivation of people with a self-reliant spirit and lofty morality.He founded Waseda University on this belief.Waseda’s 130 years of robust development are the result of the university’s tireless efforts to realize Okuma’s ideals of education and the wide recognition by the society.

The university’s ideals of education can be summed up in“Waseda University’s three pillars of mission”namely“Independence of Learning”, “Practical Utilization of Knowledge and“Create Good Citizenship”.

“Independence of Learning”means not tied to power or current trends, but freely pursuing academic originality with the combination of a“self-reliant and rebellious spirit”.

《大学》:镰田校长, 您好!早稻田大学的创始人大隈重信曾经有“人生125岁”之说, 如今, 早稻田大学已有130年的历史。您认为早稻田大学以较高的质量实现可持续发展的根本动力是什么?

镰田薰校长 (以下简称镰田校长) :早稻田大学创始人大隈重信倡导的“人生125岁”之说, 是指“人类寿命原本有125岁, 只要注重养生, 就可以尽其天年”。因此, 早稻田大学十分珍视125这个数字, 在建校125周年之际, 为迎接早稻田大学第二个世纪的到来, 举办了盛大的庆典活动。

引领着动荡时代发展的伟大政治家大隈重信认为, 要构建新时代必须培养具有自立精神和高尚道德观的市民。他基于这种信念创建了早稻田大学。130年来, 早稻田大学的发展壮大, 正是早稻田大学为实现大隈的办学理念所做的不懈努力并被社会广泛认可的结果。

本校的办学理念可归结为“早稻田大学教学宗旨”, 即“学术独立”“学问活用”“造就模范公民”。

“学问独立”是指, 应不为权力和时势左右, 自由地追求独创性学术, 与“自立精神”和“反抗精神”相结合。

It goes without saying that thorough exploration is necessary in scholarship, but“Practical Utilization of Knowledge”refers to the incredible importance of the practical application of knowledge as a contribution to social development.We must face social realities with“enterprising spirit.”As the Waseda University alma mater goes—“not forgetting the present world or Infi nite Eternal Aim.”

“Create Good Citizenship”m e a n s cultivating personality traits that can be active on the world stage for the benefi t of society and other people, not using higher education as a channel for abilities to be used for selfi sh interests.I think, to put it in other words, it is the cultivation of“global citizens”full of humanity, with noble character and the ability to make every effort in the quest for world peace and human happiness.

From its establishment to the present, Waseda University has worked from three major missions;using a space of free and pragmatic research and respect for individuality in education to cultivate highly talented people who have high aspirations and are willing to contribute to the world.To welcome a new era and at the same time respect traditions, Waseda University’s faculty and staff carry on the mission.Not afraid of change and united as one, we are unrelenting in our efforts for the development of Waseda.Waseda University graduates have also been extensively active in various fields, putting Waseda’s educational achievements on display for society.I believe these are all driving forces behind the development of Waseda University.

University:In the 1960s and 1970s, Japan’ssystem of higher education experienced a shif from“elite education”to“mass education”What major issues did Japanese universities encounter during this shift?And how were these issues resolved?

“学问活用”是指, 做学问毋庸置疑需要刨根问底, 但学以致用, 为社会发展做出贡献也非常重要。要以“进取精神”直面现实社会, 就像早稻田大学校歌中唱到的那样——“不忘现世, 久远的理想”。

“造就模范公民”是指, 培养能够活跃在世界舞台的人格品质以贡献社会和帮助他人的人才, 而不是将通过高等教育培养出来的才干用于满足一己私利。我想, 如果用现在的话来描述, 就是培养具有丰富的人性、高尚的品质、并能够为世界和平和人类幸福竭尽全力的“地球公民”。

建校以来, 早稻田大学从三大教学宗旨出发, 在自由而务实的研究和尊重个性的教育中, 培养出众多志存高远并愿意为世界做出贡献的高水平人才。为了开创新时代, 在尊重传统的同时, 早稻田大学的教职员工肩负使命, 不畏变革, 团结一心, 为早稻田大学的发展不懈努力。而早稻田大学的毕业生们也一直广泛活跃在各个领域, 向社会展示着早稻田的教育成果。我想这些都是早稻田大学发展的原动力。

President Kamata:Starting in the 1960s, the Japanese economy has seen brisk development, and the youth population has rapidly risen.Against this backdrop, the number of people entering university has seen significant increases (though only since the start of the 21st century has enrollment rate for 4-year colleges exceeded50%) .As a result, university education had already experience a shift from education for an elite minority to education for a variety of people.

The increase in enrollment numbers and the number of universities has brought to light a gap between universities and led to extremely fierce competition in entrance examinations for top universities.This so-called“examination war”has already spread to high schools, and from high schools to national and private middle and elementary schools.In addition, examinationoriented education is increasingly attached with importance;the huge numbers of candidates taking exams has led to the emergence of answer sheets;and there’s been a widespread shift to multiple-choice questions in examinations.The result is a learning tendency of a bias towards knowledge and only requiring the correct answer.

Moreover, recent years have seen an intensifying, declining birth rate in Japan.Actual university enrollment rates are gradually falling behind the desired enrollment numbers, leading to the enrollment of people who are, in terms of learning, unqualified.These factors compound代, 日本高等教育经历了从“精英教育”到“大众教育”的转变, 在这个过程中日本大学遇到的主要问题是什么?是如何解决的?

镰田校长:从20世纪60年代开始, 日本经济快速发展, 年轻人口急剧增长。在此背景下, 升入大学的人数开始大幅增加 (但是, 四年制大学升学率超过50%是在进入21世纪以后) 。由此, 大学教育已由培养少数精英的教育转变为培养各种人才的教育。

随着大学数量以及升学人数的增加, 大学之间出现了差距, 导致一流大学的升学考试竞争异常激烈。这种被称为“考试战争”的情况, 已从大学波及到高中, 从高中波及到国立、私立初中和小学。另外, 应试教育逐渐受到重视, 由于考生数量庞大, 答题卡应运而生, 考试方式普遍转变成了选择题。由此, 出现了只求正确答案和偏重知识的学习倾向。

而且, 近年来, 我国的少子化情况加剧, 大学招生人数逐渐超过入学人数, 导致学习水平不够的人也能升入大学。由于这些因素的叠加效应, 学生整体学习水平的下滑, 特别是创新能力和思考能力的and have given way to the worrisome overall decline in student performance, especially in creative and thinking abilities.

It is fortunate that as one of Japan’s most outstanding universities, Waseda University is acclaimed for its accomplishments in research and education.So, to date, ensuring against any great diffi culties in the enrollment of outstanding students, Wa seda continues to show great achievements in research and education.

Japanese universities as a whole have paid much attention to the guiding principle laid out by the University Division of the Central Council for Education:“promoting functional differentiation and partnership sbet ween universities in accordance with the self-managing nature and autonomy of a university.”

Within this, “functional differentiation”indicates the identification of priorities from each university’s many functions in accordance with the university’s self-managing nature and autonomy;smoothly realizing functional differentiation with the help of these different focuses.“University partnerships”refer to cooperation between universities, cooperation between universities and local, public bodies, industrial circles, and so on.It involves the provision of educational programs that give play to each university’s personality and unique characteristics;broadly engaging in university alliances with industry, high schools, and so on.Through theses partnerships, we can bring into being a range of diverse functions among Japanese universities:these functions will address local and society-wide issues, as well as develop talents that are closely tied to the creation of下降令人堪忧。

值得庆幸的是, 早稻田大学作为日本最优秀的大学之一, 其研究和教育的成就有口皆碑。所以, 迄今为止, 在确保优秀生源方面没有感到特别大的困难, 在研究和教育方面依然能做出较好的成绩。

就日本大学整体而言, 大家非常关注中央教育审议会大学分科会提出的“依照大学的自主性、自律性, 促进大学的功能分化和校际合作”的方针。

其中, “功能分化”是指各所大学根据其自主性、自律性在各自具有的多种功能中找出重点, 借助各所大学不同的侧重点, 平稳实现大学之间的功能区分。“校际合作”是指大学间相互合作、大学与地方公共团体和产业界等合作, 提供发挥各所大学个性和特色的教育项目, 广泛进行产学联合、高中与大学联合等。通过这些合作, 实现日本大学在整体上的多样化功能, 即能解决地方和社会面临的问题, 又能培养出与创造就业机会息息相关的人才等。

employment opportunities.

For this reason, many universities including Waseda, in order to ensure the enrollment of the most excellent students meeting the universities’respective requirements, in the case of selection methods, do not restrict themselves to traditional, uniform, written examinations, but also make use of independent recommendations, school recommendations, and other methods.

University:How can the quality of higher education be ensured with increases in the number and the expansion of universities?What do you think of evaluation towards the universities by third-party institutions?

President Kamata:Before and after 1990, Japan continuously built new universities and established new university departments to meet the surge in university enrollment rates and the18-year old population.Two-year colleges and academies became less attractive and many were transformed into 4-year universities.Nevertheless, after this, the declining birth rate rapidly worsened and Japan entered a new“era of declining enrollment”when even the worst students, as long as the student’s university choice is unrestricted, can attend a university.The result has been a decline in student quality, increasing gaps in ability, and much public criticism.

As a result, ensuring the quality of higher education gained increased importance.As part of relaxing policies for administrative freedom, in education, there has been a shift in requirements from administrative rules and regulations prior to self-assessment after the fact.Consequently, universities have begun making use of self-

为此, 包括早稻田大学在内的很多大学, 为确保能够招到符合各自要求的最优秀的学生, 在招生选拔方法上, 并不局限于传统的统一笔试, 还采用了自主推荐、学校推荐等多种方法。

《大学》:随着大学数量的增加、规模的扩大, 是如何保证高等教育质量的?您如何看待第三方机构对大学的评价?

镰田校长:1990年前后, 日本为应对年满18岁人群和大学升学率的激增, 不断新建大学, 增设院系。短期大学、专科院校等吸引力减弱, 多数也改编为四年制大学。但是, 此后日本少子化情况极速加剧, 进入到只要不挑学校, 再差的学生都可以上大学的所谓大学“全入时代”, 其结果是大学生质量下降、能力差距扩大, 备受舆论诟病。

为此, 保障高等教育质量开始受到重视。作为放宽行政自由政策的一环, 在教育领域也被要求由事前行政规制向事后自我评估转变。于是, 大学也开始采用自我检查和自我评估体系, 以及来自外部的第三方评估制度。现行的《学校教育evaluation and self-assessment, as well as thirdparty evaluation systems.Article 109 of the current School Education Law has provisions for universities:“in accordance with the provisions by the MEXT (Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) , to improve the standards of education and research, universities should conduct self-assessment and self examination of that state of education and research, organizational operations, and facilities and equipment;and announce the results.Also, “during the period designated by policy, universities should accept the accredited assessment of the certified assessment agency authorized by the MEXT.”

To ensure the quality of education, Waseda University has also been active internally through, for example, public syllabi, teaching evaluations, strict grading, and explicit conditions for degree-granting.

Certified evaluations by third-party institutions, on the side of both parties, require tremendous amounts of manpower and material resources.I believe there still needs further effort to make these investments fruitful.

University:What are the current issues of higher education in Japan and the main trends among Japanese universities?

President Kamata:The direction of the development of Japan’s higher education is closely tied to two mainstream trends:internationalization and the declining birth rate.

The issues of modern society needing resolution are increasingly complex, and moreover, largely on a global scale.Education and research around these global issues must also法》第一百零九条对各大学作出规定:“为提高教育研究水平, 根据文部科学大臣规定, 各大学应对教育研究、组织运营、以及设施设备情况进行自我检查与自我评估并公布结果”, 以及“各大学应在政策规定期间, 接受由文部科学大臣承认的认证评估机构的认证评估”。

为确保教育质量, 高校内部也作出了积极努力, 如公开教学大纲、进行问卷评教、严格评分、明确学位授予条件等。

第三方机构的认证评估无论对于评估方还是被评估方都要投入巨大的人力、物力。要使这些付出卓有成效, 我想, 还需要进一步的努力。



现代社会需要解决的问题日趋错综复杂, 并且主要是全球范围内的问题。围绕这些全球性课题的研究必需达到国际化的水平。

necessarily be at an international level.

To this end, Japanese universities, even before this, have been working hard to promote internationalization.

The University of Tokyo’s announced plan to move admission dates to September is part of this initiative to comply with international practices.In addition, the“Campus Asia Pilot Program”involving China, Japan, and Korea is also pushing forward.

At Waseda University, many undergraduate schools and graduate schools have already implemented the September admission system, set up double-degree Program in cooperation with universities overseas, and signed exchange agreements with institutions of higher education around the world.The increase in the university’s international competitiveness, benefi ts not only the economy but also the society.Therefore, we should further the promotion of internationalization and strengthen cooperation between industry, government and academia.

Japanese society’s issue of an aging population will only worsen in the future.Declining birth rates will not only intensify competition for sources of enrollment but also mean a reduction of the young workforce, and the resulting decline of Japan’s national strength.Japan is a fascinating country, and to carry on this charm, the university should play its role as an open educational institution:targets of education should not be restricted to young people in their teens or 20s.Education should be open to the broader population.In recent years, an increasing proportion of people who are working or were previously employed and have resigned their

为此, 日本大学较此前更为努力地推动着国际化进程。

东京大学公布的将入学时间改为9月的计划就是为了实现与国际接轨的一项举措。另外, 一项围绕中日韩三国的“亚洲校园”计划也正在推进当中。

在早稻田大学, 已经有很多学部和研究生院实行了9月入学制度, 并与国外大学合作设立了双学位制度, 与世界各国的高等教育机构签订了交流协议。大学国际竞争力的提高, 不仅有利于经济也有益于社会。因此, 应进一步推动国际化进程, 加强产官学合作。

今后, 日本社会的少子老龄化趋势将进一步加剧。少子化不仅将激化生源竞争, 还意味着年轻劳动力的减少, 以及由此导致的日本国力下降。日本是个富有魅力的国家, 要延续这种魅力, 大学应发挥其作为开放性教育机构的作用, 其教育对象应不仅仅局限于十几岁、二十几岁的年轻人, 还应该向广大社会人士开放。近年来, 已经工作的社会人士, 在职或者辞职重返校园的比例正在增加。这是因为越来越多的人为了适应社会形势的变化, 希望重返校园, 提升专业素质, 更好地为社会做出贡献。这种倾employment have returned to school.Increasing numbers of people hope to return to school to enhance professional performance, contribute more to society, and better adapt to changing social circumstances.These trends will only strengthen in coming years, and we can predict adult education and continuing education will become increasingly important.

University:On the 125th anniversary of the establishment of Waseda University, the university set goals to begin transformation into a“global university”and become a true“open university in the 21st century.”What are the implications of this?What kind of reform must Waseda undergo to achieve these objectives?

President Kamata:The slogan“from the past Waseda to the future Waseda”, is a reflection of our desire for Waseda University to breakthrough the boundaries of the Japanese university and become a global university.This so-called“global university”refers to a university laying a foundation of knowledge for global society’s multicultural coexistence and integration.To this end, Waseda University will face the world with a more open stance.For example, there are already six undergraduate schools and nine graduate schools offering the possibility of completing and gaining a degree in English, and this program continues to grow.In addition, in order to allow more people to study and research at Waseda, we are also considering improvement of selection methods for admission.

Through these measures, students of different values and cultural backgrounds can engage in discussion in the classroom, live together in student向今后将进一步扩大, 可以预见, 成人教育和继续教育将越来越重要。

《大学》:早稻田大学在建校125周年之际, 树立了向“‘世界性大学’转变和成为‘适应21世纪的开放性大学’”的目标。这意味着什么?为实现这些目标, 早稻田大学将进行怎样的改革?

镰田校长:提出“从早稻田到Waseda”这一口号, 是希望早稻田大学突破日本大学的界限, 构筑成为一所全球化大学。所谓“全球化大学”, 是指为了全球社会的多元文化共存融合奠定知识基础的大学。为此, 早稻田将以更加开放的姿态面向世界。例如, 早稻田大学现在已有6个学部和9个研究生院可用英语完成学业并获得学位, 并计划继续扩大范围。另外, 为了让更多人能够在早稻田大学研究与学习, 还在考虑改善招生选拔方式等。

通过这些措施, 文化背景和价值观各异的学生们得以一起在教室里讨论, 共同在学生宿舍生活, 在residence, deepen exchange in every area of campus, and learn from each other.This will not only increase the international sensibilities of students but also deepen mutual understanding between different cultures, and benefit the future improvement and deepening of international relations.

We will also incorporate the cultivation of“graduates who will strive to be global leaders”in our next medium-term plan.This requires mastery and practice of several languages by students, faculty and staff to deepen multicultural understanding.At the same time, increasing opportunities for contact with overseas, cuttingedge research and education will ultimately be beneficial to the promotion of original research.To this end, in addition to direct person-to-person communication, we can also utilize the latest information communication technology to set up an environment where we are connected to the most forefront and high-end of the world’s research fi ndings and educational content without leaving home.

University:Is the“Global 30 Project”mainly a response to the source of enrollment crisis facing Japan’s universities?Moreover, what do you believe is the deciding factor for victory in the competition among the world’s institutions of higher education for enrolling outstanding students?

President Kamata:The“Gloal 30Project”is a continuation and development of the“100, 000 International Student Plan”in 1983.

In 1983, Japan was going through a period of rapid economic growth, with increasing number of people furthering their studies.It was a time of校园的各个角落加深交流, 相互切磋。这不仅提高了学生的国际敏锐度, 还加深了不同文化间的相互理解, 将有益于今后改善和深化国际关系。

我们还将培养在国际社会舞台上“挥洒汗水引领世界的毕业生”列入了下一个中期计划。这就要求师生能够掌握和运用多种语言, 加深对多元文化的理解。同时, 增加接触国外最前沿的研究和教育的机会, 从而有益于推进独创性研究。为此, 除了人与人的直接交流外, 还可以运用最新的信息通讯技术, 配备出一个足不出户即可触及世界最前沿、最高端研究成果和教育内容的环境。



1983年, 日本正处于经济高速增长期, 是一个大学升学人数激增, 考试竞争白热化的时代。从这fi erce competition in examinations.Starting from such a time, Japan had already formulated the plan to increase international student enrollment.Therefore, the“Global 30 Project”plan to increase international student enrollment should not be misconstrued as simply a reaction to the falling numbers of enrolled university students due to the declining birth rate.

As mentioned earlier, the issues facing modern society must be jointly addressed on a global scale, and this requires research and education at an international level.Moreover, the globalization of economies means we must develop students’abilities to act within the international community:negotiation skills within the context of the international community, and cross-cultural communicative competence.At the same time, we must also increase the cultivation of talents with a correct understanding of Japanese culture and tradition, in order to adequately bring to play Japan’s role in the international community.Based on these requirements of modern society, Japan’s universities, like the universities of other countries, must build a campus environment founded on diversity, to allow students of different cultural backgrounds and of different nationalities to come together, inspire each other and communicate.In this way and in this kind of environment, we can provide an equivalent education for Japanese and international students and cultivate that ability to act within the international community.In this kind of environment, we can realize research achievements with high international standards.

For this purpose, we must attract greater numbers of outstanding international students to样的时代开始, 日本就已经制定了留学生扩招计划。因此, 不应该简单理解为为了应对当今少子化导致的大学升学者减少的状况, 而准备扩招留学生。

正如前面提到的, 现代社会所面临的问题是需要在全球范围内来共同解决的, 这就要求研究和教育也达到国际水平。而且, 随着经济全球化的进程, 我们必须培养学生具备在国际社会中的活动能力, 即在国际社会中的交涉能力和跨文化交际能力。同时, 还需要增加能够正确理解日本文化和传统的人才, 以充分发挥日本在国际社会中的作用。基于这些现代社会的需求, 日本的大学与其他国家的大学一样, 需要创建一个多元文化的校园环境, 让具有不同文化背景, 来自不同民族的学生共聚一堂, 相互激发和交流。从而在这样的环境中, 为日本学生和外国学生提供同等的教育, 培养他们在国际社会上的活动能力;在这样的环境中, 取得国际性高水平的研究成果。

为此, 就必须吸引更多优秀的外国学生来日本留学。可想而知, Japan.One can imagine that this international competition for students will only become more intense.The first requirement for victory is raising the standard of research and education.On this foundation, whether gaining remarkable achievements in economic development, realizing the integration of Eastern traditional values and Western modern values while at the same time maintaining peace and protecting the natural environment, or other similar experiences, Japan has many areas worth learning.In addition to this, Japanese universities’system of small classes allows for meticulous guidance in the small group discussion style of teaching:this is one of Japan’s strengths.Japan’s public security, and its safe and sanitary living environment are some important factors in choosing Japan for international students.With the whole of society working together, we can provide the most comfortable living environment and intense study environment:this is Japan’s biggest advantage.

University:Your university’s most prominent feature is“diversity.”Exactly what does this mean?What do you consider as key for a university to create and maintain its own special characteristic?

President Kamata:Since its establishment, Waseda University has been distinctive for its Anti-elitist Philosophy and critical spirit.This has been sustained by one of Waseda’s three pillars of mission, “Independence of Learning.”In the early stages of Japan’s modernization, the direct introduction of various systems from European and American countries, and the improvement of Japan’s political and economic system were这场国际性的生源争夺战今后将愈演愈烈。要在这场竞争中获胜, 首先要提高研究与教育水平。在此基础上, 日本在实现东方传统价值观与西方现代价值观融合, 维护和平与保护自然环境的同时, 在经济发展上取得令人瞩目的成就等等这些方面, 也有很多值得学习的经验。此外, 日本大学小班制的教育特点使得学生在小组讨论式教育中能获得细致入微的指导, 这也是日本的优势之一。日本良好的治安、安全卫生的生活环境, 也是留学生选择日本的重要考虑因素。在全社会的共同努力下, 提供一个一边在世界上最温馨舒适的环境中生活, 一边学习钻研的环境, 这也是日本的一大优点。

《大学》:早稻田大学最大的特色是“多样性”, 其具体内涵是什么?您认为一所大学形成并保持自己特色的关键在哪里?

镰田校长:早稻田大学自建校以来, 一直作为一所富有自立精神和批判精神的大学而独具特色, 一直支撑它的是三大办学理念之一的“学术独立”。在我国近代化的初期阶段, 直接引入欧美国家的各种制度, 完善政治经济体制被视为最为紧要的课题。可以说, 当时帝国大学 (国立大学) 最大的目的就是regarded as the most pressing issues.It can be said that the greatest objectives of the imperial universities (national universities) were to inherit each facet of Western systems and cultivate bureaucracy.In this regard, Waseda University believes that for Japan to be a stable, modern nation and gain true independence, the cultivation of an independent citizenry is critical.Therefore, we should not blindly follow Europe and America;instead, we should pursue truth without restraint, and explore original academic research in line with Japan’s national condition.

Under this free, open and active school ethos, we can bring together students full of individuality from regions across the country, even from China and other countries, to share knowledge and not only enhance their academic ability, but also enrich their culture.

Waseda university in this kind of environment has produced many graduates rich in individuality and broadly active in various fields of study such as politics, economics, art, sports as well as science and technology.They are like Tanzan Ishibashi, a journalist who did not follow the crowd, but upheld justice;like Haruki Murakami, an author beloved by readers around the world for his literary works which permeate with the glory of humanity;and like the founders of Sony, entrepreneurs adept at applying new technologies.Gradually, the evaluation towards Waseda University by the society is becoming higher.

At Waseda University, faculty, Staff and students of different characters can enjoy a display of their individuality, engage in frank discussion, and learn from each other in the collision of diverse values.In the atmosphere of this unique学习西方各项制度, 培养官僚。对此, 早稻田大学却认为, 日本要想作为一个稳固的近代国家获得真正的独立, 其关键是要培养独立自主的市民, 因此, 不应该盲目追随欧美, 而应该自由地追求真理, 探索符合我国国情的独创的学术研究。

在这种自由开放、积极进取的校风下, 来自全国各地乃至中国等国家富有个性的学生汇集在一起, 相互切磋钻研, 不仅提升了学术能力, 还丰富了人性涵养。

在这样的大学环境下, 出现了大批富有个性的毕业生。比如, 像石桥湛山一样不随波逐流、秉持正义的记者, 像村上春树一样以洋溢人性光辉的文学作品而深受各国读者喜爱的作家, 像索尼创始人一样善于应用新技术的创业者, 以及广泛活跃在政治、经济、艺术、体育、科技等各种领域的毕业生们。社会对早稻田大学的评价也越来越高。

在早稻田大学, 性格各异的师生们能够尽情地张扬个性, 坦诚热议, 在多元价值观的碰撞中切磋思考。在这种独特的校风下, 早稻田引以为傲的“多样性”日趋成熟。ethos, Waseda is proud of its increasingly maturing“diversity.”Of course, this is also inseparable from Waseda’s large number of international students.Waseda University began admitting international students as early as 1893.Prior to World War II, international students once accounted for more than 20%of the student population.The high number of Chinese students admitted is well known.Today, Waseda still brings together a variety of talents from around the world.They and the Japanese students learn from each other, study together, and continue to grow in a free environment.

Waseda University and many excellent domestic and overseas universities have established the mutual recognition of credits and mechanisms for student exchange.Waseda has also created many exchange platforms and opportunities for experiential learning at government institutions and private enterprises for students, allowing students to, as much as possible, come into contact with other people of different values.Through these efforts, Waseda further broadens the range of its diversity.

University:Overall, how far do you believe Asian universities are from the top rank of the world’s universities?

President Kamata:It hink that any university recognized as a fi rst-class university in Asia is also a first-class university in the world, which is accepted worldwide.As things are today, there is a defi nite gap between Asian universities and the world’s first-class universities in areas of academic accumulation and the provision of facilities for large-scale research, for example.当然, 这也离不开为数众多的留学生们。早稻田大学早在1893年就开始接收留学生, 在第二次世界大战之前, 外国学生比例曾一度超过20%。对中国留学生的大量接收更是众所周知。如今, 在早稻田大学, 依然聚集着来自世界各国的各种人才, 他们在自由的环境中, 与日本学生相互切磋, 共同钻研, 不断成长。

早稻田大学与国内外众多优秀大学建立了学分互认、学生交流的机制, 为学生创造了很多到政府机构和民营企业体验学习的机会和交流的平台, 让学生在求学期间尽可能地接触到价值观各不相同的人们, 通过这些努力, 进一步拓宽早稻田的多样性范围。

《大学》:从总体上而言, 您认为亚洲的大学离世界一流大学还有多远?

镰田校长:我想, 在亚洲被认可的一流大学, 在世界上也是一流大学, 这已为世界公认。虽然就现状而言, 亚洲的大学在学术积淀、大型研究设备的配备等方面与世界一流大学相比还存在一定的差距。但是, 亚洲大学正处在上升势态, 包括中国和日本在内的亚洲大学今Nevertheless, Asian universities are presently gaining momentum.In the fut ure, Asian universities, including those in China and Japan, will see their reputations rise.Moreover, as the world economic center gradually shifts from the so-called“developed countries”to countries in Asia and Africa, the position of Asian universities will accordingly rise.

Waseda University has always maintained close cooperation with China’s key universities as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Fudan University.Therefore, we truly feel the trend of rapid, comprehensive growth among China’s universities.Waseda should also follow this trend and make a difference.Rather being preoccupied with how the future world will treat Asian universities, we should build cooperation mechanisms between Asian universities and form a new framework with Asian universities in the lead.If we only pursue rationalization and effectiveness, we will only be able to form a homogenizing system of education.T h e sustainable development of the university requires the formation of alliances that emphasize and effectively utilize diversity.And so the issue of tomorrow will be the creation and sharing of Asian values that will support the international community.

University:How do you understand the“modern university system”?Is Waseda’s faculty system an exploration of the modern university system?

President Kamata:I have heard that China’s“modern university system”is后在世界上的声誉将会越来越高。而且, 随着今后世界经济重心逐渐从所谓的“发达国家”转向亚非地区的国家, 亚洲大学的地位也将随之上升。

早稻田大学一直与中国的清华大学、北京大学、上海交通大学和复旦大学等重点大学保持着紧密合作。因此, 我们切实感受到了中国大学全面快速发展的趋势。早稻田大学也应紧随这一潮流, 有所作为。与其在意今后世界如何看待亚洲的大学, 倒不如建立起亚洲大学之间的合作机制, 形成由亚洲引领世界大学的格局。如果仅仅追求合理化和有效化, 那么只能形成同质化的教育。为实现大学的可持续发展, 必须形成重视多样性并能有效发挥多样性的联盟。而创造和分享能够为国际社会做出贡献的亚洲价值观将成为今后的课题。


镰田校长:我听说中国的“现代大学制度”基本上是以美国的高等fundamentally based on the U.S.model of higher education.The names of Chinese universities are also evidently rising up in the rankings of the world’s universities, with Chinese universities keeping pace with world renowned universities.In the future, famous, world-leading universities will need to find something truly unique to themselves.The“modern university system”is a step of reform to prepare for this turning point.As for reform widening the gaps between universities:how can we address these kinds of gaps while at the same time wining in international competition?Although such diffi cult issues do exist, I believe that in order for Chinese universities to accomplish greater leaps, the“modern university system”is absolutely necessary.

It is difficult to compare, side-by-side, the“modern university system, ”as reform on the national level, with the internal institution reform of Waseda University’s“faculty system”;however, they are in agreement on the objective of strengthening international competitiveness.The“faculty system”is still in the exploratory stage, but it has two main purposes:the first is the systematic integration of the undergraduate, graduate, and research institutes into the faculty, reducing resource waste between the institutions while forming close ties between research and education;the second is the concentration of power with the Senior Dean and the decisionmaking body (Faculty Committee) in order to respond quickly to rapid changes in the environment of the university.

University:How has“the incorporation教育为模板的。从世界大学排名上也能看出, 中国大学的名次确实在上升, 已经与世界名校并驾齐驱。今后, 作为引领世界的名校, 需要寻求其他大学所无法动摇的独特性。“现代大学制度”正是为适应这一转折期进行的改革。由于改革, 拉大了大学之间的差距。如何在应对这种差距的同时又能在国际竞争中胜出, 虽然存在着这样的难题, 但我认为中国大学要实现更大飞跃, “现代大学制度”势在必行。

“现代大学制度”作为国家层面上的改革与早稻田大学“学术院制度”的内部机构改革很难放在一起进行比较, 但加强国际竞争力的目标是一致的。“学术院制度”还处于探索阶段, 主要有两大目的:一是将本科、研究生院和研究所系统性地整合为学术院, 减少组织机构间的资源浪费, 同时实现研究与教育的紧密联系;二是为能够迅速应对大学所面临环境的急速变化, 将权限集中到学术院院长和决策机构 (教授会) 。

《大学》:“大学法人化”给of national universities”influenced Japan’s universities?What is your opinion on this issue?

President Kamata:In the past, Japan’s national universities have failed to give full play to their personal characteristics:they have been particularly slow in responding to the internationalization of undergraduate education (more than 80%of international undergraduate students in Japan study at private universities) .The transformation of the incorporation of national universities has directly resulted in the reform of the national universities.In the future, national universities will promote an internationalization which includes undergraduate education.

The incorporation of national universities brings with it the awakening of a sense of competition in the national universities, and they are engaged in increasingly fierce competition with private universities for private capital.

In addition, attaching importance to obtaining research grants from the MEXT and other funds through competition has in every way weakened the distinction between national and private universities, and increasingly strengthened the sense of distinction between research-oriented universities and teaching-oriented universities.I believe as a representative university in Japan, Waseda should grasp this opportunity to actively demonstrate its value to the international community based on existing accomplishments.

University:Thank you for receiving our interview!


镰田校长:以往, 日本的国立大学未能充分发挥出自身的特色, 尤其是在应对本科教育的国际化方面比较迟缓 (80%以上的本科外国留学生在私立大学就读) 。国立大学独立行政法人化成为国立大学改革的直接诱因, 今后国立大学也将推动包括本科教育在内的国际化进程。

随着国立大学的法人化, 国立大学萌生了竞争意识, 其与私立大学争夺民间资本的竞争愈加激烈。













1. 通过跨研究室研习,学生学习、掌握到了通过一般课程所难以掌握的其他专业领域技术和知识的精要


2. 跨专业学习开阔了学生的视野


3. 通过交流,增强了教员和学生的活力









学历:本科 研究生




