




Hutong is a very special term only used in Beijing area.When you have visited some hutongs, you will find “hutong” can not be replaced, because of its unique culture features and historical heritage.The word “hutong” is said to originate from the Mongolian language.It means a well with a few families around.In the 13th century, the Mongolian tribes became very strong and conquered Beijing and made Beijing the capital.While the high buildings and edifices show the modernization of the capital, huhong presents the old Beijing.Hutongs take different shaps, lengths or directions.The longest one is 2 kilometers;the shortest one is just 10meters.Some hutongs are wide enough for 3 cars to pass;some are too narrow for 2 persons to walk side by side.Most hutongs run from east to west, which is the result from the need for the houses to face south and get enough sunshine and resist cold wind from north.The typical and traditional residence is the siheyuan.It is retangualar shap.The outside walls look all the same, with gray color and bricks;however, the inside can be different, collorful and delightful.There are always some fruit trees in the yard, which give the fruits to the children and shade to all in the summer.Hutong is a happy community.People are very close, friendly and helpful to each other.


Henan fu sen danjiangkou hydroelectric grand view garden is located in the world-famous irrigation system, the main water source of south-to-north water transfer project in ━ henan xichuan, henan fu sen pharmaceutical group co., LTD. Is to promote the rapid development of henan tourism, according to “give priority to with medicine, multi-industry simultaneously” strategic planning, with the aid of the south-north water diversion historical opportunity, investment of nearly 260 million yuan, according to the standard 5 a grade scenic spot, and for six years, strongly built in “water culture and Buddhism culture, medicine, culture, chu culture, business culture” as the main content, set “ornamental, informative, interesting, entertaining, raise by nature”, as one of the central plains and holiday resorts and prayers for the holy land.


英语导游词 (以下称导游词) 写作有其自身的特点, 它不同于一般的英语议论文、说明文或记叙文的写作。英语导游词是通过导游员之口直接说给外国旅游者 (以下称旅游者) 听的, 所以导游词应该是自然的、白描的、口语化的。可以说, 导游词写作是旅游英语教学中一项重要内容。笔者基于广东科学技术职业学院2007级旅游管理专业72名学生2008~2009学年第一学期期末旅游英语考试试卷写作部分原始语料, 就影响学生导游词写作的几种因素进行分析, 旨在加强旅游英语写作教学的针对性, 切实提高学生的写作技能。


导游词写作一直以来是旅游英语教学的“瓶颈”。在听、说、读、写、译五项技能要求中, 对“写”的要求是学生能用常见的应用文体撰写英语导游词 (有时是翻译任务) 。本次考试题目为:写一篇欢迎美国游客来北京旅游的欢迎词。内容包括:自我介绍、北京简介;字数:120~150字之间;要求:内容完整, 用词恰当, 语篇联贯, 有亲和力和感染力, 能够完成导游服务接待任务, 并为下一节的景点旅游讲解做好铺垫。在试卷批阅过程中, 可以较为清楚地看出学生在写作方面存在的错误和缺陷。概括起来, 主要表现在以下几个方面: (1) 语言错误严重; (2) 受母语干扰较大; (3) 语篇组织能力偏弱; (4) 一些典型的语言错误持续时间长; (5) 高职类学生文化素养积累不足。具体见表1。

(一) 语言错误方面

语言错误包括语法、用词等错误。主要表现在主谓语不一致、用词不准等。虽然都是主谓结构, 但是英、汉语句子的句法关系不同。英语有强制性的一致关系, 它可以用特定的语法手段表示, 而汉语却没有强制性的一致关系。强制性的一致关系是指主语和谓语动词在人称和数上保持一致, 其语法手段为谓语动词的形态变化。例如:

(1) This is Mr.Li, our driver.He do this job above 10years.

(2) I am pleasure to be your tour guide.

(3) I’m very honor to be a guide for this travel.

例 (1) 中的do没有相应地使用第三人称单数动词;介词above表示位置、职位、数量、年龄、能力等方面的“在……以上”, 不表示时间方面的“在……以上”。例 (2) 中要表达“我很高兴做你们的导游”应该是“I am pleased to be your tour guide.”或“It is my pleasure to be your tour guide.”例 (3) 可改为“It is my honor to be a guide for this travel.”此类错误反映出学生对英语的强制性一致关系掌握不牢, 对词汇的内涵、外延、固定搭配和常用句型掌握不准确。学生记单词时, 只记单词的中文释义, 而且是孤立地记, 把中文释义当作该单词的真正含义或通过中文释义来理解该单词。

(二) 受母语干扰方面

由于东西方不同的语言体系以及各民族所处地理环境、历史条件、生产方式、社会结构的不同, 东西方民族的思维方式存在很大差异。学生在导游词写作过程中受母语干扰严重, 主要表现在词汇层面和句法层面。如:

(4) Welcome to Beijing, the headquarter of China.

(5) Beijing is a good place to travel.Because it exist many places of interest.

(6) Let me introduce me first.

(7) If I have any service can not please you, welcome to point at my error and I will avoid it next time.

例 (4) 中学生显然是想说“北京是中国的首府”, 却选用了headquarter。殊不知headquarter是动词, 加上s, 即headquarters才是名词。但是即使是选用了名词, 司令部、总部与首都也在语义上不能等同。瑞士语言学家索绪尔认为, 词与词之间的语义联系表现在两个方面:纵向的聚合关系 (paradigmatic relations) 与横向的组合关系 (syntagmatic relations) 。词语的意义就是在这线性序列里语言之间的横向关系和垂直纵向关系中得以确定的。学生写作时在选词方面对同义词、上义词和下义词的关系考虑甚少, 只是按照汉语语义找出对应的英语。例 (4) 与例 (6) 中“Let me introduce me”都反映了学生对纵聚合和横组合缺少认知。例 (5) 中学生舍弃了最简单的口语化句型There are……, 而选用了书面语exist, 也没有相应的动词变化。例 (7) 受母语负迁移的干扰十分突出, 完全是汉语式的英语单词的罗列。该句可改为“If you are not satisfied with my work, please let me know.Any valuable suggestions will be appreciated.”导游服务要热情、周到, 但也不必过于谦恭。

(三) 语篇组织能力方面

学生写作时对文章谋篇布局的能力较弱。英语中的语篇连接手段相当丰富, 有的用在句子层次, 有的用在语篇层次。学生较少使用这些手段, 使得作文跳跃性很大, 文中的主题句与其他句子之间缺少有机联系, 缺少照应, 显得意义不连贯。此外, 学生对句与句之间的逻辑关系缺乏敏感性。在写作过程中, 学生通常按照语义的自然衔接即内在逻辑展开思维和组织句子, 而忽视或错误使用连接词。由于英、汉两个民族的思维模式存在巨大差异, 学生在使用连词和连接结构时误用率很高。我们知道, 使用连词和连接结构是建立语篇连贯的基本策略之一。这一策略的意义在于为短语或句子的语义连接提供接点, 从而对信息受方在解码过程中产生的心理预期进行方向预设。学生在写作过程中使用简单的连词and、but、yet时也常常出错, 要么忽略不用, 要么误用。如:

(8) I am your tour guide during you stay in China.My name is Lihua.Li is my family name, Hua is my middle name.

例 (8) 中存在几处错误, 其中之一就是忽略连词的使用。应该是My name is Li Hua.Li is my family name, and Hua is my first name.两个并列句应该用并列连词and连接, 学生却忽略不用。学生习惯“意合”的汉语式表达法, 不使用连接词仍然行文流畅。这是因为汉语语篇是靠意义上的衔接, 注重隐性连贯, 注重逻辑顺序, 注重以神统形。学生不习惯将上下关系用连接词紧密联系起来, 所写的英语文章往往存在结构松散、意义不连贯或逻辑关系不明确等问题。

(四) 典型错误持续时间过长


(9) Good morning, ladies and gentlemans

(10) Him bus number is 2120.

例 (8) 、 (9) 和 (10) 的中文名字应该如何用英文书写, 中文姓名与英文姓名在表达上有何不同, 不规则的名词复数, 人称代词和物主代词的区别等问题, 都是初中阶段就应该解决的问题, 学生不应在大学学习专业英语阶段还犯这样的错误。

(五) 高职类学生文化素养积累不足

高职院校职高或中专毕业生生源在高中阶段按照职业分类划分专业学习, 如会计、计算机、文秘、旅游、商务英语等。在高中阶段, 文、史、哲、外语等基础课程开设不足, 使得学生人文知识积累不够, 反映在写作上, 大多采用简单句, 而且句与句之间不用过渡连接词适当地连接起来, 文章多是“流水句”, 缺乏文采。学生的母语写作能力对第二语言写作有积极的推动作用。弗里德兰德 (Friedlander) 针对第一语言的影响作过试验研究。他的假设是第一语言的使用有助于某些主题信息的提取, 他的被试者是母语为汉语的学生。当所写的主题是他们用汉语储存的信息时, 写作效果就比较好。本文所采用的原始语料也证实了这一点。欢迎词是学生母语储存的信息之一。旅游管理专业的学生考取了导游员职业证书后多利用周末或节假日在旅行社作兼职导游员, 向旅游者致欢迎词是学生事先准备好的。试卷中只有一个学生采用了书信形式, 其他学生全部按照要求完成了写作任务。开首有问候和欢迎语, 有自我介绍和同行介绍, 有对北京的简介。但对北京的简介中, 80%的学生提及了故宫 (故宫在旅游英语教材中有一个单元介绍) , 10%的学生提及了长城和颐和园, 只有3名学生提及了天坛, 无一人提及京剧、北京美食、北京奥运会场馆, 为下一步的旅游景点游览铺垫得不够。这也反映了学生对北京旅游资源和中国文化的了解比较欠缺。


通过对学生试卷中相关错误的分析我们可以看出, 虽然在实际教学中教师也强调以学生为中心, 但是学生被动接受知识的机会比其主动运用知识进行口头和书面交际的机会要多得多。要改变这种局面, 我们可从以下几方面入手。

(一) 口头导游与笔头导游相结合

大多数情况下, 旅游线路是已知的, 所以, 导游词 (无论是欢迎词还是解说词) 都是可以提前准备的。在模拟导游实训中, 不仅要有口头导游训练, 而且要与书面导游词写作相结合。导游口语训练, 不但能够提高学生的口语表达能力, 而且能够增强学生对词句组合和选择的敏感性, 增加学生的文化背景知识, 提高学生的认知能力, 进而提高学生在书面写作中的措辞能力。而书面导游词写作反过来又能巩固学生的语言训练成果, 说与写相互促进、相辅相成。

(二) 充分利用母语的正迁移

写作既是语言活动, 也是思维活动, 思维模式将影响写作者的修辞方法和谋篇布局。王文宇、文秋芳通过有声思维的方法研究发现, 中国大学生的二语写作过程普遍存在双语特征, 即母语与二语同时参与思维。既然母语思维的干扰不可避免, 教师就可以充分利用学生母语的写作技能, 充分发挥母语正迁移的积极作用, 预设一定的格式, 让学生在固定模式下充分练习, 循序渐进地进行语言训练, 使学生认识到两种语言和思维模式的差异, 并在写作中有意识地避免中式英语。

(三) 保证大量的语言输入

充分的语言输入是加强写作能力培养的有效途径之一。纳托尔 (Nuttal) 指出, 增进外语知识的最佳途径是生活在操母语的人当中, 而仅次于这种途径的就是大量阅读。通过名句名篇的背诵保证语言的输入, 增加学生对目的语语言现象的敏感度, 扩展潜在的语言知识, 增强语感。南京大学丁言仁等对背诵课文的学生进行过跟踪调查, 结果表明:背诵量大的学生能掌握更多的短语知识, 且能运用于写作, 写作时用笔流畅, 速度也更快。也可通过观看英语短片保证语言的输入。英语短片中幽默、诙谐、地道的对话和念白, 以及面部表情和肢体语言, 给学生的听觉、视觉带来的强烈冲击, 能加强学生对目的语的理解和掌握。

从上述讨论中我们可以看出, 影响学生导游词写作的因素是多方面的, 应分析学生写作中存在的问题的成因, 探索旅游英语写作教学之路, 以采用适合教学对象的教学方法, 有效地促进和提高学生运用专门用途英语的能力和水平。

摘要:以广东科学技术职业学院旅游管理专业2007级学生期末考试试卷写作部分的原始语料为依据, 找出学生在英语导游词写作中存在的错误和问题, 并在分析主要原因的基础上提出相应解决对策。



[1]Swain L E, et al.Increasing creativity and innovation inEnglish language teaching in China[J].ELT Journal, 2000, (2) .

[2]刘宽平, 周业芳, 曹小燕.提高中国学生写作能力的有效途径[J].外语教学, 2003, (11) .

[3]陈刚.跨文化意识——导游词译者之必备[J].中国翻译, 2002, (2) .

[4]秦裕祥.英汉句子内部关系对比研究[J].外语与外语教学, 2003, (7) .

[5]王尔泓.从语言文化差异看英语写作的不足[J].社科纵横, 2005, (3) .

[6]杜金榜.从学生英语写作错误看写作教学[J].外语教学, 2001, (2) .

[7]熊慧.母语负迁移与大学英语写作教学[J].昆明理工大学学报 (社会科学版) , 2005, (3) .

[8]简庆闽, 陆建平.大学英语书面表达的连贯性评价和缺陷分析[J].外语教学与研究, 2003, (5) .

[9]马广惠, 文秋芳.大学生英语写作能力的影响因素研究[J].外语教学与研究, 1999, (4) .


[关键词] 旅游资源 导游翻译 导游词













“广汉三星堆出土的4500多年前的古蜀青铜器,……”(四川三星堆景点介绍)“The bronce wares discovered at San Xin Dui,Guanghan were made 4500 years before…….”。




如:“雅江欢迎您!”(甘孜州雅江县)“Welcome you toYajiang.”


如:“白鹿洞”(郴州风景区)“White Deers Cave”


一般来说这种错误的产生外国游客还是能够接受的。如:“弘扬体育精神,促进国际往来”(桂林乐满地休闲世界)。“Spreading over the physical spirits and promoting international communications.”

首先,“弘扬、促进”这两个词语意思相近。作为标语,我们最好使用简短的词语表达这两个不同的词语。其次,在字典中我们可以找到词语“sportsmanship”即表达“体育精神”的意义,所以没有必要翻译成“physical spirits”。最后“communication”即表达“通信、联络、传达、信息传递”。所以我们可以将此句子译为“Promote sportsmanship and international exchanges”。







因为中西方思维方式的差异,在词语的选择以及句子的构成方面也存在很大的差异。如:“峨眉山素有‘天下秀’之说,从山麓到山顶有60公里的石径路,沿途飞瀑流泉,猿鸣鸟语,木秀花香。”原文中使用了一系列的动词展现了峨眉山的动态之美,然而在英文译文中译者很好的处理为“There has long been the Chinese saying‘Mount Emei overshadows other mountains in the world for its beauty’. A flagstone-paved path,some 60 kilometers long,winds up 10 its top from its foot.Climbing along the path,sightseers see cascading waterfalls,running springs,creeching monkeys,chirping birds,scenic trees and blooming flowers。”


旅游者来自各行各业,尽管其中不乏一些专家学者,所以旅游资料的撰写必须保证大家都能看懂。因此,译者要做到尽量选择一些通俗用语。如“碑林”一词的翻译,“井冈山碑林”、“康熙重修南岳庙碑记”分别译为“Jinggangshan Forest of Steles” and “The lnscription of Emperor Kangxi’s Rebuilding Nanyue on a Stone Tablet”。两者的翻译都是正确的,但是“stele”一词出自古希腊很多的游客对于这个词语并不熟悉,相比较而言“tone tablet”更加通俗易懂。



















A Trip to Fujian Tulou Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Yongding, Fujian.Today we will visit one of the most famous Tulou cluster.in Fujian--the Hakka Tulou.I’m your tour guide and my name is XXX.You can call X.Let’s begin our trip!We are standing in the front of Jiqinglou.Everybody looks at this Jiqinglou.It’s the largest roundhouse and also the oldest Tolou in this cluster.It was built in 1419 during the reign of Emperor Yongle of the Ming dynasty.It consists of two concentric rings.The outer ring building is four floors tall, with 53 rooms on each level.The outer ring has 72 staircases.The second ring is a one-floor building.All of your can go around in this Tolou by yourself, we will get together here in 20minutes later.Ok, now enjoy yourself.Everybody follow me please!Now, we are going to next Tulou which is called Zhenchenglou.While we are walking to it, I’d like you tell you some information about Zhenchenglou.Would you like to hear it? Zhenchenglou, nicknamed “the Prince of Tulou”, belongs to Hongkeng Tulou cluster.It was inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage 1113-002 and it was built in 1912 by the descendents of a rich tobacco merchant.Zhenchenglou is a double ring Tulou, its outer ring is four floors high, total 184 rooms, and the inner ring is two floors high with 32 rooms.The outer ring was partitioned into four segments according to Bagua concept of Chinese Fengshui principle.Western influence is evident in the Greek style columns of the ancestral hall, and in the wrought iron railing of the second level corridor.Ok, everyone come with me please!Watch your step!I will take you to go around this Tolou and there will leave 15 minutes for you to take some photos.Everybody is here? Ok, let’s go!

Have you enjoy yourself to the full? Now, we arrived at the gate of the Tolou at last.This is the king of Tulou—Chengqilou.The thick outer walls of Tulou were immune to arrows and gunfire.The lower section of the outer wall was built with granite blocks or large river cobbles.You can touch it and feel how strong it is.This granite or cobble section was immune to digging, since the outer layer of cobbles was purposely laid with the smaller ends pointing outwards—it would be futile for any attacker to dig out such cobbles.Now, it’s the free time for you.Remember come to the Parting lot at 4:00 PM.Have a good time!How time flies!Our trip comes to an end.I’m very happy to spend today with you and thank you for your visiting!Bye!


we are now entering the inner court. from the gate of heavenly purity northward lies the inner court where the emperors and empresses once lived .the hall of heavenly purity is the central hall of the inner court ,and was completed during the reign of emperor yongle of the ming dynasty. there are 10 pillars supporting the entire structure and the hall is 20 meters in height .in the center of the hall there a throne. above it hangs a plaque with an inscription that reads “be open and above-board,” written by shenzhi,the first emperor of the qing dynasty. beginning with qianlong` s reign, the name of the successor to the throne was not publicly announced .instead, it was written on two pieces of paper, one to be kept on the emperor` s person throughout his reign, and the other placed in a small strongbox that was stored behind his plaque. the box was opened only after the emperor passed away. altogether there where 4 emperors who ascended the throne in this way, namely qianlong, jiaqing, daohuang and xian feng.

the hall of heavenly purity was where the emperors lived during the ming and qing dynasties. according to tradition ,extravagant annual banquets were held here on new year` s eve in honour of royal family members. foreign ambassadors were received here during the late-qing period. two important “one thousand old men` s feasts” of the qing dynasty were also held here. all the invitees had to be at least 65 years of age.

this hall was also used for mourning services.

(inside the palace of union and peace)

this hall sits between the hall of heavenly purity and the palace of earthly tranquility, symbolizing the union of heaven and earth ,as well as national peace .it was first built in 1420 and reconstructed in 1798. the hall is square in shape ,and is smaller than the hall of complete harmony .you will see a plaque here inscribed with two chinese characters, wu wei, which were handwritten by emperor qianglong. a throne sits in the middle of the hall with a screen behind it .above the throne there hangs a caisson ,or covered ceiling. the emperor held birthday celebrations and other major events here.

in 1748 during emperor qianlong` s reign, 25 jade seals representing imperial authority were kept in this hall .no seals were allowed out of the room without the prior consent of the emperor. on each flack there is a water clock and a chiming clock.

(inside the palace of earthly tranquility)


Tian’anmen Rostrum  Tian’anmen( the Gate of Heavenly Peace), is located in the center of Beijing. It was first built in 1417 and named Chengtianmen( the Gate of Heavenly Succession). At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was seriously damaged by war. When it was rebuilt under the Qing in 1651, it was renamed Tian’anmen, and served as the main entrance to the Imperial City, the administrative and residential quarters for court officials and retainers. The southern sections of the Imperial City wall still stand on both sides of the Gate. The tower at the top of the gate is nine-room wide and five –room deep. According to the Book of Changes, the two numbers nine and five, when combined, symbolize the supreme status of a sovereign.During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Tian’anmen was the place where state ceremonies took place. The most important one of them was the issuing of imperial edicts, which followed these steps:

1) The Minister of Rites would receive the edict in Taihedian( Hall of Supreme Harmony), where the Emperor was holding his court. The minister would then carry the decree on a yunpan( tray of cloud), and withdraw from the hall via Taihemen( Gate of supreme Harmony)

2) The Minister would put the tray in a miniature longting( dragon pavilion). Beneath a yellow umbrella and carry it via Wumen( Meridian Gate), to Tian’anmen Gate tower.

3) A courtier would be invested to proclaim the edict. The civil and military officials lining both sides of the gateway beneath the tower would prostrate themselves in the direction of the emperor in waiting for the decree to the proclaimed.

4) The courtier would then put the edict in a phoenix-shaped wooden box and lower it from the tower by means of a silk cord. The document  would finally be carried in a similar tray of cloud under a yellow umbrella to the Ministry of Rites.  5) The edict, copied on yellow paper, would be made known to the whole country.

Such a process was historically recorded as “ Imperial Edict Issued by Golden Phoenix”.During the Ming and Qing dynasties Tian’anmen was the most important passage. It was this gate that the Emperor and his retinue would go through on their way to the altars for ritual and religious activities.



1. 实用性

英语导游词具有很强的实用性。导游是对游客进行解说, 导游词就是导游向游客解说所用的工具和媒介。导游词一方面是导游对景点惊醒讲解的参考, 另一方面也是为游客了解某一个景点或者某一个旅游地提供的资料。基于这两个方面, 导游词需要对每一个景点提供详实的资料, 导游读了以后能够经过加工成为自己口头讲解的内容, 游客读了以后能够充分理解并了解自己的旅游地。

2. 针对性

英语导游词具有很强的针对性。它是针对特定的人群即来华的外国游客, 导游受时间和地点的限制, 要向来自不同文化的群体介绍和传播我国本土的历史和文化, 因此它有一定的针对性。这就要求导游要精通本国文化及国外语言和文化, 针对不同的民族特性在这两种文化之间进行转化, 实现信息的交换和传播。

3. 功能性

英语导游词还具有很强的功能性。导游词的宗旨就是通过导游绘声绘色的讲解, 达到帮助游客欣赏沿途风景和当地自然景观的效果。导游词还可以传播我国的文化知识, 通过介绍有关名胜古迹的历史典故、传说故事、民俗习惯、风土人情, 使游客增长知识, 从而进一步陶冶情操。通过语言技巧和艺术, 给游客勾勒出一幅幅栩栩如生的画面, 把游客引入一种特定的意境, 使游客如身临其境一般, 从而陶冶情操。


1. 准确、适度原则

时下, 汉语旅游资料的撰写在描写一个景点时往往喜欢引经据典, 铺陈华丽。但是国外游客对于中国的成语不是很熟悉, 过分的堆砌成语往往会导致游客云里雾里, 这就要求在对导游词翻译时要进行适度的处理, 既能够使外国游客充分了解景点的内涵, 又能够传播中国的文化, 从而实现格莱斯 (H.P.Grice) 在他的会话含义理论中提出的数量和质量原则, 即所说的话满足当前谈话所需要的内容又对景点的信息介绍的准确无误。

2. 简洁、口语化原则

汉语导游词词汇丰富, 多用对偶、排比, 而英语导游词却不需要太多华丽的修饰, 简洁自然即可。导游词是导游通过口头表达的方式来传播信息的, 所以进行导游词翻译时还须口语化, 注重现实性和实用性。勉强逐字逐句照译, 可能会伤害原义。如”曲境通幽”这四个字可简单的译为a winding path leading to a secluded, 表述商品的琳琅满目则可以直接缩译为a wide choice。省去了繁琐的介绍, 言简意赅, 游客容易接受。

3. 跨文化原则

国外客往往不太熟悉我国的文化背景, 因此, 我们在进行导游词解说的时候注意遵守跨文化原则, 把国外游客的种族、宗教特色、和政治偏见等各种因素都要考虑进去。例如:杭州西湖如明镜千峰凝翠, 洞壑幽深风光绮丽。如果译成:“T he West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all round with green h ills and deep caves of enchanting beauty.”从字面上看平铺直叙, 没有什么异议, 然而却没有考虑到中西方思维方式的差异和审美的不同。这样的导游词考虑到了跨文化的因素, 容易被国外游客接受。

英语导游词不但是导游引导旅游者进行旅游观光时的解说词, 而实际上导游词还是一种对旅游景点进行历史的、文化的、审美的解读。对导游词的解读也不是简单的导游词翻译而是在语言对等翻译中融入文化的因素。因此在进行导游词解说时就需要注意到中西方文化在内容、思维上的不同, 注意它的特点和所要遵循的原则, 合理地进行有效翻译, 从而弥补不同文化之间的差异, 这样才能促进中国旅游业的蓬勃发展。


[1]丁大刚.旅游英语的语言特点与翻译[M].上海:上海交通大学出版社, 2008.

[2]陈刚.旅游翻译与涉外导游[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版社, 2004.
