




Conversation 1:

Girl: Is this your ruler?

Boy: No,it isn’t. It’s her ruler.

Conversation 2:

Teacher: Is that your backpack?

Boy: No, it isn’t. It’s his backpack.

Conversation 3:

Boy: Is this your pencil?

Girl: Yes, it is. It’s my pencil.

Tim: And Jane,is this your ruler?

Jane: No,it isn’t. It’s her ruler.

Tim: OK,and this is my book. And this is your pencil case,Jane.

Is this your pencil?


No,it isn’t.


It is not my book.


(2)sorry adj. 抱歉的

sorry是I”m sorry的省略形式,用于冒犯、冲撞了他人或伤害了对方等场合。


Not at all.没关系。

That’s all right.没关系。

It doesn’t matter.不要紧,没关系。

Never mind.别在意,没关系。



(3)thank n.&v. 感谢


Many thanks! 多谢!

Thanks a lot! 多谢!

Thanks! 谢谢 !

Thank you! 谢谢你!

(4)in prep. 用……(方法、媒介、工具等);使用……(语言)

John is drawing a car in pencil.


We always speak in English.



Conversation 1:

Kelsey: I’m looking for my watch.

Teacher: OK. Is this your watch?

Kelsey: No,it isn’t. That’s my watch.

Teacher: Here you are.

Kelsey: And that’s my ID card.

Teacher: OK. What’s your name?

Kelsey: Kelsey.

Conversation 2:

Mike: That’s my pen.

Teacher: This?

Mike: Yes...and that’s my baseball.

Teacher: All right. What’s your name?

Mike: Mike.

Teacher: OK. Here’s your baseball.

Mike: Thank you.

(1)how adv.(表示方法、手段、状态)怎样;如何

How did you make it?


How do you like our school?


(2)call v. 打电话

n. 电话

call sb. 给某人打电话

give sb. a call 给某人打电话

(3)at prep. 在(里面或附近);在(时间)

at school 在学校,上课,在求学

at home 在家

Shall we meet at 3 o’clock?


(4)school n. 学校 go to school 上学




在句子中指示代词可以充当主语、定语、宾语或表语。如:This is a pear.


These video clips are very interesting and those ones are not.


I like this very much.


Oh,it’s not that.




This is a Chinese car.



Is that a ruler?


No,it isn’t. It’s a pen.


Are these your books?


Yes,they are.




Is this your pencil?


Yes,it is.是的。

Have you any magazines?


Yes,I have.有。


【1】Here’s exercise-book.

A. a B. an C. two D. ×

句中的a和an都是不定冠词,放在单数可数名词前,修饰限定名词,表示“一个、一块……”的意思。如果名词的读音以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词a,如:a banana, a pear;如果名词的读音以元音音素开头,要用不定冠词an,如an orange,an egg。在本句中,book是可数名词单数,用冠词a,而单词exercise是以元音音素“e”开头的词,故要用冠词an。


(1)- you in Class 4?

-Yes, I .

(2)This is a car and that is a car,.

(3)-Is this a Chinese bike?

-No.a Japanese bike.



(3)It’s是It is的缩写形式,It指代this。由于No后面用的是句号,且后面的句子是一个完整的句子,应看做为一个独立的句子,故it’s应大写第一个字母。

答案 (1)Are; am (2)too (3)It’s


(1)That’s a chinese car.



(2)That is a pencil box.


(2)英语中有部分单词是由两个词构成的,在两个词之间须加连字符号“-”,所以应改pencil box为penhcil-box,同学们在学习时要多加注意。

(3)-What’s this in English?


-It’s computer.



【4】This is my car. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答)。

答案 Is this your car? Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.

本题考查一般疑问句的构成及答语。如果句中有动词be(am, is, are),将动词提到主语前,并大写开头字母,句末用问号,主语第一人称变第二人称,即变成了一般疑问句。一般疑问句要用Yes或No来回答。它的肯定答语是Yes,it is. ,不定答语是No,it isn’t. 。注意答语用it代替this/that。


1. mastery words: farm, hear, meet, course, of course, lot, lot of, enjoy

2. A dialogue between Danny and his new friend

3. The usage of some phrases

Teaching goals: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Understand the meaning of the text

2. Remember the mastery words

3. Find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 16

Teaching key points: 1.introduce where you are from

2. some useful expressions

Difficult points: how to introduce yourself

Teaching aids: word cards, audiotape, flashcards, and slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) Greet the students in everyday English.

2) Duty report.

3) Main revision of last lesson. Explain when necessary.

2. New lesson

Step1 Lead in

Ask the students some questions:

Do you like to make new friends? Why or why not?

Who is your newest friend? How do you meet?

Discuss them with the class and you gather many different answers.

Step2 Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

What does Danny want to buy in Beijing?

Who is Danny’s new friend?

Where does Wu Li come from?

After listening to the tape, answer the questions and discuss the whole text. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points in this period. Write the key points on the blackboard or use the slide projector.

Step3 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it.

Step4 Practice

Have them read the text aloud for a few minutes and correct their pronunciation when necessary. Then have them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step5 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

You meet a new friend on the train or bus. What should one say to a new friend? What can one do to enjoy time with a new friend? With a partner, write and practice a dialogue. Present your dialogue to your classmates.

In this part the teacher should guide the students to discuss the questions.

You may give them some words to help them.

Step6 A test


1) The woman behind me is singing. (一般疑问句)


2) She is talking to the man. (对划线部分提问)


3) The baby is sleeping. (否定句)


1) Walk to the station. (否定句)


2) Ben is noisy in class. ( 同义句)


Step7 Summary

Today we learn a dialogue about Li Ming and his friends. They meet a new friend on the train. Then they feel hungry and they discuss what to eat. What did they say? After class, read the text fluently.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) finish the exercises in the activity book


译林版小学英语五年级Unit2 A new student (Storytime部分)


本课时是小学英语五年级Unit2的第一课时, 在Unit1里我们已经初步了解There be结构句式的陈述的形式

这一部分内容是让学生进一步学习There be结构句式的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句形式以及它们答语, 对于小学生来说这与部分内容是很难的, 学生不易接受, 为此我要从分挖掘教学资源, 创设各种情景, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 力求使这节课最完美化。


1.理解, 掌握对话内容, 用正确的语音语调朗读对话, 初步表演对话。

2.正确运用日常交际用语Can you show her around?How many…?Is there a…?Yes, there is.No, there isn’t.Are there any…?Yes, there are.No, there aren’t.Let’s go and…

3.能正确的听、说、读单词:a r t r o o m, c l a s s r o o m, computer room, library, music room, playground


1.能正确理解对话内容, 朗读对话, 初步表演对话。

2.流畅地朗读对话, 并能在理解对话内容的基础上表演对话。




Step 1 Warm up.


1) T:Hello, boys and girls, tody is a fine day.there is no cloudy in the sky.Walk into my school, all boys are lovely and all girls are beautiful.I am very happy.Are you happy?


Let us play a game.Would you like?


T:I act and you guess. (What do I like doing?)

(教师做几个动作学生猜, 老师喜欢画画, 然后老师介绍昨天老师画了一幅我们校园的画, 并问学生Where is there in the school?)

2.Lead student to step into learn new lesson.

(设计理念:通过自由对话和游戏能够拉近师生之间的距离, 让学生在没有压力的情况下轻松投入到学习中.)

Step2.Learn the new words and sentences

1.Show computer room and ask:“Where is it?”Lead students to answer“It is a computer room.”

Lead student to read some times.

Point students to read one by one.

Ask students to read in groups.

Ask students to read together.

Teacher ask student to watch carefully and tell the teacher

“Where is the computer room?”

Step into learn new word“third”.Ask student to pay attention the red letters. (强调序数词前必须加the)

(设计理念:通过PPT播放各室所在的位置让学生自己说出学校里有什么, 它们的位置在哪, 这样既直观有形象, 既可以激发学生的学习兴趣, 也可以提高学生的观察能力。)

2.Teacher the words“classroom, library, playground, second First”in the same way.

3.Show the picture of Yang lin’s school and introduce

the people in the picture.

Teacher ask students“Boys and girls, would you want to know

“What are they doing?”

Student answer“Yes”

T:Yang lin is showing Nancy around her school.


4.Student watch PPT carefully, after then the teacher ask students“What place have they visited?”

Show the words music room and table tennis room.

Learn the two words.

5.Teacher ask:Boys and girls“How many classrooms are there in the school?”

Lead students to answer“There are 24 classrooms in the school.” (Lead student to read the sentences and the teacher teach the sentences)

6.Are there any computer rooms?

L e a d s t u d e n t s t o a n s w e r“Ye s, t h e r e a r e./N o, t h e r e aren’t.” (Lead student to read the sentences and the teacher teach the sentences)

7.Is there a music room and table tennis room?

L e a d s t u d e n t s t o a n s w e r“Ye s, t h e r e i s./N o, t h e r e isn’t.” (Lead student to read the sentences and the teacher teach the sentences)


A) 根据句意和首字母完成句子中的单词。

1. A good kid doesn’t come in t____ the window.

2. She often goes to the post office to take m____.

3. There is a big park in the c____ of our city.

4. My friends often ask me to have dinner in a r____.

5. Mike lives in the n____ room.

B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. I know Nancy ____ (arrive) next Sunday.

7. Let Paul ____ (tell) you the way to the supermarket.

8. Mr. Brown often ____ (take) a taxi to his office.

9. The girl ____ (not pass) through the street because it is busy.

10. Look at those ____ (house). They are new and beautiful.


1. Is there ____ hotel near here?

A. theB. aC. anD. /

2. Look!A man is running ____ Center Street.

A. atB. toC. onD. behind

3. The bike is ____ the car.

A. in front ofB. withC. forD. from

4. ——Thank you very much.


A. Yes, there isB. You are rightC. Excuse meD. You’re welcome

5. ____ left on the Fifth Avenue and you can see the park.

A. GetB. HaveC. TurnD. Arrive

6. Many kids enjoy ____ the parks.

A. visitB. visitingC. to visitD. visits

7. Let’s go to the ____ because I’m hungry.

A. restaurantB. libraryC. bankD. bridge

8. His father often ____ a taxi to home.

A. goesB. comesC. doesD. takes

9. Go ____ this street and you’ll see the post office on the right.

A. offB. downC. outD. just

10. ____ you want to be a good student, you should be good at your subjects.

A. WhenB. WhatC. IfD. Because


1. The pay phone is across from the supermarket. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ the pay phone?

2. There are some restaurants on Bridge Street. (改为否定句)

There ____ ____ restaurants on Bridge Street.

3. My sister likes watching TV in the evening. (改为同义句)

My sister ____ ____ TV in the evening.

4. He looks left and right before he walks across the street. (对划线部分提问)

____ does he ____ before he goes across the street?

5. There is a new desk in the house. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ ____ in the house?


A: Excuse me. __1__ there a post office in the neighborhood?

B: Yes, there is.

A: Could you please tell me the __2__ to the post office?

B: It’s my pleasure to tell you the way. You can __3__ No. 5 bus and get off at

Developing Street. Turn left, and you can __4__ on River Road. There is __5__ bus to take you there because the street is small __6__ old. Then turn right and you start to walk on Bridge Street. At the end __7__ Bridge Street turn left. There is a bank, a post office, a store and a park __8__ the right of Gold Money Road. And there is a library, a restaurant, a supermarket and a hotel on its left.

A: I’m sorry, sir. I can’t follow you.

B: Do you __9__ walking?

A: Yes, I do. Why?

B: I’ll show you the way to the post office. Follow me! I’ll go to the park and I’ll pass

through the post office.

A: Thank you very much.

B: You’re __10__.


More and more people __1__ live in cities like traveling to towns or villages. They go to fields, climb hills. They __2__ themselves in quiet places. They want to be close to nature. They like __3__ away from bustle (喧闹) of cities when they are free.

If you __4__ to a strange town or village, you can’t find the place which you want __5__ because many towns or villages have no signs __6__ the street. You must ask the local (当地的) people the __7__ to your aim place.

When you ask the way, you should use “Excuse me.” “Could you please…?” “Would you like…?”. It is very important __8__ people to trouble the other ones. __9__ you ask someone politely, he will tell you the right place and some more information about the place, even lead you to the place. If you are not polite when you ask the way, the people will not tell you the direction, even he will make __10__ of you, especially young people.

1. A. whyB. whereC. whoD. what

2. A. enjoyB. likeC. take D. get

3. A. beB. isC. areD. being

4. A. findB. goC. arriveD. look

5. A. to visitB. visitC. visiting D. visits

6. A. behindB. next toC. in front of D. on

7. A. parkB. wayC. bank D. neighborhood

8. A. forB. withC. from D. to

9. A. WhenB. BecauseC. If D. How

10. A. foodB. funC. the bed D. money



Sun Ming and his aunt live in the same city. He often goes to see his aunt and cousin Liu Jun on weekends. He likes the five-year-old girl. He doesn’t like taking a bus to visit his aunt. He usually rides a bike.

He goes down Long Green Street. It is about ten kilometers long. There are many stores, some big supermarkets, five banks, four post offices and a library. He is a little hungry and he has two eggs and a hamburger in the restaurant at the end of the street.

He turns left and starts to go straight. This is Culture Street. There is a school and a bookstore on its right. Sun Ming buys two picture books for his cousin. Then he goes on riding.

He turns right and goes into a small street. There are some tall buildings on both sides of the street. His aunt lives in one of them.


1. Sun Ming has a ____.

A. studentB. sisterC. brotherD. friend

2. Sun Ming goes to visit his aunt by ____.

A. busB. taxiC. carD. bike

3. At the end of Long Green Street there is a ____.

A. restaurantB. bankC. post officeD. supermarket

4. Sun Ming gets picture books from ____.

A. his homeB. the schoolC. the bookstoreD. his aunt’s home

5. Sun Ming’s cousin Liu Jun lives in the ____.

A. buildingB. hotelC. libraryD. school


Zhou Tong usually gets up at 6:30 in the morning. At about 7:15 after breakfast he leaves home for school. It takes him about 30 minutes to get to school by bike. He thinks riding a bike can make him tall and strong. And he can save money for his family.

He goes along New Building Street, then turn right. He goes on Market Road. He turns left at the end of Market Road. He starts to go along Bridge Street. He turns left again and goes to River Road. He turns right for the last time, and goes straight Culture Street. At about 7:45 he gets to school.

His bike doesn’t work today. He has to take a bus to school. When he gets to school, it is 7:30. He is happy because he has some time to read his English.


6. Zhou Tong doesn’t have breakfast before he goes to school.

7. Zhou Tong likes going to school by bike.

8. The route (路线) of Zhou Tong going to school is

9. Zhou Tong doesn’t ride his bike today because he can’t find it.

10. Zhou Tong likes English.




1. mastery words: station, child, room, taxi

2. a dialogue about what they see at the Beijing Station

3. Present Continuous Tense

Teaching goals:

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 16

Key points: 1. some expressions: take care of; be scared

2. the Present Continuous Tense

Difficult points: the Present Continuous Tense

Teaching aids: pictures, audiotape, flashcards, slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) greetings in everyday English

2) duty report: they can talk about whatever they like to say.

3) mainly revision about last lesson

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Have you ever been to a very crowded place? Where?

How much does it cost to stay in a hotel in your city?

Help them answer the questions and you can give them some words to guide them to answer.

Step 2 Listen to the tape of the text and answer the following questions:

How does Danny feel at the train station?

How many people are there at the station?

What are the people doing at the station?

Why is the child crying?

Answer the questions and discuss the whole text to make sure they understand the meaning. Deal with any question they have and explain the language points at the same time.

Step 3 Listen to the tape again and let them read after it.

Step 4 Have them read the text for a few minutes. Then let them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step 5 Deal with the “LRT’S DO IT”

Work with a partner. Write a dialogue. One of you is arriving in a city. You need a hotel room. The other person is selling hotel rooms. Practice your dialogue and present it to your classmates.

Step 6 A test


1) There are so many p_______ on the street.

2) Be quiet! The baby is s_________.

3) We can buy train tickets at the train s________.

4) I’m t__________. I’d like something to drink.

5) Father likes reading n_________ after washing the dishes.

Keys: 1) people 2) sleeping 3) station 4) thirsty 5) newspaper

Step 7 Summary

Today we learn a text about Li Ming and his friends. They arrives in Beijing at last. They see many people at the station. They are doing different things. It’s crowded there. They want to find a hotel. After class you must remember the mastery words of this lesson and you should practice using the Present Continuous Tense.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the activity book in lesson 15


1. mastery words: get, get on, very, stop, stand, where, see, mana dialogue about getting on the train

2. the usage of word look and see

Teaching goals:

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. learn some mastery words

Teaching key points: difference of see and look

The usage of imperative Sentence

Difficult points: the usage of Imperative Sentence

Teaching aids: recorder, slide projector, flashcards

Type : text

Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) duty report (such as the weather, the school life, their classmates and teachers and so on)

3) check yesterday’s homework

2. New lesson

Step1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Do you argue with your friends? Why?

Do you have a friend who gets very excited? Who? Why?

Answer the questions and say “We are going to learn a dialogue today. Li Ming and his friends are looking for their seats on the train. Danny sits on a wrong seat. So there is an argument. Now let’s look at it.

Step2 Listen to the text with the following questions:

Why is Jenny angry with Danny?

Which is Danny’s seat?

Step3 After listening to the tape, answer the questions and read through the whole text. Make sure they understand the meaning. Deal with the language points at the same time. ( using the slide projector)

Step4 Listen to the tape again and let the students read after it.

Step5 Practice

Have them read the dialogue aloud and correct their pronunciation if necessary. Then have them act it out in roles.

Step6 Come to “LET’S DO IT”: Draw a map of the inside of a train. Draw the seats and write their numbers. You should also draw the door, washroom, stairs and hot water room on the map. Describe your map to a partner. Where do you like to sit? Why?

Do this part in class if time permits.

Step7 A test

1. I see him ____ away.

A. to run B. run C. runs D. ran

2. I _____ but ____ nothing.

A. looked, looked B. looked , saw

C. saw, looked D. saw, saw

3. The ____ behind the tree is Mary’s father.

A. man B. woman C. boy D. girl

Step8 Summary

Today we learn a dialogue about getting on the train. Hl Ming and his friends get on the train. They are very excited. Danny sits on the wrong seat. He takes another man’s seat. He has an argument with Jenny. In this text we learn some words such as look and see. We should be able to use them. You must practice after class.

3. Homework

1) Understand the meaning of the text

2) Learn to use the mastery words

3) Finish the exercise in the activity book


Starter Unit 2What’s this in English? 教学设计单元分析



本单元要学的内容是学会听说读写字母I到R以及学习如何用英语说和拼写单词,指的是能正确拼读字母I到R,能熟练的说出大写字母所对应的小写字母,能清晰的知道I到R大小写字母在四线三格上的规范书写,能运用句型What’s this in English?It’s a / an ……, Spell it, Please进行交际,确认物体,并能准确的拼写出那些表物体的单词。其关键是学生要运用新句型和新单词不断的听录音并进行模仿,不断的开展对话来进行练习和巩固。





A.掌握字母I到R的读音和书写就是指学生能正确的读出字母I到R,能在四线三 格上正确书写字母I到R。

B.掌握词汇就是指一些常见表物体的词: map, orange, jacket, key, quilt, pen, ruler

C.掌握句型就是指 What’s this in English?

It’s a/an…(pen)

Spell it, please.三、问题诊断与分析





Period 1Section A(1a---1c)

Period 2Section A(2a---4)

Period 3-4Section(1a---2c)

Period 5-6Section B(3a---Self check)

Starter Unit 2What’s this in English? 教学设计SectionA(1a---1c)


本节要学的是p7单词及重点句型pen,ruler,map,jacket,key,quilt,orange;What’s this in English? It’s a map / It’s an orange.指的是用英语来确认物体,其核心是用What’s this in English? 来提问“这个用英语怎么说 ”,然后学生根据实物进行回答,理解它关键就要掌握本课时的生词和基本句型。




A.掌握核心词汇就是指能听说读以下几个表物体的单词pen, ruler, map, jacket,key, quilt, orange。

B.掌握重点句型就是指能熟练运用句型What’s this in English? It’s a map / It’s an orange提问和作答。


1.在本节课的教学中,学生可能遇到的问题是对单词的读音把握的不准确,特别是几 个发音较难的单词,例如quilt,jacket,this。产生这一问题的原因是学生对英语的发音特点还不够了解。要解决这个问题,老师就要耐心的讲解和分析每个单词的音标,不断的带读,鼓励学生自己读,听磁带跟着录音模范。






Q1What did we learn last week?

设计意图:提出问题,复习上周学的字母A-H, 中英文人名结构和基本问候语

q1:What is the difference between Chinese name and English name?

q2::How many greeting ways have we learned ?

Q2: Can you speak out the English names of the following things?






Q3: What’s this in English?


q1: How to answer the question of “What’s this in English? ”

q2: What’s the relation of what’s, what is, It’s and It is?

q3: What’s the difference between “a” and “an” ?

师生活动:1.listen and repeat 1a.2.finish 1b

3.pairwork : practice 1c.4.问题接龙游戏


学习了几种常见物体的英文名称pen,ruler,map,jacket,key,quilt,orange, 以及基本句型What’s this in English?It’s a map / It’s an orange

Starter Unit 2What’s this in English? 教学设计SectionA(2a---4)教学设计


本节课要学的内容是听说读写字母I到R,进一步巩固上节课所学的新单词和新句型句型, 以及完成课本2a 到5的练习,指的是会正确认读,拼写和书写字母I到R的大小写,能熟练运用句型What’s this in English?It’s a/an…….来进行问答,轻松完成课本2a到5的练习。其核心就是能掌握字母I到R 的发音特点和技巧,能在四线三格上正确书写字母I到R,能掌握一些常见事物的英文缩写。


1.目标定位:掌握字母I到R 的读音和书写,巩固和复习上节课所学的单词和句型。2目标解析:掌握字母I到R 的读音和书写就是指能正确拼读字母I到R,能熟练的说出大写字母所对应的小写字母,能清晰的知道I到R大小写字母在四线三格上的规范书写;巩固和复习上节可所学的单词和句型就是指进一步熟悉上节课所学的单词和







Q1: How many letters did we learn last week? What are they?

Can you read and write the letters correctely from A to H?

设计意图 : 提出问题,复习上周所学的字母A到H。

师生活动:1.Oral practice,read the letters from A to H.2.Ask students to write the letters A to H in their exercise books.3.give some questions.例:哪个字母占了三格?/ E先写哪一笔?

Q2: Can you read and write the leters from I to R correctly

设计意图:引出字母I 到R的教学

师生活动:1.Listen to the tape of 2a and repeat

2.Finish 2b,2c,2d,5

q1: how to write the letters I to R correctly?

q2: what do these letters mean(P,NBA,Kg)?

Q3: what’s this in English?

设计意图:回顾上节课所学的新句型和单词,完成练习4a to 4c

师生活动:1.listen to the tape, finish 4a and 4b

2.pairwork of 4c


本节课我们主要学习了如何听说读写字母I到R,完成了课本2a 到5 的练习。

Starter Unit 2What’s this in English? 教学设计SectionB(1a---self-check)教学设计


本节课要学的内容是进一步复习和巩固上两节课所学的内容,新授句型Spell it,please,以及怎样去拼写单词。指的是学生能结合上节课所学的句型What’s this in English?It’s a / an ……,运用新授句型Spell it,please来自由的进行对话,能准确的拼写单词,了解各字母的常见发音,完成此部分中相应的练习。其核心是在sectionA所学内容的基础上,准确的掌握句型Spell it,please的用法及如何准确的进行回答。理解它关键就是掌握好本课时的新句型,并能模仿1a对话。前面掌握好section A的重点句型和词汇,本节课只是在此基础上增加一个句型来进一步的开展相应的对话,因此我们通过口语交际及听力训练来落实知识点。


1.目标定位:掌握新句型Spell it,please及其回答的用法,再进一步巩固学习前两节课所学的内容,完成section B以及 self-check的练习。

2.掌握新句型Spell it,please及其回答的用法,进一步巩固学习前两节课所学的内容就是指能结合前面所学的句型What’s this in English?It’s a / an ……,以及前面所学的一些物体的单词和新句型Spell it,please来询问那些物体用英语怎么说,然后正确是将其英文单词正确的拼写出来。







1a,1b和4 要使用到录音机,听力训练和模仿离不开录音机的参与。


Q1: What’s this? Can you spell the word?

设计意图: 回顾A部分所学,激励学生仔细观察图片,读懂语句,完成任务。

师生活动:1.Revise the key words and target language of section A.2.Show some things to teach the sentence:spell it,please.Q2: Can you finish the exercise correctly by yourself?

设计意图 : 布置任务,让学生独立完成练习。

师生活动: 1.Listen to the tape, repeat 1a and 4 and finish the exercise of 1b and 3b.2.Finish 2a,2b,3b and self-check.六,本课小结


一、理解学生, 为促进学习而教

理解学生, 从广义上讲, 不仅要研究学生的身心发展规律和认知成长规律, 还要研究社会环境、技术环境的变化对学生学习动机和学习方式的影响。 四年级的学生处于成长的关键期, 对各种新生事物有着强烈的好奇心。i Pad作为新生的学习工具, 含有各类学习软件, 大大丰富了教学资源, 让学生在生动有趣的过程中体验英语学习的乐趣, 而兴趣是学生最好的老师, 是开启知识大门的金钥匙。

以译林版小学英语四年级上册Unit 2 Let’s make a fruit salad (Period 1) 为例:

课例背景: 本课时是小学英语四年级上册第二单元Story time (课文内容见附件) 第一课时, 主题是:制作水果色拉;话题是:询问他人拥有的水果;本课时的主要任务是熟练掌握各种水果类单词:banana, mango, pineapple, grape, 并能够正确使用句型:Do you have a/an/any... (s) ?及其答句:Yes, I do./No, I don’t.来询问和回答。


( 视听导入, 创设语境, 教授水果类单词:banana, mango, pineapple, grape)

1.Enjoy the song Do you like purple grapes?

(利用i Pad中快乐英语软件欣赏歌曲)

2.Preview: What fruit can you say?

T:Do you like grapes?


T:Grape is a kind of fruit. What fruit can you say? Let me check your preview work.

(学生在课前先利用i Pad软件Donut’s ABC自主学习水果类单词, 然后通过i Pad录音功能, 录制自学的单词, 并将自己读单词的录音上传至学习平台。 教师在课上, 随机播放学生的录音, 大家共同检查纠错)

T:What fruit can he/she say?

S:Apple/mango/pineapple/kiwi/cherry/grape/watermelon/blueberry/pear/peach/banana/fig/orange/lemon... ( 学生共同听录音, 并对录音进行点评和纠错)

这一教学片段中, 有关于歌曲赏析的快乐英语软件, 有认读单词的Donut’s ABC软件, 各种学习软件寓教于乐, 使得每一个学生都能够进行表达, 而且这种表达都会以录音的方式记录下来。 教师通过网络及时分享每一个学生的录音, 吸引每一个学生专心倾听他人的录音, 提高了学生语言训练的时效性。

在此过程中, i Pad可以发挥其录音功能, 但是不可缺少的还有教师和学生的共同参与, 特别是教师与学生之间进行的有意义的对话, 是理解学生, 帮助学生解决疑问, 促进学生思维发展的重要因素。 例如:


T: Grape is a kind of fruit. Do you like fruit?

学生看到i Pad上呈现的问题后给出的回答局限于Yes, I do.或者No, I don’t. 思维还没有得到拓展, 缺乏积极的自由表达。 教师意识到学生的思维没有得到很好的开发, 随即做出改进:

T: Boys and girls. Look at these grapes. What color are they?

Ss: (齐声答) Purple.

T: Yes. They are purple grapes. I like purple grapes. I can drink grape juice.

T: Do you like purple grapes?

S: Yes, I do. I can eat grape ice creams.

T:Do you like purple grapes?

S: No, I don’t.

T: What fruit do you like? (教师引出fruit一词, 并且继续引导学生表达自己喜欢的水果)

S: I like apples. I can eat apple pies.

T: Good. Apples are good for our health. ( 教师接纳学生表达的想法)

Ss: I like... (学生纷纷举手说出自己喜欢的水果)

T: Different people like different fruits. No matter what fruit you like, you should eat more of them. (鼓励学生多吃水果)

从上面所呈现的对话可以看出, 在教师与学生进行有意义的对话后, 学生回答的答案更加丰富了, 学生有说话的权利和自由表达想法的空间, 这是建立在有教师的鼓励和信任之下的。 相比之下, 单纯地依靠i Pad呈现问题, 则是对话结构简答, 机械的一问一答。 过于“整洁”的对话在真实交际中是很少出现的, 脱离语境的人机对话缺乏对学生的情感关照, 很难让学生积极参与。 所以, 在运用i Pad的过程中, 课堂也不能完全由i Pad主导, 课前导入中巧妙使用i Pad的游戏功能、录音功能, 可以有效激发学生的学习兴趣, 但教师要充分关注学生, 其间给予学生理解和帮助, 做到为促进学习而教, 而不是为了使用i Pad而教。

二、支持学习, 为服务学生而教

“新三学”课堂研究的是 “学”, 但着眼点仍然是 “教”, “支持学习”的基础是理解学生, 但理解学生并不意味一定能支持学习, 只有通过教的优化, 才能引发学生深度的“学”。 利用i Pad实施教学, 着力提升的是课堂上教师服务每一个学生发展的能力。 当然, 教师对课堂教学流程与教学组织形式的把控也要充分考虑课堂要素, 选择更适合学生学习的方式来组织和管理课堂活动与流程, 将i Pad电子书和纸质书本, 教师讲授学习与学生互动生成有机结合, 从有利于学生健康学习、深度学习的视角, 合理选择课堂教学手段与互动媒介。


(教师先播放课文卡通, 揭示本课主题: 制作水果色拉。 然后在i Pad上出示课文词汇, 让学生再次听课文录音, 在i Pad上圈出听到的水果类单词)

3. Watch the cartoon

T: Look at these students. They have some fruit too.What will they do with these fruit? Let’s watch the cartoon.

S: They will make a fruit salad.

4. Listen and circle

T: What fruit do they use? Please listen and circle the fruit you have heard.

( 学生一边听录音, 一边在i Pad上圈出答案, 利用平台上传答案)

在以往的课堂中, 我们只能反馈个别学生的答案, 其余学生根据教师点评个别答案来校对自己的答案。 但是教学片段三中, 学生人手一台i Pad, 利用平台制作的相关练习不仅让每一个学生都能有所练习, 而且针对学生反馈上来的内容, 教师可以立即考查每一个学生的听课效率, 真正做到反馈纠错, 服务每一个学生。

在本课例的课文学习环节, 教师让学生通过阅读i Pad上的电子书学习文本。 学生在课堂上非常兴奋, 用手指轻触平板, 就能听到课文朗读, 还可以随时点击暂停和复读等标记。 但是课堂比较混乱, 由于学生每个人都有一台i Pad, 个人播放速度和内容不同, i Pad音量有大有小, 造成对他人的影响。 i Pad平板有时候会过于灵敏, 一不小心就会翻到别的页面去。 此外, 部分学生被图片和形式吸引没有真正走进文本去学习感知, 导致此环节学习效率低下。

因此教师在课文学习环节, 有必要让学生选择书本, 与文本进行对话, 进而思考相关问题。 虽然书本负载的信息量和表现形式有限, 但是正因为这种有限性, 才会给学生留下独立思考和找寻解决问题方法的空间, “有限”中饱含着“无限”。 利用i Pad解决英语文本中的生词, 学生直接百度就可以立刻知道意思, 失去了根据上下文猜测单词含义的机会。 事实上, “理解”是最重要的学习结果, “知道”并不能等同于“理解”, 信息的获取不仅体现在结果上, 思考的过程也十分重要。 因此, 在小学英语课堂引进i Pad时, 不能完全为了便捷性而让i Pad取代书本, 特别是在新授课中, 通过阅读文本, 感知文章的大意, 体会文本的篇章结构, 画出重难点和生字词都是学生学习活动的重要方式。

教师也应当深入学习“新三学”中关于支持学习的五大要素:在学习目标支持方面, 目标确定与相应的评价矫正。 在学习内容支持方面, 学习内容及相关资源的选择与组织。 在学习组织支持方面, 对课堂教学流程与教学组织形式的把控。 在学习策略方面, 课堂中对学生全程学习活动过程的关注与学习方法指导。 在学习技术支持方面, 传统教学技术与现代媒体技术的合理选择。 只有深刻把握这五大要素, 才能切实服务好每一个学生, 做到为服务学生而教。

三、提升学力, 为培养学习能力而教

学生是学习的主体, 教学最终要落实到个体的学习行为上。 事实上, 学生也只有通过自主学习的探索, 才能真正对所学的内容有所领悟, 逐步形成自主学习能力。 因此, i Pad教学即是将学生作为一个能动的主体, 提供学生自主探索的机会。


(自主选择学习内容, 制作相应的水果色拉)

5. Read and answer

T:Boys and girls, do you want to make a fruit salad?


T: OK, here are four passages for you to choose, each one tells you how to make a salad. We have orange /mango/ lemon/ banana group, which one do you like?

S: Choose one kind of fruit.

( 教师利用i Pad平台, 发送四篇不同文章给四个小组。 学生根据选择的文章, 完成的相应的阅读练习, 并利用平台提交)

6. Make the fruit salad

T: Now you know what fruit do you need and the three steps for making a fruit salad. It’s time to make your salad.Pay attention to use the sentence we have learned today. (学生小组合作, 一人拍摄, 其余成员利用本课所学的句型和水果类单词制作水果色拉, 并利用平台上传视频)

在这一教学片段中, 教师深入研究教材, 对教材进行再处理和深加工, 创编了四篇与课文内容相关的阅读材料让学生自主选择, 一来发挥学生的学习主动性, 二来检测学生对所学内容的掌握情况。 而i Pad则发挥其交互性、移动性和纪实拍摄的功能, 让小组合作的过程、学生合作时运用的语言都得以拍下来, 成为视频, 展示给大家观看, 增加了学生之间的互相评价。

当然, i Pad并不适用于所有课的拓展环节, 也并非所有课都需要利用i Pad摄像功能。 教学是一门艺术而不是技术。 既然是一门艺术, 那就会有教师教学风格的存在, 也会有学生和文本的互动存在。 课堂因为学生的主体参与而千变万化, 教师也因为课堂的千变万化而随机应变, 因为课堂的答疑解惑而妙语连珠。 i Pad在课堂中充当的角色就是配合教师与学生, 使得教学在必要的时候更加便利。 教师要充分关注学生所处的时代对传统教学的冲击, 认识到知识的无限性, 从促进学生意义学习的角度设计学科教学, 以帮助学生形成稳定的认知结构, 培养学生探索发现的能力。
