



上海新东方 靳萌


a letter declining a job offer

1. 对公司提供职位表示感



Dear Sir or Madam,

I have received the letter from your corporation offering me the opportunity to work as an assistant manager. Thank you very much for your kind offer of this precious opportunity!

However, I have to say sorry for not being able to accept your offer. Shortly after applying for this position in your corporation, I received the admission letter from UCLA and was told this world-famous university would like to accept me as a graduate student in their Business School. After serious consideration, I have finally made the decision to go to the US first for my postgraduate study, which will absolutely promote my future career development .

So I would like to apologize that I have to decline your kind offer, but I believe that after my graduation, if I’m still lucky enough to get such great chance to work for you, I will definitely be a more capable team player in your corporation.

Finally, I love to offer my undying gratitude for all the efforts you have made in processing my application, and your kind understanding is highly appreciated.

Wish you a Happy New Year and wish your corporation even greater success in 2006!

With my best regards,



上海新东方 吴泽杨


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am pleased with your offer of the position as a salesman. Thank you very much for your appreciation and kindness.

Unfortunately, I have to say sorry for this opportunity. Several reasons may account for my decision. Firstly, your company is far away from my home, which means that the cost for my traffic is likely to be greater than what I expected. Besides, as an experienced salesman, I wish very m



举个例子,比如说大家在写“很多人认为”时,很多同学会写many people think,像这样一句话很明显就不容易得高分。你应该多考虑一些如:稍微好一些的主语从句:it is widely believed that(人们普遍认为);又比如说many hold the idea that(很多人都有这样的观点)等等。像这样一些简单的词汇和短语之间的这样一种切换是非常重要而且容易提分的。

又比如说在词汇方面,很多人喜欢用important、many、more and more,这都是比较老的梗了,尤其是“越来越重要”more and more important,如果这些词汇不断的重复出现,你的作文可能是得不了高分的。我们就拿more and more important举例。记住,more and more今后我们尽量变成副词的形式,叫increasingly。比如说“更加重要”-increasingly important,或者是increasingly vital or increasingly crucial等等,都会比较不错。所以你得有一个庞大的同义替换库,有些单词可能改变之后感觉更好。






1. 写作提纲




2. 可参考的历年真题

12月 How to Improve Students’ Mental Health?

3. 模拟演练

How to Prevent Drink Driving From Happening?





本文对于酒后驾驶这一社会热点问题进行了探讨,主要讨论如何防止此类问题的发生,是一篇需要提出解决方案的论说文,写作时应围绕提纲进行构思:① 第一段提出酒后驾驶现象及其危害,第二段提出自己的解决方案,第三段总结自己的想法。②写作时应当注意措辞准确、结构条理、正确使用衔接句。

How to Prevent Drink Driving From Happening?

Recently, there have been tremendous reports on accidents caused by drink driving and controversial sentences of criminals. ①The miserable tragedies have demonstrated that drink driving has become a serious problem harmful to the public security. ②Therefore,something must be done to prevent such things from happening.

③First of all,corresponding laws and regulations should be made to clarify the definition and penalties of drink driving,so that the fear of punishment may pull drivers away from alcohol. Secondly, the administrations and media should actively promote the modification of so-called④“wine culture”to avoid compelled drinking,in order that the drivers may say“no”to the toast proposals. Last but not least,the inspections and monitors of the government and the society should be reinforced to immediately identify drunk drivers and prevent drivers from drinking.

In conclusion,it is the responsibility of everybody to reduce drink driving to the minimum.⑤ Only when the problem is efficiently controlled can we live more safely and comfortably.


① demonstrate常用于阐明现象,引出主旨。

② 提出观点,something must be done也可以用we should take measures代替。

③ 提出建议。corresponding laws and regulations, pull...away from均适用于解决问题类作文。用alcohol指代饮酒以避免重复。

④ wine culture“酒文化”,有中国特色的固定表达。

⑤ Only位于句首时主句采用部分倒装语序,注意从句采用正常语序。



1. 写作提纲




2. 可参考历年考题

12月 My View on University Ranking

12月 Should Parents Send Their Kids to Art Classes?

206月 Will E-books Replace Traditional Books?

12月 The Digital Age

3. 模拟演练

The Influence of Computer on the Movie Industry






The Influence of Computer on the Movie Industry

The movie industry is quite different from what it was before. It has become①even more so with the aid of computers. Computers and the Internet have made many influences on the movie industry.②These, however,come down to the following aspects.

First,the development of computer graphics has enabled the movies to have more terrific③visual effects. The digital technology can create vivid images④out of thin air. And the 3D picture is another breakthrough of visual enjoyment. Second,the development of personal computers and the Internet has made it easier to download piratical movies,thus the box office of movies will be impacted. However,it can also help promote movies by the wide spread of film reviews and comments.

In my opinion,the further development of computer and the Internet may make more changes to the movie industry. There may be more technologies to bring us⑤multi-dimensional enjoyments. Maybe one day we can have totally immersive impressions of movies with the help of computer.


① even more so用于强调当前的情况更加严重,可以用于提出话题。

② come down to表示“归结为”。

③ visual effects意为“视觉效果”,是高分表达。

④ out of thin air表示“无中生有”,属于固定搭配。



2. While achieving success is easier said than done , persistence does in fact pay off . One of the most important traits of a successful person is self-confidence , another is desire , and still another is determination .


3. Recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution .


4. Many of the explanations offered thus far are at least to a certain extent valid , but none fully address the problem and the issue must be examined in a wider context .
