




I.Multiple Choices: Choose one right answer from the four choices:

1.The highest mountain in Britain is ____.A.ScafellB.Ben NevisC.the CotswoldsD.the Forth

2.The longest river in Britain is _____.A.the ClydeB.the MerseyC.the Severn D.the Thames

3.The largest lake in Britain is _____.A.the Lough Neage B.Windermere WaterC.Coniston Water D.the Lake District

4.Which part of Britain is always fighting?

A.EnglandB.ScotlandC.Wales D.Northem Ireland

5.The immigrants coming to Britain are mainly from _____.A.Europe B.the United StatesC.Africa D.the West Indies,6.The first inhabitants in Britain were _____.A.the Normans B.the CeltsC.the Iberians D.the Anglo-Saxons

7.British Recorded history began with _____.A.Roman invasionB.the Norman Conquest

C.the Viking and Danish invasionD.the Anglo-Saxons invasion

8.In 829, _____ actually became the overlord of all the English.A.John B.James IC.Egbert D.Henry I

9.Christmas Day ____, Duke William was crowned in Westminster Abbey.A.1056 B.1066C.1006 D.1060

10.Henry II was the first king of the _____ dynasty.A.Windsor B.TudorC.Malcolm D.Plantagenet

11.In 1265 ____ summoned the Great Council, which has been seen as the earliest parliament.A.Henry III B.the PopeC.Barons D.Simon de Montfort

12.The Hundred Years’ war started in ____ andended in ____, in which the English had lost all the territories of France except the French port of ____.A.1337, 1453, Flanders B.1337, 1453, CalaisC.1346, 1453, Argencourt D.1346, 1453, Brest

13.The Wars of Roses lasted for _____ years and king _____ was replaced by king _____.A.30, Richard III, Henry Tudor B.50, Richard III, Henry Tudor

B.C.30, Richard I, Henry Tudor D.50, Richard I, Henry Tudor

14.The Renaissance began in ____ in the early ____ century.A.England, 14 B.England, 15C.Italy, 14 D.Italy, 15

15.The English Civil War is also called _____.A.the Glorious Revolution B.the Bloody Revolution

C.the Catholic Revolution D.the Puritan Revolution

16.In _____, a small group of Puritans sailed from _____ in the Mayflower to be the first settlers in the North America.A.1620, London B.1620, PlymouthC.1720, London D.1720, Plymouth

17.In the 18th century, there appeared ____ in England, which owed a great deal to the invention of machines.A.the Industrial Revolution B.the Bourgeois Revolution

C.the Wars of the RosesD.the Religious Reformation

18.English colonial expansion began with the colonization of _____ in 1583.A.Canada B.AustraliaC.India D.Newfoundland

19._____ was famous for his abdication because of his marriage with a divorced American:

A.Edward VIII B.Edward VIIC.George VI D.George VII

20.In January _____ Britain became a member of the European Economic Community.A.1957 B.1967C.1973 D.1979

21.soon after _____, Britain not only gave up its econmic hegemony but also suffered a deep loss of its position of industrial leadership.A.1900 B.the First World WarC.the Second World War D.1960

22.In the 1970s among the developed countries, Britain maintained the lowest _____ rate and the highest _____ rate.A.inflation, growth B.growth, inflation C.growth, divorce D.growth, birth

23.The following are all reasons of British decline of coal industry except _____.A.the exhaustion of old mines B.costly extraction

B.C.little money being invested D.the labour shortage

24.Britain’s foreign trade is mainly with _____.A.developing countries B.other Commonwealth countries

C.other developed countries D.EC

25.The House of Lords is presided over by _____.A.the Lord Chancellor B.the QueenC.the Archbishop of Canterbury D.the Prime Minister

26.A General Election is held every _____ years and there are _____ members of Parliaments are elected.A.five, 600 B.five, 650C.five, 651 D.four, 651

27.The Prime Minister is appointed by _____ and he or she always sits in _____.A.the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of Commons

B.the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of Lords

C.the Queen, the House of Commons

D.the Queen, the House of Lords

28.The ultimate authority for law-making resides in _____.A.the Queen B.the CabinetC.the House of Lords D.the House of Commons

29.The sources of British law include _____.A.statutes, common law, equity law and European Community law

B.statutes, common law and equity law

C.statutes, common law and European Community law

D.a complete code and statutes

30.In criminal trials by jury, _____ passes sentenced and _____ decide the issue of guilt or innocence.A.the judge, the jury B.the judge, the judge

C.the jury, the jury D.the Lord Chancellor, the jury

31.____ tries the most serious offences such as murder and robbery.A.Magistrates’ courts B.Youth courtsC.district courts D.The Crown Court

32.London’s Metropolitan Police Force is under the control of _____.A.the England secretariesB.the Scottish Secretaries

C.Northern Ireland Secretaries D.the Home Secretary

33.The National Health Service was established in the UK in _____ and based at first on _____.A.1948, Acts of Parliament B.1958, Acts of Parliament

C.1948, the Bill of Rights D.1958, the Bill of Rights

34.The non-contributory social security benefits include the following except _____.A.war pension B.child benefitC.family credit D.unemployment benefit

35.Except that _____ may not be a Roman Catholic, public offices are open without distinction to members of all churchs or of none.A.the lord Chancellor B.the Prime Minister C.the Speaker D.the ministers of all departments

36.About 90 per cent of the state secondary school population in the UK attend _____.A.independent schools B.junior schoolsC.independent schools D.primary schools

37.There are some ____ universities, including the Open University.A.900 B.290 C.90 D.50

38.In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 can _____ by law.A.receive completely free education

B.receive parly free education

C.receive no free education if their families are rich

D.receive no free education at all

39.With regard to its size, the USA is the _____ country in the world.A.largest B.second largestC.third largest D.fourth largest

40.In the following rivers, _____ has been called the American Ruhr.A.the Mississippi B.the MissouriC.the Hudson D.the Ohio


(1)The Anglo-Saxon(盎格鲁)

They were two groups of Germanic peoples who settled down in England from the 5th century.They were regarded as the ancestors of the English and the founders of England.(2)The Good Friday Agreement(北爱和平协议)

As a result of multi-party negotiations, the Good Friday Agreement was approved on 10 April 1998.This agreement assures the loyalist community that Northern Ireland remains part of the United Kingdom and it won’t change its political status unless the majority of the people of Northern Ireland agree.Under the terms of the agreement, Northern Ireland should be governed by three separate jurisdictions: that of the Republic of Ireland, that of Great Britain and that of its own elected executive government of ten ministers.(3)The Bill of Rights of 1689(权利法案)

In 1688, king James II’ s daughter Mary and her husband William were invited by the politician and church authorities to take the throne, on condition that they would respect the rights of Parliament.The bill of rights was passed in 1689 to ensure that the king would never be able to ignore Parliament.(4)The constitution of Britain(英国的宪法)

Britain has no written constitution.The foundation of the British state are laid out in statute law, which are laws passed by parliament;the common laws, which are laws established through common practice in the courts;and conventions.(5)The function of Parliament(议会的功能)

To pass laws, to vote for taxation, to scrutinize government policy, administration and expenditure and to debate the major issues of the day.(6)The house of commons(众议院)

The house of commons is the real center of British political life because it is the place where about 650elected representatives(members of Parliament)make and debate policy.These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent the interests of the people who vote for them.(7)Class system in Britain society(英国社会的等级制度)

The class system does exist in British society.Most of the British population would claim themselves to be either of middle-class or working-class, though some people would actually belong to the upper middle-class or lower middle-class.Class division are not simply economic, they are cultural as well.People of different classes may differ in the kind of newspapers they read, in the way they speak and in the kind of education they receive.One of the distinctive features about the British class system is that aristocratic titles can still be inherited.(8)Privatisation in UK economy(英国经济私有化)

The British economy went through a particularly bad period in the 1970s, with high rates of inflation and devaluation of the pound.Therefore, in the 1980s, when the conservative party under Margaret Thatcher was in power, an extensive programme of privatization was carried out.Many state-owned businesses(such as steel, telecom, gas, aerospace)were turned into private companies.Privatisation was successful in controlling inflation but at the same time unemployment rate increased rapidly.(9)Elizabethan drama(伊丽莎白一世时的戏剧)

The general flowering of cultural and intellectual life in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries is known as the renaissance.In British culture, one of the most successful and long-lasting expressions of this development lay in drama.That was the period of the reign of Queen Elizabeth(1558-1603).The first professional theatre in London opened in 1576, and others followed, performing the plays of many notable playwrights, including Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson and William Shakespeare.(10)Romanticism(浪漫主义)

Roughly the first third of the 19th century makes up English literature’s romantic period.Writers of romantic literature are more concerned with imagination and feeling than with the power of reason.A volume of poems called lyrical ballads written by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge is regarded as the romantic poetry’s “Declaration of Independence.” Keats, Byron and Shelley, the three great poets, brought the romantic movement to its height, the spirit of romanticism also occurred in the novel.(11)Modernism(现代主义)

Modernism refers to a form of literature mainly written before WWⅡ.It is characterized by a high degree of experimentation.It can be seen as a reaction against the 19th century forms of realism.Modernist writers express the difficulty they see in understanding and communicating how the world works.Often, modernist writing seems disorganized, hard to understand.It often portrays the action from the viewpoint of a single confused individual, rather than from the viewpoint of an all-knowing impersonal narrator outside the action.One of the most famous English modernist is Virginia Woolf.(12)Declaration of independence(独立宣言)

The declaration of independence was mainly drafted by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the congress on July 4, 1776, when the people of 13 English colonies in North America were fighting for their freedom and independence from the British colonial rule.The document declared that all men were equal and that they were entitled to have some unalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.It also explained the philosophy of government: the powers of government came from the consent of the governed and the purpose of governments was to secure the rights mentioned above.The theory of politics and the guiding principles of the American Revolution mainly came from john locks.(13)Transcendentalists(先验论者)

In his book nature, Emerson claimed that by studying and responding to nature, individuals could reach a higher spiritual state without formal religion.A circle of intellectuals who were discontented with the New England establishment gathered around Emerson.They accepted Emerson’s theories about spiritual transcendence.They are known as Transcendentalists

(14)The “lost generation”(迷失的一代)

In the aftermath of world war I, many novelists produced a literature of disillusionment.Some lived in Europe.They were known as the “lost generation.” Two of the most representative writers of the “lost generation” were Hemingway and Fitzgerald.简答题:

(1)The Magna Carta and its significance(大宪章及其意义)

(2)Glories of Revolution and its significance(光荣革命及其意义)

(3)Modernism in Britain literature writer, masterpieces, its significance(英国现代主义文学作家的杰作,它的意义)

(4)Puritanism and its significance(清教主义及其意义)


They follow the idea of the French reformer and theologian John Calvin


(1)Predestination: God decided everything before things occurred.(2)Original sin and total depravity: human beings were born to evil, and this original sin can be passed down from generation to generation.(3)Limited atonement 赎罪:only the “elect” can be saved.Influence of Puritanism on American Literature

(1)a group of good qualities----hard work, thrift, piety, sobriety(serious and thoughtful)

influenced American literature

(2)it led to the everlasting myth.All literature is based on a myth---Garden of Eden.(3)Symbolism: lots of American writers liked to employ symbolism in their works.To the pious Puritan the physical, phenomenal world is nothing but a symbol of God(typical ways of Puritans who thought that all the simple objects existing in the world connected deep meanings).Symbolism means using symbols in literary works.The symbol means something represents or stands for abstract deep meaning.(4)Simplicity characterizes the Puritan style of writing.With regard to their writing, the

style of fresh, simple and direct;the rhetoric is plain and honest, not without a touch of nobility often traceable to the direct influence of the Bible.(5)Fired with a sense of mission.The Puritans looked the worst of life in the face of

tremendous optimism.The optimistic Puritan has exerted a great influence on American Literature.Early American Literature were mainly optimistic because they believed that God sent them to the new continent, to fulfill the sacred task.so they would overcome all the difficulties.They met at last.Gradually Americans found that their dreams would not be successful, so lots of pessimistic literary works were produced.(5)Transcendentalism and its significance(超越论及其意义)


Transcendentalism is an American literary, political and philosophical movement of the early nineteenth century, centered on Ralph Waldo Emerson.Keys:

--------the new spirit was neither social nor political, nor industrial, nor economic, nor literary, nor scientific, nor religious.It was all of them at once.It transcended every phase of life.It is a whole new way of thinking.Transcendentalism in its literal meaning is the recognition in man of the capacity of acquiring knowledge transcending the reach of the five senses, of knowing truth intuitively or reaching the divine without the need of an intercessor.It was essence romantic idealism on Puritan soil.In application, American transcendentalism urged a reform in society and that such a reform may be reached if individuals resist customs and social codes, and relu rather on reason to learn what is right.Ultimately, transcendentalism believed that one should transcend society’s code of ethics and rely on personal intuition in order to reach absolute goodness, or absolute truth.Influence:


21世纪的教育是全面的教育、国际化的教育, 在这一国际化的浪潮当中, 跨文化的通识教育成为主流趋势。因此, 了解西方国家政治、经济、文化、习俗的丛书也应运而生。 因此, 英美概况类丛书也相应地占据了市场。英美概况主要介绍英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等以英语为母语的国家历史、文化、教育、政治、经济、宗教以及生活习惯等基本情况。

笔者在讲授英语专业专科学生的英美概况课程中, 接触到如下几套教材:英美概况新增订本 (主编:来安方) 、英美文化基础教程 (主编:朱永涛) 、英美概况新编本 (主编: 陈治刚) 、新编英美概况 (主编:许鲁之) 、英美概况 (主编: 张奎武) 。

在讲授的过程中, 笔者对这一系列教材做了几点归纳:

第一, 教材覆盖范围大, 涵盖英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、爱尔兰等, 编辑过程中, 涉及的内容也很广泛, 从政治到经济, 从历史到宗教, 从娱乐到风俗, 从经济背景到商务礼仪, 一一列举。这就出现了大而全, 但是重点不突出的矛盾。作者的本意是为学生打开一扇解英美国家的全貌的窗口, 对提高英语专业学生的英语素养有利, 无奈教材理论性太强, 因此学生接受起来比较吃力。再者, 考虑到高职高专英语专业的学生的基础比较差, 短时间内很难系统地掌握西方国家的基本概况. 有的教材标明:专供高职高专英语专业学生使用教材, 但学习起来, 和本科专业的学生使用教材大同小异. 造成的结果是, 动力不足, 压力有余. 本学期我校采用河南人民出版社的英美概况新增订版教材 (主编:来安方) , 在对教材进行了一定的了解后, 邀请商务英语班学生进行了一次问卷调查。参与调查人数为30人, 对教材满意, 能了解每节课内容80% 及以上的同学有9人, 满意度占调查总数的30% ;对教材不太满意, 但是通过教辅材料能了解每节课内容50% 以上的同学有13人, 满意度占调查总数的43.3% ;对教材没什么兴趣, 每节课后只能了解课文内容的30%-40%, 甚至对宽泛难懂的教材有些抵触情绪的同学有8人, 满意度占调查总数的26.7%。高职教育最突出的是“职业”二字, 一切工作围绕这一主题, 教材编写也应跳脱出传统模式的捆绑, 遵循理论与实践相结合的方法。

第二, 关于语言编排。有的教材采用全英文编排模式, 通篇没有一个汉字, 比如河南人民出版社的英美概况丛书; 有的教材采用全中文的编排模式, 通篇不见几个英文, 比如上海外语教育出版社的英美概况丛书. 说到语言编排问题, 笔者对此深思熟虑, 得出以下结论: 一方面, 世界上50% 以上的报刊杂志是以英语为载体的, 全英文教材有利于增强学生的英语语言氛围, 浸泡在这样一个环境当中, 对熟悉英语, 以致英美国家文化环境都极为利。倘若学生英语基础扎实, 配备这样的教材, 无异于如虎添翼。另一方面, 通篇英语教材的受众若是高职高专类学生, 由于单词多, 句子长, 学生容易望洋兴叹, 好好的一篇英美概况成了分门别类的word study. 与此同时, 各种各样的教学方法在这里也无计可施, 教师很可能为完成教学进度不得已采用“灌输式”或“填鸭式”教学方法。作者编辑此书的初衷是让学生对英美国家的基本情况有深入而透彻的了解, 如果语言艰深而晦涩, 这一初衷很可能就演变成单词的学习或者长句的翻译, 对其本质与精髓则是深深忽略了。笔者认为, 面对高职高专类英语专业的学生, 英美概况教材的选择可以适当灵活。比如, 可以选择一套理论知识与趣味体验相结合, 交际性和文化性相呼应, 内容涉及西方国家的社会现状, 每一章节后有配套练习。 遗憾的是, 此类教材在市场上并不多见, 甚至可以说没有。 因此, 同时使用两种教材成为替补方案, 可鼓励学生同时使用河南人民出版社的英美概况和外研社出版社的英美概况, 一英一汉, 这种结合既可以使学生全面了解英美文化, 又能启发其对跨文化现象的思考和创新。

第三, 关于学生对这门课程的认识与心态。我国的应试教育使得学生对于任何课程都抱着一种“及格万岁, 多一分浪费”的心态。大部分英语专业的学生已经认识到了解英美国家政治、经济、文化、风俗、宗教、习惯等内容的重要性, 但考试仍然学习的主要目标, 至于真正深入到这门课程当中去、培养专业的品格与能力, 则退居其次。总之, 考试是学习的唯一目标。再者, 英美概况作为选修课程, 它的地位也遭到一定程度的“排挤”。有些老师认为, 诸如英美概况类的选修课应该让位给高级英语或英语阅读等专业课, 学生不明就里, 容易盲从, 以学分为导向的前提下就容易附和这一说法, 导致从心态上对这门课程缺乏足够的重视。另外, 有些教材上面的数据统计时间滞后, 比如来安方版的这本教材, 有些经济数据竟然能追溯到1996年, 有些甚至更早。学生看到这样的数据时, 很难信任教材, 乃至不信任老师, 导致教学过程更加困难。基于与时俱进的思想, 笔者呼吁教材编写人员应该从学生的角度出发, 再版教材时应及时更新数据, 增补新内容, 给学生留出足够的思考空间。


关于英美概况的教学改革, 已有专业人士对此做出过深入浅出的探讨, 像多媒体教学法、任务教学法、合作教学法、 差异教学法、评价教学法、情境教学法、课外活动教学法等等。笔者从师生的心理认知角度, 倡导自主创新学习、注重综合能力, 全面培养学生对英美概况课程的认知能力与学习心态, 从根本上发掘学生潜能, 通过各种渠道进行学习。

第一, 培养团队精神, 各司其职, 各负其责, 创造宽严有度、温馨和谐的教学氛围。知识无疆界, 我们不妨把管理学方面的激励机制引入英美概况的教学。师生关系既像团队之间的上下级关系, 又像家庭之间父母与子女的亲子关系。 教师既是课堂的倡导者, 又是课程的实施者。课堂过程的充盈丰富, 与师生的和谐配合密不可分。鉴于高职高专学生的基础比较薄弱, 教师要注重培养并尊重学生个性, 放大其优点, 弱化其缺点, 对待学生, 鼓励为主, 既注重培养兴趣, 又不脱离课堂内容, 对学生的反应做出真诚、灵活的应对。 教师在讲授过程中通常会利用多媒体, 以此来形象地展现教学内容, 加深学生对英美国家不同时期、不同阶段的历史及现状。与此同时, 教师可以鼓励学生自主制作多媒体, 在制作过程中, 一方面, 学生能够综合章节内容, 强化对内容的理解与认识;另一方面, 师生角色转换, 由学生负责某一章节的讲授, 教师课后对其不足之处进行补充, 既锻炼了学生的语言表达能力, 又能使学生体会到教师授课过程的辛苦, 加深师生感情。笔者在实际教学的过程中鼓励本班学生制作了英美国家主要情况的Powerpoint, 设立奖励机制, 设立一二三等奖, 学生对此热情度很高, 不仅按时完成任务, 质量与内容也同样令人满意。这一积极效果延伸到日后的教学当中, 课堂环境十分融洽, 既培养了学生的自信心, 也鼓励了教师日后教学过程的大胆尝试。

第二, 引入支架式教学 (Scaffolding Instruction) 方法, 把复杂的课程章节具体化, 引导学生由浅入深思考。支架式教学被定义为:支架式教学应当为学习者建构对知识的理解提供一种概念框架 (conceptual framework) 。这种框架中的概念是为发展学习者对问题的进一步理解所需要的。 国家的起源、经济的兴衰、历史的延伸、政治的变革、文化的繁荣, 这些主题从表面上很好理解, 但是其内在的原因往往比较复杂, 运用现代技术手段的同时, 围绕课程主题, 建立概念框架 (搭脚手架) , 如提出一个主题:亨利二世的改革。 通过这个“阶梯”, 将学生引入的具体的问题当中 (进入情境) , 如改革的背景、原因、途径、影响等。接下来, 培养学生的独立探索能力, 教师在此过程中予以启发、帮助, 最初的引导和帮助多一些, 以后逐渐减少, 最后达到放手让学生自主解决, 脱离教师的引导, 让学生登着“脚手架”一步一步向上攀登 (独立探索) 。协作学习的能力在这个过程中发挥着重要的作用, 将班级人数按兴趣自主组合, 大家集思广益, 鼓励新观点、甚至自相矛盾的观点提出。小组讨论后, 每个小组派一名代表作presentation和conclusion, 达到全面掌握知识内容, 最终完成对章节内容的意义建构。最后一个环节是效果评价学生需要对自己的小团队作评价及自我评价, 对协作过程中做出重要贡献的同学予以表彰, 相互评价并衡量结论是否万成了对所学章节的意义建构。

第三, 采纳功能意念法 (Functional Appproach) 。瑞士著名教育心理学家皮亚杰 (J ﹒ Piager) 提出了发挥语言 (外语) 的功能作用的教学法, 被称为功能意念法。这种方法以学生需要为导向, 内容决定形式。首先, 从静态角度透析英美文化的差异性。有个谚语叫“挥金如土”, 我们根据字面意思, 经常译为“spend money like soil”, 而比较地道的译法则是“spend money like water”。究其原因, 这就与作者所处的时代背景息息相关。在英美概况的学习中, 政治、经济、历史、地理、文化、宗教等因素能够帮助学生形成良好的语言规律, 从而达到站在英美文化意识的角度来思考的目的, 这恰恰是中国学生需要精进的地方。其次, 从动态角度实现跨文化交流。在授课过程中, 根据课程内容引入Flash动画、视频、电影、电视剧节选等, 是学生喜闻乐见的授课方式, 纯正的英语母语发音、历史人物、事件的经典演绎, 能够在学生心目中留下极为深刻的印象, 从而达到寓教于乐的目的。总之, 动态与静态的有机结合, 有利于提高学生的语言能力、欣赏能力以及品味的养成, 一举多得, 不妨放手大胆尝试。


教师是教学过程的倡导者, 学生是接受者。然而, 二者的角色并非一成不变。笔者在英美概况的课堂上, 适时转换角色, 收到了显著的效果。然而, 将目光停留在培养学生个性、创设教学情境是不够的, 团队激励法、支架教学法以及功能意念法的引, 为学生创造了更加逼真、立体的教学环境。 诚然, 通过这门课程培养学生交流合作、自主创新, 只是一个开端, 学生的全面发展和终身发展才是目的。愿吸收更多的有效方法用于英美概况的实践教学中, 不断反思不足、更新观念, 与课程、与学生共同成长。


[1]王彪.大学英语教师角色变为初探[J].教书育人, 2006.

[2]杨忠、张邵杰、谢江巍.大学英语教师的科研现状与问题分析[J].外语教学, 2001. (6) .

[3]胡文仲.跨文化交际学概论[M].外语教学与研究出版社, l999.

[4]朱永涛.英美文化基础教程[M].北京外语教学与研究出版社, 2008. (1) .

[5]张奎武.英美概况[M].吉林科学技术出版社, 2001. (9) .

[6]许鲁之.新编英美概况[M].青岛海洋大学出版社, 2001. (8) .

[7]来安方, 英美概况新增订本[M].河南人民出版社, 2002. (2) .






2.1 结合语言学习与文化学习


2.2 灵活使用教学方法


2.3 综合运用现代教育技术

在教学过程中我们充分认识到现代教育技术是教学的有力支持,是教育教学改革的动力,因此,本课程采用电脑、投影、电视、录像、 网络等多媒体手段进行教学,为学生创造了声像并茂、真实生动的图形资料和视频素材。如在讲解美国历史中的“911事件”的时候,我们就让学生观看事件的视频及相关的新闻报道,让学生对这一恐怖事件有了比较直观地认识。同时,为了体现教材内容的生动性和趣味性,我们还购置了有关英美文化的音像资料和补充教材,帮助学生学习英语国家国情,使学生对相关知识点的理解从文字发展到形象,从单纯抽象的思维上升到感性与理性的结合,从而较好地实现学习目的。




3.2 教师讲解


3.3 学生陈述









[1]李丹.基于建构主义理论的英美概况教学模式研究[J].江西青年职业学院学报, 2011(4): 88-90.

[2]刘安洪.关于“英语国家概况课”教学的思考[J].重庆教育学院学报, 2004, (4).

[3]罗少茜.英语课堂教学形成性评价研究[M].北京:外语教育与研究出版社, 2003:18-19.


It is a type of secondary schools in Britain.Grammar schools select children at the age 11, through an examination called “the 11-plus”.Those children with the highest marks go to grammar schools.These schools lay emphasis on advanced academic subjects rather than the more general curriculum of the comprehensive schools and expect many of their pupils to go on to universities.2.Affirmative Action Programs

Affirmative Action Programs were first advocated by some colleges in 1960.The purpose of the programs was to equalize educational opportunities for all groups and to make up for past inequality by giving special preference to members of minorities seeking jobs or admission to college.3.The strategy of preemption In an address delivered to the West Point graduates, President Bush, for the first time, put forward the strategy of preemption.By preemption, the US means that when it determines that a country which is repressive and hostile to the US has acquired or produced weapons of mass destruction or has the potential to possess such weapons, the US should use force to remove this threat to US security and should not wait till the danger becomes imminent or until the US is attacked.This has become to be known as Bush Doctrine.4.Boards of education

Boards of education refer to groups of people who make policies for schools at the state and/or district level.They also make decisions about the school curriculum, teacher standards and certification, and the overall measurement of student progress.5.Anglo-Saxons:

they were two groups of Germanic peoples who settled down in England from the 5th century.They were regarded as the ancestors of the English and the founders of England.6.The commonwealth

The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of states which is made up mostly of former British colonies.There are 50 members of the Commonwealth.Many of these are developing countries like India;others are developed nations like Australia and Canada.The Commonwealth was set up as a forum for continued cooperation and as a sort of support network.7.The functions of parliament

The functions of Parliament are: to pass laws;to vote for taxation;to scrutinize government policy, administration and expenditure and to debate the major issues of the day.8.The House of Commons

The House of Commons is the real center of British political life because it is the place where about 650 elected representatives(Members of Parliament)make and debate policy.These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent the interests of the people who vote for them.9.A federal system

A federal system is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its constituent parts, with some rights reserved to each.10.Puritanism

Puritans were those who followed the doctrine of John Calvin and wanted to purify the Church of England.They believe that human beings were predestined by God before they were born.Some were God’s chosen people while others were damned to hell.Nither church nor good works could save people.The sign of being God’s elect was the success in his work or the prosperity in his calling.They also argued that everyone must read the Bible in order to find God’s will and establish a direct contact with God.These beliefs had great impact on American culture.11.The containment policy

The US put into effect the containment policy in the late 1940s.By containment, the US meant that it would use whatever means, including military force, to prevent the SU from breaking out of its sphere of influence.In order to contain communism, the US fought two wars in Asia: the Korean War and the Vietnam War.12.Comprehensive schools

Comprehensive schools are the most popular secondary schools in Britain today.Such schools admit children without reference to their academic abilities and provide a general education.Pupils can study everything from academic subjects like literature to more practical subjects like cooking.13.The three traditions of Christmas in Britain

①Three typical British traditions on Christmas are: the Christmas Pantomime, the Queen’s speech over the TV and radio, and the Boxing Day.②The Christmas Pantomime: It is a comical musical play usually based on a popular traditional children’s story.There are two main characters in the play: “the principal boy”, played by a young woman, and “the Dame”, played by a man.③Another British Christmas tradition is to hear the queen give her Christmas message to her realm over the television and radio.A third tradition is Boxing Day, which falls on the day after Christmas.People used to give Christmas gifts or money to their staff or servants on this day.And now they mostly do shopping, pay visits, enjoy eating or just relax.14.The declaration of Independence

①It was mainly drafted by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Congress on July 4, 1776, when the people of 13 English colonies in North America were fighting for their freedom and independence from the British colonial rule.②The document declared that all men were equal and that they were entitled to have some unalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.③It also explained the philosophy of government: the powers of governments came from the consent of the governed and the purpose of governments was to secure the rights mentioned above.④The theory of politics and the guiding principles of the American Revolution mainly came from John Locke.15.The making The general direction of Britain’s foreign poliof Britain’s foreign policy

cy is mainly decided by the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.The Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the main government department, plays a significant role in the making of Britain’s foreign policy.Many other government ministries such as Ministry of Defense also play a part in formulating and carrying out the government’s decisions.But an extremely influential player is the Treasury.The Treasury makes decisions on how much money other departments can have each year.16.The Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791.The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.17.The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act

It was passed in 1944.It was soon popularly called the “GI Bill of Rights”.GI was a nickname for the American soldier.This nickname came from the abbreviation for “Government Issue”— the uniforms and other articles issued” to a soldier.The Act promised financial aid, including aid for higher education to members of the armed forces.18.Independent schools

Independent schools are commonly called public schools which are actually private schools that receive their funding through the private sector and tuition rates, with some government assistance.Independent schools are not part of the national education system, but the quality of instruction and standards are maintained through visits from Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools.These schools are restricted to the students whose parents are comparatively rich.19.The House of Lords

The House of Lords consists of the Lords Spiritual, who are the Archbishops and most prominent bishops of the Church of England;and the Lords Temporal, which refers to those lords who either have inherited the seat from their forefathers or they have been appointed.The lords mainly represent themselves instead of the interests of the public.20.Cricket and “fair play”


一.What do you know about the Roosevelt’s New Deal?

1.The great depression of 1929-1933 happened in America, which made the American economy fall into an emergent situation.2.In the presidential election of 1932, Franklin D.Roosevelt, a Democrat, defeated the Republican candidate and became President.3.He was empowered by Congress to deal with the emergency and save the situation.He called his program “The New Deal”, which had two principal purposes.4.At home, many public projects were launched to create employment through a huge increase in government responsibility.Crops were destroyed and agricultural production was cut down to stabilize the falling farm prices.The big industries were also compelled to make reforms.5.At abroad.Roosevelt took efforts to consolidate the old markets and to conquer new ones under the cloak of the “Good Neighbor Policy”.6.Roosevelt also took some measures of “social security”, paying pensions to the old, unemployed and the injured.7.Roosevelt’s “New Deal” did not change the capitalist system but helped to improve it.8.The “New Deal” had a certain historical importance.It relaxed the economic crisis, made some concessions to the working people, stopped the national economy from collapsing and especially prevented the U.S from becoming a fascist state such as Germany, Italy and Japan.二.What do you know about the “Glorious Revolution”?

1.By this time, the Cavaliers and Roundheads had settled down to become England’s first political parties, the former the Tories and the latter the Whigs.2.The Whigs were still not satisfied and began to stir up popular felling against the King’s brother, James, who was a Catholic and was likely to be the next king.3.Most people did not want a Catholic king, but the Whig’s violent behavior reminded England too much of Cromwell.4.In the interest of common justice, Parliament passed in 1679 the well-known Habeas Corpus Act, according to which, any person arrested or detained should be brought before a court of judge within twenty-four hours.5.James Ⅱ, Charles’s brother, ascended the throne after Charles died in 1685.He openly ignored laws passed by Parliament and intended to maintain a standing army commanded by Catholics.6.After three years of struggle, the Whig and Tory leaders at last united against James Ⅱ.Being afraid of another revolution, they planned a coup d’etat.7.In June 1688 the leaders of Parliament invited William of Holland to come and take the throne.William landed with an army and he was so warmly welcomed that James ran away to France without any attempt at resistance.8.William and Mary were then crowned as joint rulers.This was known in history as “The Glorious Revolution”

9.In 1689, Parliament expressed the Bill of Rights;the constitutional Monarchy began in England.10.The English Revolution is an epoch-making event in the history of the world.It concluded the medieval period-the period of feudalism and marks the beginning of the modern period-the period of capitalism.It paved the way for the rapid growth of capitalism in England.三.What were the consequences of Norman Conquest?

1.It increased the process of feudalism which had begun during Anglo-Saxon times.2.William the Conqueror established a strong monarchy in England.3.After the conquest William retained most of the old English customs of government.4.The Norman Conquest also brought about changes in the church.The upper ranks of the clergy were Normanized and feudalized, following the pattern of lay society.5.Along with the Normans came the French language, this would be the language of the court and upper classes until the fourteenth century.四.What do you know about Chartist Movement?

1.The Chartist Movement, like the Anti-Corn Law League, was rooted in many earlier working-class and radical movements for the improvement of social conditions.2.In 1836, the London Working Men’s Association was organized “to seek by every legal means to place all classes in possession of equal political and social rights.”

3.In 1837 a petition, known as the People’s Charter, was drawn up, which included universal suffrage, adoption of equal electoral districts, abolition of the property qualification for members of Parliament, payment of M.P.s, secret ballot, and annual general election..4.The basic point of the People’s Charter is Universal Suffrage.5.The Chartist could be roughly divided into two groups-“moral force”, which believed in reform by peaceful means, and “physical force”, which advocated violence.6.The Chartist Movement reached its height in 1839-1848.7.From 1839 to 1848 three petitions were presented to Parliament, but all three were rejected.8.The Chartist Movement declined after 1848, though the National Charter Association lived until 1858.9.The Chartist Movement failed because of its divided leadership and lack of a strong basis for class unity.10.It was after the Chartist Movement that the English working-class entered a period of conducting independent political movement against the bourgeoisie.五.Why did the Industrial Revolution first take place in Britain?

1.The Industrial Revolution started during the last part of the 18th century.2.The accumulation of capital;the development of capitalist farming;the appearance of a labor reserve;and the expansion of markets, domestic and foreign.3.Britain’s population grew in this period and the people were skilled in many different crafts and trades.4.Britain had built a large empire which had a powerful navy and a huge merchant fleet.5.Britain was an island with many excellent ports, so foreign trade was easy.6.Britain had created a world-wide market for its goods and its colonies supplied raw materials.The British slave traders also got a lot of money in their “triangle” trade.7.The English Parliament from 1760 to 1844 passed three thousand eight hundred Enclosure Acts.8.All of these factors sped up primitive accumulation and provided an important prerequisite for the Industrial Revolution.六.How did the Industrial Revolution exert a great influence on both British society and the world?

1.The Industrial Revolution exerts a great influence on both British society and the world.2.The Industrial Revolution was not only a technological revolution but also a great social upheaval.3.The Industrial Revolution promoted the development of production.4.Britain began to produce large quality of low-priced goods in a more efficient manner.Many new cities came into being;population increased;the home market was enlarged.British goods almost achieved a monopoly position in the world market.The Industrial Revolution laid a good foundation for the “factory of the world”.5.A factory system was established.Workers were employed and managers became capitalists.Two conflicting classes were born.七.In what ways did Henry Ⅱ consolidate the monarchy?

八.Why and how did the English Parliament come into being?
