



道南小学 2009__2010学年度第二学期期末




本次考试,学校组织周密,严格考试时间及考试纪律,考试秩序良好,考风端正,没有学生作弊的现象。仅有个别老师不能按时进考场,甚至个别考场从头至尾只有一位教师在监考,给考试工作带来极坏的影响。本次考试和以前一样,分科分组进行阅卷,评分准确合理,能够保证阅卷质量,真实地反映学生的成绩,达到了预期目的,并取得了一定的成绩。对于学生而言,这次期末考试是学生学习情况的检查和总结。对于教师而言,考试是教师工作态度、教学效果、教学经验、教学方法,教学能力的检验和交流。就这个意义而讲,每次考试都起到了加油站、检修站的作用。就这次成绩而言,各年级平行班之间较均衡,没有太大差异。总体来看,各班学生高分率都不低,无论是及格率还是优分率,许多班级均达到了较高水平,部分级组的语文成绩还出现了满分较多的情况,这是可喜的现象。这见证了过去的半个学期里,老 1






























本次试题,学生整体成绩较好,但仍有继续努力的地方,具体情况如下: 1.大部分学生基础部分做的还不错,出错较少;

2.计算题是本次我觉得十分最多,也最不该错的地方,是我没有想到的; 3.解决问题方面,大部分学生审题及分析能力都不错,所以这部分答得还不错。










1.教学时及时反思,并进行详细的全面分析,针对每个学生进行分析; 2.利用假期狠抓学生举一反三能力的培养; 3.继续培养学生良好的学习习惯;


Ⅰ . 听音, 选择 (listen and choose) 。 (共10分)

A) 选出你所听到的字母, 并将正确的选项填在题前括号内。每小题读两遍。

B) 选出与所听到的单词相符的图片, 并将正确的选项填在题前括号内。每小题读两遍。

Ⅱ . 听音, 圈字母 (listen and circle) 。圈出正确的答案A或B, 每小题读两遍。 (共6分)

Ⅲ . 听音, 判断 (listen and judge) 。 (共10分)

判断下列图片与所听对话的意思是否相符, 相符写“T”, 不相符写“F”。每小题读两遍。

Ⅳ . 听音, 涂色 (listen and Color) 。根据你所听到的内容将A, B, C, D, 四个矩形涂上相应的颜色, 对话读两遍。 (共4分)

Part2 Writing (笔试部分)

Ⅰ . 根据26个字母的前后顺序, 写出所缺字母 ( 大写和小写 ) 。 (共10分)

Ⅱ . 选出与所给图片属于同一类的单词, 并将选项填在括号内。 ( 共10分 )

Ⅲ . 在四线格内写出与图片对应的单词。 ( 共12分 )

Ⅳ . 看图填空。 (单词首字母已给出) ( 共8分 )

I’m K_________. This is my grandfather, Dan. That is my g_____________, too. He is Ben. This is my grandmother, S_________. That is my g_____________, too. She is May. My father is J__________. My m_____________ is Ann. Lucy is my s___________ and Danny is my b_____________. This is my family. What about yours?

Ⅴ . 为下列句子选择合适的图片, 并将选项填在题前括号内。 ( 共10分 )

( ) Happy birthday!

( ) Good morning, Miss White!

( ) Look! It’s a cat.

( ) Have some bread.

( ) Look at my bag. It’s big.

Ⅵ . 根据问题选择正确的答语, 并将选项填在括号内。 ( 共12分 )

Ⅶ . 为下列句子选择合适的图片, 请将句子与图片连线。 ( 共8分 )




1. oceanA. pleasantB. pleasureC. pressureD. professor

2. existA. excellentB. example

C. expression D. explain

3. courageA. shoulderB. pronounce

C. southernD. anxious

4. thusA. arothmeticB. thread

C. mathematicsD. mouths

5. magazineA. seizeB. realC. medicine D. build


1. I’d appreciate ____ if you could lend me a hand with my homework.

A. soB. itC. thatD. you

2. Mary is a top student in the class. You cannot speak ____ highly of


A. veryB. wellC. muchD. too

3. ——Would you care for tea or coffee?

——Neither, ____. I’ve just had some tea.

A. thank youB. of course, please

C. yesD. no, please

4. His father ____ a soldier in World War Ⅱ, didn’t he?

A. wasB. would beC. must beD. used to be

5. He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation ____ it got


A. untilB. whenC. beforeD. as

6. He is such a great scientist ____ all the people in the world show

respect for.

A. thatB. asC. soD. who

7. I hate ____ when someone calls me up in the middle of night.

A. oneB. thatC. itD. which

8. ____ either of your parents come to see you in the last two weeks?

A. HasB. HaveC. HadD. Will

9. You can’t imagine that rats eat 40 to 50 times ____.

A. in weightB. by weightC. of weightD. their weight

10. Jane had a high fever. Tom felt ____ his duty to look after her.

A. thatB. itC. thisD. /

11. The kidnapper threatened ____ his only son if Tom didn’t manage to

send him one million dollars in a week.

A. to killB. killing

C. and killedD. to have killed

12. It was midnight ____ I finished ____ the book.

A. when, to readB. that, reading

C. at which, readingD. when, reading

13. We reached the seaside at 6, ____ the sun began to set.

A. whereB. whenC. tillD. from which

14. ——What’s wrong with the man?

——____ from school for nothing has made him mad.

A. His son is absentB. His son being absent

C. His son’s being absentD. His son’s being absence

15. The boy was caught ____ in the examination room and he was later

punished for doing so.

A. cheatB. cheatedC. cheatingD. to cheat


Mr. Gray travelled a lot on business. He sold machines of different kinds to farmers.

He had a big car, and usually __1__ driving it long distances, but he was quite satisfied to go by __2__ sometimes too, especially when the __3__ was bad.He was a little afraid of driving in rain or snow, and it was __4__ tiring to sit comfortably in a train and looked out of the window without being worried about how __5__ was going to get to the next place.

One of Mr. Gray’s problems was often __6__ to stay when he reached some small place in the country. He did not __7__ great comfort and wonderful food, but he found it annoying(使恼火) when he was given a cold room, and there was no hot water or food after a long and __8__ day.

Late __9__ winter evening, Mr. Gray arrived at a small railway station. The __10__ by train that day had not been at all interesting, and Mr. Gray was cold and tired and __11__. He was looking forward to a simple __12__ satisfying meal by a brightly burning fire. And then a hot bath and comfortable bed.

__13__ he was walking to the taxi rank, he said to a local man who was also __14__ there. “As this is my first visit to this __15__ of the country and I was in too much of a hurry to __16__ about hotels before I left home, I would very much like to know __17__ you have here.”

The local man answered, “We have __18__.”

“And which would you __19__ me to go to?” Mr. Gray asked him.

The local man thought for a while and then answered, “Well, it’s like this: Whichever one you go to, you’ll be __20__ you didn’t go to the other.”

1. A. consideredB. practisedC. imaginedD. enjoyed

2. A. trainB. carC. himselfD. plane

3. A. businessB. conditionC. roadD. weather

4. A. leastB. mostC. lessD. more

5. A. ifB. oneC. thatD. she

6. A. whereB. howC. whatD. when

7. A. knowB. needC. expectD. like

8. A. comfortableB. tiringC. niceD. special

9. A. thatB. oneC. theD. a

10. A. journeyB. experienceC. travelD. distance

11. A. unhappyB. sleepyC. angryD. hungry

12. A. butB. andC. orD. however

13. A. UntilB. AfterC. BeforeD. While

14. A. walkingB. looking onC. waitingD. visiting

15. A. townB. stationC. landD. part

16. A. talkB. thinkC. moveD. find out

17. A. whatB. which oneC. how manyD. how

18. A. threeB. oneC. noneD. two

19. A. wantB. allowC. adviseD. expect

20.A. sorryB. satisfiedC. amusedD. comfortable



A good teacher is many things to many people. In my own experience, the people I respect the most and think about the most are the teachers who demanded(要求) the most discipline(纪律) from their students.

I miss one teacher in particular that I had in high school. I think she was a good teacher because she was a very strict person. I remember very vividly (清晰地) a sign over her classroom door. It was a simple sign that said, “Laboratory—in this room the first five letters of the word was emphasized(强调), not the last seven.” In other words, I guess, labor for her was more important than oratory, which means making speeches.

She prepared her work very carefully and demanded us to do the same. We got lots of homework from her. Once she had broken her arm, and everybody in the class thought that maybe the homework load would be reduced, but it continued just the same. She checked our work by stamping her name at the bottom of the papers to show that she had read them.

I think sometimes teachers who demand the most are liked the least. But as time goes by, this discipline really seems to benefit(有益于) the students.

1. Which of the following is considered a good teacher by the writer?


A. A patient teacherB. An honest teacher




本班共有学生 人,实考人数 人,人达到优秀。平均分为 分,优秀率为。良好率为。




1、“ 读拼音,写字词”一题中95%的同学全部正确写出了相应的拼音,在读拼音写字词中错的较多的是”宇宙“,”仇恨”两词。根据答题情况看,学生对词语掌握不好是较严重的问题,今后应特别注意。

































Part1 Listening ( 听力部分 )

Ⅰ . 听音, 选择 (listen and choose) (共10分)

A) 听音, 选出你所听到的单词, 将选项写在题前括号内。每小题读两遍。

B) 听音, 选出你所听到的单词, 将选项写在题前括号内。每个单词读两遍。

( ) 6. A. breakfast B. bathroom C. bedroom

( ) 7. A. fifty B. fork C. forty

( ) 8. A. slippers B. sheep C. shorts

( ) 9. A. garden B. goat C. gym

( ) 10. A. parents B. playground C. potato

C) 听音, 选出与你所听句子内容相符的图片, 将选项写在题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。

Ⅱ . 听音, 标号 (listen and number) (共10分)

A) 听音, 给下列句子排序, 按英文字母 (A, B, C, D, E) 的顺序标号。每小题读两遍。

( ) 16. Yes, please. A pair of sandals for my daughter.

( ) 17. They’re nice. How much are they?

( ) 18. They’re thirty-fi ve yuan.

( ) 19. How about this pair?

( ) 20. Can I help you?

B) 听音 , 根据你所听到的内容给下列图片按数字 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 的顺序标号。每小题读两遍。

Ⅲ . 听音 , 根据你所听到的内容圈出正确的图片A或B。每小题读两遍。 (共5分)

Part2 Listening ( 笔试部分, 共70分 )

Ⅰ . 字母与单词 (Letters and words)

A) 根据26个字母的前后顺序, 写出所缺字母 ( 大写和小写 ) 。 ( 共8分 )

Aa 31. Cc Dd Ee 32. G g

H h Ii 33. K k 34. Mm Nn

Oo Pp 35. Rr Ss 36. Uu

37. Ww Xx 38. Zz

B) 选出与所给字母含有相同元音音素的选项。 ( 共5分 )

C) 根据提示补全句子与短文, 每空一词 ( 首字母已给出 ) 。 ( 共16分 )

Ⅱ . 句子 (Sentences) 看图补全问题, 并把相应的答语抄写在横线上。 ( 首字母已给出 ) 。 ( 共10分 )

60. H_________ m___________ d____________ are there _______________________________.

61. What t________ i_________ i_________? _______________________________.

62. I________ i_________ your T-__________? _______________________________.

63. H__________ m___________ are they _______________________________

64. A___________ t___________ rabbits? _______________________________.

They are eight yuan.

No, they aren’t.

o. it’s not.


It’s seven o’clock.

Ⅲ . 情景会话 (Dialogues)

A) 选择恰当的句子完成对话, 并将选项填在题后横线上。 ( 共8分 )

B) 根据所给情景, 选择恰当的句子完成对话, 并将选项填在题后横线上。 ( 共8分 )

Ⅳ . 阅读理解 (Reading comprehension) ( 共15分 )

A) 读一读Wu Yifan的时间表 , 判断下列说法是否正确 , 对的画“√”, 错的画“X”。 ( 共10分 )

( ) 73. Wu Yifan has Chinese class at 8:00.

( ) 74. His favourite class is English.

( ) 75. He is in the music room at 11:10.

( ) 76. He goes to art class in the morning.

( ) 77. He has red sneakers.

B) Chen Jie is going to Harbin. It’s cold and snowy. She’s going shopping. What is she going to buy? 请你为Chen Jie选出要买的2件服装, 将相应单词及价格写在横线上, 并计算出总价, 完成购物单。 ( 共5分 )


1.There are a great number of styles ____, but I am at a loss which

to buy.

A. to be chosenB. to choose from

C. to chooseD. for choosing

2.The old man kept all the children around him ____ with his stories.

A. amuseB. amusingC. amusedD. to amuse

3.——Do you think it’s going to be sunny over the weekend?

——____. It is raining all these days.

A. I don’t believeB. I don’t believe it

C. I believe not soD. I believe not

4.I ____ Mr. Johnson’s house, but he wasn’t in. Then I ____ him, but I couldn’t get through either.

A. called at, called onB. called on, called at

C. called at, called upD. called on, called on

5.He didn’t answer my phone. He ____ asleep.

A. must beB. must have been

C. should beD. may be

6.In order to improve listening, ____.

A. Mary bought a lot of tapes for herself

B. Mary’s father bought her a lot of tapes

C. a lot of tapes were bought by Mary

D. a lot of tapes were bought by Mary’s father

7. ____ role she played in the class!No wonder she has been elected

as the monitor for so many years.

A. How importantB. How an important

C. What importantD. What an important

8. ——The light in the office is still on.

——Oh, I forgot ____.

A. turning it offB. turn it off

C. to turn it offD. having turned it off

9.The director had him ____ the hero in the film all the time,

____ made him a deep impression.

A. act as, thatB. to act, which

C. acting as, whichD. acting as, it

10. I think ____ important ____ my spoken English half an hour a day.

A. this; practiseB. it; to practise

C. this; to practiseD. it; practicing

11. The ancient coins are well worth ____.

A. collectB. being collected

C. collecting D. to collect

12.I will do ____ I can to help you. I won’t ____ your trouble.

A. whatever; add toB. what; add up to

C. as; add toD. what; add up

13.To his surprise, he found himself ____ in the direction of the


A. walkB. walkingC. walkedD. to walk

14.It was ____ I arrived there ____ I heard about the terrible traffic


A. until, whenB. until, that

C. not until, thatD. not when, that

15. They put the plants in the greenhouses so that they ____ the cold


A. protected fromB. prevented from

C. were protected fromD. were prevented from

16. I soon realized that what I was doing has already been finished by

someone else. ____, I was wasting my time.

A. In a wordB. What’s more

C. By the wayD. In other words

17. I came into ____ with all kinds of people in my work.

A. contractB. contactC. attractD. attack

18. ____ finished my homework, I asked my brother ____ interrupt.

A. Having not, not toB. Having not, to not

C. Not having, to notD. Not having, not to

19. Our country now is trying to ____ more advanced technical

information from abroad to develop economy.

A. bring aboutB. bring inC. bring outD. bring back

20. You like music, ____ I’d rather read.

A. while B. since C. when D. as


__1__ the past hundred years, the railway, the car, the radio, the cinema and now the TV, have produced very great __2__ in the amusement(娱乐活动) with which people pass their __3__ time.

A __4__ years ago, people were in the habit of making their own amusements. When a group of people __5__ together, they talked, played cards or __6__ games, read aloud to each other, or went __7__ riding,shooting or walking. Most people could sing __8__, or play the piano, so at a party the guests amused each other. Above all, conversation was an art: amusing conversation could __9__ people happy for hours.

As for games __10__ football and tennis, people were also in the habit of playing __11__ themselves. Most of them did not play very well, but they amused themselves and their friends. Nowadays we are amused__12__ professional(专业的) singers or players. __13__ listen to your friends __14__ when you can hear the great singers of the world __15__the radio or on TV? Why play football with players who __16__ very good at it when you can see some of the best players playing an important match? You may just sit comfortably __17__ and watch the game __18__ the trouble of going outside.

The art of conversation and the habit of playing and singing are dying: people are becoming more and more lookers and listeners, and __19__ doers and talkers. This change does people more harm than good; it is better to do something not very well oneself than __20__ to sit and watch others doing it.

1. A. OnB. AtC. AfterD. During

2. A. singerB. pleasureC. changesD. danger

3. A. busy B. free C. workD. day

4. A. hundredB. thousandC. centuryD. few

5. A. cameB. putC. gotD. worked

6. A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. else

7. A. out B. onC. insideD. to

8. A. littleB. a littleC. lot D. a lot

9. A. made B. bringC. letD. keep

10. A. such asB. for exampleC. likeD. for

11. A. itB. themC. that D. ones

12. A. ofB. byC. inD. on

13. A. WhyB. Why notC. What aboutD. How about

14. A. sayingB. talkingC. playingD. singing

15. A. fromB. inC. byD. over

16. A. is notB. are notC. isD. are

17. A. at homeB. at a cinemaC. at schoolD. at a hospital

18. A. withB. inC. withinD. without

19. A. muchB. littleC. moreD. less

20. A. sometimesB. usuallyC. alwaysD. never



Crosstalk is a kind of Chinese two-person stand-up comedy. Comedy has a comparatively small role, song and dance. The crosstalk comedy was really easy to understand and quite entertaining. As early as the Qin Dynasty, the traditional crosstalk shows had made people all over China roar with laughters for centuries. To the Song Dynasty, there had been many forms and this kind of art had been perfect.

Crosstalk show is very typical for China. The artists play on words, together with body language. They also perform in different forms, such as talking, learning a certain kind of skill, amusing, and tongue twister. Skilled artists make use of all the richness of the spoken language to create a rapid flow of fun. The funny performances always make the audience applaud. In China, there are many famous crosstalk artists, such as Hou Baolin, Hou Yaowen, Niu Qun and Feng Gong, Li Guosheng and Xiao Lin and so on. There is also a famous crosstalk show artist from abroad that is Dashan from Canada.

“Dashan” is the stage name of Mark Rowswell, a Canadian performer in China. Almost unknown by his English name, Dashan is the most famous foreigner in China. He has become a regular fixture on Chinese television and a cultural icon across the nation. Ask anyone in Mainland China—8 out of 10 will be able to tell you who Dashan is.

For the past 17 years Dashan has been appearing on Chinese television to audiences as large as 800 million viewers. Dashan first made his name performing xiangsheng, a traditional form of Chinese comic dialogue often translated as “crosstalk”, which Rowswell began study in 1988 while at Peking University. Dashan still makes guest appearances during the holiday season to perform comedic skits, but more as a hobby than a profession.

1.According to the passage, which of the following statements is wrong?


A. Crosstalk is a typical art form in China

B. Crosstalk performance has many different forms

C. Crosstalk shows often make audience laugh or cry

D. Crosstalk is often performed by two persons

2.____ is not the form of crosstalk performance.

A. TalkingB. SingingC. Tongue twisterD. Magic

3.The first two paragraphs mainly tell us that ____.

A. crosstalk is a typical Chinese two-person stand-up comedy that

brings happiness

B. Dashan is successful at crosstalk performance

C. the crosstalk artists play on words, together with body language

D. in China, there are famous crosstalk artists, such as Hou Baolin,

Hou Yaowen and so on

4. Dashan, a Canadian performer in China, ____.

A. is the most famous crosstalk show artist in China

B. has been a household name in China

C. is known by his English name Mark Rowswell by 88 percent of


D. began studying crosstalk from 15 years ago in Peking University

5.The correct order of the following events is ____.

a. Dashan has become the most famous foreigner across the whole


b. Dashan began to perform on Chinese television

c. Dashan began learning crosstalk while at Peking University

d. Dashan attracted about 800 million viewers

A. b-a-c-dB. c-d-b-aC. b-c-d-aD. c-b-d-a


David Brown and Anne are two patients in the Adult Day Care Program at Merey Hospital. David Brown is seventy-two years old. He’s friendly and likes to talk. He lives with his wife in the city. But David is becoming forgetful. His wife says, “He’ll heat up some soup, then forget to turn off the gas.” She is sixty-one and still works. She is worried about leaving her husband alone by himself.

Anne is eighty and lives with her daughter, who is sixty. Her daughter says that she needs a rest, “Mom follows me everywhere. She follows me from room to room when I clean. She sits down next to me when I read the newspaper. I need a rest and she does, too.”
