











1. What kind of clothes do you often wear in daily life?

In my normal, everyday life, I usually wear jeans and a T-shirt, perhaps a skirt or a dress in summer. It really depends. But usually quite casual clothes – clean and presentable, but casual attire, normally.

2. Is there any difference between the clothes you wear on weekends and weekdays?

Perhaps there’s a bit of a difference, yes. During the week I tend to focus more on wearing conventional styles, because I have to go to work and must look a bit smarter. On weekends I tend to be more laid-back and wear more casual clothes, perhaps even slightly more informal clothes. For example if I go to a party or something I might dress up in heels and sort of more striking-looking dresses, which I don’t tend to wear in the office.

3. Is there any color you dislike when buying clothes?

I don’t really like yellow. I don’t think this colour suits me. Also pastel shades don’t really suit me, either. I prefer plain colours, subdued colours for work, and perhaps more bold colours if I go out on the weekend with friends.


Describe a book you read that you found useful.

You should say:

What it is

When and where you read it

Why you think it is useful

And explain how you feel about this book

A book I found exceedingly useful in my studies was quite a boring book actually, I have to say. It was a book on English grammar, by a man called Michael Swan, a famous grammarian. It was given to me by a foreign teacher at university. It’s a hugely useful book, as it is organized and laid out in quite a logical way, quite different to other grammar books I’ve seen. It’s really easy to find what you want in it, and the explanations and examples are incredibly clear. I used it a lot when I was writing essays, actually, because I was often unsure how to use certain aspects of English grammar, or in doubt if I was using them correctly. For example, the use of “would” to be “used to” is something that used to confuse me, so I remember looking up “would” in the index of the book and finding numerous examples of the usage, not just the conditional usage, but its usage in terms of meaning “used to”, or “usually” in the past tense. From the examples in the book I quickly grasped the difference in the different uses of “would” in the English language. This is just one example of many times I’ve used this book to check or clarify English language use in my studies. I feel very happy that my teacher gave me this book as a leaving present when I moved on to another year, and it has helped me immensely. I’ve often lent it to classmates and colleagues and they always say that it’s the best grammar book they’ve seen. It’s not cheap to buy though, so I try to look after it and make sure that whoever I lend it to, gives it me back!


1. What kind of books do young people like to read nowadays?

Young people tend to read a lot of adventure stories I think. Well, it really depends on the age, really. I’m talking about teenagers. I think teenagers like the more modern adventure heroes like the characters in Marvel comics and films. There are quite a few stories of this nature which are popular. Harry Potter has become internationally hugely famous too, and a lot of young people, young people of all ages in fact, have got really into Harry Potter, both in the original English language versions and also in the Chinese translations. I’d say these probably are the most popular books for young people today. They capture all the elements young people like: adventure, school drama, magic and fantasy!

2. Some people believe that if children read more books, they may become more successful in the future. What’s your opinion?

I think that reading is definitely good for young people as it not only expands their vocabulary in their own language and in a foreign language they’re studying, but also helps to improve their understanding of people, human interactions, relationships and situations in daily life. Reading is something that also helps to focus the mind, improve concentration and self-discipline, and so there are a combination of reasons why I think that reading could contribute to people becoming more successful in the long-term.

3. What’s the value of museums?

Museums are useful to a degree, I think. It really depends. They can be incredibly boring too. I think that if you visit a museum with a group or class from school and you have some tasks to accompany the visit, things to look out for, things to read and do little projects on, then they can be useful and educational. However, if you just walk around a museum aimlessly looking at artefacts and relics, it can be quite tedious, especially if you have no idea what you’re looking at or don’t have a guide or can’t be bothered to read a bit about what you’re seeing. I think the greatest value in museums is when they are designed to be interesting, have interactive exhibits and make learning about history fun and entertaining.

4. Should museums be replaced by the Internet?

Absolutely not. We cannot do everything in our lives online. That actually kills our focus and imagination. Museums are physical spaces that we can walk around with other people, and see things directly, not just on a screen. I would always promote the improvement of museums and not the replacement of them with online versions. It’s important that we keep real artefacts and relics from the history of the world in museums, also to preserve them. And letting the general public go in and see these on display is a lot more meaningful than simply putting these things on show online. However advanced society becomes, seeing a famous or important historical object in real life is much more interesting than seeing it in the form of a photo or video on a website.



You recently met a manager from a new company that opened in your town. After the meeting, he wrote to you, offering you a job in this new company. However, you want to stay in your present job. Write a letter to the manager, and include: thanks him for the offer, explain why you want to stay in the present job, recommend a friend to take the job in the new company.

Rewritten Sample writing:

My sincere apologies for the delay in my response, as I wished to consider your offer in detail.

First, I wish to express my gratitude for your generous offer, which was important to me, nevertheless after consideration I believe that I would prefer to stay in my current position.

As a structural engineer, the design of economical residential buildings to accommodate general people was a dream of my childhood, and presently I am very fortunate that I am able to fulfill my dreams. As a result, it would be my intention to remain with my present work.

At the same time, and this may be of interest to you, I would like to recommend a friend, Bob Gillett, who was a colleague of mine, to apply for the position that you offered me. He is specialized in environmental engineering and has ten years’ working experience. I believe he would be the perfect candidate for your company. I have also spoken with him in brief and you can contact him directly on 0432783157. I am sure he would be pleased to hear from you.


写作反馈在语言教学上指的是读者针对作品给作者的修改意见。目的是要让作品更符合读者的心理意识, 让作者从自我式写作 (writer-based) 到开放式写作 (readerbased) 。写作反馈在学习者提高写作能力的过程中, 起着重要的作用, 很多学者认为高级读者, 即水平比较高的读者的反馈是提高英语写作能力的重要途径。近几年来, 语言教学研究人员针对同伴反馈和教师反馈做了大量研究。研究者从相关的写作理论出发, 有的侧重于英语写作教学中教师书面反馈效果;有的侧重于增加同伴反馈, 认为教师反馈和同伴反馈相结合效果更好, 有较强的优势;对于语料库软件反馈的研究数量较少, 仅有王淑雯、何旭良几人提出了软件反馈的优点和不足。

对教师反馈的研究, 在这一领域的研究中, 中国研究者的数量要略少于国外学者。

而且研究的角度极为不同, 研究结论也大相径庭。中国学者更注重教师反馈的价值和对学生的作用;或者是研究教师反馈在学生写作中的信度和效度;或是教师反馈对学生写作流畅性、准确性、复杂性的影响作用;或是学生对教师反馈的态度和修改效果的研究。这些研究都表明, 学生比较信赖教师反馈, 教师反馈在学生写作中有一定作用, 但是这些研究忽视了教师实际教学中操作上的困难, 在中国这样一个EFL的语言环境中, 每个班级的人数都很多, 教师是不是都能做到针对每篇文章进行精细的反馈还有待研究, 而教师本身对教师反馈的态度的研究几乎没有。相比国内的研究, 国外对教师反馈相关的研究比较充分全面, 研究视角也各有不同。很多学者对教师反馈行为的本质、反馈类型的有效性, 学生对教师反馈的态度进行了研究。这个角度来说, 国外学者也发现学生普遍认为教师反馈比同伴反馈更加有效。

但是还有一类学者在对教师反馈的研究中认为教师的评语往往粗枝大叶、潦草武断, 并且没有将修改的重要性传达给学生。有的学者甚至认为, 针对语法错误提出的单词搭配, 句子重组的反馈意见是没有效果的。但Ferris发现详尽明确的教师反馈能有效地帮助学生修改作文, 但是教师的工作压力就格外大, 所以依靠教师反馈提高写作水平, 学生进步的幅度是有限的。Kepner则认为:针对思想内容的反馈非但不会削弱词句运用中的准确性, 还能够促进学生写作。

针对同伴反馈的研究。同伴反馈是出现在过程写作方法之后, 在交际教学法, 社团学习法比较盛行的时候开始的。源于教师反馈的乏力, 学者开始探讨新的途径。一般认为, 写作教学中的同伴反馈指的是发生在作文形成之后的修改活动, 在这一活动中, 学生结合成社团或者小组形式, 一起阅读同伴的作文, 提出作文中的问题并对作文给出相应的评语或建议。也有的作者认为同伴反馈发生在学生修改作文, 作文还没有成稿的过程。国外的学者肯定了同伴反馈在ESL这种语言环境下, 在写作课堂中的用途。也有学者从认知角度进行研究, 挖掘了同伴反馈的潜在意义。例如Jacobs的研究表明同侪反馈能增强学生自主学习意识和独立学习能力;Ferris, D., S.Pezone, C.Tade & S.Tinti.认为同伴反馈能激发学生自发、有效修改作文的潜能, 但是他们也承认这样做需要学生的接受和认同;Paulus认为同伴反馈可以培养学生的分析能力, 开拓其思维的空间, 还能使其对自身的优势和不足有充分的认知。在我国, 英语是一门外语, 学生的英语水平有限, 同伴反馈是否同样有效度和信度?许多学者也进行了研究。杨丽娟、杨曼君、张阳针对我国英语写作教学三种反馈方式进行了对比研究;葛丽芳在英语写作中教师评阅及同伴互评的反馈效果中进行了研究;蔡基刚研究了中国大学生英语写作在线同伴反馈和教师反馈效果。研究结果是, 作者都赞成教师反馈是主要的手段和途径, 效果比较明显;但是学生反馈有其存在的意义, 是教师反馈的必要补充。教师反馈与同伴反馈相结合能够产生更大的效果和作用。但是学生批改的积极性, 对同伴批改的态度, 批改时的忧虑, 修改作文的主观能动性等问题都没有研究。

针对语料库软件系统反馈的研究。在过去的几年里, 语料库的自动评分系统引起了越来越多专家的关注。有些学者发现, 在教学实践中, 语料库的自动评分系统不仅能为学生的英语写作提供语言形式错误的个性化报告, 而且还能提供有关作文内容、组织结构、技巧等多维度的分项反馈信息和复合反馈信息, 并就学生的写作过程提供报告分析。学者使用的软件不同, 但是都是基于语料库设计出来的自动评分软件。还有的学者研究了句酷批改网, 认为句酷批改网的作文评分有很高的信度, 但评分显著地高于教师的评分, 尚不能反映学生英语作文的真实水平。从效度上看, 以句子为单位, 在词汇和语法等方面进行详细的评价, 但在篇章结构、文体修辞、内容逻辑性和连贯性方面不能给学生充分反馈。基于语料库的软件自动评分系统的研究寥寥无几。由于传统纸质形式的反馈模式影响, 学生学习写作都是在纸上进行, 教师直接在纸上批改反馈, 学生如果想修改, 就需要重新写, 或者挤在空白地方写, 这样给写作修改带来了很大难度, 所以多数学生主动修改的愿望比较低, 也导致了教师反馈的无效性。软件反馈的出现, 可以让学生针对自己的文章做出即时的反馈, 在网上书写修改也方便容易很多。

句酷网软件批改省时省力促进学生自我提高。对于作文中词汇搭配、句子语法、表达是否地道比较重视, 当老师不能满足学生的批改要求时, 学生可以求助他们比较信任的语料库软件, 针对他们的问题, 逐字逐句地进行批改。使用语料库软件不用委托同学, 不用求助老师, 随时随地自我检测, 非常方便。对于能够自己主动学习的学生来说, 更是一个很好的平台。除了有批改提示之外, 还有词汇查学习提示, 学生可以根据学习提示了解更多词汇的地道用法, 一边学习, 一边写作。要第二语言学习者写出精练的文章本身就是很高的要求, 很难实现, 而且效果也比较差。鉴于学习者的第二语言的熟练程度, 他们在写作中的每一方面都需要加强。他们需要更多地学习范文, 更多地练习写作;需要更多的机会培养写作技巧和策略;熟悉更多的写作风格, 熟悉词汇功能和语法关系;需要得到更多的批改反馈。写作教师需要提供机会, 让学生使用新的语言结构, 提高写作的流畅性。虽然学生不能100%地依赖于句酷网的批改, 但是, 通过学生的自己辨识一般可以判断句酷网每一句批改的正误。例如, 对于一些具有中国特色的词汇, 翻译成英文就很有可能被提示为中式英语, 但是, 学生只要稍加分析或者查找一些相关资料, 就很快能够判断出正误。另外, 作文反馈与作文改写紧密相关, 如果没有改写续写, 反馈就失去了意义。教师反馈或者同学反馈都需要比较长的周期, 作者本人再次修改又要在某种程度上重新理顺思路, 比较费时费力。句酷网能够给出即时的反馈意见, 这是非常有利的, 作者不仅可以修改字词句子, 还可以替换新词, 使词汇多样句子地道, 甚至还有因为某个词语产生新的构思。

在21世纪网络时代下, 句酷批改网等基于语料库的软件评分系统和教师反馈相结合是最现实和高效的:二者的结合将教师从繁重的作文批改中解放出来, 从高度和广度上把握作文的质量;学生通过句酷网的使用, 不仅获得了相应的反馈, 还快速地学习到相关的词汇和表达, 一举两得, 提高了学习英语的效率。当然, 软件反馈也有缺点, 例如:有时按句点评时, 虽指出错误, 但并没有帮助改正, 导致多次修改后, 由于学生知识水平有限, 修改不正确, 无法达到预期效果。由于网络的存在, 作文抄袭的现象会有不同层次的出现, 这也是值得注意的问题。总之, 句酷批改网等基于语料库的软件评分系统在学生和教师的合理使用下, 将会成为作文批改反馈史上的又一个里程碑。


[1]Hyland, K.Providing productive feedback[J].ELT Journal, 1990 (04) :279-285.

[2]杨苗.中国英语写作课教师反馈和同伴反馈对比研究[J].现代外语, 2006 (03) :73-76.

[3]蔡基刚.中国大学生英语写作在线同伴和教师反馈反馈对比研究[J].外语界, 2011 (02) :65-72.

[4]李竞.英语写作教学中教师书面反馈效果的案例研究[J].外语界, 2013 (02) :87-89.

[5]杨丽娟, 杨曼君, 张阳.我国英语写作教学三种反馈方式的对比研究[J].外语教学, 2013 (03) :63-66.

[6]王淑雯.利用自动评分系统进行在线英语写作反馈[J].成人教育, 2011 (08) :115-117.

[7]谢晓燕.大学英语专业课堂教师反馈研究[J].解放军外国语学院学报, 2011 (02) :50-55.

[8]贝晓越.写作任务的练习效应和教师反馈对不同外语水平学生写作质量和流利度的影响[J].现代外语, 2009 (04) :38-40.

[9]王颖, 刘振前.教师反馈对英语写作准确性流利性、复杂性和总体质量作用的研究[J].外语教学, 2012 (06) :49-52.

篇4:加强写作指导 提高批改水平









Experience must be bought.吃一堑,长一智。

Fact speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。

Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。


如果遇到想不起来的词或句型时,可尽量找同义词、近义词或同义句型代替。例如某人花费时间做某事,可以用sb spend some time (in) doing sth或It takes sb. some time to do sth.两种形式表达。当然,使用时语法要正确,表达要清楚,行文要连贯,词数要符合规定要求。












表举例:for example, such as…,take…for example,in my opinion

表强调:in fact, of course,first of all,What’s worse

发表结论:in a word,in short,to tell the truth,It shows tha…,It’s quite clear that…,




Some governments provide financial assistance for retired, unemployed and disabled citizens. In other countries, families provide support for these people. Discuss both systems and give your opinion about which one you think is better.

Rewritten Sample Writing

A social welfare system to financially assist disadvantaged or unemployed people varies across different countries. Some believe that governments should maintain the system, while others argue family support is a more relevant source of support. In this essay, I will summarize both options in order to give a better and more effective solution.

First, governments are financially stronger and have the capability of dealing with these people’s needs. As life expectancy is growing longer due to the development of technology and medical advances, the cost of caring for the elderly and disabled increases exponentially, and only governments that are able to spend the country’s revenue can afford this expenditure. In Japan for an example, trillions of yen have been spent every year on welfare related projects, however, this budget increases the financial burden and the government deficit.

Further, governments can also provide various forms of support to these people by allocating money to projects, such as providing universities to the elderly and work training programs to the unemployed.

However, financially, if families assisted these people, their supporters would take a great deal of financial pressure. It is not hard to visualize that those who have few dependents to rely on, would have a miserable and unhappy life, at least in terms of money.

Moreover, apparently the disadvantaged cannot be treated equally. In other words, the disabled or elderly who are from deprived families will have to suffer more than those from rich families. This is a challenge and will jeopardize the equity of the social system.

To conclude, the advantages of maintaining the welfare system by governments outweighs its drawbacks and in my opinion, the government should responsible for the social welfare system.

★ 雅思写作作文题目

★ 雅思写作分析

★ 英语雅思写作常用句子

★ 雅思写作如何强化重点

★ 雅思写作怎么想论点

★ 雅思写作不接受缩写吗

★ 雅思写作高分注意事项

★ 雅思写作小作文句型

★ 雅思写作黄金6法则


A wide range of factors may contribute to the limitation and deficiency of interpersonal skills among those entry-level candidates.Predictably,due to the increasingly competitive employment market,certificates and high academic qualifications,more often than not,have been regarded as one of the preconditions for a decent job.As a result,the vast majority of undergraduates give priority to pursuing academic achievements to fill the void of education backgrounds;however,seldom do they devote in any community services or other extra-curricular activities enabling them to accumulate certain applied skills,such as ta sense of work ethic, camaraderie and teamwork,and strong communication skills.Moreover,outmoded education system,especially in Asian countries,should be responsible for students’ poor performance in workplace.No matter for schools or parents,the key to evaluating an excellent student is always the academic grades.Ironically,the time that young children should have spent learning how to adapt to the society was unreasonably taken up to explore the rather impenetrable and less-practical knowledge in textbooks,consequently resulting in the lack of sophisticated interpersonal skills among those college grads.

However,a series of remedial measures should be timely taken into account with a view to addressing this worrying issue.Fundamentally,a comprehensive curriculum for developing applied skills,such as to navigate an office setting and to cooperate with others, are supposed to be introduced to youngsters, enabling them to meet the demand of employers before they are allowed to leave school and enter the workforce as full-time hires. At the same time, extended internship for senior students and extra-curricular activities like community services should be encouraged by parents and schools,aiming at strengthening their sense of belonging. As young adults working as a part in a team or company are more likely to perceive how to effectively communicate,and deal with superior-subordinate relationship, etc.
