高二英语Lesson 3练习题


高二英语Lesson 3练习题(共8篇)

篇1:高二英语Lesson 3练习题

新概念2英语 lesson3重点练习2013-08-22


1.I(have)an exciting party last week.(do)on Saturday evening?

---He(go)to the mountains yesterday morning.visit)her aunt last weekend.home cleaning.6.---How(be)Jim’s weekend?


1.Lucy did her homework at home.(改为否定句)

2.He found some meat in the fridge.(冰箱)(改为一般疑问句)

3.There was some oranges in the cup.(改为一般疑问句)

there 4.Frank read an interesting book history.(改为一般疑问句)

an interesting book about history?

5.I think she is Lily’s sister.(改为否定句)





篇2:高二英语Lesson 3练习题

【课题】Lesson 3

【重点】句型Are these/those…?

【难点】有关名词复数浊辅音后面加-s 及单数变复数的读音规律,英语教案-Unit 1 What are these?-lesson 3。


一 热身/复习:


2、教师播放歌曲《Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star 》,学生表演唱。

3、教师拿出一个准备好的盒子:里面装有学生学过的各种文具,让学生触摸后猜,此时教师可以提问,也可以让孩子自己提问:What’s this ? 由猜的孩子回答。教师可以适时引导:Is this a …?


二 新课展示:

1、教师拿出图片,只让学生看一部分,问:What are these?/ What are those ?

2、学生猜测,可能有的学生在教师的引导下会问:Is this a …?这时教师可以告诉孩子自己手里并不是一个,引导孩子用Are these … / Are those… 提问。教师不要急于公布答案,应让孩子多猜一猜,练习本课重点句型。



三 看图说话:



3、教师出示词语卡片:map + s =maps [ maps ]请学生读。

4、再出示:pig + s = [ pig ]请学生填。此时教师可以引导孩子回忆、讨论,然后再回答,小学英语教案《英语教案-Unit 1 What are these?-lesson 3》。教师带读单词:dogs pigs eggs bags flags cups

四 学习课文:

1、教师请一位同学到前面来按要求画简笔画。教师准备一张小纸条,上面写着tree。学生画tree。教师问大家:What is this ?再找两位同学同样画树,教师再问:What are these?Are these trees?

2、下面由教师画,同时提要求:我在画的时候你们可以随时用英语提问。教师边画边引导孩子提问,随着画面的呈现,由孩子自己回答。 Question:What is this?

Answer:It is a star。



Question:What are those?

Answer:They are stars。

Question:What are those?

Answer:They are hills。

Question:What are those on the hills?

Answer:They are trees。


6、出示单词:plane spaceship picture star hill tree,指导学生读词。然后再将本课新词拼读几遍。


8、提问:(1)What is the boy doing?

(2)Is he draw a plane?

(3)Do you like his picture?








Are these …?

Are those …?

Yes,they are.

No,they are not. They are…

篇3:高二英语Lesson 3练习题


教学内容:北师大版高中英语必修4 Unit 10 Lesson 3 When less is more



(一) 教学内容分析

本课例的教学文本选自北师大版高中英语必修4 Unit 10 Lesson 3 When less is more, 本单元的主题为Money。语篇主要通过与学生探讨5元钱的作用, 以黄河水土流失严重这一事实为依托, 让学生意识到5元零花钱可以买一棵小树保护黄河水土, 发展当地经济, 改善人民生活。通过阅读语篇引领学生树立正确的消费观, 希望学生能够从身边的小事做起, 树立社会责任感。

话题的切入点是5元零钱的作用。第一段提出5元钱办不了多少事情, 只能买些零食, 然后提出“何不用5元钱买棵树呢?”以引起学生的兴趣。第二段描述黄河水土流失的原因以及给当地居民造成的影响。第三段提出保护黄河是每一个人应尽的义务和责任的观点。第四、五段解释5元钱是如何给黄河以及当地人民带来好处的。经过前几段内容的铺垫, 最后一段总结升华, 呼吁学生正确使用自己微不足道的零花钱, 如将其用在植树造林、建设绿色家园以及共创美好未来的伟大事业中。

文章结构清晰, 语言地道, 浅显易懂。从内容上看, 教师可以从语言技能、学习能力、文化品格、思维品质等英语核心素养方面着手设计教学目标, 培养学生的综合英语语言能力。文本所体现的英语课堂上的德育渗透功能十分明显, 且与学生实际生活密切相关。基于文本材料, 通过相关课堂活动设计, 可以在更高层次上升华对学生的德育渗透。

(二) 学情分析

授课对象是山东省青岛市第五十八中学高二学生。通过课前5分钟的交流, 笔者了解到学生整体语言素养比较高, 已具备一定的阅读能力和阅读技巧。笔者设计了一部分具有开放性和挑战性的教学活动, 在课堂上根据学生的具体反应灵活应对, 充分利用生成性资源。

(三) 教学目标

基于体现英语学科核心素养的要求制订本堂课的教学目标。课堂活动从语言技能、学习能力、文化品格、思维品质等方面整体设计, 综合叙写。

1. 语言能力

(1) 学生能够用英语表达对“Your Money—when less is more”的深层理解;

(2) 学生能够通过对文本的理解有效猜测生词;

(3) 学生能够对文章中相关的观点进行评价;

(4) 学生能够以小组合作的形式设计出自己的“less is more”项目, 升华文本主题。

2. 文化品格

(1) 学生能够意识到保护母亲河———黄河的重要意义;

(2) 学生能够树立较强的环保意识和社会责任感。

3. 思维品质

(1) 学生能够升华、拓展对文本主题“less is more”的深层理解;

(2) 学生能够形成正确的金钱观;

(3) 学生能够树立帮助他人的意识和保护环境的社会责任感。

4. 学习能力

(1) 学生能够运用skimming、scanning阅读技巧获得文章的大意和细节信息;

(2) 学生能够根据语境理解并猜测生词词义;

(3) 学生能够通过阅读理解文本背后的深层意义, 如正确的金钱观和社会责任感等。


(一) 备课思维过程

本次活动是高中英语阅读教学德育渗透优秀课例展评, 强调教师在教授语言知识的同时, 还要实现立德树人的德育渗透目的。笔者在备课过程中根据文本的特点, 在设计英语语言学习活动的同时, 凸显出立德树人的教育目的, 把德育润物细无声地渗透在英语课堂中。如何将二者有机结合是笔者在备课过程中所主要考虑的。

(二) 课堂教学活动

本堂课主要设计了以下几个教学活动 (见图1) :

教学设计分为读前、读中和读后三个环节, 笔者在每个环节中都设计了相应的阅读任务。阅读任务的设计既基于文本特点, 又高于文本。活动设计既符合学生实际, 又具有开放性, 以便于在完成阅读任务的同时渗透德育。


(一) Before reading

Step 1:Warming up

关于零花钱, 笔者组织学生进行ST free talk活动。提问:“How much pocket money do you usually get from parents?”“What do you usually do with it?”“If you have 5 yuan left, what will you do with it?How to make your less money into more?”

【设计意图】通过讨论与学生日常生活相关的“零花钱”问题, 激发学生的兴趣, 活跃课堂, 拉近了师生之间的距离。同时, 通过free talk让学生进行热身活动, 然后导入本课主题。

(二) While reading

Step 2:Skimming

The passage is mainly about changing 5 yuan into more by___________________. (Tip:When reading for main idea, topic sentence or key information should be focused.)

【设计意图】在一堂阅读课中, 读是进行信息输入的必要手段。阅读中既要有阅读的目的, 也就是任务, 又要注意阅读技巧的训练和体现。通过快读的形式让学生找到文章的main idea, 有助于学生对文章的主题和结构有一个整体的理解和把握。

Step 3:Scanning

Task 1:Get facts about the Yellow River (见图2)

【设计意图】文章的主题虽然是5元钱的作用, 但5元钱所带来的巨大好处是通过列举黄河水土流失的严重性反衬出来的。学生通过精读细节, 加深了对文章主题“Your money—when less is more”的理解。在讲解的过程中, 通过引导学生猜测生词erosion, approximately的意思, 训练学生的猜词技能。另外, 本活动在培养学生学习能力的同时, 提高了学生保护黄河的责任意识;在服务于主题理解的同时, 又培养了学生的文化品格和思维品质。

Task 2:Free talk

1. Who should play the most important role in stop-ping Yellow River erosion?

2. Do all the people believe that stopping Yellow River erosion should be done by us?

3. Which one do you support?Why (not) ?

【设计意图】该活动的主要目的是阅读文本, 让学生找出“谁应该承担保护黄河水土流失的责任”的不同观点, 并以此为切入点, 让学生发表自己的看法, 对文章中的不同观点进行评价。教师则根据学生的反馈信息和课堂情况, 帮助学生树立正确的价值观, 渗透德育。

Task 3:How can 5 yuan work?

With 5 yuan, we can buy a tree→make soil stay on the land→grow crops→make a living→earn money→buy goods and services→develop local economies

【设计意图】通过精读, 以关键词的形式让学生找出5元钱能够做哪些事情。其目的是让学生从整体上对5元钱的作用及起作用的方式有个清楚的感知, 并由此引出作者想通过文章对学生进行德育渗透:So when you have 5 yuan in your pocket next time, think twice about how to use the money.Remember you can use it to buy a tree and create a green future for our motherland, our people and yourself.通过齐读的方式, 让学生加深对文本的理解。

(三) After reading

Step 4:Deep thinking

Task:Enjoy a short video about“less is more”, and then have a deep understanding of the title.

【设计意图】通过欣赏联合国公益宣传视频“没用的5分钱”, 让学生体会小小的5分钱的作用———可以帮助贫困地区的孩子喝上两天干净的水;可以买一本书, 让孩子们重返校园等, 以加深学生对文本的理解, 同时拓展、提高学生的思维品质和学习能力。另外, 以头脑风暴的形式让学生说出“小钱”可以带来的好处, 深化主题理解, 强化德育渗透, 引导学生树立正确的人生观和价值观。

Step 5:Group work

Task:Design your own“less is more”project to call on people around you to join in your project, and offer their“less”, then change their“less”into“more”.

【设计意图】通过小组合作的形式让学生以“less is more”为主题, 设计类似于希望工程的宣传海报。在小组活动之前, 笔者给出提前设计好的海报, 要求学生按照模板, 设计出海报的主题、内容、方式和目的, 以及海报的LOGO。该活动的目的是升华文本的主题, 让学生通过学习和理解文本, 真正从小事做起, 肩负起社会责任, 不仅自己要去做, 还要呼吁身边的人积极参与。

Step 6:Summary

【设计意图】Moral lesson既是对整堂课的总结, 又是对文本主题的升华, 同时强化了德育渗透。以“爱的奉献”的音乐为背景, 总结升华文本主题———A drop of water can make a sea;a tree can de-velop into a forest.As long as everybody starts from less, the world will become better and better。最后, 全班学生大声喊出“Let’s start from less”, 结束整堂课。

Step 7:Assignment

【设计意图】作业分为两部分:一是让学生课下上网查询更多关于lessismore的信息, 这一部分是文本的延伸阅读, 进一步加深学生对文本主题的深层理解;二是让学生以写作的形式去发现自己日常生活中遇到的lessismore的事例, 并在下堂课以speech的形式与全班同学分享。这两部分作业内容既紧扣课堂教学目标, 又高于文本;既源于文本, 又升华了主题。



A. whenB. that

C. whichD. where

2. Once _____,the materials cannot be reproduced for the future generations.

A. run outB. running out

C. run out ofD. running out of

3. It would be_______let you have a choice,wouldn’t it?

A. fair toB. unfair to

C. unfair toD. unfair not to

4. The president hoped for greater trust betweenthe two nations,more trade,more cultural exchanges—_____,a genuine peace.

A. In shortB. In general

C. In detailD. In fact

5. George talks about the book as if he_______it himself.

A. is writingB. was writing

C. wroteD. had written

6. I heard the students_______how to save endangeredanimals when I walked past their classroom.

A. debateB. to debate

C. debatingD. debated

7. Could you tell us who_______that thought out the idea?

A. he wasB. was he

C. it wasD. was it

8. The patient will have to remain in hospital for another week_______the recent medical report.

A. on behalf ofB. on the basis of

C. on the side ofD. on top of

9. —Sorry indeed,I_______to your birthday party if ...

—Forget it. I know you were out on business.

A. must come

B. would come

C. must have come

D. would have come

10. Johnson is anxious to_______a gentleman in such a case to show his generosity.

A. appearB. act

C. pretendD. behave

11. The eggs on the supermarket are fresh and_______satisfactory.

A. yetB. as

C. henceD. since

12. Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to my program._______me this evening is Dr. Gray.

A. To joinB. Join

C. JoinedD. Joining

13. Profits in his company went up by 25% last year,and_______so far this year though the financial situation is bad.

A. haven’t decreased

B. didn’t decrease

C. haven’t been decreased

D. weren’t decreased

14. We must apply what we have learned to our daily work because in no case_______from practice.

A. should theory separate

B. should theory be separated

C. theory should separate

D. theory should be separated

15. The thread tied to the balloon broke and _____ .

A. up it went

B. up went it

C. up did it go

D. up were it going

16. Madonna_______a straight-A student,but it was dancing that she was really crazy about.

A. must be

B. could be

C. must have been

D. could have been

17._______that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis,people are optimistic about the future of the country.

A. Convincing

B. Convinced

C. To convince

D. Having convinced

18. He tried to deal with the ever-increasing burden of his work,but finally_______and had to take a complete rest.

A. broke awayB. broke up

C. broke downD. broke out

19._______helping the situation,you’ve just made it worse.

A. Far fromB. Away from

C. Apart fromD. Free from

20. I didn’t like the hotel there at all. I wish we_______to stay there.

A. haven’t decided

B. hadn’t decided

C. didn’t decide

D. won’t decide

21. The traditional approach_______with complex problems in our studies is to break them down into smaller,more easily managed problems.

A. to deal

B. having dealt

C. to dealingD. being dealt

22. In no time_______the problem which puzzled all the other students.

A. did he work out

B. he worked out

C. worked he out

D. out he worked

23. Mr. White works with an import and export company,but he_______for this industrial fair,since he is on leave.

A. has worked

B. works

C. has been working

D. is working

24. —Can I use the telephone on the table,sir?

—Under no circumstances_______to use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.

A. anyone is allowed

B. nobody is allowed

C. is anyone allowed

D. is nobody allowed

25. I don’t think that your lecture_______the audience,for they appeared quite puzzled.

A. got across to

B. got close to

C. got away with

D. got along with

26. Miss Li_______as a secretary for five years in the company,and now she is general manager of it.

A. servesB. served

C. had servedD. has served

27. —Do you mind if I smoke?

—Well, I’d rather you _____.

A. don’tB. won’t

C. shan’tD. didn’t

28. —He didn’t feel a bit nervous when _____.

—No. He’d had a lot of time_______for it after all.

A. interviewed; to prepare

B. interviewing; to prepare

C. interviewing; preparing

D. being interviewed; preparing

29._______himself with necessary knowledge and skills,the young man went to the job market with much confidence.

A. Equipped

B. Equipping

C. Having equipped

D. Being equipped

30. —Mary,how did your Math test go?

—I had thought I _____,but in fact I came in the top 10% in my class.

A. couldn’t have failed

B. should have failed

C. shouldn’t have failed

D. might have failed

31. Though a typhoon is on the way,people are still looking forward_______the outdoor concert by the pop singer.

A. to canceling

B. not to canceling

C. not to cancel

D. to not canceling

32. —Another cup of coffee? That’s your third since lunch.

—Yeah,well,I_______all night preparing for my history exam. I can hardly keep my eyes open.

A. stayed up

B. have stayed up

C. have been staying up

D. will stay up

33. To our disappointment,the method that Mr. Green recommended_______of little use to us.

A. turnsB. falls

C. provesD. becomes

34. The_______birds suggest that the environment of the area has greatly improved.

A. returnedB. moved

C. flyingD. coming

35. —You see she is angry with me about the matter.

—If only you_______to her sooner!

A. talked

B. had talked

C. would have talked

D. were talking

36. A few yards down Colson Street,she caught sight of a figure_______in the opposite direction.

A. hurrying

B. to be hurrying

C. to hurry

D. having hurried

37. We do not know how astronauts can_______when they spend months in space without the protection of the atmosphere.

A. get offB. get up

C. get alongD. get in

38. If the children were in such trouble,I_______them to give up the idea.

A. persuaded

B. had persuaded

C. would persuade

D. would have persuaded

39._______from Milan Trenc’s novel,the film Night at the Museum brings to life a world where dinosaurswander the earth.

A. Adapted

B. Adapting

C. Having adapted

D. To be adapted

40._______he come tomorrow,I would ask him to help us with the work.

A. Could

B. Should

C. WouldD. Might

41. This plant grows_______where it is dry and hot.

A. niceB. well

C. fineD. good

42. When_______with this equipment,just keep still and quiet.

A. examined

B. being examined

C. to examine

D. to be examined

43. —Catherine is no longer what she used to be.

—She_______without seeing that film.

A. hasn’t been transformed

B. hadn’t been transformed

C. couldn’t be transformed

D. couldn’t have been transformed

44. What he said at the meeting yesterday _____ sound ridiculous.

A. mustB. did

C. couldD. would

45. Not until we got to the river_______that we had taken the wrong way.

A. we realized

B. realized we

C. did we realize

D. had we realized

46. Even if you_______a taxi,you_______your train yesterday evening.

A. took; would still miss

B. took; would still have missed

C. had taken; would still miss

D. had taken; would still have missed

47. —What’s up? You look down.

—I have piles of papers _____,but I type so slowly.

A. to be typed

B. typed

C. to typeD. being typed

48. The telephone rang and Catherine sat up,_______over whether to answer it.

A. hesitatedB. hesitating

C. to hesitateD. being hesitated

49. All the children_______silent as soon as Mr. Hopkins appeared in front of them.

A. fellB. remained

C. seemedD. grew

50._______free from the Internet,the software was installed in my computer easily.

A. Downloading

B. Being downloaded

C. Having downloaded

D. Having been downloaded


1~5 BCDAD 6~10 CCBDA 11~15 CDABA

16~20 DBCAB 21~25 CBDCA 26~30 BDACD

31~35 DACAB 36~40 ACDAB 41~45 BADBC

46~50 DCBAD


2. run out相当于一个不及物动词,而run out of相当于及物动词。本题中用的是表被动意义的过去分词短语作状语,须用后者。

5. 本题主句中动词用一般现在时,而as if从句中表示的动作从逻辑上来看应是发生在主句动作之前,在此情况下须用过去完成时作虚拟语气形式。

7. 在who引导的宾语从句中含it was ...that ...的强调句型,who在引导宾语从句的同时又是it was后被强调的主语。

10. appear作连系动词意为“好像是”,可接形容词、名词及动词不定式作表语。

12. 正常语序为Dr. Gray is joining me this evening。

15. 表示方向或位置的副词置于句首、且句中用名词作主语时,可用倒装语序;如用代词作主语,则不可倒装。

22. in no time置于句首时句中不用倒装。

31. look forward to后应跟动词ing形式作宾语,而动词ing形式的否定式是not doing,故选D。

33. 某些不及物动词的过去分词具完成意义而无被动意义,如fallen,gone。此处returned表示“(已经)归来的”、“(已经)回归的”。

38. 在此错综(混合)条件句中,if从句中动词表现在的状况,主句中则表过去的行为。

41. grow作行为动词意为“成长,生长”,可用well之类副词修饰;作连系动词意为“变得”,接形容词作表语。此句中grow属前者。

42. 题干主句是一祈使句,过去分词examined与其省去的主语you间有被动关系。过去分词(短语)作表示时间的状语时,前可用when。该结构也可视为是在when引导的时间状语从句中省去了与主句中相同的主语及动词be。

篇5:高二英语Lesson 3练习题

The Sea World

Teaching aims:

①.to learn some animals under the sea ②.to learn some words and expressions ③.to learn the usage of “ as “

Teaching difficult and important points: To master the usage of “as” Teaching aids: CAI

Teaching procedures: Ⅰ.Warm up

To enjoy some amazing and popular animals of the sea and talk about the animals freely

Ⅱ.Read to learn

Task1: Read the brochure.Find where you can see these things in Underwater World: • 1.Virtual Reality Voyage • 2.Sea Theatre • 3.Ocean Floor • 4.Discovery Pool • 5.Polar World Task2: Read the text again and match these comments from visitors to the different areas of Underwater world.1.…..2.… 3.… 4.….Ⅲ.Language points

Task1: find the following phrases in the text Polar World: • 一小部分 • 在水面上 • 表演杂技的海豹 • 在喂养的时间

Ocean Floor: … Discovery Pool: … Virtually Reality Voyage: • 现代的 • 虚拟现实 • 发出声音 • 用一种光


1.This experiment turned out to be _____ failure, but, as we know, success often comes after _____ failure.A.a, aB.不填, theC.a, theD.a, 不填

2.He is the only one of the students who _____ a winner of scholarship for three years.A.isB.areC.have beenD.has been

3.When I first set _____ in Australia, I didn’t know what the future might have in _____ for me.A.my foot, the storeB.a foot, the storeC.foot, storeD.feet, stores

4.We all know that, _____, the situation will get worse.A.not if dealt carefully withB.if not carefully dealt with

C.if dealt not carefully withD.not if carefully dealt with

5.The murderer found his feet _____ together.A.tiedB.to tieC.tyingD.tie

6.The road was muddy and narrow.The fog(雾)_____ our trouble and danger.A.came up withB.added up toC.added toD.added in

7.What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There _____ be twelve.A.wouldB.shouldC.willD.shall

8.She hates the smell of smoke;she forbids people _____.She forbids _____.A.smoking, smokeB.smoke, to smoke

C.to smoke, smokingD.to smoke, to smoke

9.There was _____ time _____ I hated to go to school.A.a, thatB.the, thatC.the, whenD.a, when

10.Since you have repaired my TV set, _____ is no need for me to buy a new one.A.itB.thisB.thatD.there

11.You _____ us by not coming to our party.We were _____ at your absence.How _____ you were!

A.disappointed, disappointing, disappointing

B.disappointed, disappointed, disappointed

C.disappointed, disappointed, disappointing

篇7:高二英语Lesson 3练习题

四年级英语下册Lesson3《is this your pencil》教学反思

本单元主要是在前两个单元的基础上进一步引导学生运用一般疑问句Is this/that a/your…?去确认周围的事物。经过之前的学习,学生能够熟练运用句型What’s this /that? It’s…学生对这个话题是十分感兴趣的,如何在保持学生学习英语热情的同时,熟练掌握并运用一般疑问句来认识物品,是本单元重点关注和需要突破的问题。在教学时我要求学生能听懂、会说、会读日常用语This isn’t my pencil. Is this /that your pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.在情景中学生可以运用This is for you。Thank you。学生在单词教学时,可以借助图片或动作,以激发学生的.兴趣,并结合句型进行教学,做到词不离句,词句结合。在教学Story time时,穿插适当猜、游戏环节进行,让学生帮助喜洋洋找物品。教师充分利用实物和多媒体资料及简笔画来教学Is this/that a/your…?同时创设情境,让学生在情境中理解运用,以培养学生用英语自由表达的能力和兴趣。在教学过程中充分激发和释放学生的潜能,通过问题让学生自己去发现问题解决问题,真正释放出学生自己的潜能,我们老师只是引导的作用。

篇8:高二英语Lesson 3练习题

1.—You look a little tired.—Yes.I have just returned from South Africa, where I _______ some Hope Primary Schools.A.have visitedB.visitsC.would visitD.visited

2.______ that using a computer or cell phone before sleep affects sleep quality, the couple decided to change the unhealthy living habit.A.Having warnedB.WarnedC.To be warnedD.Warning

3.Mr.King’s years of hard work finally paid off.He _______ the goal he had set.A.attachedB.attainedC.acquiredD.expanded

4.We all thought that your idea of attracting outstanding overseas students with talent was worthy ______.A.of being discussedB.discussingC.to discussD.of discussing

5._______ impressed me most at the concert was the last song, which was full of love and joy.A.ItB.AsC.WhatD.Which

6.________ sleeping and regular breaks for meals, for three days after examination, his task was to play computer games.A.In additionB.Apart fromC.Instead ofD.Regardless of

7.Please follow the directions when you take the weight-loss pills and be careful of the side effects

________ may have on your health.A.thatB.itC.whereD.they

8.The case remains under investigation, and we all expect the persons ____ to be punished as soon as possible.A.To be concernedB.to concernC.concerningD.concerned

9.“By 2030, Shanghai’s population will rise to around 30 million ,” an expert said ahead of WorldPopulation Day ,which ____ on July 11 th.A.fallsB.will fallC.is fallingD.fell

10.The celebration is to begin at 9:00 a.m., but we would put off our plan _____ a sudden storm.A.was thereB.there wasC.should there beD.there should be

11.---How didi you like my lecture ?

---Very good._____ there were some parts I didn’t quite understand,I really enjoy it.A.IfB.UnlessC.WhileD.Because

12.This June we paid a visit to Shanghai,_____ the 16th Shanghai International Film Festival was held.A.asB.whichC.whoseD.where

13.After a short rest , the teacher _____ the lesson where he had left off.A.made upB.took upC.brought upD.gave up

14.---Why didn’t you tell me about the change of the schedule?

---Sorry , but I completely forgot about it.I _____ you but an unexpected visitor came

A.was going to callB.calledC.had calledD.would call

15.Every means she tried to improve her physics ________ to be useless.A.have provedB.has been proved C.has provedD.have been proved

16.---Oh, Tom!________ you for ages.How have you been?

---Fine, thank you.And you?

A.Haven’t seenB.Don’t seeC.Didn’t seeD.Hadn’t seen

17.The water in this river isn’t safe ________, because some waste was poured into it last night.A.drinkingB.to drinkC.to be drunkD.being drunk

18.---Could I use your laptop for a few minutes, please?

---________.A.By all means.B.It’s up to you.C.I don’t care.D.You never know.19.Look, your bedroom is in a mess.It needs ________.A.being cleanedB.to cleanC.cleanD.to be cleaned

20.---Do you know that several good films will be shown during the National Day holidays?

---I don’t know, ________.A.nor don’t I careB.nor do I care C.I don’t care either D.I don’t care also

Whenever we do something wrong, Jesus Christ sees it.He loves us and doesn’t say it.Perhaps he’s wondering how long we’ll keep our mind suffering.A little boy named Johnny was visiting his grandparents on their farm and he was given a slingshot(弹弓)to play with out in the woods.He __21__ for some time but he could never hit the target he had set for himself.Getting a little __22__, he walked back to the farmhouse for dinner.As he was __23__ back, he saw Grandpa’s pet duck.Just out of __24__ , he let the slingshot fly , hitting it in the head , and killed it.In a panic, he __25__ the dead duck in the woodpile, only to see his sister Sally __26__ be watching him.Sally had seen all this, but she said __27__.After lunch that day Grandma said, “Sally, it’s your turn to wash the dishes.” But Sally said, “Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the kitchen.” And then she spoke __28__ to him, “Remember the duck?” So Johnny did the dishes.Later that day, Grandpa asked if __29__ wanted to go fishing, but Grandma said, “I’m sorry but I need Sally to help me make supper.” But Sally just smiled and said, “Well, that’s all right because Johnny told me he was too__30__ to help you.And she whispered again, “Remember the duck?” So Sally went fishing and Johnny __31__ to help make supper.After several days of doing both his __32__ and Sally’s, Johnny finally couldn’t __33__ it any longer.He came to his Grandma and told her that he had killed the duck.Grandma smiled and gave him a big __34__.“Sweetheart, I know.You see, I was watering the flowers at the window__35__ I saw you shoot my duck with the slingshot, and I saw the whole thing.But because I love you, I __36__ you.I was just wondering how long you would let Sally __37__ of you.”

In reality, no matter how __38__ or how uncomfortable it is to admit our wrongdoing, we should always choose to__39__ it and work it through instead of running away from it.Hard as it is, it __40__ us and makes us who we are.21.A.promotedB.exercisedC.practicedD.consumed 22.A.delightedB.upsetC.amazedD.scared 23.A.runningB.rushingC.headingD.leaving 24.A.sympathy同情B.prideC.impulse冲动D.politeness 25.A.hungB.presentedC.protectedD.hid26.A.shouldB.shallC.mustD.might 27.A.nothingB.everythingC.somethingD.anything28.A.loudlyB.softlyC.guiltilyD.innocently 29.A.SallyB.JohnnyC.the childrenD.Grandma 30.A.reluctant 不情愿B.willingC.curiousD.cautious

31.A.kept up

B.held back

C.left behind

D.stayed behind

32.A.chores 日常零星事务 33.A.accept34.A.hug35.A.whereas 然而36.A.appreciate

37.A.put the blame



B.make friends

C.gamesC.withdraw 撤退 C.rewardC.whileC.forgive

C.put pressure

D.sports D.allow D.award D.when D.force

D.make a slave

38.A.doubtful39.A.reject 拒绝40.A.develops



D.painful D.witness D.prepares
