三年级英语上册 lesson11 orangebrownwhite black教案 (新版)冀教版


三年级英语上册 lesson11 orangebrownwhite black教案 (新版)冀教版(共12篇)

篇1:三年级英语上册 lesson11 orangebrownwhite black教案 (新版)冀教版

Lesson 11 orangebrownwhite black



a掌握字母 SsTtUuVv

正确听、说、读、用 orangebrownwhite black






教学重点:的掌 orangebrownwhite black




一、Class opening and review1、Greeting


教师:Let’s play a game “Race and Do”.把学生分成两组,每组选出一名自告奋勇的学生到前面,教师说出从A到B的任何一个字母并说明大写或小写,第一个正确写出字母的学生为本组得一分,再让两名学生继续进行下去。



What’s this?

Is this a______or a ______?

What colour is this ?

Do you have any/a _____?

How many ___do you have?

二、New Concept1、orangebrownwhite black


教师:Look,there are many flowers in the garden.How beautiful!(point to purple)This is purple.This colour is



教师:What colour is this ?/What colour are they? 学生:It’s _____/They are ______.教师:Is this ______or _____?/Are they______or _______? 学生:It is _________/They are ______.4、作业




篇2:三年级英语上册 lesson11 orangebrownwhite black教案 (新版)冀教版


1、能听、说、读、写family、father、mother、brother、sister2、能听懂、会认look、in、me3、能熟练运用This is my „来介绍自己的家庭成员。


1、能听、说、读、写family、father、mother、brother、sister2、能熟练运用This is my „来介绍自己的家庭成员。




一、warm up1、Greeting2、Review

No1、Introduce my friend and my body.(This is my„)板书 No2、介绍对方身体(This is your„„)板书

二、New Concepts1、Show the family photo


2、Learn new word :family(板书)

3、Watch and say(观看视频)

4、Learn new words:father、mother、brother、sister


5、找规律并注意发音:fatherthismother brotherthatsister

Practice:Is this a father? Where is your father?.....6、个人展示:扮丹尼介绍自己的家庭。

This is my......(怎样介绍自己?)This is me.(我)


介绍自己的家人:This is my...和同桌交换照片后该怎样介绍?This is your...(用自己喜欢的方式展示)




 Introduceyour family to more Classmates in English. 用英语向更多的同学介绍自己的家人。

 Try to do something four your parents. 为长辈做一些力所能及的小事。

篇3:三年级英语上册 lesson11 orangebrownwhite black教案 (新版)冀教版




【教学目标】:1.掌握字母 WwXxYyZz 的正确写发及发音,会拼写,能准确的读准单词,正确抄写(windowx-rayyellowzoo)2.通过游戏,让学生体会学习英语的乐趣。




【自学测评】:默写 Aa--Vv



① Greetingst:good afternooss:goodafternoo

② 同学们请看老师手中的卡片


B:What colour is it? It’s ____.(Look mycards,answer question)



① 教师出示卡片:(windowx-rayyellowzoo)

教师:window(how to read it? What is meaning?)第一个字母是 什么?学生:Sswindow窗户



let is play!.① Letters通过卡片,复习字母

教师:when you see kards,read it。(看见卡片,立刻站起来,读出字母)

② 游戏(课本29页)


let is do it。


let ischant。




篇4:三年级英语上册 lesson11 orangebrownwhite black教案 (新版)冀教版

1. mastery words: farm, hear, meet, course, of course, lot, lot of, enjoy

2. A dialogue between Danny and his new friend

3. The usage of some phrases

Teaching goals: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Understand the meaning of the text

2. Remember the mastery words

3. Find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 16

Teaching key points: 1.introduce where you are from

2. some useful expressions

Difficult points: how to introduce yourself

Teaching aids: word cards, audiotape, flashcards, and slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) Greet the students in everyday English.

2) Duty report.

3) Main revision of last lesson. Explain when necessary.

2. New lesson

Step1 Lead in

Ask the students some questions:

Do you like to make new friends? Why or why not?

Who is your newest friend? How do you meet?

Discuss them with the class and you gather many different answers.

Step2 Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

What does Danny want to buy in Beijing?

Who is Danny’s new friend?

Where does Wu Li come from?

After listening to the tape, answer the questions and discuss the whole text. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points in this period. Write the key points on the blackboard or use the slide projector.

Step3 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it.

Step4 Practice

Have them read the text aloud for a few minutes and correct their pronunciation when necessary. Then have them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step5 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

You meet a new friend on the train or bus. What should one say to a new friend? What can one do to enjoy time with a new friend? With a partner, write and practice a dialogue. Present your dialogue to your classmates.

In this part the teacher should guide the students to discuss the questions.

You may give them some words to help them.

Step6 A test


1) The woman behind me is singing. (一般疑问句)


2) She is talking to the man. (对划线部分提问)


3) The baby is sleeping. (否定句)


1) Walk to the station. (否定句)


2) Ben is noisy in class. ( 同义句)


Step7 Summary

Today we learn a dialogue about Li Ming and his friends. They meet a new friend on the train. Then they feel hungry and they discuss what to eat. What did they say? After class, read the text fluently.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) finish the exercises in the activity book

篇5:三年级英语上册 lesson11 orangebrownwhite black教案 (新版)冀教版

本单元的内容为7—12课,主要教学内容为26个英文字母的读法和写法,并且包括身体器官和颜色的一些单词。最后一课的“Again, Please”是复习课,这一课整体复习了前面五课的学习内容。在教学时要注重学生的读和写,并且用生动活泼的教学增加孩子学习英语的兴趣与积极性。教学目标:




3、学会句型“What colour is it?”并能同学间进行对话。




2、会表演每课中的对话 情感态度价值观:提高学习英语的兴趣与学习积极性。

Lsson7 My Friend 第一课时


1.学习识记新字母 A、B、C、D,新单词friend

2.学习并熟练运用„„, this is „„.Nice to meet you.对话。

3.学会认读apple book cat door四个单词。

【技能目标】识记新单词,熟练应用„„, this is „„.Nice to meet you.句型。




1.学习识记新字母新单词A、B、C、D,新单词friend 2.学习并熟练运用„„, this is „„.Nice to meet you.对话 【教学用具】abcd字母卡片 【教学过程】


1、复习This is„„句型。

学生根据实际情况指着班内任意一名同学说“This is a boy.” 或“This is a girl.”

2、练习用“Nice to meet you.”句型对话,并指明学生上台表演。

3、导入:第一单元我们认识了新朋友Danny, Jenny,和李明,我们每个人都有很多的朋友,你的朋友又有哪些呢?今天我们就来学习“朋友”用英语怎么说呢,你怎样用英语向别人介绍你的朋友呢。


1、学习第一部分“My friend”

(1)让学生在两段对话中找出认识的句子,读出来并说出它的意思。(教师随机指导名字“Wang Hong”)


(3)讲解句子He is my friend.和She is my friend.说明he和she的区别,并把he和his、boy对应起来,把she和her、girl对应起来。(4)学生练习句子He is my friend.和She is my friend并记住意思(5)学生练习句子This is a boy.His name is„„ He is my friend.和This is a girl.Her name is„„ She is my friend.并表演(任意指着班里的一名学生说出其中一组的三句话)。






三、课堂检测 “Let’s play!” 游戏:(1)每个学生拿出四张大小一样的纸,分别写上A、B、C、D四个字母,根据教师的提示拿出相应的纸片,比赛谁拿的又对又快。






ABCD四个字母的大小写,每个写10遍。apple cat door 3个单词每个写5遍并写上翻译。背诵第一部分“My friend”中的对话。


Lesson7 My Friend This is a boy.This is a girl.His name is„„

Her name is„„

He is my friend.She is my friend.Aa



Dd 课后反思:






3、熟记第一单元学过的句型,并可以两个人一组进行对话 教学重点:熟记1—7课所学的句型,会写abcd四个字母。教学难点:会写abcd四个字母 教学过程:


1、欣赏歌曲“find a friend” 教师简单讲解歌曲意思 学生听录音歌曲3遍

2、学生练习熟悉第一部分“my friend”对话,时间5分钟













学生根据教师说出apple book cat door的中文说出其相应的英语 学生拿出听写本,教师检查学生四个字母的写法。




1、ABCD四个字母的大小写,每个写10遍。apple cat door 3个单词每个写5遍并写上翻译。

篇6:三年级英语上册 lesson11 orangebrownwhite black教案 (新版)冀教版

1.掌握单词、词组foot(feet), time, turn, left, right, hand, leg, 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Put … on …, Touch … with …

3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Stand in a line.Let’s do some exercise.Now, listen carefully.Jump up and down.教学重点:

单词lift与left, hand与head, lie与line, order的正确发音。教学难点:

初步了解掌握句型Put … on …, Touch … with … 教学过程



T: Hello, boys and girls.Nice to meet you.同学们,大家好。很高兴认识你们。

T: Today, we are going to learn Unit6 A PE lesson.T: First, let’s do warm-up!首先,让我们一起来热热身吧。先来看看这几位同学是如何做的。(学生示范chant)

Left, left, right, right, everybody, stand up!Left, left, right, right, walk carefully, run fast!Left, left, right, right, dance beautifully, jump high!Left, left, right, right, everybody, stop!T: Wonderful!他们做得真棒!你一定也想试试吧。那么就让我们来学一学这节热身操吧。先来认识几个新单词,请跟我读:(同时教授:left, right, everybody, stop)

T: Now, please read after me.T: Good!下面,我们配上节奏,一起来读读看。T: 最后,请你配上动作,和你的小伙伴一起做一做吧!

T: Well done, boys and girls!同学们做得可真棒!做完了热身运动,让我们来认识一下我们的身体吧。

第 1 页 Please say after me.head, hand, legs, foot(feet).这几个人体部位,你记住了吗?老师现在来考考你,请你根据我所指的部位,迅速说出单词,看看谁说的又快又好!hand, head, leg, feet 同学们,你们都说对了吗?

T: Now, look at me.Where are my hands now? Yes, they are on my head.I put my hands on my head.Boys and girls, can you put your hands on your head? Good!Now, follow me: Put … on … Put your hands on your head(带读)

T: Now, listen carefully.Put your hands on your legs/feet.T: 怎么样?你都做对了吗?Now, please read after me.(带读以上句子)T: 同学们,刚才我们认识了一些人体部位,再来看看,我们脸上有哪些器官呢? Yes, we have two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth and a lot of hair.Now, let’s play a game: Listen and touch!(教touch)Touch your … with your hands.请你用双手来触摸你听到的部位。T : Are you ready? Let’s begin!Touch your eyes/ nose/ mouth/ hair/ ears with your hands.T: 怎么样?你都做对了吗?We touch them with our hands.刚才,我们是用双手来触摸这些部位的。下面,老师要加大难度了,还记得left和right吗?Show me your left hand.Show me your right hand.下面听清楚了,老师要你用哪只手来触摸。

Touch your mouth with your left hand.(中文)你做对了吗? 跟读句子 Touch … with … 提示:请同学们注意了,在中文里,我们先说用什么部位,而在英文中,我们要先说触摸什么部位,清楚了吗?再来试试看。Touch your nose with your right hand.跟读句子 老师再把难度加大一点儿,看看你会不会了。

Touch your left eye with your left hand.跟读句子 Touch your right ear with your left hand.跟读句子

第 2 页 下面,就请你和同桌也来互相发一发指令吧。(操练句型Touch … with …)第二步:课文学习


1.T: Now, boys and girls.Look at this young man.Who’s he? Do you know? He’s Mr Ma.He’s a PE teacher.What are Mr Ma and his students doing? Let’s listen!(播放引言)

教order, give orders, follow, try to follow the orders 2.T: What orders are Mr Ma going to give?马老师将会发出什么样的指令呢?Let’s watch the cartoon together.(播放课文第一段)

在这一段中,马老师都发出了哪些指令呢?让我们一起来学习一下吧。Stand in a line.(line)Let’s do some exercise.(exercise)Put your feet together.Jump up and down ten times.(time)现在,就请你自己把这些指令读一读吧。

3.T: 接下来,学生们又将做什么练习呢?让我们接着往下看吧。(播放课文第二段)


Yes, he says, Put your hands on your head and turn left and right.Do this ten times.(turn, turn left and right)3.T: 最后,同学们又要做什么高难度的练习了呢?Let’s go on watching.这一次,练习的难度果然又加大了,同学们做了哪些动作呢?

Lie on your back.Lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand.Then lift up your right leg and touch it with your left hand.Do this ten times.(lie, lie on one’s back.lift up)How do the students feel at last? 最后,学生们都觉得怎么样?

第 3 页 Yes, they are very tired.请你自己再来读读这些指令吧。

5.T: Good!Now let’s listen and repeat.现在,让我们打开书,翻到44页,跟读课文。Are you ready? 准备好了吗?Let’s begin.(PPT出示课文内容,放录音学生跟读。)5.T: Now please read the text by yourselves.现在请你们自己来读一读课文吧!你可以和同桌分角色朗读,还可以边读,边做动作,把课文表演出来,试试看吧!第三步:巩固操练


T: 同学们,今天,我们跟随马老师和他的学生们一起上了一堂体育课,你一定掌握了不少本领吧。如果请你也来当一当体育老师,你会吗?让我们一起来复习一下体育老师的上课用语吧:(PPT罗列本课主要知识点)Stand in a line.Let’s do some exercise.Put your feet together.Jump up and down … times.Put your hands on your head and turn left and right.Do this … times.Lie on your back.Lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand.T: 同学们,这些句子你都会说了吗?请你课后认真复习,下节课我要请你来做一做体育老师的哦!

See you next time!Bye, children!

篇7:三年级英语上册 lesson11 orangebrownwhite black教案 (新版)冀教版

1. Mastery words: find, their, woman, point

2. a dialogue about what they see through the train window

3. There is/are…

Teaching goals: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 16

Teaching key points: 1. There is/are….

2. Difference of some words: see, look, watch, find

Difficult points: the usage of some words

Teaching aids: tape recorder, slide projector, word cards

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) greetings in English

2) duty report (say anything he/she likes to say)

3) check the homework of last lesson

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT” with the students:

Look out of the window of your classroom. What can you see?

What can you see out of your bedroom window?

In this part they will have many things to say. Their answers may be different. Gather their answers.

Step 2 Play the audiotape with the following questions:

What do Danny and Jenny see outside?

Can they see a village?

Is there a school outside the train?

Answer the questions and discuss the whole text with the students. Make sure they understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points at the same time. The teacher can write the important points on the blackboard or use the slide projector.

Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.

Step 4 Have them read the text aloud for a few minutes and then let them act out the text in roles.

Step 5 Practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask them to make up a dialogue that uses loud and quiet. Please read about making up dialogues in “Teaching Techniques.” To make up a dialogue, the students need to think and be creative! Encourage them to use the dialogue in the student book as an example, not as something to memorize.

Step 6 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Work with two partners. Write and practice a dialogue. What else do you think Jenny, Danny and Li Ming see? Present your dialogue to your classmates.

Step 7 A test


1)quiet (反义词)__________ 2) read (现在分词) _______

3) bottle (复数) _____________ 4) drawing (原形) __________

5) sing (现在分词) ___________ 6) tree (复数) _________

7) photo (近义词) ___________ 8) woman (复数)________

9) baby (复数) _____________ 10) be (第三人称单数) ________

Step 8 Activity book

If time permits, do exercise 1

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text in lesson 10

2) finish the exercises in activity book

篇8:三年级英语上册 lesson11 orangebrownwhite black教案 (新版)冀教版



认知目标:1.使学生争取掌握(包括正确地说、读、写、用)单词:hundred, thousand, about.2.使学生能口头练习回答句型:How far is ____? 能力目标:1.使学生能复习所学过的数词并练习写说、新授的数词单词。


二、教学重难点:1.使学生争取掌握(包括正确地说、读、写、用)单词:hundred, thousand, about.2.使学生能口头练习回答句型:How far is ____?



Ⅰ.Class Opening.1.Greetings.2.Old Saying: 每节一句谚语小故事。3.Duty Report: 让学生上讲台做值日报告。

Ⅱ.Main Activities for Teaching and Learning.1.Numbers.1.1 Revision: 与学生一起复习所学过的一百内的数字单词并提醒学生注意数字单词的规律。1.2 Demonstrate: 向学生介绍本课的新单词,并板书黑板。

1.3 Drills: 让全班学生一起看黑板朗读、拼读本课新单词,然后随便写出一些数字让学生练习说。1.4 Practice in Pairs: 让学生同桌之间相互练习说100到1000的数字。1.5 Play a Game:Say numbers.让上到讲台来的学生抽取卡片带其他学生读。2.How far is Beijing? 2.1 Induction: 用提问学生:How tall are you? How tall is ___?来引出新的句型: How far is ___? It’s about ___.板书黑板并让学生明白其中意思。

2.2 Drills: 让学生大声朗读数遍,在黑板上写下几个城市的名称,结合句型练习。2.3 More Drills: 用地点单词卡片来练习本课的新句型。

2.4 Listen to the Tape: 让学生打开课本,听录音跟读,然后解释一些重要的句子意思。2.5 Do the Excises: 让学生做活动手册练习。

Ⅲ.Class Closing.板书设计:

篇9:三年级英语上册 lesson11 orangebrownwhite black教案 (新版)冀教版

1. mastery words: station, child, room, taxi

2. a dialogue about what they see at the Beijing Station

3. Present Continuous Tense

Teaching goals:

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 16

Key points: 1. some expressions: take care of; be scared

2. the Present Continuous Tense

Difficult points: the Present Continuous Tense

Teaching aids: pictures, audiotape, flashcards, slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) greetings in everyday English

2) duty report: they can talk about whatever they like to say.

3) mainly revision about last lesson

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Have you ever been to a very crowded place? Where?

How much does it cost to stay in a hotel in your city?

Help them answer the questions and you can give them some words to guide them to answer.

Step 2 Listen to the tape of the text and answer the following questions:

How does Danny feel at the train station?

How many people are there at the station?

What are the people doing at the station?

Why is the child crying?

Answer the questions and discuss the whole text to make sure they understand the meaning. Deal with any question they have and explain the language points at the same time.

Step 3 Listen to the tape again and let them read after it.

Step 4 Have them read the text for a few minutes. Then let them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step 5 Deal with the “LRT’S DO IT”

Work with a partner. Write a dialogue. One of you is arriving in a city. You need a hotel room. The other person is selling hotel rooms. Practice your dialogue and present it to your classmates.

Step 6 A test


1) There are so many p_______ on the street.

2) Be quiet! The baby is s_________.

3) We can buy train tickets at the train s________.

4) I’m t__________. I’d like something to drink.

5) Father likes reading n_________ after washing the dishes.

Keys: 1) people 2) sleeping 3) station 4) thirsty 5) newspaper

Step 7 Summary

Today we learn a text about Li Ming and his friends. They arrives in Beijing at last. They see many people at the station. They are doing different things. It’s crowded there. They want to find a hotel. After class you must remember the mastery words of this lesson and you should practice using the Present Continuous Tense.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the activity book in lesson 15

篇10:三年级英语上册 lesson11 orangebrownwhite black教案 (新版)冀教版

1. mastery words: get, get on, very, stop, stand, where, see, mana dialogue about getting on the train

2. the usage of word look and see

Teaching goals:

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. learn some mastery words

Teaching key points: difference of see and look

The usage of imperative Sentence

Difficult points: the usage of Imperative Sentence

Teaching aids: recorder, slide projector, flashcards

Type : text

Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) duty report (such as the weather, the school life, their classmates and teachers and so on)

3) check yesterday’s homework

2. New lesson

Step1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Do you argue with your friends? Why?

Do you have a friend who gets very excited? Who? Why?

Answer the questions and say “We are going to learn a dialogue today. Li Ming and his friends are looking for their seats on the train. Danny sits on a wrong seat. So there is an argument. Now let’s look at it.

Step2 Listen to the text with the following questions:

Why is Jenny angry with Danny?

Which is Danny’s seat?

Step3 After listening to the tape, answer the questions and read through the whole text. Make sure they understand the meaning. Deal with the language points at the same time. ( using the slide projector)

Step4 Listen to the tape again and let the students read after it.

Step5 Practice

Have them read the dialogue aloud and correct their pronunciation if necessary. Then have them act it out in roles.

Step6 Come to “LET’S DO IT”: Draw a map of the inside of a train. Draw the seats and write their numbers. You should also draw the door, washroom, stairs and hot water room on the map. Describe your map to a partner. Where do you like to sit? Why?

Do this part in class if time permits.

Step7 A test

1. I see him ____ away.

A. to run B. run C. runs D. ran

2. I _____ but ____ nothing.

A. looked, looked B. looked , saw

C. saw, looked D. saw, saw

3. The ____ behind the tree is Mary’s father.

A. man B. woman C. boy D. girl

Step8 Summary

Today we learn a dialogue about getting on the train. Hl Ming and his friends get on the train. They are very excited. Danny sits on the wrong seat. He takes another man’s seat. He has an argument with Jenny. In this text we learn some words such as look and see. We should be able to use them. You must practice after class.

3. Homework

1) Understand the meaning of the text

2) Learn to use the mastery words

3) Finish the exercise in the activity book

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scare, doorbell, scream, tiny, sofa, vacation, gentle, loyal, on a vacation, be afraid of 3.情感态度:(1)通过采访的形式加强学生的合作意识(2)通过编排对话培养学生的创新意识(3)激发学生热爱动物的热情 评论(0)2学情分析



4.1 第一学时


评论(0)活动1【导入】Step I

Lead in

T: Good morning, class.Today we will start a new unit, Unit3.Could you tell me the title of this unit? S: Yes.It’s “Animals Are Our Friends”.T: That’s right.Can you guess what this unit is about? S: This unit is about animals and making animals our friends.T:That’s right.Animals are very important in our life.I have some English sayings about animals.谈论本单元及本课话题,介绍几个与动物有关的英语谚语。(设计思路:导入新课,扩充英语文化知识。)评论(0)活动2【活动】Step II

New concepts

1.Show some pictures to present the new words and the new phrases: 学生通过图片信息及句子学习单词和短语。

(设计思路:利用图片的直观性和趣味性吸引学生,帮助学生轻松、愉快地接受英语知识。在语境中学习可以帮助学生了解如何正确使用这些单词和短语。)2.Listen to the story and write true(T)or false(F).学生听录音判断句子正误,录音放两遍,之后学生回答,并将错误句子改正。(设计思路:锻炼学生的听力,理解课文主要内容)3.Read the story and answer the questions.学生默读课文,回答问题。

(设计思路:培养学生有目的地阅读,获取有效信息的能力,深入理解课文。)4.Practice with the words and phrases in the box.学生阅读短文,根据短文内容填空。(设计思路:对本课所学知识点进行反馈。)5.Read in roles.学生大声朗读课文,并展示。

(设计思路:学生进一步熟悉课文。朗读过程中,注意纠正学生发音,帮助学生体会连读、爆破音失去爆破等语音现象。)6.Role play.学生两人一组分角色表演课文中的对话。(设计思路:学生再次深入课文,尝试用自己的语言演绎出文中对话。主体内容已经给出,鼓励学生大胆创新,进行语言的输出。教师一定要注意对学生进行多方位的评价,如发音、表演、创新等方面。)

7.Find out the sentences that describe pets.学生找出课文中描写动物的句子。


8.List the most popular pets in the world and the reasons why people might have it as a pet.列举世界上主要的宠物和它们的特点,即人类为什么将它们作为宠物。

(设计思路:学生对动物名称及其习性分别归类,是语言整理的过程,同时为后面的环节做好准备。)9.My Pet Dog 教师介绍自己的宠物狗,引导学生体会从哪几方面入手描写动物。

(设计思路:为学生提供描写宠物常用的几个角度,为学生写作提供框架。)10.Guess My Pet.学生介绍一种自己的宠物,如果没有,可以描述自己希望拥有的一种动物,注意只能说出其特点,不能出现动物的名称,完成后交流,请其他同学猜一猜自己的宠物是什么。(设计思路:学生需要抓住动物特征进行构思。猜别人的宠物使这一环节更富有趣味性,吸引学生参与其中。学生在听别人介绍的同时可以比照自己的内容,拓宽思路,取长补短。)11.Make an interview.学生以小组为单位进行采访,每组选一位代表展示小组采访结果。

(设计思路:为学生提供使用英语的机会,锻炼学生交际、合作的能力。)评论(0)活动3【作业】Step III Homework 学生将课上的采访结果写成短文。(设计思路:学生运用本节课所学的语言知识进行描写,完成语言的整理和输出。)评论(0)活动4【活动】板书设计:

Lesson 13 Danny’s Big Scare loyal sofa scream be afraid of gentle tiny scare on a vacation 评论(0)活动5【活动】教学反思




篇12:三年级英语上册 lesson11 orangebrownwhite black教案 (新版)冀教版



1)使学生能够听、说和口头运用词汇bird,beak,wing,feathers,same,different;2)使学生学会chant: Two Little Blackbirds,明白其大致意义。


1)使学生能听懂、说出鸟类身体各部分的英文名称;能够听、说并在实际交际中正确运用一对反义词 same, different.2)能流利的背诵chant:Two Little Blackbirds,并在学习过程中激发学生的学习兴趣。





词汇卡片 录音机 游戏用材料

四、教学过程 1.复习

演唱歌曲“Old Macdonald Had A Farm”作为一个热身.让学生自编动作表演。

复习cat,chicken, cow, dog, duck, goat, pig, sheep.做游戏“Find The Card”.把这八个词的卡片放到教师前面,翻过去不让学生看到。教师提问:Where is the ____ ?找一个学生到前面挑出一张卡片,把她举起来,大声朗读词汇卡上的单词。如果他挑对了单词,可以说出下一个单词,然后说,Where is the ____ ?然后点一个自告奋勇的学生找出相应的卡片。如果没挑对,就找另一个学生。


2.学习bird, beak, feathers, wings.1)、出示鸡和鸭的图片,问:What’s this ? 让学生回答。师 :They are birds.出示词卡bird, 让学生跟老师读,并拼读。让学生说说还知道那些鸟。



专心 1 教师在黑板上画一只鸟,标出各部分的名称,wings, beak, feathers, 和学生多读几遍,然后让学生自己练习读,拼读。


3)练习:1.让学生在纸上画一只鸟,并标出wings, beak, feathers,边画,边大声说单词。设计意图:小学生大多数都很喜欢画画,让他们边画边学,会使枯燥的学习变得更加有趣。

2.擦掉黑板上图中的单词和箭头。领着学生进行一个关于鸟身上各部位的问答练习。如:Is this a ___ or a _____ ? What’s this?




练习:1 教师随便拿出或指出教室里的两样东西,让学生快速说出same or different?

学生两人一组,继续用卡片或实物玩这个游戏。2.听音画画。并写出same or different(单词可以抄写)Draw two dogs that are the same.Write “same”.Draw two birds that are different.Write “different ”.设计意图:让学生边画边学,会使学生对这对反义词的意义更加印象深刻。4.学习Chant : “ Two Little Blackbirds.”

指着教科书图中的鸟,领着学生进行讨论。What are these? What colour are they? 师:They are blackbirds.领着学生读几遍blackbirds 这个词。





专心 再次带着动作一起唱。5.完成活动手册中的练习。

6.作业 Draw some animals you know, and write down their names.设计意图:小学生喜欢画画,布置画动物的作业,帮助学习,使作业不再枯燥。板书设计:

画一只鸟,标出beak,wing, feathers, 画两只相同的鱼,下面写上 same, 画两只不同的鱼,下面写上different.2 Chant : Two Little Blackbirds 练习题: 画一只鸟,并标出各部分的名称(beak, wing, feathers, eye, leg, head)2 按要求画画。

1)Draw two birds that are different.(2)Draw two cats that are the same.用心

