



the foundation of any relationship, whether it be with a business associate, spouse, parent, client or, friend, is trust. trust is not something that can be built with quick fi techniques. rather, it is something that is cultivated through consistent habits in your interactions. the following are twelve patterns of behavior that increase trust in your relationships.

1. be transparent

do not try to hide things from others. refuse to have any hidden agendas. you might think you can pull a fast one on someone else. you can’t. most people have good intuition and even though they may not be able to consciously determine that you are hiding something, they very likely will have an uneasy feeling around you. if they don`t feel comfortable around you, they wont be able to trust you.

another sinister aspect of having hidden agenda is that it erodes your ability to trust others. you will assume that if you aren’t fully forthcoming, other people aren’t either. when you are trustworthy, however, you will see others as more trustworthy too.

2. be sincere

this is similar to the previous point. only say what you mean. be impeccably honest with your words. refuse to try and craft your words to manipulate others. don`t give fake compliments, patronize others or say something just because you think you are supposed to. again, people have good bs detectors. when others know that you only speak genuinely, it increases their capacity to trust you. everyone loves authenticity.

3. focus on adding value

in any relationship, always have the best interest of others at heart. work hard to give as much or more than you get. when you consistently add value to someone`s life, they not only feel like you are on their side, they also have the urge to reciprocate. in business relationships, this means always under-promise and over-deliver. in personal relationships, focusing on meeting the needs of the other person instead of taking in order to get your own needs met.

4. be present

the last thing anyone wants is to have a conversation with someone who isn’t there. instead of retreating into your head, focus on listening to others. whenever you are with someone, make them your primary focus. don’t think about work while you are at home talking to your spouse. don’t think about life at home when you are with a client. when it comes to relationships, presence means quality time and quality time builds trust.

5. always treat people with respect

ever since we were little kids, we have been taught to be respectful. however, when our standards get violated or there is no one around to see (read: we don`t think there will be any consequences), we can often engage in petty behavior. this encompasses a wide range of actions from personal attacks during arguments to gossiping behind someone’s back.

always remember that another person’s inherent worth as a human being entitles them to be treated with dignity. when people know that you will always treat with them respect, it is very natural for trust to flourish.

6. take responsibility

when you mess up, which you invariably will, be quick to clean it up. skip the ecuses and just take responsibility. justifying and making ecuses may help you in the short term but in the long run, it does nothing for your character or the level of trust you are given. accountability is a rare trait these days with most people wanting to avoid negative consequences at all costs. dare to be different and you will win the trust of others.

7. focus on feedback

unless you`re a mind reader, the only way you can know how well a relationship is going is by getting feedback from the other person. be not only willing to accept feedback C actively seek it out. many people are afraid to give you feedback, especially if its negative, out of fear that they will offend. ask with sincerity and respond respectfully and others will be far more willing. take both the positive and negative into account along with your own judgment and adjust your behaviour accordingly.

8. take criticism well

learn to handle criticism with grace. instead of getting defensive, consider the possibility that what the other person is saying might be true. closing yourself off from criticism has the effect of closing off all communication.

in some cases, the criticism may indeed be inaccurate. in these instances, you have the opportunity to show empathy. try to understand the problem from the other person’s point of view. perhaps the criticism is just a thinly veiled attack that stems from a deeper upset they may have with you. in these cases, your willingness to dig deeper without getting defensive will certainly enhance the trust in the relationship.

9. set boundaries

be clear about how you epect people to behave around you. again, do this in a mature manner: be sincere and respectful. when you have clear standards, people know eactly how to behave around you and that gives them certainty. the strength that you communicate by setting boundaries builds trust C when someone knows that they can`t take advantage you that alleviates the fear that someone else will.

10. be a class act

hold yourself to a higher a standard. be quick to apologize when you know you are wrong. only speak well of others, even those who don`t speak well of you.

why should you do this? first, imagine what it would do to your sense of self to know that other people only have good eperiences with you. second, imagine how much trust such behaviour engenders in others. finally, imagine the eample you set for others C the conduct of others will improve just by being around you consistently.

11. your word is your bond

keep all the promises you make and ensure that you make promises only sparingly. make your word stronger than any written contract. refuse to make empty promises and manipulate people.

when a promise you have made is no longer beneficial to you, instead of deciding to not follow through, attempt to renegotiate the deal. when you renegotiate the agreement, ensure that the new commitment provides even more value to the other person.

12. be consistent

above all, be consistent in your behavior. don’t engage in the behavior once in a while when it seems convenient. your consistency is the key to your trustworthiness. small actions add up and a track record of high character is invaluable in any relationship. become intensely principle-centered and trust will follow easily and consistently.


道德与信任辩 在字典的第281页中,道德被解释为社会的意识形态之一,是人们共同生活及其行为的准则和规范。 在中华民族五千年的漫长岁月里,道德一直被认为是君子的评判原则之一,同时自古便有没有规矩不成方圆之说,因此道德约束着人们的社会行为,同时也用来作为衡量人们对与错的尺度。 可是在现在的社会中,随着越来越快的变化与发展,道德已经在这个化莫测而又虚幻飘渺的世界中泯灭了。 从三鹿三聚氰胺到双汇瘦肉精,从化肥水泡豆芽到无孔不入的添加剂,从毒粉条再到染色馒头,如果说这些是为了追求利益而丧失道德的话,那么云南的躲猫猫事件又是否是对于道德底线的严重挑战。 对于这些我们看后除了作为饭后闲谈的内容,或是在网络中用作抒发自己不满和同情的材料,其它的或许就没有了。因为在这个变化莫测而又虚幻飘渺的世界中,道德的沦丧早已引起了人们对信任的消亡,信任的消亡又促使着道德的沦丧。 三聚氰胺,让一个庞大的民族企业在一夜之间变得一文不值,其原因何在就是因为自身道德的沦丧而导致了他人信任的泯灭。同样悲剧的还有冠生园的陈年老馅事件。

可是在他们追逐利益而道德沦丧时,是否会发现在他们沦丧的同时,信任也因此而消亡着。漫画所阐释的正是因为道德的沦丧而使人们信任的流失,而信任的流失又让道德的沦丧加剧。 中华民族是有着五千年历史的文明古国,礼仪之邦。道德与信任自古便是中华民族的优秀传统。如果说道德的缺失是信任流失的开始时,那么信任的流失则是道德缺失的体现。 道德是一种约束的力量,可是当约束不在的时候,上述所发生的事情也就不奇怪了,信任的`流失也就是自然而然的了,因为没有人会愿意相信一个缺乏道德的人。 道德的沦丧是人性泯灭的开始,是不信任的基石。在这个变化的世界中我们早已见惯了医院因为没钱而不给患者治疗,而患者还怀疑自己没有塞红包医生是否能给自己尽心治疗。 社会是发展的,社会是进步的,任何事物都应该与时俱进。可是道德的进步竟是沦丧,信任的进步竟是消亡。怪不得社会中骗子越来越多。碰瓷的,诈骗的,越来越多的花样在不断的挑战着道德的底线,断的挑战是导致信任越来越多流失的原因所在。






新时期,对于“教师”一词的解读有了新的含义:教师不是教学上的统治者,以往学生一味依赖教师的局面因为信息社会的高速发展而转变。但一些教师仍没有彻底的摆脱传统教育思想的束缚, 推崇封建时代的师道尊严,致使教师与学生在人格、地位上出现不平等, 一切仍以教师为中心,忽视了学生情感、动机、尊严、自信等人格价值的需要, 因而造成师生信任度降低。




























But one day, a terrible lion came to the grass. He was hungry and saw the animals at a glance. He spread his four strong legs and ran to them.

“Here comes the lion, lets run!” Baboon at the top of the tree, see clearly, immediately issued a warning to the tree. The animals immediately ran away and the lion jumped into the air. But the lion was not reconciled. Seeing this, he thought: I have to think of a good strategy to alienate them and make them distrust each other, so that I can take advantage of it.

One day, the lion found the baboon drinking water by the stream. The baboon subconsciously stepped back two steps and widened his vigilant eyes: “what are you doing?” The lion said solemnly, “baboon, Ive come to tell you a piece of news. I hear the animals talking about you. They say that you only know how to play and have nothing to do. Youre a useless guy.” Baboons listen, very angry, but also very confused. Then, the lion did the same and ran among the small animals.


Song Guofu people believe in their sons and doubt their neighbors, which is contrary to the traditional concept of consanguinity. They think that a son with consanguinity will not cheat himself. One thing Chuang Tzu said in front of Huizis tomb seems to overturn this idea of consanguinity: there was a mason whose nose was stained with a little white ash, which was as thin as the wings of a fly. Such a little gray on the tip of the nose is not in the way, but it is not very elegant. The Mason asked the carpenter nearby to cut off the white ash for him. The carpenter picked up the axe and waved it vigorously. There was a gust of wind. The Mason stood still. The edge of the axe passed by. All the white dust on the tip of the Masons nose was cut off, but his nose was intact. There is no blood relationship between the Mason and the carpenter. There may be a close cooperative relationship between them. But how calm and generous is the trust to give ones life to a stranger. What if the carpenter fails? Or did the Mason waver when he waved the axe? Trust is always on the edge.

The opposite of trust is doubt. In modern society, no matter what field it is, suspicion is like a plague that is hard to contain. It is everywhere. As Bert Rand said in the book about shaving: “when the razor touches my face, I cant help but have such a fear: if the barber suddenly goes crazy.” Bertrands skepticism is becoming more and more infectious among modern people. The more developed material civilization and the more fierce social competition, the more serious this skepticism will be. Therefore, it is reasonable for someone to include the crisis of trust in a series of crises in the 21st century. Doubting everything, making practice the only criterion for testing truth rise to an awkward stage, and making the truth that could have appeared in a fair and aboveboard way have to take a detour.
