



Unit1 What’s the matter? 1.Knowledge Words: have, cold, back, arm, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, tooth, fever, rest, should, headache, ago, so, illness, thirsty, early, problem, way, traditional, believe, weak, angry, medicine, western, everybody, get, few, stay, important, moment, late, until, yesterday, hear Phrases: have a cold, be stressed out, a few, at the moment Structures: Have for talking about health problems.Modal: should / shouldn’t 2.Skills Talk about your health.Give advice.3.Learning Strategies Using what you know.Inferring content.II.Background III.Teaching Time: Six Periods

Period One Teaching Aims: 1.Learn and master the following words and phrases: matter, have, cold, have a cold, stomachache, sore, back, arm, ear, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth, throat 2.Develop the students’ listening ability.3.Be able to talk about health.4.Sentence Patterns What’s the matter? I have a sore throat.Teaching Difficult Point The sentence patterns.Teaching Methods Listening practice to train the students’ listening ability.Pairwrok Teaching Aids Some pictures.A tape recorder.Teaching Procedures Step I Greetings.Step II.1a Teach the students to study the new words by showing some pictures.eye, nose, mouth, ear, tooth, face, head, neck, back, stomach, arm, hand, leg, foot Ask a student to read the list of thirteen names of body parts.Then let the students look at the picture and write the correct letter for each part of the body.Check the answers.Answers: k arm c back g ear i eye

m foot a hand

l head b leg f mouth e tooth d neck j nose h stomach Step III 1b Show some illnesses.e.g.I have a cold.I have a stomachache.Let several students say some illnesses.Ask a student to read the names.Nancy, Sarah, David, Ben, Judy Then play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time.Students number the names.Cheek the answers Answers: Nancy = 3

Sarah = 1 David = 2 Ben = 5 Judy = 4 Step IV 1c Ask two students to read the conversation.A: What’s the matter? B: I have a sore throat.Then let the students make conversations in pairs.After some minutes, ask several pairs to say their conversations.Explain the language points.1.What’s the matter? 你怎么啦?

这句话在口语中很常见,当别人遇到什么麻烦,或身体不舒服,你就可以问What’s the matter?意思是你怎么啦? / 你遇到什么麻烦啦? / 你哪儿不舒服?还可以在句末用介词with表示对象。e.g.—What the matter with you? 你怎么啦? —I can’t find my ticket.我打不到我的票。

—What’s the matter with your car? 你的车怎么啦? —I can’t start it.它发动不了了。

2.“have + a +疾病名”表示“患„„(病)。”

have a cold(患)感冒

have a stomachache 胃痛

have a sore back 背痛

have a toothache(患)牙痛

have a sore throat(患)咽喉痛

have a fever 发烧,发热

have a headache(患)头痛

have a backache 背痛 Step V Summary and Homework Summarize what the students have learnt and give them some homework.To make conversations in 1c in pairs.To do some exercises.Period Two Teaching Aims 1.Learn and master the following words: toothache, fever, rest, honey, dentist, should, headache, shouldn’t= should not 2.Develop the students’ listening ability.3.Be able to give advice.4.Sentence Patterns What’s the matter? I have a toothache.Maybe you should see a dentist.That’s a good idea.He has a stomachache.He shouldn’t eat anything.She has a toothache.She should see a dentist.Teaching Difficult Point The sentence patterns.Teaching methods Listening practice to train the students’ listening ability.Pairwork Teaching Aids A tape recorder.A projector.Teaching Procedures.Step I.Greetings.Step II.Revision Ask several pairs of students to say their conversations.Do some exercises.写出人体各部分的英语名称。

Step III.2a Teach the students to study the new words by a projector.toothache n.牙痛

fever n.发烧;发热

rest n.休息

honey n.蜂蜜

dentist n.牙医

should v.应该

headache n.头痛 shouldn’t = should not Ask a student to read the eight items to the class:

fever, sore throat, stomachache, toothache, lie down and rest, hot tea with honey, see a dentist, drink lots of water Then play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time.Students match the problems with the advice.Check the answers.Step IV 2b Ask the students to look at the pictures.Ask, what can you see in the pictures? Then play the recording again.Ask the students to fill in the blanks Check the answers Step V 2c Ask two students to read the conversation.A: What’s the matter? B: I have a toothache.A: Maybe you should see a dentist.B: That’s a good idea.Then let the students make conversations in pairs.After some minutes, ask several pairs to say their conver sations.Explain the language point.Maybe you should see a dentist.Step VI Grammar Focus Ask the students to read the sentences.I have a headache.You should go to bed.He has a stomachache.He shouldn’t eat anything.She has a toothache.She should see a dentist.Then let the students make similar sentences.Step VII.Summary and Homework Summarize what the students have learnt and give them some homework.To remember the grammar focus.Period Three Teaching Aims: 1.Learn and master the following words: ago, so, illness, advice 2.Sentence Patterns What’s the matter? I’m not feeling well.I have a cold.When did it start? About two days ago.Oh, that’s too bad.You should get some rest.Yes, I think so.I hope you feel better soon.3.Review how to talk about health and give advice.Teaching Difficult Point The sentence patterns.Teaching Methods Pairwork.Groupwork.Teaching Aid A projector.Teaching Procedures Step I.Greetings.Step II.Revision Step IV 3b Ask the students to read the conversations in 3a in pairs.After some minutes, ask several pairs to say the conversations.Then let the students look at the picture.Ask, what’s the mater with the people in the picture?(He has a toothache.She has a sore back.He has a sore throat.She has a stomachache.)After some minutes, ask several pairs to say their conversations.Step V 4 Read the conversation to the class.A: What’s the matter? Do you have a sore throat? B: No, I don’t.C: Do you have a headache? B: Yes, I do.D: You should lie down and rest.Read the instructions and demonstrate what a “mime” is.e.g.Hold your tooth as if you have a toothache.Say, I’m miming a toothache.Ask a student to the classroom of the from and mime an illness.Let the rest of the class guess what the illness is.Give several students an opportunity to come to the front and mime an illness.Step VI Summary and Homework Summarize what the students have learnt and give them some homework.To make conversations in 3a in pairs.Period Four Teaching Aims: 1.Learn and master the following words: thirsty, early, problem 2.Sentence Patterns What’s the matter with Gina? She’s tired.She should go to bed early.She shouldn’t go to the party.3.Review how to talk about health and give advice.Teaching Difficult Point.The Sentence Patterns.Teaching Methods.Listening practice to train the students’ listening ability Pairwork Teaching Procedures Step I Greetings.Step II Revision.Step III 1a Ask the students the four new words and look at the picture.Ask.What are they doing? Let some students answer the questions, then read it.Then let students fill in the blanks.Check the answers.Step IV 1b Let students read the four sentences then read each one again and ask students to repeat the sentences.Listen to the tape.Then let students match each picture With one piece of advice.Write the letter of the picture in front of the sentence that gives advice.Correct the answers.Step V 2a Let students look at the chart.Then ask the students listen to the four conversations.Write the problems in the blanks after each person’s name.Correct the answers.Answers Gina: tired

Julie: thirsty Tony: stressed out

Alan: hungry Step VI 2b Let students listen to the four conversations again.Then write what each person should and shouldn’t do for their problems.Answers.Step VII 2c First let two students to read the conversation.A: What’s the matter with Gina? B: She’s tired.A: Well, she should go to bed.She shouldn’t go to the party.Let students use the information in Activity 2a to make conversations.Then ask some pairs to perform their conversaions for the class.Step VIII Summary and Homework.Summarize what the students have learnt and give them some homework.To make conversations in 2c in pairs.Period Five Teaching Aims: Learn and master the following words and phrases way, traditional, believe, weak, angry, medicine, western, everybody, get, few, stay, important Sentence patterns ① Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.② Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this.③ It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle.④ People who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang.Teaching Difficult Point.The sentence patterns.Teaching Methods.Reading practice to train the students’ reading ability.Writing practice to train the students’ writing ability.Teaching Aid A projector.Teaching procedures.Step I Greeting Step II New words Teach the students to study the new words by a projector way n.方法,方式

traditional adj.传统的,惯例的 believe v.相信,认为

weak adj.虚弱的angry adj.愤怒的,生气的 medicine n.药

western adj.西方的everybody 每人 pron get v.变得

few adj.很少的,几乎没有的 stay v.保持

important adj.重要的 Step III 3a Read the article.Then Explain the language points.1.Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of … Chinese doctors believe that they should eat …

在这两个句子中,believe后跟的都是宾语从句,都由that引导,that可以省略。e.g.I believe(that)she will be back soon.我相信她很快会回来的。

People who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang.too much与much too的区别

都表示“太多”。但too much+不可数名词,much too +形容词(或副词)

e.g.There is too much ice and snow in Harbin in winter.冬季在哈尔滨有太多的冰和雪。

He is much too fat.He shouldn’t eat to much meat.他太胖了,他不应该吃太多的肉。3.Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this.Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs为动名词短语作主语。动名词短语做主语,谓语动词用单数。Watching TV is bad for your eyes.看电视对眼睛有害。Smoking is bad for your health.吸烟对健康有害。4.这个句子中出现了两个代词it,都是用作形式主语,真正的主语分别是的面的不定式短语to stay healthy和to eat a balanced diet,使用这种用法是为了避免不定式短语作主语时出现的头重脚轻现象。e.g.It’s very difficult o learn English well.把英语学好很难。

It’s easy to finish the work on time.按时完成这项工作很容易。Let two students read the article again.Step IV 3b Ask a student to read the article.Are you tired? Everybody gets tired sometimes.When you are tired, you shouldn’t ____.You should ____ for a few nights and you should _____ to stay healthy.You should also eat _____ and other healthy foods.You shouldn’t ____ when you are tired.Then let the students fill in the blanks.Step V Let the students write a short article about “What you should and shouldn’t do when you have a cold ”.After some minutes ask several students to read their writings.Step VI Groupwork

Who is Dr.know? Ask students to read the problems.I have a toothache.I’m stressed out.I can’t sleep.I’m hungry.I have a sore back.I have a cold

headache.I have a sore throat.I’m tried, I have a let them work in groups of four.Each group chooses a problem from the list.Then ask the other students for advice.Write down the best advice and write the names of the students.After some minutes, ask several groups to say their answers.Step VII Summary and Homework.Summarize what the students have learnt and give them some homework.To read the article in 3a correctly.Period Six Teaching Aims 1.Learn and master the following words and phrase moment, at the moment, late, until(till), yesterday, hear 2.Be able to fill in the blanks using the words help

give, get, need, believe, stay 3.Be able to make sentences with the words.Teaching Difficult Point Make sentences with the words.Teaching method Teaching Aid A projector Teaching Procedures Step I Greetings Step II Revision Ask a student to read the article Step III 1 Ask several students to read the words give, get, need, believe, stay Then ask the students to make their own sentences with the words preferable sentences that are meaningful.Move around the room.Collect a few students? Answers with mistakes on the blackboard.Step IV 2 Ask the students to read the letter.Them ask to write down their advice.Then ask some of them to read their advice.Explain the language Points.1.I’m not feeling very well at the moment.at the moment 此时,现在

at the moment = now=right now 现在 right now也有“立刻,马上”之意

right now = at once =in a moment =in a minute=right away=immediately=very soon Step V Just for Fun!Ask students to read the cartoon.—What’s the matter, Jay? —I’m stressed out.Then explain it.Icy is stressed out because of the, sun.Then the man puts Icy into the fridge.Icy isn’t stressed out now.Step VI Summary and Homework.Summarize what the students have learnt and give them some homework.To review what they have learnt in this unit.教学后记:



1.She talked too much and __________________(not drink)enough water.2.I think I sat in the same way for too long without _____________(move).3.The driver saw an old man _____________(lie)on the side of the road.4.A woman next ti him was _____________(shout)for help.5.WangPing_____________(stop)the bus without ______________(think)twice just now.6.He ____________(get)off and asked the woman what ____________(happen).7.He expected most or all of the passengers ____________(get)off and wait for the next bus.8.To _________(he)surprise,they all agreed ___________(go)with him.9.The driver didn’t think about __________(he),he only ___________(think)about __________(save)a life.10.You should ___________(rest)for a few____________(day).11.She ___________(feel)sick yesterday.12.Jim___________(cut)his knee last night.13.His mother told him___________(rest).14.The teacher took him to the hospital_____________(get)an X-ray.15.Who ___________(come)to your office yesterday?

16.An American man is interested in ___________(climb).17.He is used to ___________(take)risks.18.This is one of the exciting____________(thing)about__________(do)______________(danger)sports.19.He would have to do something______________(save)his own life.20.He was not ready __________(die)that day.21.He used his knife ___________(cut)off half his right arm.22.He would not lose too much __________(blood).23.After_____________(lose)his arm,he ______________(write)a book _____________(call)Between a Rock and a Hard

Place.24.He tells us the _____________(important)of ________________(make)good__________(decide).25.He kept on _______________(climb)mountains.26.She was very sad because of her father’s ______________(die).27.Aron almost lost his life many times because of______________(climb)accidents.28.Aron doesn’t mind ______________(take)risks.29.Jack__________(hurt)his back______________(play)yesterday.翻译下列短语













(一) 教学课型:综合技能课

该课型基于教材文本, 又超越文本信息重构新的文本。教学过程从信息输入到信息加工处理, 最后到信息输出, 真正着眼于“提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力, 特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。” (教育部, 2003)

把教材的第二部分调整到第一步分之前处理, 在复习环节引导学生综合、分析、处理信息的能力, 在自主与合作学习过程中了解异国文化, 激发学生对生活的热爱。

根据Learning English教材的课程理念, 本课准备以任务型教学模式为主, 融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构, 使整个教学过程循序渐进, 并使交际内容生活化。

(二) 教材内容分析:

Fun in the Sun是初中英语冀教版 (Learning English) 八年级下Unit 1 Spring is Coming! 的第五课。

通过本单元学习学生将复习学过的有关天气、日期和季节的词汇, 并通过故事和话题进一步扩展描述天气的词汇, 学习有关户外娱乐的词汇。通过比较中国和加拿大的户外娱乐活动, 使学生能够把语言学习和个人经验、观点表述联系起来。

本课围绕“建议”展开话题, 以学习新的体育运动词汇, 用英语提建议, 以及发表个人见解为重点, 为“使学生能够把语言学习和个人经验、观点表述联系起来”, 做好语言积累和知识铺垫。在复习有关天气的词汇同时, 在对比中加入不同的户外娱乐活动, 让学生了解文化差异, 培养学生热爱运动、热爱生活的情趣。


(一) 知识基础:

学生对于有关季节、天气和运动的词汇已经有一些了解和积累, 基本掌握用“I like to do…/ I like doing…”表达个人意愿。

(二) 心理及技能特点:

50%左右的学生基础较差, 没有良好的英语语言表达习惯, 这部分学生比较依赖教师讲解, 习惯于被动接收信息。约20%的学生能够听懂并乐于参与教学活动, 善于发现问题并能够积极解决问题。还有大约30%的学生能够参与课堂活动, 但是由于畏难情绪常常不敢尝试。

(三) 学习需要 :

爱玩是孩子的天性。为了能够真实准确的表达个人意愿, 学生有了解更多户外娱乐项目的愿望。基于已有知识, 学生需要了解和学习更多有关户外娱乐或活动的词汇, 以及更加丰富的语言表达方式来满足其表达需要。


(一) 语言知识目标

1. 学习词汇:baseball, skiing, hit, rather, kick

2. 学习句型: 建议用语——

Let's (go cycling.) {Let’s …, shall we?}

Shall we (play basketball?)

How / What about (playing soccer?)

3. 识别词汇:degree, cycling, soccer ball

4. 了解词汇:Baseball 棒球



Table tennis乒乓球




Setting-up exercise健身操


Roller skating Blading滑旱冰



(二) 语言技能目标

1. 通过听说训练, 使学生学会有目的的获取所需关键信息。

2. 学生基本能够运用所学语言项目准确表达个人见解, 与他人交流。

3. 训练学生与他人沟通信息, 合作学习的能力。所有学生能够就简单话题提供的信息表达自己的观点, 参与讨论。

(三) 情感态度目标

1. 锻炼学生在学习中敢于用英语表达个人意见和见解, 培养学生的合作与竞争意识。

2. 培养学生热爱生活, 热爱运动的品质。

3. 让学生乐于接触并了解异国文化。


(四) 文化意识目标



第一, 考虑到学生整体水平以及教材的难度, 本节课分为“词 - 句 - 篇”三个步骤。只有做好单词和句型的操练, 铺垫到位, 学生对学习内容的把握才会水到渠成。因此本节课训练重点是前两个步骤, 使学生在合作、探究学习过程中逐步建构语言能力, 提高合作学习效率。对于“篇”的要求作为难点, 力争80%的学生达成目标。

第二, 利用多媒体, 通过声音、图片等各种形式的辅助, 结合听、读、说、写的训练将生词和重点句型整合、归纳、提炼进行足够量的语言输入, 引导学生积极主动地参与教学活动。

第三, 学生运用前面几个环节积累的词汇和句型进行对话, 发表个人见解。在教师的帮助下, 学生合作学习, 自制出游计划并在全班展示。



Warming-up: Listen and sing.

营造气氛活跃课堂, 使学生尽快进入英语学习状态。


Class opening. / To have a review.

(一) 预设学生活动

Free Talk:

What do you like to do in spring (in China) ?

Exercise the patterns of discussion likes or dislikes.

(二) 教师活动

Leading-in & Presentation:

Tell them spring is a season for sports. And lead insports like this:

T: May I know what sports you like in spring?

S: Yes, I like (doing) . Yes, I like (to do) .

Let the patterns be the guide: like to do… / likedoing…

(三) 设计意图

复习有关运动和天气、季节的词汇, 复习表达意愿的句型, 导入新授课。


Part 1: Let's….

(一) 预设学生活动

1. Discussion:

What can we do in spring in Canada?

Work into pairs to fi nish Part 2 of this lesson.

2. Practice:

Use the sentence“Let′s…”to ask and answer oneby one.

(二) 教师活动

1. Teaching new words:

Lead in, ask and answer.

Use the slides to show pictures of cycling and skiing.

T: Let's look at the… ( 建议用语的实际应用, 为后面教学埋下伏笔 )

2. New words:

Go cycling

Let’s go cycling.

(三) 设计意图

1. 拓展词汇丰富语言了解中西文化差异。

2. 由图片引入单词, 词组和句型, 由简到难。

Part 2:Shall we…?

(一) 预设学生活动


Students try to give advice by using “Shall we …?”

Ask and answer one by one.

They practise the dialogue in pairs:

Let's go fi shing.

No, let's not.

/ (Sorry, I don’t like it)

Shall we fl y kites?

OK. (Good idea)

2. Group work:

What do you usually do after school?

Look at some pictures of sports on the screen, talkabout them by way of asking and answering.

(二) 教师活动

Leading- in:

From the answer “No, let's not.” lead to “shall we—?”

Create situations and help Students use thesentences.

Help them answer

Good idea/ OK/ Wonderful or No, I don’t like it/ No, let’s not/ Shall we fl y a kite? …

(三) 设计意图

1. 学习运用多种建议句型。

2. 注重过程评价, 使学生在学习过程中感受英语学习的乐趣。同时不失时机的训练学生发散思维和创新意识。

Part 3:

HowWhat about doing …?

(一) 预设学生活动


Let's go cycling.

No, Let's not.

Shall we play basketball?

I don't like basketball.

How about playing soccer?


(二) 教师活动

Use the PPT to help teach new words——“soccer”“play soccer”

Help the students to use “How/What about——?”

Use the PPT to show the grammar: What/How about doing——?

(三) 设计意图

1. 充分利用PPT的效果, 通过调动各种感官引导学生发现问题并引起注意。将语法学习渗透到语言学习中, 以练代讲, 促进学生自主学习。

2. 借助认知规律, 学习新语言知识。以情激趣, 以趣导学。通过大量的语言输入引导学生积极主动地参与教学活动。

3. 提供多种建议用语, 进一步了解提建议的表达方式, 丰富学生英语语言, 提高学生口语表达能力。


Part 1:

Watch and talk ( 简笔画图片附文后 )

(一) 预设学生活动


What are they talking to each other?

(二) 教师活动

Give students some pictures, ask them to discussin groups of four. Then write down the dialogue theyhave made.

(三) 设计意图

使学生将新知识纳入自己的已有知识结构内, 通过思考记忆深刻。

Part 2:


(一) 预设学生活动

Practise the dialogue and act it out in groups of three.

(二) 教师活动

Give them much encouragement and prizes.

Encourage them to use more forms of sentences

(三) 设计意图

练习语言, 并运用语言做事情, 提高学生学习兴趣, 让学生更加积极主动地探究语言。

Part 3:

Target language

(一) 预设学生活动

Find the rules:

“How to give some advice and how to answer?”

Work in groups and try to find the rules of theadvice sentences.

(二) 教师活动

Give some help.

Tell them some faster and better skills of finishing the job in a group.

1. Shall we…? /

2. Let′s do…/

3. WhatHow about doing...?

4.Good idea/ Wonderful / OK / Agreed or No, let′s not. / Sorry, I don′t like it.

(三) 设计意图

1. 对学生进行学习策略指导, 训练学生自主探究学习能力, 为发展学生终身学习能力服务。

2. 培养学生合作意识, 使每一位学生在合作中有事可做, 树立自信心, 锻炼学生合作学习能力。


Part 1:


Exercise and play a game

(一) 预设学生活动

Follow and fi ll.

1. Competition:

Every group tries to make a plan for this Sunday.

2. Post-task:

Every group asks two students to present their planin front of class.

They can use their favorites form to show. Studentschoose the best group.

(二) 教师活动

Walk around and give students some help if theyneed.

Make a Task.

Divide students in groups of four.

A prompt: He She likes to do… likes doing…


Students talk about benefi ts of sports. Tell them: All work and no play make jack a dull boy; every student should do some sports each day.

(三) 设计意图

1. 将课文作为一个阅读复述材料 , 由学生自我检测是否掌握了基础知识。

2. 将目标语言生活化, 激发学生主动表达的欲望培养学生语言运用能力发展个性化思维方式 , 在合作学习中培养友情 , 培养学生热爱生活热爱运动的品质。


Class closing

(一) 教师活动


1. Activity Book-Ex4.

2. Have a survey “What do you like to do on usualdays?”

To survey your families and share their ideas.

(二) 设计意图

巩固所学单词和句型, 让学生从实际出发, 练习、运用语言。



(一) 对教学过程的反思:

整个教学过程还算完整、清晰。教学环节清楚简练, 遵循了学生的认知规律:导入——呈现新知——操练新知——迁移运用——巩固评价, 环环相扣, 过渡自然。

活动的设计形式多样, 首先体现在活动的组织形式上, 如二、三人一组和四、五人一组的活动;还体现在活动本身的设计上, 如预测、复述、表演、调查、报告等。

教学过程的目标意识体现突出, 每一个环节和步骤都配有简洁明确的意图阐述。媒体资源的运用也比较合理, 基本能有效拓宽学与用的渠道。

教学设计中注重学生能力培养, 注重英语的交际功能, 体现了英语作为一种语言的工具性。学生通过合作学习, 在用中学, 学而用, 不断巩固和提升英语语言知识及综合运用能力。

教学设计中情景创设有利于学生学习GOOD ENGLISH。在情境中学生感知、体验英语语言的真实性, 更有利于学生掌握和恰当运用所学英语语言知识以及语言技能。


该教学设计基本体现了新课标理念。教学中坚持学生的学习主体地位, 积极探寻学生主动学习的内驱力, 努力引导学生自主、创新学习, 使学生在学习中感受英语语言的魅力, 享受英语学习过程的快乐, 体验成功的英语学习。


A) 根据首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。

1. The old woman lives a____, but she still feels happy.

2. Please give me a piece of p____ to write on.

3. The m____ goes round the earth.

4. Do you think r____ will take the place of humans?

5. The boy is old enough to d____ himself.


6. There are ____(few) girls than boys in my class.

7. My brother wants to be a ____(science) when he grows up.

8. There will be more tall ____(build) in our city in two years.

9. She was surprised by all the ____(pollute) on the beach.

10. Don’t worry. I can finish the work by ____(I).

Ⅱ. 单项填空。(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

1. My brother often wears a suit, but I like to ____ myself in cool clothes.

A. dressB. wearC. haveD. put on

2. ____ is impossible for us to finish the work by the weekend.

A. ThisB. ThatC. ItD. What

3. ____ tourists visit this beautiful town every day.

A. HundredB. HundredsC. Hundred ofD. Hundreds of

4. “____ country do you want to travel to?”“Australia.”

A. HowB. WhereC. WhenD. Which

5. He ____ his bike, but luckily, he didn’t hurt(伤) himself.

A. looked likeB. fell offC. took good care ofD. fell in love with

6. My parents are very busy. I often stay at home ____. I feel very ____.

A. lonely; aloneB. lonely; lonelyC. alone; aloneD. alone; lonely

7. There ____ a computer in everyone’s home in the future.

A. will haveB. will hasC. will be D. was

8. “Will there be less pollution?” “____.”

A. Yes, there’llB. No, there will notC. No, there’ll not D. No, there won’t

9. It is not easy ____ us ____ learn English well.

A. for; to B. to; for C. for; forD. to; to

10. In the exam, the more careful you are, the ____ mistakes you’ll make.

A. more B. lessC. fewerD. much

11. It ____ that everyone loves to play the bowling game.

A. looks B. likesC. seemsD. tastes

12. My brother will be an English teacher ____ ten years.

A. at B. by C. laterD. in

13. “Do you think there will be rain tomorrow?” “____.”

A. Yes, I think B. Yes, there will C. No, it won’t D. I don’t know

14. Toby often talks ____ but does ____. So everybody says he is a good boy.

A. less; more B. little; many C. more; less D. many; little

15. “I predict that there will be fewer trees.” “____”

A. I hope not!B. That will be bad for the earth.

C. That’s a bad idea. D. All of the above are OK.

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

There are many robots working in factories. They can work __1__ than humans. Usually, they can’t __2__. If you can’t work as fast as they can, they may hurt you badly, __3__ it can be dangerous to work with them sometimes. One video show, however, tells us about a robot that __4__ talk after we assemble(安装) a toy __5__ from its parts. When a person does something wrong, the robot will __6__ him or her just like a human. The toy car in the robot has four __7__. The robot has a wheel in it before. When people give it __8__, the robot—AROS—is not happy. “Ah!You want to give me wheels. I don’t like them.”

People make another mistake(错误)—giving it something the robot doesn’t __9__—the robot can say no. After people finish assembling the toy car, AROS says to humans, “I __10__ your help!I don’t want to work with you again.”

1. A. fasterB. harderC. earlierD. farther

2. A. walkB. talkC. flyD. run

3. A. ifB. butC. soD. because

4. A. couldB. canC. would like toD. was able to

5. A. bikeB. boatC. carD. TV

6. A. giveB. hearC. helpD. tell

7. A. wheelsB. handsC. armsD. parts

8. A. the otherB. othersC. the othersD. another

9. A. thinkB. agreeC. believeD. need

10. A. hateB. likeC. seeD. enjoy

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)


What do you think the future will be like? Here are some answers from some students.

Mary: If we don’t take good care of the earth(地球) now, our children and grandchildren will be born into a world with much pollution. There will be fewer trees and more buildings, because there will be more people.

Jack: I agree with Mary. Things will be worse. The weather in the future will be much hotter. Humans won’t be able to live on the earth. We will have to look for another planet to live on.

Linda: I think the life in the future will be better. Most people in the world will use “green cars” by 2020, so there will be less pollution and people will live to be 200 years old. As for space travel, I would say, we will visit Mars(火星) in about fifty years.

1. They are talking about ____.

A. pollutionB. weather in the future

C. the moonD. life in the future

2. What does Mary think life will be like in the future? ____.

A. There will be fewer treesB. Everybody will have a car

C. People will live longerD. People will have to live on space stations

3. What does the underlined word “planet” mean in Chinese? ____.

A. 飞船B. 宇宙C. 星球D. 岛屿

4. Why does Jack think humans will have to look for another planet to live on? ____.

A. There will be too many buildingsB. The earth will be too hot to live on

C. There will be too many peopleD. There will be too much pollution on the earth

5. How many things does Linda predict? ____.

A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Six


Life in the future will be different from life today. Between then and now, many changes will take place(发生). But what will the changes be?

The population is growing fast. There will be many people in the world and most of them will live longer than people do now.

Computers will be much smaller and more useful and there will be at least one in every home. And computer studies will be one of the most important subjects in school then.

People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and traveling. Traveling will be much cheaper and easier. And many more people will go to other countries on holidays.



2.1)掌握一些关于活动的词和词组如 go to the beach, go to summer camp, visit museums, go to New York City, go to mountains, stay at home等;(2)掌握一些规则和不规则的动词过去式:stay(ed), visit(ed), go(went), do(did), is/am(was)。能听懂关于过去活动的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句以及简单描述语言的对话。(3)进一步巩固一般过去时。3)能掌握以下单词以及短语:

anyone, anywhere, wonderful, few, most;go to the mountains, quite a few, go to the beach, 等。教学重点和难点:




新课导入:谈论节假日的活动 3.教授和练习:


Step3.复习七年级下册第9单元的How was your weekend ? What did you do on the weekend?来进行一般过去式的复习。用动词词组do my homework play soccer clean my room go to the beach

play tennis go to the movies visit my aunt stay at home

have a party do some reading practice English study for the test来回答。

Step4.学习今天的新动词词组 以及规则与不规则动词的过去式变化stay---stayed stayed at home


went to the beach went to New York City went to summer camp went to the mountains visit---visited

visited my uncle visited museum Step5.根据刚才复习过的知识,完成1a部分。



Step7.讲解句型Where did you go on vacation?

—I went to the mountains.Where did you go...? 是一般过去时的特殊疑问句,did是助动词,动词go用原形。如:

—Where did you go yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午你去哪里了? —I went to the library with my brother.我和弟弟去图书馆了。Step8:根据句型的讲解练习1c部分。并进行中考练习。第二节课

Step9.根据1b完成的对话,Listen.Where did the people go on vacation? Complete the chart.Step10:根据PPT的图片提示进行练习对话。

Where did he go on vacation ?He went to New York City /.She stayed at home 等短语。

Step11:Listen again.Check Yes, I did.or No, I didn’t.Step 12: Role-play conversation between Rick and Helen.对话中主要词组:


一、词汇要求(Topic vocabulary)

usually always often sometimes never quickly slowly loudly carefully

二、语言知识要求(Language focus)


We usually talk quietly.

Sometimes we need to line up but we never push.(注意:need to 和must一样后面接动词原形)

You mustn’t play there. You must look and listen carefully.



(1) must和mustn’t的后面要跟动词原形 e.g. You must stay here.(你必须待在这儿) You must look and listen carefully. We must talk quietly.

(2)must和mustn’t市用来劝告他人必须做或不允许做某些事情的,如You mustn’t watch TV.(你不准看电视)

(3)当别人问你: Must I go away now? 否定回答应该用”No, you needn’t”,不能用No, you mustn’t

2.频度副词的`使用:表示动作发生的频率 一般可以这样理解:always(100%), usually(90%), often(75%), sometimes(50%), never(0%) 如:We never push others.(我们从来都不推别人) We always line up.(我们总是排队的) 当我们要表达我们总是会做某事时,用We always…。
