





1.---What’s your name? ——你的名字是什么?---My name is Chen Jie.——我的名字是陈洁。2.---This is John,---Nice to meet you.3.---How are you?---I’m fine, thank you.4.---Let’s paint.---Great.5.---Look!I have a rabbit.---Cool.6.---May I have a look?---Sure.Here you are.7.I like hamburgers.8.---Have some French fries.---Thank you.9.---Can I have some chicken?---Sure.Here you are.10.---How old are you?---I’m 9.11.---How many balloons?---4.三年级下册

1.---Where are you from?---I’m from America.2.---Who’s that woman? ——这是约翰。——见到你很高兴。——你好吗?



——我能看一下吗? ——当然可以,给你。——我喜欢汉堡包。——吃一些薯条吧。——谢谢。

——我可以吃一些鸡肉吗? ——当然可以,给你。——你几岁了? ——我9岁。——有多少只气球? ——4只

——你来自哪里? ——我来自美国。——那位女士是谁?

---She’s my mother.——她是我的妈妈。3.---Who’s that man? ——那位男士是谁?---He’s my father.——他是我的爸爸。4.---How many kites can you see? ——你能看见多少只风筝?---I can see 12 ——我能看见12只。5.---How many crayons do you have? ——你有多少支油画棒?---I have 16.——我有16支。6.---Do you like peaches? ——你喜欢桃子吗?---Yes, I do.——是的,我喜欢。7.---Do you like oranges? ——你喜欢橘子吗?---No, I don’t.——不,我不喜欢。8.---Where is my car? ——我的小汽车在哪里?---It’s under the chair.——它在椅子下面。9.---Look at the elephant!——看那只大象。---Wow!It’s so big.——哇!它好大。10.It has a long nose and a short tail.它有一个长长的鼻子,一条短短的尾巴。11.It has small eyes and big ears.它有小小的眼睛,大大的耳朵。


1.---What’s in the classroom? ——教室里有什么?---A board, two lights, many desks and chairs.—— 一块写字板,两盏电灯,很多桌子和椅子。

2.We have a new classroom.——我们有一个新教室。3.---Let’s clean the classroom.——让我们一起打扫新教室。

---Good idea.——好主意。

4.---What color is it? ——它是什么颜色的?---It’s black and white.——黑色和白色。

5.Let me clean the ——我来擦窗户。

6.---My schoolbag is heavy.——我的书包很重。---What’s in it? ——里面是什么? 7.He has short black hair and big eyes.——他有黑短的头发,大眼睛。

8.---What’s his name? ——他叫什么名字?---His name is Zhang Peng.——他叫张鹏。9.---What’s her name? ——她叫什么名字?---Her name is Amy.——她叫艾米。10.She likes music.她喜欢音乐。

11.---Is this your bedroom? ——这是你的卧室吗?---Yes, it is.——是的,它是。12.---Is she in the living room? ——她在起居室吗?---No, she isn’t.——不,她不在。13.Where are the keys? 钥匙在哪里?

14.---Are they on the table? ——它们在桌子上吗?---No, they aren’t.——不,它们不在。15.---What would you like for dinner? ——你晚饭想吃什么?---I’d like some fish and vegetables.——我想吃鱼和蔬菜。16.---How many people are there in your family? ——你们家有几口人?---Three.——3口。17.---Who are they? ——他们是谁?---My parents and me.——我父母和我。18.---What’s your father? ——你爸爸是做什么的?

---He’s a doctor.——他是医生。19.---What’s your mother? ——你妈妈是做什么的?

---She’s a teacher.——她是老师。


1.---Where is the canteen? ——餐厅在哪里?---It’s on the first floor.—— 它在一楼。

2.This is the teacher’s office.这是教师办公室。3.That is my classroom.那是我的教室。4.---Do you have a library?---Yes.5.This way, please.6.---Is this the library?---Yes, it is.7.---Is that the art room?---No, it isn’t.8.---What time is it?---It’s nine o’clock.9.It’s time for English class.的时间了。

10.It’s time to go to school.了。

11.Breakfast is ready.了。

12.I’m ready.13.---Is this your jacket? 吗?

---No, it’s John’s.的。

14.---What color is it? 的?

---It’s blue.——你们有图书馆吗? ——有的。这边请。

——这是图书馆吗? ——是的,它是。——那是艺术教室吗? ——不是。——几点了? ——9点。——现在是上英语课——上学的时间到——早餐已经准备好——我准备好了。——这是你的夹克衫——不,那是约翰——它是什么颜色——蓝色的。

15.---Whose shirt is this? ——这是谁的衬衫?---It’s my brother’s.——我兄弟的。16.These are your baby pants.这些是你婴儿时穿的衣服。

They are so small.好小啊。

17.---Can I wear my new shirt today? ——今天我可以穿新衬衫吗?

---Yes, you can.——可以,你可以穿。18.It’s warmcoldhot today.今天是暖和的寒冷的炎热的。

19.Those are my shoes.那些是我的鞋子。20.---Where are they? ——它们在哪里?---They are on your feet.——它们在你的脚上。21.---What’s the weather like in Beijing? ——北京的天气怎么样?

---It’s rainy.——在下雨。22.---Is it cold? ——现在冷吗?---No, it’s hot.——不,不冷。23.---Can I help you? ——我能帮你做点什么?---Yes, I want that dress.——是的,我想要那条裙子。

24.---How much is this dress? ——这条裙子多少钱?---It’s ninety yuan.——90元。25.---Are they nice? ——它们漂亮吗?---Yes, they are.——是的,很漂亮。26.---How much are they? ——它们要多少钱?---They are thirty-five yuan.——35元。27.---What are theythesethose? ——它们这些那些是什么?

---They are goats.——它们是山羊。28.---Are theythesethose sheep? ——它们这些那些事绵羊吗?

---Yes, they are.——是的,它们是绵羊。

29.---How many cows do you have? ——你有多少头牛?---One hundred.——100头。

30.---How many horses are there? ——那边有多少匹马?---Twelve.——12匹。


1.---Who’s your art teacher? ——你的美术老师是谁?---Mr Wu.——胡老师。2.---What’s he like? ——他看起来怎么样?---He’s very kind.He’s short and thin.——他很善良。他又矮又瘦。

3.---Is she strict? ——她很严格吗?---Yes, she is.——是的,她很严格。4.---What day is it today? ——今天星期几?---It’sMonday.——今天是星期一。5.---What do you have on Mondays? ——星期一你们有什么课?---We have English, science and P.E.——我们有英语课,科学课和体育课。

6.---What do you do on Saturdays? ——星期六你做什么?---I often do my homework.——我通常做作业。7.---What would you like for lunch? ——午餐想吃什么?---I’d like some tomotoes and mutton.——我想吃一些西红柿和羊肉。

8.---What do you have for lunch today? ——今天的午饭你吃了什么?

---I have eggplant and tomotoes.——我吃了茄子和西红柿。

9.---What’s your favourite food? ——你最喜欢的食品是什么?---Fish.It’s tasty.——鱼。味道很好。10.I don’t like grapes.They’re sour.我不喜欢葡萄,它们很酸。

11.---Are you helpful at home? ——你在家乐意帮忙吗?

---Sure.Yes.——当然是的。12.---What can you do? ——你会做什么?---I can sweep the floor.——我会拖地板。13.Mother goat is ill.山羊妈妈病了。14.This is my new bedroom.这是我的新卧室。15.---Can you do housework? ——你会做家务吗?---No, I can’t.——不,我不会做。16.There is a big closet and a new air-conditioner.这里有一个大衣橱和一台新空调。

17.There’re blue curtains.有蓝色的窗帘。18.I love my new room very much.我非常喜欢我的新房间。19.The computer is on the desk.电脑在桌子上面。The trash bin is behind the door.垃圾桶在门后面。The closet is near the table.衣橱在桌子旁边。

20.---What’s your room like? ——你的房间时怎么样的?

---There’s a bed, a closet and a desk.——有一张床,一个衣橱和一张桌子。

21.---Is there a river in the park? ——公园里有小河嘛?

---Yes, there is.——是的,那里有。22.I like my village.我喜欢我的村庄。

23.---Are there any bridges in your village? ——你的村庄里有桥吗?

---No, there aren’t.——不,那里没有。24.The water is clean.The air is fresh.The sky is blue.The clouds are white.水很清澈,空气很清新,天是蓝色的,云朵是白色的。


1.---When do you get up? ——你通常什么时候起床?

---I usually get up at 6:30.——我通常在6:30起床。

2.---What do you do on the weekend? ——你周末都做什么?---I often go shopping.——我经常购物。---How about you? What about you? ——你呢?∕你怎么样?---I often play football.——我经常踢足球。

3.---What’s your favorite season? ——你最喜欢哪个季节?

---Winter, I like winter.——冬天。∕我喜欢冬

4.---Which season do you like best? ——你最喜欢哪个季节?

---Spring.I like spring best.I can fly kites.——春天。∕我最喜欢春天。我可以放风筝。

5.---Why do you like summer? ——你为什么喜欢夏天?

---Because I can swim.——因为我可以游泳。

6.---When is your birthday? ——你的生日是什么时候?

---It’s May 4th.——5月4日。7.---What’s the date? ——今天是几月几号?

---It’s October 1st.——今天是10月1号。

8.---Is her birthday in June? 月吗?

---Yes.9.---What are you doing?---I’m reading a book.10.---What is your father doing? 什么?

---He’s writing an E-mail.子邮件。

11.---What is she doing?---She is singing.12.---What is it doing?---It’s running.13.---What are they doing? 么?

---They’re drinking water.水。

14.---Are they catching butterflies? 蝴蝶吗?

---Yes, they are.捉。

15.---Are you eating lunch? ——她的生日在6——是的。

——你正在干什么? ——我正在看书。——你爸爸正在做——他正在写一封电——她正在干什么? ——她正在唱歌。——它正在干什么? ——它正在跑步。——他们正在干什——他们正在喝——他们正在捉——是的,他们正在——你们正在吃午饭


---No, we aren’t.——不,我们没有。16.---Is he taking pictures? ——他正在拍照吗?

---Yes, he is.——是的,他正在拍。17.---Is she writing a report? ——她正在写一个报告吗?

---No, she isn’t.——不,她没有。


1.---How do you go to school? ——你怎么去上学?---I go to school on foot.—— 我步行去上学。

2.My home is near.我家很近。

3.We can go to the bus stop on foot.Then we go to the park by bus.我们可以先步行到车站,然后坐车到公园。4.See you then.See you at 2 o’clock.那再见了,我们两点见。5.---Can I go on foot? ——我可以步行去吗?---Sure,if you like.It’s not far.——如果你愿意的话,当然可以,并不远的。

6.---Excuse me.Where is the library? ——打扰一下,请问一下图书馆在哪里?

---It’s near the post office.——在邮局附近。7.---Is it far from here? ——离这里远吗?---No, it’s not far.——不远的。8.---How can I go to the hospital? ——我怎么能到医院?---You can go by the No.301 bus.Ger off at the cinema.Then walk straight for three minutes.The hospital is on the left.你可以坐301路车过去。在电影院下车,然后笔直走3分钟就到了。医院在左边。

9.---How can I go to the mesume? ——我怎么能到博物馆?---Go straight for five minutes.Then turn left.——笔直走5分钟,然后向左拐。

10.---Where is the post offfice? ——邮局在哪里?---It’s east of the cinema.——在电影院的东边。11.---What are you going to do this evening? ——今天晚上你将做什么?

---I’m going to the cinema.——我去看电影。12.---When are you going? ——你什么时候去?---This evening.——今天下午。13.I want to be a science teacher one day.长大后我想做一名科学老师。

14.---What’s your hobby? ——你的爱好是什么?

---I like collecting stamps.——我喜欢集邮。15.There is a stamp show Sunday.星期天有一个邮展。16.Her father works in a school.她爸爸在一所学校工作。

17.---Does your pen pal live in Shanghai? ——你的笔友住在上海吗?

---No, he doesn’t.He lives in Beijing.——不,他住在北京。

18.---What does your father do? ——你爸爸是做什么的?

---He’s a teacher.——他是老师。19.How exciting!太令人激动了!20.---How does he go to work? ——他怎么去上班?---He goes to work by bike.——他骑自行车去上班。

21.---Where does the rain come from? ——雨是从哪里来的?---It comes from the clouds.——来自云。22.---First, put the seeds in the soil.Water them.In several days, you can see the sprout.首先把种子放在泥土里。给它们浇水。几天之后你就可以看见新芽。


1.---I’m 11 years old.——我11岁。

---I’m 12.I’m one year older than you.——我12岁,比你大一岁。2.You’re taller than your brother.你比你的弟弟高。3.I’m 160 cm tall.He’s 159 cm tall.我身高160厘米,他身高159厘米。

4.---Which m do you like? ——你喜欢哪只猴子?

---I like the yellow one.——我喜欢黄色的那只猴子。5.---Which m is stronger? ——哪只猴子更强壮?---The brown m is stronger.——棕色的那只。

6.I think the little m is only 40cm tall.我想那只小猴子只有40厘米高。

7.His tail is longer.它的尾巴更长。8.---What’s the matter, Mike? ——迈克,你怎么了?---I feel sick.I have a fever.——我生病了,我有点发烧。

9.---How do you feel? ——你感觉怎么样?---I feel sick.——我感觉生病了。10.---How does Amy feel? ——艾米感觉怎么样?---She’s tired.——她感觉很疲劳。11.I am excited.我太激动了。

12.I failed the math test.我数学考试不及格。13.I’m sorry to hear that.听到那件事我很难过。14.---What did you do last weekend? ——上周末你做了什么?

---I played football.——我踢足球了。---Did you read books? ——你看书了吗?---Yes, I did.——是的,我看了。15.---Where did you go on your holiday? ——你假期去了哪里?---I went to Xinjiang.——我去了新疆。---How did you go there? ——你怎样去那里的?---I went by train.——我坐火车去的。



Unit 1 Our school

This is the teacher’s office. That is my classroom.这是老师办公室。那是我的教室。

Go to the library. Read a story-book..去图书馆。读故事书。

Is this the library? Yes, it is.


Is that the art room? No, it isn’t. the art room is on the second floor.


Where is the canteen? It’s on the first floor.


playground garden library teacher’s office canteen art room computer room washroom music room gym TV room

computer board fan light picture teacher’s desk wall floor your

This is my computer ,

That is your computer .

Is this a teacher’s desk ?

Yes , it is .

Unit 2 What time is it?

What time is it? 几点钟了?

It’s nine o’clock.现在九点。

It’s time for English class.该上英语课了。

School is over. Let’s go to the playground.


It’s time to go to school.该去学校了!

lunch English class music class breakfast dinner P.E class get up

go to school go to bed go home

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten it’s=itis math Chinese English P.Emusic class

What time is it ?

It’ s two o’clock .

It’s 9:45. It’s time for math class .

Unit 3 Is this your skirt?

I like the white sweater with the green skirt.


Whose is this? It’s my baby brother’s.


Is this your T-shirt? No, it’s not.

这是你的T恤衫吗? 不是。

Where are my socks? 我的袜子在哪儿?

What colour is it? It’s white.


sweater jeans pants socks shoes shorts

jacket shirt skirt dress T-shirt red blue yellow green white colour

Is this your T-shirt ?

No, it’s not .

What colour is it ?

It’s white .

Unit 4 It’s warm today

This is the weather report. 这是天气预报。

It’s cool in Lhasa. 拉萨天气凉爽。

What’s the weather like in Beijing? It’s rainy.


Can I wear my shirt today? Yes, you can./ No, you can’t.我今天能穿衬衫吗?能/不能。

hot weather rainy windy cloudy

warm cold cool today jeans pants socks shoes let’s=let us play football snowy sunny

It’s warm today .

Let’s play football .

It’s cool .

Is it cold ?

Unit 5 How much is it?

Look at that dress. It’s pretty。


Can I help you? 需要我为你做些什么吗?

I want a pair of sneakers.我想要一双球鞋。

How much is it? It’s ninety-nine yuan.


That’s expensive.好贵阿!

A pair of sneakers for my son.


What size? Size five. 几码?五码!

Are they all right? 合适吗?

We’ll take it.我们买下了!

How much are they? They’re three yuan.


colourful pretty cheap expensive sneakers slippers sandals boots

big small long short apple banana pear orange watermelon

How much is it ?

It’s ten yuan.

How much are they ?

They’re three yuan .

Unit 6 At a farm

What are they? They are goats.


This farm is so big.这个农场好大阿!

Are they ducks? No, they aren’t.


Look at the cucumbers. They’re fresh.


I like tomatoes. They are juicy.


I don’t like onions. They’re smelly.


How many horses are there? Twelve.


sheep hen lamb goat cow tomato cucumber potato onion carrot horse aren’t=arenot cat rabbit pig duck dog eleven twelve thirteen fifteen twenty how many there

Are they ducks?

No, they aren’t .

How many horses are there ?




如何告诉别人 9点了,该上数学课了。




Where is the canteen? It’s on the first/second floor.

This is the teacher’s office. That is my classroom.

How many students are there in your class?

Do you have a library?

The canteen is on the first floor.

Your school is beautiful/cool.

Is this/that the library? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.


School is over.

-Let’s go home/go to the playground. -Ok

What time is it now? It’s five o’clock.

It’s 6:00, it’s time for dinner.

It’s 7:05. It’s time to go to school.

Breakfast is ready.

What time is it in Beijing/London/Sydney/New York?


I like the white sweater with the green skirt.

Where is my skirt?

-What colour is it? –It’s Blue.

-Is this your skirt? -Yes, it is./No, it’s not.

-Whose is this/it/that? –It’s my T-shirt/your baby brother’s.

My jacket is brown/gray.

Where are my socks? They’re on the bed.

These/those are your baby pants.


This is the weather report, it’s cool/warm in Lhasa/Harbin/Hong Kong.

-Can I wear my new shirt today? –No, you can’t. / Yes, you can.

It’s warm today, you can wear your new shirt.

Here’s the world weather, it’s rainy/snowy in London/Moscow?

What are you doing? –Not much.

What’s the weather like in Beijing? It’s snowy today.

What’s the matter?


-Look at that dress/skirt. It’s pretty/colourful. –Yes, it is

-Can I help you? –Yes, please. I want a pair of sneakers.

-How much is it/this/that dress? –It’s ninety-nine yuan.

A pair of sneakers for my son.

-What size? –Size five.

-Are they all right? –Yes, they are.

How much are they? They’re thirty-five yuan.

We’ll take them.

I’ll take it.


-What are they? –They are goats.

-Are they sheep/horses? –Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t

Look at the hens. They are fat.

-How many cows do you have? –One hundred.

-What are these? –They are carrots/onions.

Are these/those cucumbers? –Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.

-How many sheep/cows/goats are there? –Twelve.


This is your computer.

That is your computer.

Is this teacher’s desk? Yes, it is.

What time is it? It’s two o’clock.

It’s 9:45. It’s time for math class.

Is this your T-shirt? No, it is not.

What colour is it? It’s white.

It’s warm today. Let’s play football.

It’s cool. Is it cold?

How much is it? It’s ten yuan.

How much are they? They’re three yuan.

Are they ducks? No, they aren’t.

How many horses are there? Twelve.

Words in book 1(73个单词)

pen pencil pencil-case book bag ruler eraser crayon sharpener school head face nose mouth eye ear arm hand finger leg foot body red yellow green blue purple white black orange pink browncat dog monkey panda rabbit duck squirrel mouse elephant pig bird bear cake bread hot dog hamburger chicken French fries Coke juice milk water tea coffee one two three four five six seven eight nine ten doll ball boat kite balloon car plane Words in Book 2黑体字(72个单词、词组)

boy girl teacher student this my friend nice good morning

good afternoon meet goodbye too I’m = I am father dadmother mom man woman grandmother grandma grandfather grandpa sister brother let’s=let us really great and how eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty how many can look at peach pear orange watermelon apple banana grape strawberry like some thanks bus bike taxi jeepdesk chair walkman lamp your zoo small big long short tall giraffe deer

Words in Book 3(66个单词、词组)

window board light picture door floor classroom computer wall fan teacher’s desk Chinese book English book math book schoolbag story-book notebook twenty-one thirty thirty-one forty forty-one fifty long hair short hair thin strong quiet friend(s) music science sports computer game painting study bathroom bedroom living kitchen phone bed sofa shelf fridge table rice fish noodles beef vegetable soup knife chopsticks spoon plate fork family parents uncle aunt baby driver doctor farmer nurse baseball player


bag pencil pen book ruler pencil-case teacher student boy girl friend home room school classroom window desk door chair bed rice beef bread milk egg water chicken fish sister brother father mother driver doctor farmer nurse

Words in Book 4(50个单词、词组)

playground garden teacher’s desk canteen art room computer room washroom music room gym TV room lunch English class music class breakfast dinner P.E. class get up go to school go home go to bedsweater jeans pants socks shoes shorts hot weather rainy windy cloudy colourful pretty cheap expensive sneakersslippers sandals boots sheep hen lamb goat cow tomato cucumber potato onion carrot


computer board fan light this is my that your teacher’s desk picture wall floor yes it one two three four five six seven eight nine ten what time it’s 。。。o’clock math Chinese English P.E. music for class jacket shirt skirt dress T-shirt red blue yellow green white no not colour warm cold cool today jeans pant socks shoes let’s play football snowy sunny how much big small long short apple banana pear orange watermelon are they horse aren’t cat rabbit pig duck dog eleven twelve thirteen fifteen twenty how many there



一.政治思想方面: 我认真学习新的教育理论,及时更新教育理念。积极参加政治学习,并做好笔记。在教学的过程中了解到新的教育形式不允许我们在课堂上重复讲书,我们必须具有先进的教育观念,才能适应教育的发展。







四.组长工作。 本学期我们全体专科教师都聚集到一起,大家在平时,能够互帮互助,主动搞好办公室的卫生,做到了不用安排,人人主动的好局面,真的像个大家庭,在这里我们都感受到了温暖。在组里,年轻人较多,在年轻人的渲染下,我们人人有了活力,有了朝气。我坚信,岁月能使人变老的是年龄,是外表,但永远不能改变的是你的心灵。只要你有一颗朝气蓬勃,积极向上的心,你的工作,你的生活永远都会充满阳光。



1.重视知识量, 忽略学习能力

旧版2003年PEP小学英语教材提倡“任务型”教育学习模式是其一大突出特点, 细微的任务将整个教材贯穿, 从而达成以建构主义为核心的教育理念, 虽然旧版教材也注意运用新式的教学方法, 但是整体的教学模式还是过于老旧传统。传统的小学英语教学过分的追求重视小学生知识量的增加, 而往往忽略了学生自身的心态, 学生被动性过大, 导致学生产生抵触情绪, 不能达到良好的教学效果。

2.课堂活动单一乏味, 忽略活动效果

旧版教材中, 课程中的活动过于单一乏味, 教师通过小组教学模式进行教学, 给予学生充分的时间, 然而并没有达成预期的教学效果。学生在活动期间, 总是会出现交头接耳, 无所适从的现象, 太过于注重形式而忽略效果的问题使得这种教学方式的教学效果大打折扣。教学活动的有效性设计成为改革小学英语教育的难点之一。


小学生自制力较差, 心智还未发育健全, 过于死板的教学方式, 教学理念, 再加上传统教育模式下教师与学生之间尴尬的关系, 导致学生学习情绪低落, 学习态度消极。教师一味的传统式教育, 不能及时发现自身问题, 调整教学心态, 使得课堂学习的有效性越来越差。


传统教育的教学效果日益低下, 教育部门在2013年及时推出新版PEP小学英语教材, 从课程的本身, 教师的教育方式等方面出发, 开始改观传统的小学英语教育。新版PEP小学英语课程的编排为先上对话课程, 再上词汇课程, 最后再上读写课程, 这样的教学顺序安排, 颠覆了传统教育点、线、面由易而难的教学模式。从语篇的角度分析, 如此的安排却恰好是顺应小学英语的核心-词汇课程, 在重视词汇课程的基础上, 进行学生读写能力的延伸。

新版PEP小学英语词汇课安排在对话课之后, 读写课之前, 这样的安排使得教学中出现了词汇教学的复现性:在词汇课之前的对话课中, 学生从实际的情景对话中第一次学习到了课中的词汇, 在之后词汇课中, 学生可以把已经初步认知的词汇实际运用于对话课的情景语境, 加深了对词汇的了解, 并且巩固了对话课语法句法的学习。最后的读写课程再一次对词汇的学习进行了一次巩固, 如此一来, 等于进行了三次不同程度的词汇课学习, 对学生的学习巩固起到了最优化的作用。跟传统的小学英语词汇课教学相比, 这样的教学模式更容易让学生接受, 不用在进行传统词汇课的死记硬背, 学生从三个课程段中, 层层递进, 自然而然的学会了陌生的词汇。


新版的PEP小学英语词汇课程, 虽然有自己的语篇, 但语篇类型过于简短单一, 设定的情景性较低, 不利于学生理解学习词汇。因此, 教师在词汇课教学中, 可以导入已学习的语篇, 例如对话课程核心的Let’s talk语篇, 以观看对话视频, 文本朗读为基础, 在进行词汇课语篇的导入加深学生对词汇用法读法的理解。其次作为新教材对话课程的的导入板块, Let’s try教学模块也是可以最为语篇导入词汇课程的, 该教学模块包含信息量比较完整充足, 词汇课之前复习巩固这一模块, 也可以成为词汇课导入的良好铺垫。最后Let’s learn中, 教师可以将“图文语篇”进行解读转化, 达成语篇导入词汇课的目的。图文转化的类型多种多样, 例如相册式语篇转化为篇章, 情景式语篇转为对话形式等, 找到合适的语篇导入词汇课, 以学生理解力为前提, 进行词汇课教学, 会很大程度的提升其的教学效果及质量。


总而言之, 新版PEP小学英语词汇课的教学, 不论是从课堂气氛, 学生态度情绪的角度出发, 还是从新版教材以语篇为教学基础的教学模式出发, 都是为了能让学生更好的理解和掌握词汇, 继而更好的掌握小学英语这门课程, 弱化传统教学模式中学生的负面情绪, 提高小学生对学习知识的兴趣, 跟紧教育改革的步伐, 提升义务教育中学生学习的主动性, 高效性, 培养更加适应社会发展的人才。

摘要:一个小学生英语水平的高低往往以积攒词汇量的多少为评定标准, 因而词汇教学作为小学英语教学最为重要的教学目标之一, 有着极其重要的地位及作用。词汇的认知识别是小学生在英语方面听、说、读、写的基础。旧版PEP教材词汇含量大, 情景设定单一乏味, 教学目标过于知识化, 已不再适用于小学新式的教育模式。因而2012年新版PEP教材的上线, 极大程度的弥补了小学英语教育过于传统化封闭化的教育问题。词汇课程的教学也成为了新版PEP小学英语教学的精髓和重点。



[1]教育部.义务教育英语课程标准[Z].北京师范大学出版社, 2012.

[2]计晓敏.语篇教学理论下新版PEP小学英语词汇课教学[J].小学教学设计, 2016 (9) .


【关键词】PEP英语 小学英语 教学思考

【中图分类号】G623.31【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)06-0094-01


(1)注重综合技能的培养。以目前新课标修订的新版PEP小学英语教材来看,各版块都强调以培养技能为主,例如:拼写能力、听力能力、口语能力等,还将传统的听说模式进行了改良,转变成听说读写的模式,让小学在学习过程中能够做到读与写,听与写,使语言输入和输出融为一体。当在教授red , yellow , blue and green 这四个颜色单词时,让它融入到句子中,通过特定的语言环境让学生自己表达出来。首先让分别穿着红色,黄色,蓝色,绿色衣服的同学站到讲台上来。指向其中一位同学,Teacher : What do you see? Student: I see a red clothes. Teacher: Great. Now please read after me, I see a red clothes. Red/r/e/d/red. 学生跟读。So, what other things are red? Please write on the notebook. Student: Write on the book. Teacher: Very good. Now, please some students say own answer(现在,请一些同学来说说自己的答案)。Student A: Red apple; Student B: Red pepper;Student C: Red grapes. Teacher: Everyone is very good. So, The fruit is also have green?Student: Yes! Teacher: We are going to learn the green, Green/g/r/e/e/n/green.在学习的过程中,根据学生们的想法可以随意变动学习的顺序,例如备课时是首先学习红色,再而黄色,蓝色,最后绿色。当学生们说出的例子中含有绿色的状态时,可以适当的进行调整,灵活进行教学。让学生自己说,自己写,既能锻炼学生的表达能力,又能对词汇加深记忆,并且将英语与生活相结合起来。

(2)教材内容加入了传统文化。原有的PEP小学英语教材的内容大多是国外的元素,而我国的传统文化元素很少,改革后的教材对这一部分进行了优化调整,在保留国外文化的同时,增添了我国的传统文化,使中西文化之间有了交流,小学生在学习时不仅了解了西方文化,也能够深入了解国内的传统文化,能够强化小学生的祖国意识,并通过中西文化的相互学习,能够形成多元文化意识。例如在学习年味这样一课的时候,西方国家的年是“Christmas,Santa Claus will give children gifts in the day.”而在我国过年是“The Spring Festival, On this day, the whole family reunion dinner, eat dumplings, light firecrackers and give children lucky money”。当学生们学习这样一课时,可以感受到地域的不同,生活方式也就不同了。







[1]熊鹏辉.注重语言交际功能的对话教学活动设计——以PEP小学英语教材对话教学为例[J]. 现代教育科学. 2012(02)




























28、在你的假期你去了哪里? _________________________________________________________________

29、我去了新疆。30、在哪儿你干什么了? _________________________________________________________________


























1.Who’s your art teacher?(Mr.Yin)

2.What’s your favourite food?(牛肉)

3.What classes do you have on Wednesday?(美术 信息 英语)



Hi, my name is.I am.My favourite sport is.I oftenon Saturdays and Sundays.My favourite food is.Because it’ my favourite my favourite四、补充短文。

(chicken, Thursday, teacher, noon, don’t, Chinese, grapes, play, doesn’t, plays, sweet)

Today is.Tomorrow is Friday.I haveclass on Friday.At, I

haveand cabbages for dinner.I like them very much.Mr.Liang is our music.He often

sports in the evening.He likesbest.Helike pears.Because they are too



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