






3990 Farnum Road

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To secure an entry level position in an organization where my skills and expertise are utilized in a way that helps both me and the company


J.D.Degree(Or Juris Doctor Degree–never Juris Doctorate)anticipated or expected May, 2006, West Virginia University

College of Law, Morgantown, WV.GPA 2.9/4.3 Class Rank: 45/160.Top one/third.B.S.in Civil Engineering, summa cum laude, May 2003, West Virginia University College of Engineering, Morgantown, WV

GPA 3.98/4.0.Class Rank: Second in class of 500.EXPERIENCE

Summer Associate, Dewey Cheatham And Howe, Pittsburgh, PA.May-August 2005

Rotated between Real Estate and Corporate Departments.Research and drafted memoranda in areas of antitrust and trade regulation, electronic commerce, and land use planning.Volunteer Legal Clerk, Hometown Legal Firm, Anywhere USA May-August 2004

Researched property records at courthouse and prepared memoranda for attorneys;delivered and picked up various legal documents as assigned.Helped with document sorting.Student Intern, WVU College of Engineering, Morgantown, WV.June 2002-May 2003

Performed legal research and analysis to assess the statutory, regulatory and case law ramifications of innovative underground storage tank remedial technology.Summer Worker, 1999-2003.Various jobs to provide part of educational experiences including: Laborer Convex Eagle Glass, Clarksburg, WV.Counter person, Wendy’s International, Morgantown.HONORS AND ACTIVITIES

WVU College of Law

Student Member, American Bar Association;Member, Patent Law Student Association;Member, Volunteer Law Clerks, student organization which researches legal questions assigned by WV Circuit Judges;Member, International Law Society;Phi Alpha Delta, International Legal Fraternity.West Virginia University

Member, Mountain Honorary, highest honor society for WVU undergraduate students;Mortar Board National Honor Society;Captain,(two years)Varsity Tennis Team.SKILLS AND INTERESTS

Fluent in spoken and written German, reading knowledge of Spanish and French.Certified in LEXIS and West Law.Excellent ability in WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, GroupWise and Quicken.Captain, tennis team, 4 years undergraduate.博士生英文简历模板(二)

BIRTHDATE : December 1, 1950

AGE : 57

GENDER : Female




OBJECTIVE: To seek an excellence in profession, growth in career and be associated with an organization offering a responsible position whereby my traditional Chinese medical specialty can be utilized.KEY COMPETENCE: Traditional Chinese and western medicine experience for over 20 years, especially be skilled in treating many difficult diseases by traditional Chinese medical science, such as Cerebrovascular diseases, Rheumatism, Gynecological diseases, Immune system diseases, and so on;be good at orthopedics & traumatology of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage;Computer skill(Microsoft office), passionate, self-confidence, honest, dedicated, hardworking and can be work under pressure.POSITION DESIRED: DOCTOR


general practitioner

Datong ZhongYi Clinic(which is run by myself)

Shan xi province, China

June, 2006-present

To treat clinical diseases by traditional Chinese(including Chinese traditional medicine, orthopedics & traumatology of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage)and western medicine, including:

1.Pediatrics diseases

2.Internal medicine diseases

3.Cerebrovascular diseases


5.Gynecological diseases

6.Immune System diseases

resident doctor:

Datong Seventh Municipal People’s Hospital(Public hospital by government)

Shan xi province, China

September, 1976-September, 1986

As resident doctor in:

1.internal medicine department

2.pediatrics department

3.obstetrics and gynecology department

4.emergency department

rural doctor:

Dongguan Cun, Yangmingbao Xiang, Dai Xian

Shanxi Province, China

Main work is to treat common diseases for peasants.EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT:Years clinical medicine

Graduate Year 1976

Shanxi Medical University

Key curriculums include Organic chemistry, Medical physics, Cell biology, Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Microbiology, Pathology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Medical Genetics, Diagnosis, internal medicine science, Surgery science, Obstetrics and gynecology science, Pediatrics science, Neurology and Psychiatry, Dermatology, Radiation Science, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Chinese traditional medicine, and so on.SPECIALTY CERTIFICATE:

Attending doctor for traditional Chinese medicine

Attending doctor for Chinese-western combined medicine

Attending doctor for pediatrics


basic information

name: tan xx sex: male

national: han origin: pingxiang in jiangxi province

date of birth: september 1980 political landscape: members

health status: a good marital status: unmarried

profession: vegetable science education: master's

phone: 1587426816x e-mail: lpingtan@163.com

education and work experience

.9 ~ .7, jiangxi agricultural university, college of agriculture

2004.9 ~ .7 department of horticulture, zhejiang university

~ 2006.7 hunan academy of agricultural sciences has

foreign language proficiency

through the national college english cet; have a certain degree of horticulture (mainly vegetables) of the professional literature in english reading and translation capabilities.

preliminary research experience

undergraduate thesis was to follow during the jiangxi agricultural university, institute of landscape architecture and art professor xiao jinxiang engaged in “flue-cured tobacco plants

different agents to reduce the nicotine content of the pilot study ”; through the initial stages of the influence of scientific research and experiments, field experiments on ec

analysis of data with a certain degree of understanding and knowledge; initial grasp of some physiological and biochemical aspects of the determination of the material and sub -

analysis methods.

graduate students engaged in during the main content of different fertilizers and different treatment on the carrot in the process of growth and development of agronomic traits and health

biochemical aspects of the rationale for the pilot study; in addition to help instructors and students were engaged in tomato, lotus root and water-oat pilot study

work;读研zhejiang university although only a short period of two years, but i think this is my life is too precious to benefit gangs

shallow section of valuable time; through this phase of the study and research experience, the initial grasp and the accumulation of a number of foreign language text

xian retrieval, experimental design and thesis writing experience, etc..

after graduation came to the unit now vegetables in hunan academy of agricultural sciences institute. work, the beginning is to assist the red dishes

carex breeding expert professor lin wu hung engaged in cruciferous vegetables brassica campestris breeding work through a number of varieties of red菜苔

review of the scene as one of the results of scientific research to participate in the hunan provincial academy of agricultural sciences awarded the prize of scientific and technological progress. later, as a result of work

was sent to the field for a year engaged in science and technology correspondent of changsha city, mainly to guide the province's well-known vegetable production base in changsha

huang county town of lidar vegetable farmers in the village of the pollution-free vegetable standardization in the technical aspects of cultivation; in the meantime, qualcomm

a variety of channels and my local hospital (by) for a total of 9 million in project funding, as a scientific research project “pollution-free large

pesticide residues in vegetables shelf control technology ”to write the declaration and project presenters, respectively technology bureau and the changsha city, hunan province

science and technology agency funding. after the red as a result of prior breeding host brassica campestris lin wu tragic death of a teacher due to illness, together with a number of owners, passengers

concept of reasons, i had to re-select a teacher to continue to engage in vegetable breeding research. education is mainly to follow the gourd

strong fire types of expert teachers to engage in weeks dongguashan breeding work, this year also approved three new varieties of gourd, also has begun

tomato breeding work.

published an article

“radish succulent root formation and expansion of physical research” ( “northern gardening” in 2006 the first one, the first author);

“soil water content and nitrogen application rate on the pepper yield and quality” ( “pepper magazine,” an article in , the third author);

“biology of mustard classification” ( “ningbo agricultural science and technology” in 2007 the first three, the sixth author);

“dna molecular marker technology and its application in vegetable genetics and breeding research” ( “the yangtze river vegetable,” 2007, no. 10, the first author);

“dongguashan major economic effect analysis of genetic traits,” ( “journal of hunan agricultural university” in the first two, the third author);

“pepper germplasm identification, evaluation and use of research” ( “pepper magazine” 2008, no. 2, the first author);

“radish application” haobo “brand organic fertilizer biological activity study of the effect of the test” ( “ningbo vegetables” in 2008 the first three, the first author);

“pepper at different temperatures under the conditions of germination characteristics of the study” ( “pepper magazine” in 2008 the first four, the first author, has been hired);



1 引言

英文摘要就是每篇研究论文前, 用简洁、平实的语言描述文章大致内容的文本, 内容涉及研究目的、方法、结果等。在写作过程中要特别考虑人称、时态、语态这些关键问题。摘要的写作大都采用一般现在时, 用以陈述论文的研究现状。但对其中一些具体问题, 如究竟能否使用第一人称we和I, 还是最好使用被动语态, 很多学者持不同意见。有关这一点, 不少学者已对科技论文的英文摘要做了深入研究。他们发现, 被动语态存在冗长、效率低、头重脚轻和结构笨拙的缺点 (李海军、吴迪龙, 2006) , 因此, 他们大都提倡在科技论文写作中使用主动语态, 甚至可以用“I”和“We”为主语的主动语态。这些学者认为用第一人称作主语能拉近作者与读者的距离, 易于读者沿着自己的思路, 接受自己的例证, 提高论文的说服力和可信度。

由此可见, 科技论文英文摘要中的人称代词和语态并非我们想象的那样。由于论文摘要都具有一定的共性——客观、概括性强。那么, 其他学术论文摘要是否也像科技论文摘要一样具有某些有违常规的现象?这些现象说明了什么?有何效果?本文将对以英语为本族语的博士论文英文摘要中的人称代词及其使用的语态进行分析和讨论。

2 研究方法与设计

本文采用的是语料库的研究方法。基于语料库分析的特点有以下四点:具有实验性, 分析自然语言文本中语言使用的实际模式;收集大量的真实文本, 构成语料库, 并以其作为分析基础;使用计算机的自动与交互技术进行分析;使用定量与定性分析相结合的技术。计算机可以对语料库提供一致和可靠的分析, 不会在分析时改变想法。计算机也可以与人互动使用, 让分析家做困难的语言学判断, 而计算机进行记录和运算。值得注意的是, 基于语料库的分析绝不仅仅是语言特征的简单计数, 其可以对定量模式进行定性的功能解释。这种基于实验和统计方法的经验分析, 从很多方面来说, 已成为研究不同语域和文体的语言学特征的一种重要工具。迄今为止, 很多英文摘要写作研究都是定性分析, 规定摘要应该怎么写, 缺乏统计数据支撑其观点。还有一些研究有语料, 但语料比较少, 统计数据有较大的局限性, 而语料库研究方法恰恰可以弥补这些研究的不足。

本文从著名网站Pro Quest上下载了2007年至2012年的博士论文英文摘要, 每年10篇, 共60篇。这些摘要均选自英美国家作者发表的 (即英语本族语者的) 有关语言学的博士论文。论文摘要均为pdf格式, 为方便数据收集, 首先把格式统一转换为txt, 且每篇摘要单独存放在一个txt文件中;然后对这些文本文件进行编辑 (删除脚注和尾注等摘要以外的内容) , 做成语料库, 从中提取数据。经统计, 该语料库共有字数约17, 000, 句子数约712, 其中主动句416, 被动句296。为了研究的需要, 本文将使用Ant Conc检索软件, SPSS数据统计软件以及Microsoft Excel数据处理软件。为简化统计, 本文只统计主句的第一个谓语的语态, 不统计从句的语态以及由“and、but、while”等引导的并列分句的语态。由have/be动词、系动词、不及物动词如come、appear等作为谓语动词的句子, 看不出是主动还是被动语态的视作无语态句。然后, 通过该语料库中人称代词出现频次的高低确定分析对象。再通过和它们共现的高频词汇确定其典型结构、典型句型和话语功能。

3 结果与讨论

根据《英语语法大全》所列的人称代词, 在本语料库中分别进行检索后, 各人称代词主格和宾格出现的频次及其所占人称代词使用总数的百分比见表1。

从表1可以看出, 在英语本族语博士论文的英文摘要中, 使用频次最高的人称代词是第一人称单数I, 占人称代词总数的56.2%;其次是第三人称单数it, 占总数的22.2%;第三的是第一人称复数we, 占9.6%;其余十二个人称代词的使用频次都很低, 总共只占人称代词使用总数的12%。因此, 本文将重点探讨频次较高的三个人称代词: (1) I; (2) it; (3) we。由于人称代词I和we都为第一人称, 且有相似的结构、句型和会话功能, 因此本文将把二者放在一起讨论。

3.1 人称代词I和We

一般认为, 学术论文要少用或尽量不用第一人称, 这样才能体现其科学性和客观性。而在本研究所建立的英语本族语者博士论文英文摘要语料库的词频统计中, 第一人称单数I及复数we的人称代词使用频次分别为182和31, 以I和we做主语的句子分别占该语料库句子总数的25.6%和4.4%。此外, 在语料库的416个主动语态句子中, I做主语的句子占37.1%, we做主语的句子占13.5%, 即有一半的主动语态的句子是以I或we做主语。

这些数据表明, 在博士论文摘要中, 第一人称I和we使用次数相当多, 人们并没有受制于摘要的一般写法, 或为了体现摘要的客观性而不使用。这也许是因为相对于被动语态或是以this paper或this article等为主语的句子, 使用第一人称做主语能使文章亲切、自然、直截了当, 拉近了作者和读者的距离, 能建构作者的主体地位, 使其研究论文具有说服力和可信度;同时强调作者在学术语篇中的贡献, 提高科技工作人员的积极性和责任心。下面将对以I和we为主语的现象逐一举例并加以分析。

3.1.1 I

通过分析与I搭配的词汇, 笔者发现I使用的典型结构为“I+动词+宾语”。根据动词所表达的意义, 这一典型结构的话语功能又可以分为三类。

(1) 表达研究内容的, 约占所有以I做主语的句子总数的39%。与I搭配最典型的动词或动词短语有:discuss、account for、investigate、present、examine、explore、illustrate等等。典型例句如:I present a series of priming studies.

(2) 表达研究结果的, 约占所有以I做主语的句子总数的30%。与I搭配最典型的动词有:demonstrate、show、propose等等。如:In a corpus analysis, I demonstrate that statistically significant patterns of adverbial modification are available to the language learner.

(3) 表达研究方法的, 约占所有以I做主语的句子总数的12%。与I搭配最典型的动词或动词短语有:use、finish by、develop by等等。如:I use linguistic studies to help treat these communication.

在以I做主语的句子中, 还有少量用来表达研究目的、研究条件或作者观点的, 但这类句子在以I做主语的句子中所占的比例相对较小, 总共只有19%。将其话语功能细分之后, 每一类句子的使用量也较少。如, Addressing this issue, I argue, requires characterizing the content of exclamatives as degree properties.

分析结果表明, I主要用于表达研究内容和研究结果, 而这两部分恰恰是论文作者思想表达的核心部分, 表明是作者本人确定了论文研究的内容, 提出了论文的观点, 得出了论文的结论。这与传统观点相违背。传统观点认为, 人称主语句的使用会有损作者的客观态度和谦虚品质, 学术论文中如果用了人称代词, 尤其是使用含有主观色彩的第一人称代词就会被认为不合写作规范。但本语料库研究表明, 使用第一人称单数I做句子的主语有助于表达作者的主观意识, 帮助作者树立学术研究的自信心, 提高论文的权威性。

3.1.2 We

分析与we搭配的词汇后发现, we使用的典型结构也是“we+动词+宾语”。根据动词所表达的意义, 这一典型结构的话语功能也有三类。

(1) 表达研究结果的, 约占所有以we做主语的句子总数的42%。与we搭配最典型的动词有:achieve、show、find、demonstrate、consider等等。典型例句如:Additionally, wefind evidence that children’s interpretations do not vary as a function of task in an adult-like way...

(2) 表达研究方法的, 约占所有以we做主语的句子总数的21%。与we搭配最典型的动词有:use、compare、introduce等等。如:To demonstrate the model, we introduce a short-string language identification system with state of the art accuracy...

(3) 表达研究内容的, 约占所有以we做主语的句子总数的14%。与we搭配最典型的动词有:investigate、address等等。如:In light of thesefindings, we investigate two central questions.

此外, 在“we+动词+宾语”结构中, 有“动词”为have/be, 还有“动词”为感官动词的情况。但这类句子在以we做主语的句子中所占的比例只有23%。将其话语功能细分之后, 每一类句子的使用量也不多。例句如下:In this dissertation we look specifically at the emergence of the Korean/sh/-/s*/perceptual contrast in L1 Mandarin and Japanese learners of Korean.

关于we的研究表明, we主要用于表达研究结果, 强调自己的科研成果是与相关研究者的努力分不开的。文章大量使用“we”来强调所有成员的参与, 揭示当代研究活动的团队合作性;又或者该作者为初级研究人员, 研究结果是作者本人及同仁共同探讨得出的, 有助于提高论文的说服力。

以上对第一人称代词I和We的分析结果推翻了有关学术写作中必须使用第三人称, 不能出现第一人称的观点, 对那些依据写作规范或专业书刊撰写摘要的学者来说是一次冲击。本文选取的语料均来自英语本族语者, 代表摘要写作的新动态, 至于为什么英语本族语者和非英语本族语者在此方面相差甚远, 相关学者 (张曼, 2008) 也对此进行了详细的解释。

3.2 人称代词it做主语

在英语本族语者博士论文英文摘要中, 第三人称单数it出现的频次也很高。在本语料库中出现72次, 约占人称代词总数的22.2%。其中67次用作主语, 5次用作宾语。进一步分析it作主语的67次的使用情况, 发现其典型结构有三种。

(1) 用在“it+主动态动词+宾语”的结构中, 出现38次, 约占it做主语总次数的56.7%。典型句型有:it uses/investigates/offers/provides/addresses/helps...;it interacts with/relates to/refers to...;等等。这些句型主要用于表达研究目的、方法或意义。如:Error-Selective Learning is gradual because it uses a novel mechanism for introducing errors into the Support.

(2) 用在被动语态中, 出现16次, 约占it做主语总次数的23.9%。典型句型有:it is argued/proposed/suggested/found/thought...;it has been assumed...;等等。这些句型主要用于表达研究结果或背景。如:...it is found that evaluative meanings bound with ideational experience (evaluative couplings) are the cause of laughter in these phases, ...

(3) 用在系表结构中, 出现13次, 约占it做主语总次数的19.4%。典型句型有:it is optimistic/no surprise/possible/impossible等等。这些句型主要用于表达研究结果或假设。如:it is no surprise that children whose deaf parents have strong skills in spoken English might grow up with limited signing skills...

研究表明, it做主语用在主动句中的比例较高, 且主要用于表达研究目的、方法或意义。这与过去强调英文摘要采用it用在被动语态中显得客观的说法背道而驰, 现在主张摘要中谓语动词尽量用主动语态的越来越多, 因其有助于文字清晰、简洁及表达有力。此外, 我们发现使用最多的是系动词is, 该动词除了用在系表结构中, 主要是用来构成被动语态。因此, it用于被动语态中的情况占语料库句子总数的43.3%, 与it用于主动语态相差不大, 且主要用于表达研究结果。

It做宾语在本语料库中也出现了5次, 约占it出现频次的6.9%, 占所有人称代词出现总数的1.5%。这与本研究的统计结果所提到的人称代词的宾格使用频次较低是一致的。在本语料库中, it做宾语的结构只有一种, 即用在动词后直接做宾语。例如:Furthermore, the participating teacher sees the linguistic content as relevant to established goals and presents it to students that way.限于语料库较小, it做宾语的情况非常有限, 但从中我们可以发现, it做宾语时大多用来替代前文已出现的名词, 起指称的作用。

4 结论

基于语料库方法的一个重要部分是除了定量统计外还要给出功能解释, 功能解释说明这些模式为什么会存在。本文运用语料库的研究方法对英语本族语者博士论文英文摘要中出现频次较高的第一人称单数I, 第一人称复数we以及第三人称单数it的使用情况及其语态做了详细的描述和讨论。结果表明:该语料库中较多使用第一人称单数I和复数we做主语的主动语态;第三人称单数it做主语用于“it+主动态动词+宾语”, 被动语态和系表结构中的情况较多, 但较少使用it做宾语;其他人称代词都很少使用。从话语功能的角度看, we和I主要用于表达研究内容、方法和结果;it做主语主要用于表达研究目的和结果。相关研究还可以延伸至本族语者和非本族语者在学术论文中人称代词的使用情况, 并采用更大库容的语料库加以论证。


[1]夸克等.英语语法大全 (第一版) [M].上海:华东师范大学出版社, 1989:459.

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[7]翟强.第一人称在中外学术论文英文摘要中的使用——基于语料库的实证研究[J].郑州航空工业管理学院学报, 2013.



Balance Sheet基本方法

选择要应聘的工作后,必须看清招聘广告上所列出的每项要求,再将自己的学历、能力与兴趣逐一与之比较,作一张balance sheet。

例如,一则关于marketing management trainee和job requirement是这样写的:

We are looking for a competent person to fill the captioned position:

-University graduate major in Marketing Management. Prepared to develop career in the commercial field

-Outgoing personality

-Able to communicate at different levels

-Good knowledge of PC operations

-Proficiency in written and spoken English/Mandarin


-University graduate with major in Marketing

-Having actively participated in Business clubs activities and learned accounting and management

-Good in communication with people and like a lot of out door activities, know how to tackle with people from all walks of life

-Skillful in operating Words, Excel, Lotus1-2-3, etc

-Fluent in English and Mandarin

这个方法的好处是可以让求职者清楚了解该职位是否适合自己,而本身资料又是否切合要求,而且,明白了各项要求后,就可依据每一点在履历表上重点提出自己在该方面的强项。突出卖点(selling point),将之放在最吸引人的地方,使招聘者一眼可见,有利于present自己。

Work experience工作经验的陈述




2006/7-2006/8 General Clerk, IBM

2007/7-2007/8 Account clerks, Manley Toy Trading

2008/6-2008/8 Salesgirl, Esprit.


Three years of job experience in different positions have offered me opportunity: As a General Clerk (IBM),Accounts clerk (Manley Toy Trading), I have learned how to prepare purchasing orders,place orders, handle accounting matter, check voucher,… also (Salesgirl, Esprit) developing the technique of selling, serving and stocking.


Job objective 事业目标

通常,一般求职者只会在履历表开端简单地写上所应征的职位-Position Applied: Management Trainee或I am applying for... 其实,若懂得利用这小小空间写出自己的事业目标(job objective),更能显示出你对该工作的热爱及憧憬,能令招聘者对你加倍留意。


Job objective:

To begin as a Marketing Management Trainee, with opportunity to advance to executive level and contribute to the development of firm.


(female, 37,)

The expected position: translation

Highest degree: master or above

Expected number: 200 yuan

Working years: 3 to 5 years

Expect areas: guangzhou - tianhe

3 years work experience (work for 1 month, do 1 job)

Nanjing four new technology co., LTD

Working time: July 2005 to August 2008 [3 years 1 month]

Job title: research and development personnel

Work content: 2005-2008 work in nanjing four new application research institute of science and technology co., LTD., it is one specialized is engaged in the defoaming agent research and development, production and sales of technology companies. Into the company, mainly engaged in defoaming agent at first the development of new products, and published a patent “one kind of the preparation of phosphate fertilizer use defoaming agent”, and then mainly as organic polysiloxane defoaming agent team leader, committed to the development and improvement, of this kind of antifoaming agent improved the company an organic silicon class defoaming agent performance.

Education experience

In September, 2012, graduated from | | chemical of nanjing university institute of chemical technology

Graduated in July 2003 | | chemical henan normal university

Self description

Self assessment steadfast, serious, optimistic positive, have patience and good communication and interpersonal skills.

★ 骨干教师培养计划

★ 干部培养计划

★ 新员工培养计划

★ 学科带头人培养计划

★ 青年教师培养计划

★ 博士生的求职信

★ 博士生入学信

★ 博士生毕业论文致谢

★ 个人培养计划怎么写


(male, 29 years old,

Expected position: translation | tutor

Highest degree: master or above

Expected number: 100 yuan

Working years: 1 to 2 years

Expect areas: guangzhou - there is no limit

Origin: guangdong - guangzhou

Work experience


Working time: since January ] [1 year 1 months

Job title: AAA

Work content: a detailed description of your work experience, can increase your employment competitiveness!

Education experience

In December 2015, graduated from | AAAA | AAAA

Language skills.

English: good

Certificate of award
