



【课题】Unit 2 My family



【教具准备】 本课生词的单词卡片 配套的教学课件 相配套的教学录音带 学生的小英语练习本 大字母卡片,每组一套的小字母卡片


热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)Let’s chant

学生一起说唱A部分的字母歌谣,边说边演 抢答字母

教师出示字母的大小写,孩子快速抢答 找朋友




让孩子说说都学过了那些字母,读一读。找一找,今天我们该掌握哪些字母了。让孩子先试着说出字母“Hh Ii”.教师注意指导孩子两个字母的发音。



小组开火车认读大小写字母Hh Ii 教师分别出示大小写Hh,让孩子想想大小写的字母分别想什么,用语言描述或是用动作表示。

参考:H is a ladder, h is a house.教师可以边说边画出梯子和小房子,让孩子观察自形)教师分别出示大小写Ii让孩子想想大小写的字母分别想什么,由语言描述或是用动作表示。

参考:像一根骨头/像一个海豚顶球(教师画图,孩子观察。)教师出示B Let’s say 动画

问孩子“What can you see?”鼓励认识单词的孩子自己说出词


教师问学生:“What do you like?”S:“I like hamburger/ice„” 字母和单词,体会字母在单词中的读音




孩子自己读新授的单词,根据读音分成两组。找出共同的首字母。Guessing game


孩子小组猜字母 Let’s do

出示B Let’s do 动画,学习过程同前。部分学生说指令,其余学生做动作。学生上台表演,教师对表演好的给予奖励。






1.师生共同练习Teddy Bear 的歌曲,边唱边表演。

2.游戏:Point and say

看图认识教材中没有接触到的表示身体部位的单词,然后用所学的指令语: Touch your „做动作。比一比看谁最先学会。



1.教师出示钟表,使学生了解到时间----下午,引出 Good afternoon!的学习。

2.学生操练Good afternoon!

3.让学生听录音,跟读 B 部分Let’s talk的内容。教师强调Good morning.和 Good afternoon!两个句子的区别。




教师将B 部分Let’s talk的句子内容打乱顺序,写在卡片上,贴于黑板。

2.教师给学生分小组,三人一组分角色表演 Let’s talk 的内容。

3.教师鼓励学生自己读 Let’s play 部分的句子。


1.听录音,仿读Let’s talk的对话。


随着我国素质教育改革对学生自主学习能力的要求进一步提高, 英语教学应“为学生终生学习和终生发展奠定基础”。就学生的角度而言, 其作为课堂的主体, 只有在学习的过程中自己动手动脑, 在实践的过程中主动追求, 寻找答案, 体会成功, 才能充分体现其主动性。著名人本主义教育家罗杰斯说过:“凡是教师能够讲述、能够传授的知识, 多半是死的、凝固的、无用的知识;只有学生自己发现、探究的知识, 才是活的、有用的知识。”所以, 改变学生的学习方式, 发展其自主学习能力是现代教育的必然趋势。在新课程改革的今天, 转变教师理念, 改进教学方法, 帮助学生学会自主学习, 培养自主学习者已成为当今基础教育的主流。下面我就结合三年级Unit2《In the library》 (story time) 的教学来谈谈自己在这方面的一些做法。

一、精置预习任务, 有备而学

教师精心、精致地布置预习任务, 让学生感受新知, 发展思维, 有备而学, 是引导学生自主学习的前提。那怎样的预习任务算“精”?我想肯定不是简单地跟着磁带朗读单词、课文, 而是要根据学生的学情、教学内容的特点布置。既要让学生初识教学内容, 又要让学生对相关知识链接补充。让学生明白要学什么 (What to do?) , 理解为什么要学 (Why to do?) , 掌握怎样去学 (How to do?) 。我为本课布置了三项预习任务: (1) 看一看, 这个故事在讲什么? (人物、地点、故事情节) (2) 想一想, 这个故事教给我们什么道理?在我们生活中有这样的情景吗? (3) 听一听, 体会并模仿一下这个故事中的语言。“看一看”、“想一想”、“听一听”三个任务既基于学情, 又给予学生预习方向, 使学生想要完成而且有能力完成, 顺利地将学生“导入”学习。“凡事预则立, 不预则废”, 我想这个道理我们都明白, 同样我们也都明白预习的重要性, 也给学生布置了预习的任务, 但却忘了一个“精”字。只有我们精心、精致地设计预习任务, 才能让学生有备而学。

二、巧设教学环节, 有法而学

教学环节是教育主体和学习主体相互作用的产物, 是提高学习者获得知识、技能的效率和兴趣的技术过程, 是理论到操作的一个呈现。巧妙设计教学环节, 让学生既可以有方法地学, 又可以习得多种学习方法, 这是引导学生自主学习的关键。教学环节的设置多种多样, 我从设置问题引领、任务驱动和参与评价这三个环节来引导学生自主参与学习。

1. 问题引领。

只有在问题的引领下才能够培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。序列性问题更能够引发学生的学习动机和学习行为, 帮助学生在解决问题的过程中有序地掌握新的知识点, 学会学习的方法, 逐步提高其自主学习的能力。在本课教学时, 我就教材提供的Liu Tao和Yang Ling在图书馆的主题情境自行设计了3个问题, 让学生自主理解和学习课文。

问题 (1) :How many things did Liu Tao do in the library?

问题 (2) :What are they?

问题 (3) :What did Yang Ling say?

这三个问题让学生理清了课文的脉络, 理解了课文的内容, 使学生能根据问题有目的地阅读, 主动参与, 解读课文。

2. 任务驱动。

任务型教学能够让学生有明确的学习目的, 激发他们的学习兴趣, 使他们处于一种积极、主动的学习状态之中, 在任务的驱动下学习语言知识和进行技能训练。在本课教学进入朗读阶段时, 我布置了以下4个任务———

任务 (1) :首读课文, 读准每一个字 (跟录音读) 。

任务 (2) :再读课文, 读出情感 (跟教师读) 。

任务 (3) :三读课文, 配上动作 (自读) 。

任务 (4) :四读课文, 声情并茂地表演 (小组表演读) 。

设置的4个任务, 让学习的目的性增强, 又有利于发挥学生的学习主动性。在读课文的时候不是盲目地读, 而是围绕教师设置好的“任务”, 积极参与, 将知识在不知不觉中习得。

3. 自主评价。

学生在教师的指导下使用适当的评价方法和可行的评价工具, 可发现自己学习中的问题, 了解学习的进程, 主动反思和调控自己的学习策略, 发挥主体能动性, 从而有助于后续学习方案的施行。在本课的教学中, 我对学生关于字词掌握设置的自我评价设定为:★I can listen the words:shout eat run talk sleep drink.→★★I can listen and read the words:shout eat run talk sleep drink.→★★★I can listen read and write the words:shout eat run talk sleep drink.这种评价方式能帮助学生了解自己的字词掌握情况, 便于他们进一步自主学习。我在句型练习和综合语言运用能力中也设置了类似的自我评价方式。

三、拓展课后作业, 有获而学

英语课后作业是学生巩固课堂所学内容的有效活动, 是课堂活动的延伸。课后巩固活动是将教学活动转化为学生自己的知识和能力的关键性环节。拓展课后作业, 是让学生在日常生活中发现英语、自主学习英语, 获得课堂之外、生活之中的英语知识的最佳途径, 也是引导学生自主学习英语的保障。抄单词、背词组、读课文、家长听写在教学中是必不可少的, 但并不应该是全部。本课的课外作业我布置了三项任务: (1) 跟着磁带仿读课文; (2) 问一问, 我们学校的图书馆有哪些规定?你能把这些规定改成英语标语吗? (3) 在网上搜一搜, 国外的图书馆都有哪些规定?任务 (1) 是传统的课外作业, 而任务 (2) 、 (3) 则是对所学知识的拓展:任务 (2) 能让学生学以致用;任务 (3) 则是引导学生在生活中自主学习, 让学生习得自主学习的方式和养成自主学习的习惯。


1. diet

【考纲释义】 n. 饮食,食物; (适合某种疾病的) 特种饮食v.节食;吃限定食物

Their diet chiefly consists of grain and vegetables.他们的饮食主要是谷类和蔬菜。

No chocolate, please. I’m on a diet.请不要放巧克力,我正在节食。

No sugar in my coffee, please; I’m dieting.请不要给我的咖啡放糖,我在节食。

【知识拓展】 go on a diet节食;吃限定食物 be on a diet 在节食中

2. balance

【考纲释义】n.平衡;均衡;天平;秤vt. (1) 使平衡;保持……的平衡;权衡;比较

The child couldn’t keep his balance on his new bicycle.孩子骑在他的新自行车上不能保持平衡。

In what way is a laboratory balance different from a balance found in a store? 实验室的天平与商店里的秤在什么方面有所不同?

In order to balance their trade, they would have to buy less goods in the United States. 为了平衡贸易,他们将不得不减少在美国购货。

You have to balance the advantages of living downtown against the disadvantages. 你必须权衡住在市中心的利弊。

【知识拓展】 in the balance(命运)未定,在危急中;不确定 off balance不稳on balance总的来说 balanced adj. 均衡的;平衡的a balanced diet 均衡的饮食

3. strength

【考纲释义】 n. 强项;长处;力量

I have hardly enough strength left to move my feet. 我连移动双脚的力气都几乎没有了。

The growing strength of the Third World — and of the most populous country, China, in particular — is an important factor for world peace. 第三世界的力量,特别是第三世界国家中人口最多的中国的力量,是世界和平力量发展的重要因素。

Although English is not my strength, you should learn it hard. To master a foreign language is quite important. 尽管英语不是我的长处,你还是应该好好学,掌握一门外语很重要。

【知识拓展】 strengthenv. 增强get the strength to do something 鼓起勇气做某事 to strengthen one’s character使自己的性格变坚强

power, strength, force辨析:


4. benefit

【考纲释义】 n.利益;好处 vt. & vi. 有益于;有助于

We shall derive much benefit from reading good novels. 我们将从优秀小说中获得很大好处。

These facilities have benefited the whole town.这些设施使用权全城受益。

Who is likely to benefit most by the new tax laws?什么人可能从新的税法中得到最大的好处。

【知识拓展】 for / to sb.’s benefit 为了某人的利益 by the benefit of 由于……的恩惠 acquire(get, have, receive) the benefit of 获得……之益 give sb. the benefit 给予某人利益lose the benefit of 丧失……的利益benefit from / by sth.

5. combine

【考纲释义】 vt. & vi. (使)联合;(使)结合

What chemicals combine together to form water? 什么化学元素化合成水?

The two teams combined and did very well in the sports meet. 在运动会上这两个队合并成一个队,成绩很好。

We consider it necessary to combine theory with practice. 我们认为理论联系实际是必要的。

【知识拓展】词语辨析: combine, join,和connect.

join指把性质相同但形体上分离的东西直接“连接”起来,使其结合在一起,成为较大的集体或物体,关系较connect密切;combine指原来性质或成分不同的的东西合并成一体,“合并、联合”,联合之后使得个体被忽略,强调整体性; connect表示“连接、结合”,指两者相互连接,但仍保持各自原有的特征或状态,强调用连接物或通过某种方式把孤立的东西联系起来。

6. consult

【考纲释义】 vt. 咨询;请教;商量

If you wish good advice, consult an old man. 若要主意好,老人须请教。

If you are ill, consult a doctor.如果你病了,就找医生看病。

It is important that consult with expert before you make a decision. 在做重大决定之前和专家商量是很重要的。

【知识拓展】 consult with同……商量


1. get away with被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚

I won’t let him get away with that excuse. 我不会让他用那种借口蒙混过去。

For such a serious offence he was lucky to get away with a fine. 他犯了那么严重的过失, 却侥幸只交罚款了事。

Those who lie and cheat will never get away with it. 那些撒谎和欺骗别人的人决不会逃得过惩罚。

2. get rid of 摆脱;除去

The fat boy went on a diet to get rid of his excess weight. 这个胖男孩节制饮食以减轻过量的体重。

How can you get rid of a bad habit? 你怎样才能改掉坏习惯呢?

I should like to get rid of the responsibility for this job, but there doesn’t seem to be anyone. 我真想摆脱对这项工作的责任,但是看来没有合适的人可以交出去。

3. in debt欠债

She was in debt when she was poor, but has been out of debt since she got rich. 以前穷的时候她欠了债,可自从富了以后就没欠债了。

We should reduce our expenses, or we will be in debt. 我们得减少支出,否则就要负债了。

【知识拓展】 in sb’s debt 欠某人的人情debt crisis 债务危机deep in debt 负债累累 pay one’s debt 还债pay off one’s debt 还清债务 run / get into debt 欠债

4. throw away扔掉;丢弃

Don’t throw away those rotten vegetables, we can feed them to the pigs. There’s nothing so bad as not to be good for something. 不要把那些腐烂的蔬菜扔了,我们可能拿它来喂猪。凡物无论好坏,各有所用。

Fires are often caused by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. 火灾经常是由人们不小心扔掉的烟蒂引起的。

【知识拓展】 throw about乱丢(东西),乱花(钱) throw down推倒throw light on使明白,阐明throw up呕吐


1. Something terrible must have happened if Maochang was not coming to eat with him as he always did. 如果茂昌不像往常那样来和他一起吃饭,那就一定是发生了什么可怕的事情。

句中的must + have + 过去分词,表示对过去动作或状态的推测,意为“(过去)一定做过某事”。例如:

It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet this morning.昨天晚上一定是下雨了,因为今晨地面是潮湿的。

此外,should (ought to) have + 过去分词表示过去应该做而(实际)没有做的事情,含有责备或遗憾的语气,意为“本应该……”;其否定形式为“should not / ought not to have + 过去分词”,表示某种行为不该发生但却发生了; “needn’t have + 过去分词”表示过去没有必要做某事, 但实际上做了某事;“may / might have + 过去分词”表示对过去情况的一种不太有把握的可能性推测,表示“过去可能 / 大概已做了某事”;否定句表示“过去可能还没有做某事”;“can / could have + 过去分词”表示“过去本来可以做某事,但实际上没有做”;否定句表示“不可能已做了某事”;疑问句表示“可能 / 也许已做了某事吗?”。例如:

You shouldn’t / ought not to have been here so early. 你本不应该来这里这么早的。

He may have been at home for about two hours. 他也许在家等了两小时了。

It could have been seen from here if it had not been so dark. 如果天不那么黑,你会从这儿望见他的。

She can’t / couldn’t have been waiting for us so long. 她不大可能等我们那么久。(对过去的事情的否定的判断。

2. They served raw vegetables with the hamburgers and boiled the potatoes rather than fried them. 他们供应汉堡包加生冷蔬菜,和水煮土豆,而不是油炸土豆。

rather than用作连词,相当于but not,意为“而不”、“不是……(而是)”、“与其……(不如)”,前后连接的成分应该是平行的,可为名词、代词、动名词、形容词、谓语动词、动词不定式或介词短语等。例如:

He is a writer rather than a teacher. 与其说他是教师还不如说他是作家。

You are doing this for yourself rather than for others. 你做这件事不是为别人而是为你自己。

Taking exercise every day makes him look younger rather than older.每天锻炼身体使他显得年轻而不是年老。

He would die rather than give up smoking.他宁死也不愿戒烟。

We’ll have tea in the garden rather than in the house.我们要在花园里喝茶而不想在屋里喝茶。

注意:若 rather than 位于句首,其后的不定式通常不带to (也可用动名词)。如:

Rather than go there by air, I’d take the slowest train. 我宁可乘最慢的火车去也不愿坐飞机去。

Rather than waste (wasting) your time doing it yourself, why don’t you call in a build-er? 你为什么宁愿浪费时间自己干而不愿去请一个包工呢?

rather than连接两个成分作主语时,其谓语动词的数通常与前面一个主语保持一致。如:



1、能听、说、认读单词father/dad, man2、能听懂、会说“Who’s that man? He’s my...”并在情境中运用。

学习重难点:Father 的发音,询问他人并介绍自己家庭成员的句型。








1.使用投影仪展示Let’s learn情景图,通过提问的方式引出本单元话题My family,让学生初步感知家庭成员的名称。

2.教师指着情境图问:Who’s that man?学生进行回答。注意he和she的区别。利用家庭成员卡片,教读father, dad,man。










Unit 2 My Family第二课时


1、能听、说、认读father/dad, mother/mum, man,woman。

2、能听懂、会说“Who’s that man/woman? He’s/She’s my...”并在情境中运用。









1教读mother, mum, woman。听录音,跟读词汇,注意单词的认读及拼读规则的积累。

2.通过投影情境图,引出新的问题“Who’s that woman?”来介绍妈妈。







1.听录音,跟读Let’ s chant 的内容。



Unit 2 My Family第三课时



2.巩固单词father/dad, mother/mum, man, woman,句型“Who’s that man/woman? He’s/She’s my...”




2.句型She/He’ s my…







1.S: Who’s that man?

T: He’s my father.T: Hi, Dad.This is my friend, Amy.(语速放慢,并重复几遍)S: Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you, too.老师再用同样的方法介绍mother.(2)老师教读新句子,并让学生全班读,小组读多种方法练习









Unit 2 My Family第四课时












1.老师呈现单词ten, pen, red, leg的图片,让学生读出单词,并找出这四个单词的共同点。








2.学写ten, pen, red, leg.教后反思:

Unit 2 My Family第五课时


1.学习单词sister, brother, grandmother/grandma, grandfather/grandpa 2.运用这些单词对自己的家人做简要介绍。



2.This is my...句型的运用。






2.播放A部分Let’s chant的录音,学生有节奏地跟唱歌谣。




2.利用家谱图教读sister, brother, grandmother/grandma, grandfather/grandpa。

3.学会用This is...的句型介绍家庭成员。

4.通过人物图片学习句型Is he/she your...?以及肯定和否定的回答。







Unit 2 My Family第六课时





2.掌握句子:Is he/she your...?以及肯定和否定回答。











1.完成Start and Read

2.播放录音,学生完成Let’s check 部分。

3.学唱I love my family这首歌曲。






能运用“Good morning!”“Good afternoon!”向他人问好,及对此作出回应;



重点:运用 “Good afternoon!”向他人致意。

难点:灵活的运用“Hello!”“Good morning!”“Good afternoon!”向他人问候致意。


Step 1 Warming up


唱英语歌曲《Good morning!》

Step 2 Presentation and drill.Free talk.听课文B、C部分录音,跟读。然后让学生们戴上人物面具,分角色表演。

Step 3 Practice

Game----Listen and act.Step 4 Consolidation

听课文D部分录音,看课文,理解意思。理解“Answer me!”and”Hey!Wait for me.”的含义,然后有感情的朗读课文。






Period 3 Learning about language: Grammar



This is the third teaching period of this unit.To test whether students have grasped the important and difficult language points they learned in the last period, the teacher should first offer them some revision exercises.Then lead in the new lesson.This teaching period mainly deals with the grammar: learn the use of ought to and review the use of can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, can’t.Students often feel modal verbs abstract and difficult, so it is necessary to make the lesson interesting and connect it with their daily life in order to let it easy to accept and understand.Firstly, the teacher can ask students to read the reading passage Come and Eat Here(1)again, tick out the sentences using modal verbs from the reading passage and translate them into Chinese.Secondly, compare and discover the uses of each modal verb by giving a lot of example sentences.Thirdly, do the exercises in Discovering useful structures on Page 13 and more exercises for students to master the related modal verbs.Finally, summarize the use of ought to and let students make it clear how each modal verb is being used in the situations.At the end of the class, ask students to do the exercises in Using structures on Page 54 and additional exercises for consolidation.教学重点 1.Get students to review and consolidate the use of can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, can’t.2.Let students learn the use of ought to.教学难点

Enable students to learn how to use ought to correctly.三维目标 知识目标

1.Get students to know more about modal verbs.2.Let students learn the use of ought to.能力目标

Enable students to use modal verbs correctly and properly according to the context.情感目标

1.Get students to become interested in grammar learning.2.Develop students’ sense of group cooperation.教学过程


→Step 1 Revision

1.Check the homework exercises.2.Dictate some new words and expressions.3.Read the passage Come and Eat Here again to find words and expressions that mean the same.Alternative words and expressions Words and expressions from the text


run away after doing something wrong

something to make you thin by eating it

wish to know about something

get rid of something

Alternative words and expressions

parts of plants that help food move quickly through the body

changing food into something the body can use

proper amount of different kinds of food needed for good health

Give students about four minutes to find the suitable words and expressions.Then check the answers with the whole class.Suggested answers: Alternative words and expressions Words and expressions from the text should ought to run away after doing something wrong get away with something to make you thin by eating it slimming foods wish to know about something curiosity get rid of something throw away Alternative words and expressions Words and expressions from the text parts of plants that help food move quickly fibre through the body

changing food into something the body can use digestion proper amount of different kinds of food balanced diet needed for good health

→Step 2 Leading-in by revision Translate the following sentences and explain how each of these modal verbs is being used in the situations.1.He could hardly support his family before he found the new job.2.Where could/can the boy be now? 3.May/Might I come in? 4.You may/might catch sight of the sunrise from here when you get up before 5 in the morning.5.You must hurry up or you’ll be late.6.Whatever you want, you shall have.7.We should read English aloud every morning.8.He would sit there for hours, doing nothing at all.Suggested answers: 1.他在找到那份新工作前几乎无法养家糊口。(ability)2.那孩子现在能在哪儿呢?(guessing)3.我可以进来吗?(ask for permission)4.你在早晨五点钟以前起来, 或许能从这儿看到日出。(possibility)

5.你必须得快点儿, 不然会迟到的。(necessity)6.你想得到什么, 你就可以有什么。(promise)7.我们应该每天早晨朗读英文。(duty)8.他总是在那儿一坐就是几个小时, 什么都不干。(past habit)→Step 3 Grammar learning 1.Reading and discovering Ask students to turn back to Page 10 to read through the passage Come and Eat Here, let them pick out the sentences using modal verbs and translate them into Chinese.Suggested answers: 1)By lunchtime they would all be sold.到午饭时分, 它们都会卖完。

2)By now his restaurant ought to be full of people.到了这个时候, 他的餐馆本该宾客盈门的。3)What could have happened? 发生了什么事呢?

4)Nothing could be better.再没有比这些更好(吃)的了。

5)Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.要是李昌不像往常那样来他的餐馆吃饭, 那问题就严重了。

6)He could not believe his eyes.他简直不能相信他的眼睛。

7)Perhaps he should go to the library and find out.也许他应该去图书馆查查清楚。

8)He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!他不可能让咏慧哄骗人们后跑掉。9)He had better do some research.他最好作一番调查。

10)They would become tired very quickly.他们很快就会到疲乏。

11)Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back.或许打折的方法和新的招牌能够帮他赢回顾客。

2.Thinking and discussing Let students read aloud the sentences they picked out, think over and discuss with a partner how each of these modal verbs is being used in the situations.Use the function words below to explain the meaning of the modal verbs.If students have some difficulty, give them a hand.Intention Duty Permission Possibility Guessing Ability Suggested answers: 1)Possibility 2)Possibility 3)Possibility 4)Possibility 5)Guessing 6)Intention 7)Duty 8)Intention 9)Duty 10)Possibility 11)Ability 3.Summing up: the use of ought to ought to的用法

ought无人称和时态的变化, 后接带to的动词不定式。ought to可表示“义务”“要求”或“劝告”, 常译作“应该”“应当”等, 和should差不多, 只是语气稍重一些;有时表示“非常可能”的意思。否定式为ought not to(oughtn’t to), 疑问式为Ought I/you/...to...? 1.表示“责任或义务”

Such things ought not to be allowed, ought they? 这类事情不应该被准许, 是吗? —Ought he to go? 他应该去吗?

—Yes, he ought to.是的, 他应该去。2.表示“适当, 合适或应该”

Coffee ought to be drunk while it is hot.咖啡应该趁热喝。

There ought to be more buses during the rush hours.在上下班高峰期, 公共汽车应当多一些。3.表示“可能性”

Harry ought to win this race.哈里应该会赢得这场比赛。

If he started at seven, he ought to be here now.假如他在七点出发的话, 现在大概到这儿了。4.表示“劝告或建议”

I think you ought to eat more body-building food.我认为你应当多吃些有营养的食物。

He said I ought to do that job.他说我适宜做那项工作。

5.表示“推测”, 意为“照说应该;想必一定”, 后跟不定式的一般时、进行时或完成时, 分别表示对现在、现在进行或过去情况的推测。

She has had working experience before.She ought to be fit for the job.她以前有过工作经验, 应该胜任这项工作。

It’s just 9 o’clock.Mary ought to be doing her homework in her room now.才刚九点, 按说玛丽应该在房间里做作业。

It ought to have rained last night.昨晚应该下过雨。6.表示“责备或后悔”

ought to后接不定式的完成式时, 表示“本应该做某事而事实上没做”;其否定式表示“本不应该做某事而事实上做了”。

You ought to have done these exercises because you were required to so during your holidays.这些练习你本应该做完的, 因为假期里就要求你做了。

She ought not to have told him the bad news, which had a bad effect on his examinations.她本不应该告诉他这个不幸的消息, 结果影响了他的考试。

→Step 4 Grammar practice 1.Turn to Page 13.Ask students to do Exercise 2 in Discovering useful structures.First let them discuss in pairs how each of these modal verbs is being used in the situations.Then check the answers with the whole class.Give some explanations if necessary.2.Turn to Page 50.Ask students to do Exercise 1 and Exercise 2.Check the answers after most of them finish.→Step 5 Asking and answering

Let students work in pairs.One asks a question and the other answers it.Remind them to use modal verbs in their answer.Show the following on the screen to students.Example: S1: What should you do after school? S2: I have to go home at once.I need to take the bus.I ought to do my homework as soon as I get home.Other possible questions: 1.Do you know what you have to do when you borrow books from the library? 2.Do you know what to do when your teethache? 3.Do you know what to do if you need to meet someone you don’t know at the airport? 4.Do you know what to do if you want to get a discount in a shop? 5.Do you know what you should do when you meet the hostess in your friend’s home? The following procedures may be followed: 1.Let students ask and answer the questions in pairs.2.Ask as many pairs as possible to perform their dialogue to the class.→Step 6 Closing down by a quiz

Show the following exercises on the screen.Let students finish them within three minutes to see if they have mastered the use of modal verbs.Five minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.1.—What’s the matter with you?

—Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach.I ______________ so much fried fish just now.A.shouldn’t eat B.mustn’t eat C.oughtn’t to have eaten D.mustn’t have eaten

2.—Mum, I climbed to get the Teddy Bear from the top of the shelf.—My goodness!You ______________ yourself.You ______________ do that again.A.must have hurt;mustn’t B.should have hurt;can’t C.may have hurt;mustn’t

D.might have hurt;won’t be able to

3.The train was ten minutes late, so I ______________ have run all the way from my house to the station.A.couldn’t B.shouldn’t C.needn’t D.mustn’t

4.You ______________ worry about the old man.He ______________ well already.A.needn’t;may get B.didn’t have to;gets C.mustn’t;got

D.needn’t;may have gotten 5.—Shall I tell John about it?

—No, you ______________, for I’ve told him already.A.needn’t B.wouldn’t C.mustn’t D.shouldn’t

Suggested answers: CCCDA →Step 7 Homework

1.Finish off the workbook exercises.2.Preview the reading passage Come and Eat Here(2)on Page 14, find the sentences in which modal verbs are used, and see if you can understand the situations.设计方案(二)

→Step 1 Revision 1.Check the homework exercises.2.Translate the following into English.1)平衡膳食 2)应该;应当 3)减肥;体重减轻

4)被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚 5)说谎;撒谎

6)到了这个时候, 他的餐馆本该宾客盈门的。7)再没有比这些更好(吃)的了。

8)要是李昌不像往常那样来他的餐馆吃饭, 那问题就严重了。9)他简直不能相信他的眼睛。


→Step 2 Warming up by asking and answering Let students work in pairs.One asks a question.The other answers it.Remind them to use modal verbs they have learned in their answers.Example: S1: What should you do after school? S2: I have to go home at once.I need to take the bus.I should do my homework as soon as I get home.→Step 3 Discovering useful structures

Ask students to underline the sentences containing modal verbs in the reading passage and use the function words below to explain the meaning of the modal verbs.Intention Duty Permission Possibility Guessing Ability →Step 4 Learning the use of ought to

1.Ask students to turn to Page 91 and learn the part 6 ought by themselves.2.Encourage them to ask as many questions as possible.Give them explanations if necessary.3.Let them do some additional exercises.4.Sum up.→Step 5 Practice

Ask students to finish the following exercises within 8 minutes.Then check the answers with the whole class.1.Exercise 2 in Discovering useful structures on Page 13.2.Exercise 1 in Using structures on Page 50.→Step 6 Consolidation

Let students work in pairs to choose one of the situations below and develop it into a conversation.Make sure they use as many modal verbs as possible.1.Your friend sees someone steal a purse from an old lady’s pocket.He/She does nothing but is very worried about this.He/She comes up to you for your advice.What would you tell him/her to do? 2.Your friend has borrowed your mobile phone and lost it while he was out with his friends.You are very angry with him.He is not concerned.What are you going to say to each other? →Step 7 Homework

1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.2.Practice your conversation with your partner and be ready to present it to the class.板书设计 Unit 2 Healthy eating the use of ought to Use Examples ought无人称和时态的变化, 后接带to的动词(1)There is something I ought to tell you 不定式。ought to可表示“义务”“要求”或“劝before you leave.告”, 常译作“应该”“应当”等, 和should差不(2)He ought not to do that.多, 只是语气稍重一些;有时表示“非常可(3)—Ought he to see the doctor? 能”的意思。否定式为ought not to(oughtn’t to), —Yes, he ought to.疑问式为Ought I/you/...to...?(4)If she is completely well, she ought to be

back at school today.活动与探究 After class, make up a dialogue with your partner to talk about food you like or dislike.Be ready to present your dialogue to the class.You must use the following expressions and as many words that are referred to as you know.Expressions Food words My favorite food/fruit/meat is...fried chicken smoked chicken roast I’m fond of...I don’t often eat...duckbarbecued mutton lemon beefsweet and I really hate...I can’t stand...sour fish steamed fish creamed tomatoes

make me gain/lose weight fried eggplant cucumber salad boiled eggs


难点重点:How to write‘My ideal school’.

教学方法:Reading and writing

教学程序设计:Step 1.Revision

Say something about school lives in British and American.

Revise comparatives.


Step 1.presentation

Think and answer the questions:

1.How many subjects do you learn?lead out:physics.

2.What do you like about our school?Why/Why not?---

写作则需要充分激发和调动学生的已有的经验, 激起学生的心理认知, 主动的探求, 提高学生的写作兴趣, 自身的体验让学生更接近生活, 更有话可说, 听说为先, 并且为书写questionnaires打下基础。


1.Finish Part A and read the whole sentences.

2.Say something about our school like this:

My school starts at---finishes---I think---is interesting.we spend---on---.I hope---Ask several students to make a short passage according to Part A.

学生熟悉写作素材后, 可以先试着整体组织和安排, 其中在口头写作中就会遇到各种问题, 老师应该引导学生及时纠正, 同时也为写作明确了方向。再者, 学生已经对以上句式非常熟悉, 在加上关键句的提示, 写作活动也变得更具体可操作性。


What subjects can Daniel choose to study in his ideal school?

写作是一个综合性的活动, 再听的过程中关键是如何捕捉文篇的整体布局特点。同时通过学生是否和Daniel达成共鸣来检验学生的听的效果。


Read Paragraph 1 and try to answer:

1.What time does Daniel’s ideal school start and finish?Why?

2.Do you enjoy studying in his school?

3.Books closed and try to fill in the blanks.

My___school at.We don’t and we have time for afterschool activities.We only have homework every day.Listen and retell Daniel’s school.

Teach the other paragraphs in the same way.

因为成功的写作起于仿写, 本人设置了精读练习, 根据短文内容填空和根据文意进行整合填空, 主要是引导学生先忠实于文本, 紧紧地依赖文本, 做到有效、必要的语言迁移。在用材上进行必要的取舍, 也是启示学生进行仿写的前提。学生在阅读的过程中就会很自然的通过对比, 来“控诉”现实中学校的不足, 自然会有了自己的ideal school。这为下面的讨论和建构自己的理想学校埋下了伏笔。


Discuss and complete the table below.If you don’t like this school, please write an article about your ideal school.

这部分是写作的核心, 设置讨论就是要让学生合作探究, 进行认知上的创新活动。学生通过例文学习和笔头单句练习之后, 更加明确写作要求, 使写作活动水到渠成。

Step 6.Checking

Reprent some Ss’articles on the screen and check out their mistakes.Then report your answers.

写作的最后一个环节是看学生的文章是否符合课标的要求, 从内容到形式, 从语言到结构是否存在着一些错误, 以便进一步的补救。

Step 7.Homework

Fill in the blanks according to the reading.

作业的设置进一步巩固学习的内容, 对写作活动进行强化。
