




















































(一) 听句子,选出你所听到的内容。每个句子仅读一遍。

1. A. cousins B. strangers C. friends

2. A. relatives B. friends C. classmates

3. A. novel B. book C. poem

4. A. warm B. warmth C. warmer

5. A. put on B. put up C. put off


6. A. Have a good time. B. Glad to hear that.

C. Not at all.

7. A. My pleasure. B. It’s fun.

C. Yes, please.

8. A. On Mid-Autumn Festival.

B. On Christmas.

C. On New Year’s Day.

9. A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t.

C. Nothing else, thanks.

10. A. November. B. December.

C. September.



11. Why is Cindy going to Yunnan?

A. Because she wants to take some photos.

B. Because she wants to relax herself.

C. Because there is a water festival.

12. When will Cindy start?

A. On the morning of April 10th.

B. On the afternoon of April 10th.

C. On the evening of April 10th.


13. Where does the woman want to take her parents for a trip?

A. To Sydney. B. To New York.

C. To London.

14. How long will the man stay on the beach?

A. For one week. B. For two weeks.

C. For three weeks.

15. What will the man do to save money?

A. Teach English. B. Sell books.

C. Collect waste paper.


There are two special days for parents in America. On the 16 of May, it is Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day is on the third Sunday of June. American children often give 17 to their parents or 18 them to have lunch or dinner. Flowers and cards are the 19 gifts. It is more and more popular to 20 Mother’s Day and Father’s Day in China now. It is true that we should show our love to our parents!


1. The cat ______ on the kitchen floor when I came in.

A. was lying B. was laying

C. lied D. lay

2. I think this problem is much more difficult than that one, ______?

A. don’t I B. do I

C. is it D. isn’t it

3.(•山东烟台)—______ fine weather it is! Shall we go for a picnic?

—I can’t agree more.

A. What a good B. What good

C. How good the D. How good

4.—Did you go to the exhibition on May 18th?

—Of course. There were many kinds of Taiwan fruits ______.

A. on show B. on duty

C. on business D. on purpose

5. I’ve decided to go to London next weekend. I was wondering ______ you could go with me.

A. if B. when

C. that D. where

6.(2016•江苏连云港)—What film do you like best?

—The Martian. It ______shows a lot of imagination, ______has a sense of humor.

A. too; to B. neither; nor

C. either; or D. not only; but also

7.(2016•湖北武汉)—Come home before dinner time, Peter!

—I______, Mom.

A. promise B. guess

C. wish D. admire

8. —What do you think of our new teacher, Mrs. Li?

—She is ______ to us. We all love her.

A. strict B. angry

C. serious D. kind

9. Mother told me sound ______ slower than light.

A. traveled B. travel

C. travels D. traveling

10. Please ______ Mike. It’s time for school.

A. get up B. pick up

C. wake up D. dress up


People all over the world celebrate the New Year. However, not all countries celebrate in the same way, and in some countries, the new year doesn’t begin on the 1 day every year.

In many countries, the New Year begins on 1st January, but people start celebrating on 31st December, New Year’s Eve. In New York many people go to celebrate in Times Square. 2 they’re waiting for the New Year, they listen to music, sing traditional songs and have fun. Just before 12 o’clock, everyone 3 down from 10: 10, 9, 8… As soon as it’s 12 o’clock, everyone shouts very 4 , “Happy New Year!”

New Year’s Day is often a family day. Some families get together for a special meal. When the weather is fine, many families go out for a 5 .

On New Year’s Day, many people make resolutions for the new year. They 6 a list of things, such as “I will help out more with housework. I will work 7 at school than others.” or “I won’t spend so much time playing video games.” When they have made 8 list, they read it to their family or friends and promise to 9 their resolutions.

So it doesn’t matter how they celebrate, 10 people in countries all over the world, it’s a time to say goodbye to the old year, and to welcome the new.

1. A. familiar B. same C. important D. normal

2. A. If B. Even though C. While D. Before

3. A. comes B. turns C. looks D. counts

4. A. loudly B. quietly C. sadly D. safely

5. A. walk B. secret C. job D. treatment

6. A. put on B. write down C. take away D. look after

7. A. quickly B. hard C. harder D. hardly

8. A. its B. his C. her D. their

9. A. follow B. make C. do D. give

10. A. By B. For C. With D. From



(2016•长沙)The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th of the first month of the lunar calendar(阴历). This day is always the first full moon in the new year. Ancient people also called it Shangyuan Festival. Celebrations and traditions on this day began from the Han Dynasty(朝代)and became popular in the Tang Dynasty.

Watching the red lanterns is one of the main traditions. Lanterns of different shapes and sizes are usually put on trees, or along river banks on show. It is said that sky lanterns were first used by Zhuge Kongming to ask for help when he was in trouble. Today, when the lanterns slowly rise into the air, people make wishes.

Another tradition is guessing lantern riddles. The riddles are usually short, wise, and sometimes humorous. The answer to a riddle can be a Chinese character(汉字), a famous person’s name, or a place name.

The most important thing is to eat sweet dumplings with different tastes. In northern China, they are called yuanxiao while in southern part they’re named tangyuan. Because making sweet dumplings is like a game or an activity, they are usually done happily by a group of friends or family members.

In old times, the Lantern Festival was also romantic(浪漫的). Watching lanterns gave young people a chance to meet each other. A line from Xin Qiji, a poet during the Song Dynasty, shows this:

Hundreds and thousands of times I searched for her in the crowd. Suddenly I turned, and there she stood, in the dim(昏暗的)light.

1. The traditional festival talked about in this passage is called “ ” in Chinese.

A. 春节 B. 元宵节 C. 端午节

2. When did celebrations and traditions of the Lantern Festival start from?

A. The Han Dynasty. B. The Tang Dynasty. C. The Song Dynasty.

3. What were sky lanterns first used for by Zhuge Kongming in ancient times?

A. Making wishes. B. Celebrating birthdays. C. Asking for help.

4. Which of the following is NOT true about sweet dumplings?

A. They have different tastes.

B. They are named “yuanxiao” all over the country.

C. People enjoy the process of making them.

5. The line from Xin Qiji in the passage shows the Lantern Festival was in old times.

A. boring B. humorous C. romantic


The Spring Festival is celebrated not only in China but also in other parts of the world. The traditional holiday is the most important to Chinese both home and abroad.

United Kingdom

Celebrations for the Spring Festival in the UK started in 1980, with the first evening party held in . Every New Year, people get together and have a lot of activities. They sing songs, dance to music, share photos with friends or enjoy films in a cinema.

United States

The Spring Festival has become a key time for Chinese living or working in the US. They join in a large evening party to welcome the traditional New Year. It is a good chance for people to build a circle of friends and feel that they are not alone because they share the same culture and values.


The Chinese New Year will be welcomed with three weeks of celebrations across Australia. Many people come to Sydney’s Chinatown or Little Bourke in Melbourne. They enjoy fireworks, lion dances, dragon boat races and many other traditional activities. The celebrations are also a bridge towards better understanding between Chinese and non-Chinese.


The family dinner on New Year’s Eve is an important tradition for Chinese whether they were born in Singapore or moved there from China. They place traditional food on a table as an act of remembering their past. Then the whole family enjoy their dinner together. They usually hold it at home because having it in a restaurant takes away the meaning of the tradition.

6. Celebrations for the Spring Festival in the UK started in .

A. 1890 B. 1980

C. D. 2002

7. At the Spring Festival, Chinese in America join in a large evening party to .

A. say hello to the new year

B. refuse a good chance

C. tell others they are alone

D. share different cultures

8. Chinese in Australia enjoy the following activities except .

A. fireworks B. lion dances

C. bridges D. dragon boat races

9. In Singapore, Chinese families don’t hold the new year dinner in a restaurant but at home because .

A. they were born in Singapore

B. they moved there from other places

C. the restaurant is far away

D. they want to keep Chinese tradition

10. After reading the passage above, we might say .

A. all parts of the world celebrate the Spring Festival

B. the Chinese New Year is celebrated only in China

C. celebrations for the Spring Festival are just held in four foreign countries

D. Chinese across the world have a strong feeling towards the Spring Festival


用括号中所给词的适当形式填空, 使语篇意思完整, 必要时请用否定式。

(•昆明)Chinese people have been celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for 1 (century). There are many traditional folk stories about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Chang’e is the most 2 (touch). It tells after Hou Yi shot down the 3 (nine) suns, a goddess gave him magic medicine to thank him. Hou Yi planned 4 (drink) it with his wife, Chang’e. But a bad man, Pang Meng, tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was out. Chang’e 5 (is) ready to give it to him and then drank it all. She became very light and 6 (fly) up to the moon. Hou Yi was so sad and missed her very much. One night, he found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there. He 7 (quick) laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. 8 (how) he wished that she could come back!

After this, people started the 9 (traditional) of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes that carry 10 (they) wishes to the families they love and miss.


1. The teacher __________(结束)the class with a story.

2. The kids like to __________(打扮)cartoon characters.

3. This picture __________ me __________(使想起)my uncle.

4. I’d like to __________ my happiness ___________(与……分享)you.

5. She continued to __________ (摆放) her cards.


1. Do you know the boy _______(lie)on the beach?

2. When he went out, he found his bike _______(steal).

3. The bottle _______(fill)with milk.

4. It caused the _______(die)of all my plants.

5. Remind me _______(turn)off the light before I leave.


1. What do you think of playing computer games?(改为同义句)

_______ do you _______ playing computer games?

2. The teacher said to the students,“English is an important subject.”(合并为一句)

The teacher told the students _______ English _______ an important subject.

3. Are there any new markets in Asia? The sales manager wants to know.(合并为一句)

The sales manager wants to know _______ there _______ some new markets in Asia.

4. The girl is very pretty.(改为感叹句)

_______ _______ the girl is!

5. I think it’s necessary to protect the environment.(改为否定句)

I _______ _______ _______ necessary to protect the environment.


假如你是李磊,你的美国笔友Tom对中国的传统文化很感兴趣。请你用英语给他写一封80词左右的电子邮件,介绍一个或两个中国的传统节日,如春节(the Spring Festival)、中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival)等。

要求: l. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

2. 语句通顺、表达准确、内容连贯。

3. 文中不能出现真实校名和姓名等相关信息。

参考词汇: decorate装饰

Dear Tom,

I’m very glad to tell you something about ________________________________________




自信心是一种反映个体对自己是否有能力成功的完成某项活动的信任程度的心理特性, 是一种表达自我价值、自我尊重、自我理解意识特征及心理状态行为。因此, 在英语课堂教学过程中应科学合理的运用评价语言全面激发学生的自信心, 并且还要采用先进的教学理论, 转变英语教学方式, 确保教学具有高质量的同时, 将课堂教学效率服务全面提高, 从而培养学生乐于进取、积极主动、勇于挑战的精神, 这样对于学校形成良好的文化氛围及推动学校全面发展具有重要意义。

2. 转化英语学困生的对策

2.1 激发学生学习兴趣

要想提高英语学困生的成绩, 就必须激发他们的学习兴趣, 其不仅可以转化为学习动机, 同时对于学生智能发展也很有帮助, 这是提高英语学习效果的关键。所以, 在英语课堂教学中, 应努力营造能够激发学生学习兴趣的有利条件、环境以及气氛。首先, 实际教学过程中, 应尽可能的将新教授的英语知识转化成学生比较感兴趣的问题, 以此让每位学生产生出浓厚的兴趣, 兴趣一旦形成, 那么, 他们就能够积极主动的参与到学习中, 学生学习英语不再是以往的被动接受, 而是一个积极主动的参与学习过程。

2.2 促进师生关系, 重视情感教学

实际教学过程中, 师生之间应进行良好的配合, 这对于增强学生学习英语的能力有很大的帮助。良好情感会对学生的英语学习造成直接的影响。所以, 教学过程中, 教育者应积极的与学生沟通, 用朋友的身份与学生互动, 拉近师生间的距离。应尊重每位学生, 认真聆听学生的诉说, 鼓励学生阐述自己的主张。

2.3 主动帮助学困生提高学习成绩

大部分的学困生会因为自己学习成绩差而感到自卑, 他们的学习兴趣比较缺乏, 对于不懂的问题从不会主动的请教老师。所以, 作为教育者, 要重视学困生, 观察他们情绪上的变化, 如发现有异常表现的学生应对其进行开导与必要的鼓励, 并且平时还要花更多的时间对他们进行辅导, 加强训练, 以补充他们的知识, 逐渐的提高他们的学习成绩;另外, 还应带动英语成绩好的学生帮助成绩差的学生, 让学困生感受到集体的温暖。相信通过教育者与同学的帮助, 班上的学困生学习会不断进步, 学习兴趣会不断增强, 这对于改变他们以后的前途与命运意义深远。

2.4 传授学生学好英语的方法, 帮助他们形成良好的学习习惯

在教学过程中, 教育者应引导学生运用良好的英语学习方法, 因为其可以提高他们的学习水平, 对知识全面、深刻的理解。而要想实现这一目标, 应从以下几方面着手;首先, 在指导学生听、说、读、写过程中, 将学习方法有机的渗透进取。教育者可引导学生通过音标的方式记单词或者词根 (root) ;如在学习act过程中, 还可以同时学习actio (行动) 、activity (活动) 等单词。其次, 指导学生学会自我评价;学生要想形成良好的学习方式, 前提条件就是要学会自我评价, 运用学习方法自行规划自己的学习任务, 明确学习目标。经过一个阶段之后, 教育者应引导学生将自己的学习经验进行一番总结, 以便于改进和完善学习方法。

2.5 狠抓细节, “强迫”学生养成良好的英语学习习惯

很多学生成为“学困生”不是学生的智力问题而是学习的习惯不够好。俗话说的好“无规矩不成方圆”。这对于初中英语学习而言, 亦为如此。所以在平时笔者非常注重“学困生”的学习习惯的养成。例如, 有的学生上课不认真听讲, 总喜欢做小动作。我就悄悄跟他达成协议, 如果他表现好我就会很开心地笑, 表示对他的赞赏, 如果他表现不好我就会看看他然后很大声地讲课以示提醒。协议达成后, 在上课时我经常跟他们进行眼神交流, 声音忽高忽低, 他们因为受到关注, 总是全神贯注地听讲。

2.6 给予学困生更多的支持与肯定

学困生的缺点非常之多, 尽管如此, 但是他们也有闪光之处, 那么教师就需要善于捕捉他们的闪光之处并给予其合适的表扬与肯定, 使其优点得以充分地发挥, 让他们能够自觉地克服自身的缺点与不足。对学困生的点滴进步, 教师也应该对其给予最大的支持与鼓励, 让学生切实地感受到教师发自内心的鼓舞与期望。对于难度适中、估计学困生可以回答上来的问题, 笔者经常让他们回答这些问题, 以增强其自信心。


[1]文卫平, 朱玉明《外语学习情感障碍研究》, 西北大学出版社, 1998年

[2]蒋建华“中小学英语教学衔接问题的行动研究”, 《中小学外语教学》2005年第4期

[3]代桂玲.初中英语学困生的有效转化刍议[J].教育教学论坛, 2011 (2) .

[4]何芳.转化学困生的理论与方法[M].知识出版社, 2000.



2. put on


3. folk adj.


4. steal v.

(stole, stolen ) 偷;窃取

5. lay v.

(laid /leid/, laid) 放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)

6. lay out


7. admire v.


8. trick n.


9. treat

n. 款待;招待 v. 招待;请(客)

10. fool

n. 蠢人;傻瓜 v. 愚弄 adj. 愚蠢的

11. lie v.

(lay/ lei/, lain/ lein) 平躺;处于

12. dead adj.


13. punish v.


14. warn v.


15. present

n. 现在;礼物adj. 现在的

16. warmth n.


17. spread

v. 传播;展开 n. 蔓延;传播

18. the Water Festival 泼水节 19. the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 20. the Chinese Spring Festival 中国春节 21. the Lantern Festival 元宵节 22. the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

1. be crowded with 挤满了…… 2. put on five pounds 胖了五英磅 3. be similar to 和……相似 4. in the shape of ……的形状 5. plan to do 计划、打算做某事 6. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 7. lay her favorite fruits and desserts 摆出她


8. admire the moon 赏月 9. as a result 结果


1. compete 比赛,竞争

2. take part in 参加,参与

3. stand for 代表,象征,表示

4. admit 容许,接纳,承认

5. as well 也,又,还

6. host 做东,招待,主人

7. replace 代替

8. charge 收费,控诉

in charge 主管,看管

9. advertise I做广告,登广告

10. bargain 讨价还价,讲条件,便宜货

11. one after another 一个接一个地

12. deserve 应受(报答或惩罚)

13. deserve的用法

deserve to do sth 应该做/值得做

deserve doing = deserve to be done 值得… (doing 表被动意义)

Your suggestion deserves to be considered = deserves considering.

( 用法相似的动词:need/want/require doing= need/want/require to be done 需要….)

14. take part in : 参加有组织的、重大的活动

join in 参加正在进行的活动

join: 参加团体,党派和组织,成为其中的一员(join the army; join the party)



Sunday(Sun.) 周日

Monday(Mon.) 周一

Tuesday(Tue./Tues.) 周二

Wednesday(Wed./Weds.) 周三

Thursday(Thur./Thurs.) 周四

Friday(Fri.) 周五

Saturday(Sat.) 周六

weekend 周末(周六、日)

washmy clothes 洗衣服

watchTV 看电视

dohomework 做作业

readbooks 看书

playfootball 踢足球

onthe weekend 在周末

playsports/do sports


listento music 听音乐

playping-pong 打乒乓球



1.—What do you have on Thursdays?


—I have math, English andmusic.


2.—What do you do on Thursdays, Grandpa?


—I have a cooking class withyour grandma.


3.—Do you often read books in this park?


—Yes, I do.是的

—No, I don’t.不是

4. Look at my picture.


5. You look tired.

你看 起来很累。

6. Youshould play sports everyday.



语 音

字母组合ee, ea在单词中的的发音:[ i: ]


feet beef meet see feed tea read eat repeat

脚 牛肉 遇见 看见 喂养 茶 阅读 吃 重复


1、ee组合绝大部分发长音[ i: ],只有少部分发短音[i ],如:coffee 咖啡

2、ea字母组合除了发[i: ],还有可能发[e ]等发音,如:bread面包,或者发[ei ],如:great 好极了




—What do you do …?

—I often play ping-pong…


—Whatdo you have on…?

—Wehave English class…


—Do you oftenread books?

—Yes, I do.

—No,I don’t.



课外 at+具体时刻(…点钟)

如:at 12 o’clock 在十二点整

补充: in+大致时间(年月,早中晚),如:in 在 in the morning/afternoon/evening

4、play + 球类、棋类、娱乐活动,如:play football/ping-pong

补充:play + the + 乐器(第四单元知识),如:play thepipa/piano/violin…





(1)开头:简单的自我介绍:Myname’s…/ I’m…



I go toschool from Monday to Friday. I like…because I have…

2)介绍自己周六、日的活动:Ioften watch TV/…on the weekend.

(3)结尾:Thisis my week. What about yours?


My week


【重点短语】1.put on 增加(体重);发胖

2.care about 关心; 在乎

3.end up 最终成为, 最后处于

4.not only ……but also……不但……而且……

5.shoot down 射下

6.used to do 过去常常做……

7.remind sb. of 使某人想起

8.give out 分发 发放

9.the water festival 泼水节

10.the Chinese spring festival 中国春节

11.next year 明年

12.sound like 听起来像

13.each other 互相 彼此

14.in the shape of 以……的形状

15.on mid-autumn night 在中秋之夜

16.fly up to 飞向17.lay out 摆开 布置

18.come back 回来

19.as a result 结果 因此

20.Mother’s day 母亲节

21.more and more popular 越来越受欢迎

22.think of 想起 ;认为 ;思考

23.dress up 装扮 穿上盛装

24.the importance of ……的重要性

25.make money 挣钱

26.in need 需要帮助 处于困境中

27.between …and…在……和……之间

28.the dragon boat festival 龙舟节

29.the lantern festival 元宵节

30.like best 最喜欢

31.go to …for a vacation 去……度假

32.be similar to 与……相似

33.wash away 冲走 洗掉

34.Mid-autumn festival 中秋节35.shoot down 射下

36.call out 大声呼喊37.the tradition of ……的传统

38.at night 在夜里; 在晚上

39.one…,the other…一个……,另一个…...

40.Father’s day 父亲节

【重点句型】1. I think that they’ re fun to watch.我认为它们看着很有意思。

2. What do you like about… ?What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?关于端午节,你最喜欢什么?

3. What a great day!多么美好的一天!

4 .1 wonder if…I wonder if it’s similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.我想知道它是否与云南傣族的泼水节相似。

5. How+adj. /adv. + 主 + 谓!How fantastic the dragon boat teams were!龙舟队多棒啊!


牛津初中英语9A Unit 2Grammar (第一课时) 。


1. 能听、说、读、写句型would rather...than...和pre-fer...to...

2. 能运用would rather...than...和prefer...to...的句型来表达自己喜欢做的事。

3. 能读懂语法部分出现的图及文章, 看懂语法部分的英语讲解。

4. 能用would rather...than...和prefer...to...造句, 正确地使用不定代词, 完成评价手册中相关的练习。


能运用would rather...than...和prefer...to...的句型来表达自己喜欢做的事。


能区分would rather...than...和prefer...to...的用法, 学会用英语表达选择和喜好。



Step 1.Revision.

让学生从已学过的Comic strip和Reading中找出含有would rather...than...和prefer...to...的句子, 并说出中文意思。

Step 2.Presentation.

1. 导入新课。

用PPT呈现学生感兴趣的图片, 问学生的喜好。引出新授句型would rather...than...和prefer...to...

(设计理念:利用多媒体的图片问学生的喜好, 从而引出表示选择和喜好的句型的复习, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 拉近师生距离。)

2. 新课的讲解。

(1) 教师板书would rather...than...和prefer...to...句型, 并进行教学。

(2) Work in pairs.根据PPT图片, 学生用would rather...than...和prefer...to...来谈论个人的偏好。

(设计理念:利用多媒体教学手段展示形象生动的画面, 充分地调动了学生的积极性, 吸引了全体学生的注意力, 同时小组合作不仅可以训练学生的口语和听力, 同时也促进学生间的合作和交流。)

(3) 引导学生自己初步总结出怎样用would rather...than...和prefer...to...句型来谈论个人的偏好。

(设计理念:教师从旁指导、学生自己总结的效果比教师直接讲解的效果更好, 学生的印象会更加深刻。)

Step 3.Practice.


2.学生之间问答, 表达自己在色彩、服装、食品、活动等方面的偏好。

3. 点名让学生汇报。

4. 学生独立完成第31页的练习。

(设计理念:用多种操练方式来培养学生运用英语的能力, 符合“词不离句”的认知规律。同时由口头练习转换到笔头练习, 让学生在合作交流中练习了口语, 也兼顾了学生的笔头练习, 让学生进一步了解了这两个句型的用法。)

Step 4.Consolidation.

1.小练习。用would rather...than...和prefer...to...结构造句。

(1) sleep/go out.

(2) buy books/buy clothes.

(3) walk to the mall/take the bus.

(4) eat Chinese food/eat Western food.

(5) go to the cinema/watch TV.

2.学生先独立思考, 后小组讨论完成“Work out the rules!”部分。

(设计理念:通过小练习来巩固所学内容。总结规律时, 学生不仅学会了独立思考, 还再次在合作小组中展开了积极的讨论。)












disability n. 无力,无能,残疾

Does this disability make it difficult for them to do some things? 这种残疾对他们做某些事造成了困难吗?

His disability prevents him from holding a job. 他的无能使他不能胜任工作。


disable vt. 使失去能力,使残废

The accident disabled him from walking.

=He was disabled from walking by the accident. 那次车祸使他失去了走路的能力。

Old age disabled him for hand labor. 年迈使他失去了劳动能力。

disabled adj. 残废的,有缺陷的

the disabled 残疾人(表一类人)

Because he is disabled, his house has become a prison to him. 因为残疾,房子对他来说简直成了监狱。

This boss is encouraged to hire the disabled. 这位老板被鼓励去雇佣残疾人。

2. Why disabled people find the website beneficial? 为什么残疾人认为这个网站有益?

beneficial adj. 对……有益的、有好处的,其后常接介词to

Fresh air is beneficial to our health. 新鲜空气有益健康。

Sunshine and moisture are beneficial to living things. 阳光和水分于生物有益。


benefit v.有益于

benefit by/from 得益于

I have benefited a lot from extensive reading. 广泛阅读使我受益匪浅。

We benefit by/from daily exercises. 每天锻炼对我们有好处。

I don’t think my uncle will benefit us with his money. 我想我叔叔是不会给我们钱的。

beneficial = of benefit (benefit n.)

This project is of great benefit to everyone. 这项工程对每个人都大有好处。

It was achieved with the benefit of modern technology. 借助现代技术,目标已经达到。

3. She is proud to have taken part in competitions and to have broken a record by running two laps(800metres) this year. 多次参加比赛,在今年的800米赛跑中打破一项记录,她对此感到自豪。

to have done是动词不定式的完成形式,表示不定式的动作发生在谓语动词动作之前。

The old woman seems not to have eaten anything. 这个老太太似乎没吃过东西。

Charles Babbage is generally considered to have invented the first computer. 查尔斯·巴别基被普遍认为是电脑的发明者。


在would like, would love, would rather, hope, wish, expect, think, suppose, want, plan, agree, mean, try等这类表示“打算,意图”的动词后接不定式的完成时作宾语,含有“想做而未做的事情”之意。

I would love to have gone to the party last Sunday evening, but I had to work extra hours to finish my composition. 我本打算上周日晚去参加聚会,然而我不得不抽空完成我的作品。

I planned to have attended the lecture yesterday morning, but my uncle called and I couldn’t get away. 昨天上午,我本计划出席这次演讲,但我叔叔找我,脱不开身。

4. So sometimes some children in my primary school would laugh, when I got out of breath after running a short way or had to stop and rest halfway up the stairs. 跑了很短一段之后,我就会喘不过气来,或者上楼梯上到一半就得停下来休息,我上小学时有的孩子见到我这样就会笑话我。

out of breath 上气不接下气

Tom ran faster than ever, reaching Zhongshan Park quite out of breath. 汤姆跑得比以前更快,到中山公园时已经上气不接下气。

The mile run left Bill out of breath. 一公里赛跑,跑得比尔上气不接下气。


draw/take a breath 深深地吸一口气

hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

catch one’s breath 喘息

save one’s breath 不白费唇舌

below one’s breath 压着嗓子,低声地

stop one’s breath 把某人闷死

in a breath 一口气,一举

The driver took a deep breath and dived in the swimming pool. 那潜水员深深地吸了一口气,然后跳入泳池中。

Save your breath, the boss will never give you a day off. 别白费唇舌了,老板决不会给你一天假。

5. In particular I wonder if you have considered the following things. 尤其是以下几点我不知道你是否考虑到了。

in particular = especially or particularly尤其,特别,格外

He loves science fiction in particular. 他特别喜爱科幻小说。

Peter was lying on the sofa doing nothing in particular. 彼得躺在沙发上,无所事事。


in trouble 处在困境/不幸/烦恼中

in a dilemma 在(进退两难的)困境中

in danger 在危险中

in time 及时,不迟

The building is in danger of collapsing. 这栋建筑有垮塌的危险。

If I don’t get this finished in time, I’ll be in trouble. 我要是不按时完成就倒霉了。

sb be particular about /over sth 某人对某事很挑剔

sth be particular to sb 某事为某人所特有

She is very particular about the clothes. 她对衣着特别挑剔。

Writing is particular to Mary. 写作是玛丽的爱好。

6. As he was not allowed to accompany her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her. 因为克莱尔不允许托尼陪她去商店,所以托尼就给她写了一份购物清单。

accompany v. 陪伴,陪同,伴随;为……伴奏

I will accompany Professor Li to the station. 我要送李教授去车站。

The pianist accompanied the singer. 钢琴家为歌唱者伴奏。


accompany sb to sp 陪……去……

be accompanied by/with 与某事物同时存在或发生,兼带,附有

accompany sb at/on sth 用……给某人伴奏

His wife accompanied him on the trip to New York. 他夫人陪他去纽约。

Lightning usually accompanies thunder. 闪电通常伴有雷声。

The well-known singer was accompanied at the piano by Mr Wang. 王先生为那位著名的歌星担任钢琴伴奏。

keep sb company 陪伴,和某人做伴

in the company of/in sb’s company 在……的陪同下

I feel happy in your company. 有你陪同我很高兴。

7. Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. 克莱尔觉得受到机器人的同情是荒唐的。

sympathy n. 同情心,同感,慰问

have /feel sympathy for /towards sb 同情某人

in sympathy with 同情,赞成,一致

He has no sympathy with them in their suffering. 他不同情他们的苦难。

On this point I’m in sympathy with him. 在这一点上我同他一致。


in/with sympathy同情地

a letter of sympathy 慰问信

She looked at the poor kids with sympathy. 她同情地看着那些可怜的孩子。

8. Do you think it is possible for a robot to have its own needs and desires? 你认为机器人有可能有自己的需求和渴望吗?

desire n. 愿望,欲望,要求

have a strong desire to do sth 迫切想做某事

have no desire for sth 对……没有欲望

do sth at sb’s desire 应……的要求做某事

He has a strong desire to succeed. = He has a strong desire for success. 他渴望成功。

I will do it at your desire. 我按照你的要求去做。


desire v. 愿望,欲望,要求

desire for sth 渴望得到

desire to do sth 迫切希望做

desire sb to do sth 迫切希望某人做

desire that+主+(should)+动词原形 (虚拟语气)

She desires you to come at once. = She desires that you come at once. 她希望你立即来。

We all desire happiness and health. 我们都希望幸福和健康。

We always desire to live in peace with our neighbors. 我们一向希望邻里之间和睦相处。


desire, hope, want与 wish

desire 强调主观愿望的热切,带有尽力争取的含义;

hope 除表示“希望”外,兼有“打算”的含义;表示对愿望的可能实现抱有信心;

want 是个常用词,只能说want to do sth或want sb to do sth,不可带宾语从句;

wish 多表示不大可能实现的愿望,或用于祝愿语,后面可以跟宾语加宾补形式,hope则不可以。

We all desire happiness and health.

I hope I can pass the exam.

I don’t want Linda to hear about this.

I wish I were a bird.

9. In 1942 he joined the staff of the Philadelphia Navy Yard as a junior chemist and worked there for three years. 1942年,他开始在费城海军造船厂担任初级化学师,在那儿干了三年。

junior adj. 年少的,资历较浅的,等级较低的。一般不用于比较等级,不与than 连用,而应与介词to搭配。反义词senior用法与junior相同。

He is three years junior/senior to me. = He is junior/senior to me by three years. 他比我小/大两岁。


Mr King Junior is in charge of the factory. 小金先生掌管那个工厂。

Tom is studying at a junior middle school. 汤姆正在上初中。


Junior 还可做名词,意为“年少者,晚辈,三年级学生”

an office junior 初级职员

Of the two clerks, he is the junior.


She married a man seven years her junior/senior. 她嫁给了一个比她小/大七岁的男人。

10. But even though Tony had been so clever,he would have to be rebuilt — you can not have woman falling in love with machine. 但是,尽管托尼很聪明,他还得做一番改造——总不能让女人与机器相爱吧。

have sb doing sth 让某人做某事(现在分词表主动进行)

The show had us laughing all the time. 这场表演使我们自始至终笑不停。

I tried to have my son learning English. 我想让我的儿子学英语。

have sb doing sth若用在否定句中,have则有“容忍”之意。

I won’t have you speaking to your dad like that. 我不允许你和你父亲那样讲话。


have sth done


When did you have your hair cut? 你什么时候理的发?

I must have this suit dry-cleaned. 我必须把这套衣服送去干洗。


Tom had his leg broken while playing football. 汤姆踢足球时伤了腿。

He had his money stolen yesterday. 昨天他的钱被偷了。

have sb do sth

I will have him mend this radio. 我会请他为我修收音机。

I had him write a letter to my employer. 我要他写一封信给我的雇主。

1. It is said that dogs will keep you for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely.

A. safety B. company C. house D. friend

2. I have absolutely no for students who get caught cheating in exams.

A. connection B. sympathy

C. confidence D. emotion

3. We desire that we of any change in plans.

A. are informedB. must be informed

C. be informedD. have been informed

4. If the father is called Smith Senior, the son is usually called Smith .

A. young B. elderly C. Junior D. kid

5. Nuclear science should be developed to the people rather than harm them。

A. contribute B. protect

C. affect D. benefit

6. Mary的父母不在,所以我想我得过去陪着她。

Mary’s parents are away for the week, so I thought I’d go over and . (accompany)

7. 她对吃的东西特别挑剔。

She is what she eats. (particular)

8. 你晚饭有什么特别想吃的吗?

Is there you’d like for dinner? (particular)

9. 我上气不接下气地跑到电影院。

I ran to the cinema all along and

. (breath)

10. 他比我小五岁。

He is five years younger than me. =He is five years me. (junior)

11. 被选为班长我很骄傲。

I am proud to monitor. (elect)

12. 时光一去不复返。

It was impossible for lost time to .(make)

1~5. BBCCD

6. keep her accompany

7. particular about

8. anything in particular

9. out of breath

10. junior to

11. have been elected
