





























1.4或8 【解析】由题可知,∵△ABP≌△CBP,∴点P一定处于正方形对角线BD上,∴共存在两种情况使△PBC为直角三角形,(1)如解图①,当CP⊥PB时,有PC2+PB2=BC2.又∵∠CBP=45°,∴PB=PC,∴BP=4;(2)如解图②,当P点与D点重合时△PBC为直角三角形,BP=BC=8.第1题解图

2.3或6 【解析】如解图①,当∠AFE=90°时,设BE=x,则EF=x,AE=8-x,FC=BC=6,由勾股定理得AC==10,∴AF=10-6=4,在Rt△AEF中,42+x2=(8-x)2,解得x=3,∴BE=3;如解图②,当∠AEF=90°时,四边形BCFE是正方形,BE=BC=6.综上所述,BE=3或6.第2题解图

3.5或6 【解析】如解图①,当PB=PC时,点P是BC的中垂线与AD的交点,则AP=DP=AD=3,在Rt△ABP中,由勾股定理可得PB===5;如解图②,当PB=BC=6时,△BPC也是以PB为腰的等腰三角形.综上所述,PB的长度为5或6.第3题解图



5.8或24 【解析】如解图①,∵BC=6,BD∶CD=2∶1,∴BD=4,在Rt△ABD中,AD=BD·tanB=4×=,∴S△ABC=BC·AD=×6×=8;如解图②,∵BC=6,BD∶CD=2∶1,∴BD=12,在Rt△ABD中,AD=BD·tanB=12×=8,∴S△ABC=BC·AD=×6×8=24.∴△ABC面积的所有可能值为8或24.第5题解图

6.13或14 【解析】分为两种情况:①如解图①,沿MN剪开,再沿CQ剪开(CD⊥AB于点D,MN为△ABC的中位线,CD交MN于点Q),将△CQN放在△BFN的位置上,△CQM放在△AEM的位置上,由三角形面积公式得10=×4×CD,解得CD=5,∵MN为△ABC的中位线,∴CQ=DQ=CD=2.5,∴矩形AEFB的周长为(2.5+4)×2=13;②如解图②,沿NQ、MT剪开(N、M分别为AC、BC中点,EQ⊥BA于点Q,FT⊥AB于点T,CD⊥AB于点D),将△AQN放在△CEN的位置上,△BTM放在△CFM的位置上,由三角形面积公式得10=×4×CD,解得CD=5,∵N为AC中点,CD∥EQ,∴AQ=DQ,同理BT=DT,∴QT=AB=2,∴矩形EQTF的周长为(5+2)×2=14.故答案为13或14.第6题解图

7.3或 【解析】如解图,连接BM,DN,AN,得到四边形BNDM为菱形,∴BM=MD,AM+MD=AM+BM=AD=8,在Rt△ABM中,设AM=x,则BM=8-x,AB=4,根据勾股定理得:x2+42=(8-x)2,解得x=3,∴AM=3,MD=5.当PB和PD在BD上方时,点P与点M重合,则AP=AM=3;当PB和PD在BD下方时,点P与点N重合,由对称性得到PD=ND=BN=MD=5,在Rt△ABN中,AB=4,BN=5,根据勾股定理得:AN===,此时AP=AN=.综上所述,AP的长为3或.第7题解图

8.+1或2 【解析】①当∠CED=90°时,点D与点A重合,E是BC的中点,如解图①.∵BC=AB=(+2)=2(+1),∴BE=BC=×2(+1)=+1;②当∠CDE=90°时,如解图②,∵∠A=90°,AB=AC,∴∠C=45°,∴△CDE是等腰直角三角形,∴CE=DE,易得BE=DE,∴CE=BE,∴CE+BE=BE+BE=2(+1).∴BE=2.综上所述,若△CDE为直角三角形,则BE的长为+1或2.第8题解图

9.6或3 【解析】∵∠A=∠ABC=90°,∴BC∥AD,∴∠CBE=∠DFE,∵∠BEC=∠FED,CE=DE,∴△BEC≌△FED(AAS),∴BE=FE,∴四边形BDFC是平行四边形,①当BC=BD=3时,在Rt△ABD中,AB==2,S四边形BDFC=3×2=6;②当BC=CD=3时,如解图,过点C作CG⊥AF于点G,则四边形ABCG是矩形,∴AG=BC=3,∴DG=AG-AD=3-1=2,在Rt△CDG中,CG==,∴S四边形BDFC=3×=3;③BD=CD时,BC边上的中线应与BC垂直,从而BC=2AD=2,矛盾,此时不成立.故四边形BDFC面积为6或3.第9题解图

10.6+2或6-2 【解析】如解图①,F是线段CD上一动点,由翻折可知,∠FEA=∠FEA′,∵CD∥AB,∴∠CFE=∠AEF,∴∠CFE=∠CEF,∴CE=CF,在Rt△BCE中,EC===2,∴CF=CE=2,∵AB=CD=6,∴DF=CD-CF=6-2;如解图②,F是DC延长线上一点,由翻折可知,∠FEA=∠FEA′,∵CD∥AB,∴∠CFE=∠BEF,∴∠CFE=∠CEF,∴CE=CF,在Rt△BCE中,EC===2,∴CF=CE=2,∵AB=CD=6,∴DF=CD+CF=6+2,故答案为6+2或6-2.图①



11.或3 【解析】①如解图①,当点C′在线段AB上时,∵AB=5,BC=3,∴在Rt△ABC中,AC==4,∵以点A为旋转中心,旋转这个三角形至△AB′C′的位置,∴AC′=4,BC′=1,B′C′=3,∴BB′==;②如解图②,当点C′在线段BA的延长线上时,∵AB=5,BC=3,∴AC=4,∵以点A为旋转中心,旋转这个三角形至△AB′C′的位置,∴BC′=9,B′C′=3,∴BB′==3.故长BB′长为或3.图①



12.12或8+4 【解析】当点B′在线段BC上,如解图①,∵△ABC沿射线BC方向平移得到△A′B′C′,∴AB=A′B′=4,BC=B′C′=6,∠ABC=∠A′B′C′=60°,∵B′C=4,∴A′B′=B′C,∴△A′B′C为等边三角形,∴△A′B′C的周长为12;当点B′在线段BC的延长线上,如解图②,作B′H⊥A′C,∵△ABC沿射线BC方向平移得到△A′B′C′,∴AB=A′B′=4,∠ABC=∠A′B′C′=60°,∵B′C=4,∴A′B′=B′C,∴∠B′CA=∠B′A′C,CH=A′H,而∠A′B′C′=∠B′CA′+∠B′A′C,∴∠B′CA′=30°,在Rt△B′CH中,∵∠B′CH=30°,∴B′H=CB′=2,∴CH=B′H=2,∴A′C=2CH=4,∴△A′B′C的周长=4+4+4=8+4.故答案为12或8+4.第12题解图

13.4或8 【解析】如解图①,当点D′在线段AB上时,AD′=AB-BD′=3-1=2,∵E是AD的中点,∴AE=DE,由折叠的性质得ED′=ED,∴ED′=AE,∵∠A=60°,∴△AED′是等边三角形,∴AE=AD′=2,∴AD=4.如解图②,当点D′在AB的延长线上时,AD′=AB+BD′=4.同理可知△AED′是等边三角形,∴AE=AD′=4,∴AD=8.图①



14.2+或4+2 【解析】如解图①,作CE∥AB交BD于点E,延长CE交AD于点F,连接AE,过点B作BG⊥AE于点G,∵BA=BC,∴此时的平行四边形ABCE为菱形,∵∠BAD=∠BCD=90°,∠ADC=30°,AB∥CF,∴∠CFD=90°,∠BCE=∠BAE=∠AEF=30°,设BG=m,则BA=2m,∵菱形ABCE的面积为4,∴2m×m=4,解得m=(负值舍去),∴AE=CE=BA=2,EF=AE·cos30°=,∴CF=2+,在Rt△CFD中,CD=2CF=4+2;如解图②,作BE∥AD交CD于点E,作BF∥CD交AD于点F,根据折叠与裁剪可知BE=BF,此时的平行四边形BEDF也是菱形,∴BE∥FD,∴∠BEC=∠ADC=30°,∵∠A=∠C=90°,设BC=n,则BE=2n,CE=n,∵菱形BEDF的面积为4,∴2n×n=4,解得n=(负值舍去),∴BC=,DE=BE=2,CE=,∴CD=CE+DE=2+,综上所述,CD的长为2+或4+2.第14题解图

15.4或 【解析】如解图①,易得AC==4,CD=4,CD⊥AD,∴AD====8,∴AD=BC,AB=DC,∠B=90°,∴四边形ABCD是矩形,∴BD=AC=4;如解图②,连接BD,过点D作AC的垂线交AC于点Q,过点B作AC的垂线交AC于点P,∵AC=4,CD=4,CD⊥AD,∴AD===8,∵点D、E分别是边BC、AC的中点,∴DE=AB=2,∴AE=AD-DE=8-2=6,CE==2,∵∠ECD=∠ACB,∴∠ECA=∠DCB,又∵=,∴△ECA∽△DCB,∴==,∴BD==,综上所述,BD的长为4或.第15题解图①




The long history of the Chinese Knot dates back to ancient times16people first used knots for fastening, wrapping, hunting and fishing.The knot was developed 17an art form during the Tang(AD 618-907)and Song(960-1279)dynasties and later popularized in Ming and Qing Dynasty(1368-1911 AD),One major characteristic of decorative knot work is 18all the knots are tied using one thread, and when 19(finish), the knot looks identical from 20the front and the back.They can come in a variety of colors such as: gold, green, blue or black.However, the 21(common)used color is red.This is 22it symbolizes good luck and prosperity.Crafting the Chinese knot is 23three-step process, which involves tying, tightening and adding.There are many different shapes of Chinese knots,24(offer)blessings of happiness, love and good luck.In Chinese, “knot” means reunion, friendliness, love and warmth, etc.Up to now, the art of the Chinese knot

25(use)in necklaces, buttons and even hangings for cars or mobile phones.16.when17.into18.that19.finished20.both21.most commonly22.why23.a

24.offering25.has been used


Martha Machesney Berry(7 October 1865 – 27 February 1942)was an United States educator and the founder of Berry College in Rome, Georgia.In Mount Berry, Georgia, people find a group of schools31(build)specially for mountain children. The schools, as well as the mountain 32, are named33Martha Berry.Martha Berry was born in 1866.34(luck than most Georgian mountain children, she

received education. But she never forgot other children of the mountains35parents couldn’t afford to send them to school.In 1902 Martha Berry started36school with only five pupils Now, ninety years later, there are a score of Berry schools in the area, with a total of over one thousand students and a37(wait)list of about five thousand.

Martha Berry in her later years received many medals and honors38what she had done for the poor mountain children of Georgia, and in 1931 she39(name)one of the most important women in the United States. She never stopped working for the mountain children40her death in 1942.31.built 32.itself33.after34.Luckier35.whose 36.a37.waiting38.for39.was named40.until


Viennese-born composer Frederick Loewe,16we remember from his classical musicals including “My Fair Lady” and “Camelot”, was not always famous.He studied piano with the great masters of Europe and achieved hugesuccess as a 17(music)and composer in his early years.But 18he immigrated to the United States, he failed as a pianist.For a while he tried other types of work including gold mining and boxing.19he never gave up his dream and continued to play the piano and write music.20those difficult years, he could not always afford 21(make)payments on his piano.One day, bent over the keyboard, he could hear nothing but the music that he played with such rare inspiration.When he finished and looked up, he was astonished to find that he had 22audience of three moving men who23(seat)on the floor.They said nothing and made no movement towardthe piano.Instead, they dug into their pockets, pooled together enough money for the payment, placed it on thepiano and walked out, empty24(hand).Moved by the beauty of his music, these men recognized excellence and responded to 25.16.whom/ who17.musician18.when/ after19.But20.During/ In21.to make22.an23.were seated24.handed25.it


Some people live in the world for body while others for dignity.I once took a walk along the street16a Saturday dusk, with a Pepsi can in my hand.An old woman in ragged clothes,17was living on collecting used cans, jars and tins, moved slowly towards me, with a bag on theback!18(walk)nearer, she looked up at me and then fixed her eyes on my can.At that time, I hadn’t finished my cola, so I gave 19several coins instead.She stared at me for a few seconds 20handed back the money.Quite confused, I asked: “Why not? Isn’t that 21you want?” “I am not a beggar,” she said 22(serious), word by word.Instantly, I felt so sorry.I had intended 23(help)her, completely misunderstanding her.Thus Ihurt her.What I could do at that moment was only to drink up the cola and handed her24emptied can.Thistime, she gave me a smile with25(satisfy)and gratitude in her eyes.The woman is poor in material lifebut is so respectable as a man.I am not only moved but also have learned a good lesson.16.on17. who18. Walking19. her20. and21. what22. seriously23.to help

24. the25.satisfaction


This happened in a third-grade classroom.Jim sat 16his desk and all of a sudden, there was a puddle(一滩水)

between his feet and the front of his trousers was wet.He felt his heart was going to stop.He knew 17would happen when his classmates found out.He looked up and there came the teacher with 18look in her eyes that said he 19(discover).As the teacher was walking towards 20, a classmate named Susie was carrying a goldfish bowl full of water to her desk.Suddenly, Susie tripped(绊倒)and, 21(strange), dumped the whole bowl of water in Jim’s lap.He pretended to be angry, but all the while he was saying deep in his heart, “Thank you!”Jim became the object of sympathy instead of ridicule.The teacher brought him gym shorts to put on.All the others crawled(爬)on their hands and knees, 22(clean)up around his desk.But 23life would have it, the ridicule that should have been his had been transferred(转移)to Susie.She tried to help, 24they told her to leave the room25school was over, Jim walked over to Susie and whispered, “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”Susie whispered back, “I wet my trousers once, too!”

16.at17.what18.a19.had been discovered20.him 21.strangely22.cleaning23.as24.but25.When


A motto is a sentence or a phrase 16____ can inspire us especially when we are 17____(face)with difficulties.Many of us have our mottoes, such as “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Or “Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.”, and so on.My motto is “God helps those who help 18____.” Sometimes I am lazy and don’t want to make efforts 19___(work)hard, 20____ the moment I think of my motto I will get energetic again and devote myself 21_____ what I am doing.I write my motto 22____ I can see it easily.Every time I fail in my exam and begin to lose heart, the sight of my motto inspires me with much 23____(confident).My motto also makes me become 24____ independent person.That is to say, I won’t rely on others easily.My friends, what is your motto? If you still haven’t got a motto, please choose 25___ because a motto can have a great effect on you.16.that / which17.faced18.themselves19.to work20.but21.to 22.where23.confidence24.an25.one


It was now raining heavily.My husband was away.I did not want to ask anyone else to go with me.So I went to t

he hospital by 16________.I was taken to a small room.Linda 17_______(lie)sleeping quietly on a table.This wasn’t 18______ first time Linda had taken too many pills.I knew she would sleep deeply for about twelve hours 19________ the poison had stopped doing its harm.I sat down 20________ Linda’s side and looked around.The room seemed familiar.“I am sure I have been in this room,” I told myself.Then I remembered.It was in this very room 21_______ I gave birth to Linda seventeen years ago.22._______ happy I was then!

Linda used to be such a bright, 23._______(health)and nice child.“What has turned her into a dope-taker?” I asked myself.“And why do millions of young people like taking dope 24__________(destroy)themselves? There must be something 25.__________(serious)wrong with our society.What is it?”

16.myself17.lay18.the19.until20.by21.that22.How23.healthy 24.to destroy25.seriously


Watching online open classes of U.S.top universities has become indispensable for many young Chinese.Guo Lei, a native of Guangzhou, has become 16(addict)to various open courses after she watched the online video of “Justice: What’s the right thing to do.” Guo was immediately attracted by the topic and the discussion of the Harvard students about17(moral)and justice.She even introduced the case to her colleagues for discussion.About 700 sina micro bloggers 18(post)different links to the videos.163.com has launched a special channel for open programs, 19(provide)more than 1,200 class hours of free videos.Many Chinese have adjusted 20daily timetable and some office workers quit taking naps 21they might watch videos at noon.22download free online resources to their cell phones to watch while taking buses.On Douban.com, a netizen named “an independent cat” called 23others to get up an hour earlier in the morning to watch the videos before leaving for work, 24has mobilized a great number of followers.“This set up a good example of how to change and improve our teaching methods,” said Wang, a counselor of Sun Yat-Sen University.He also suggested that lectures by some popular Chinese speakers and professors should 25(translate)into foreign languages and posted online to help foreign audiences understand Chinese culture.16.addicted17.morality18.have posted19.providing20.their










6.C。考查副词辨析。A项意为“耐心地”,B项意为“细心地,小心地”;C项意为“轻轻地,温柔地”;D项意为“好奇地”。结合空前内容“...rock him”,可知奶奶是轻轻地(温柔地)摇着孩子。

7.D。考查名词辨析。根据后面的“...her face filled with smiles.”可知,眼里闪烁着喜悦。


9. A。考查名词辨析。由前面的a German U-boat,可知是on the transport ship。

1 0. D。


1 1. A。考查动词辨析。根据上文语境,可知奶奶从小吃尽苦头,帮助贫困家庭“从逆境中挺过来”。

1 2. C。

考查现在分词作状语辨析。根据“She’d married and raised 4 sons...”和“...to help feed them.”可知选C。

1 3. B。

考查动词辨析。根据前句的“...raised...”和“...me and my two brothers”可知,我们一家搬回家住,奶奶不但要养育自己的四个孩子,还要抚养我们几个。

1 4. B。


1 5. A。



17.C。考查动词辨析。根据第18空后的“...had more babies to hold...”可知是抱着孩子。


19.C。考查动词辨析。根据“...to hold,...to give,and more love to...”可知选share。




22.D。考查名词辨析。根据空后“table for two”可知,作者夫妇即将回到二人世界。












34.A。考查副词比较级。此处“cried harder”意为“痛哭”。





39.A。考查固定搭配。根据习惯用法,“With time going by”和“As time went by”,可知选A。



1. (北京市) —Do you know_______ for Shanghai last night?

—At 9:00.

A. what time he leaves B. what time does he leave

C. what time he left D. what time did he leave

2. (重庆市) Please tell me_______. I have some good news for him.

A. where Robert lives B. where does Robert live

C. where Robert lived D. where did Robert live

3. (黑龙江省) My physics teacher said that light_______ faster than sound.

A. travel B. travels C. traveled

4. (宁波市) The plane hasn’t arrived yet. Could you tell me_______?

A. why the plane is late B. how is the plane late

C. when will the plane arrive D. that the plane arrives

5. (云南省) —Please tell me_______ for the meeting yesterday.

—Sorry. The traffic was bad.

A. why you came late B. why did you come late

C. when you came late D. when did you come late

6. (江西省) —Do you know_______ the Smiths left Shanghai?

—I’m not sure. I only remember it was a Sunday.

A. if B. when C. how D. why

7. (河南省) —May I come in? I’m sorry I’m late.

—Come in,please. But could you please tell me_______?

A. why you are late again B. what were you doing then

C. who you talked with D. how do you come to school

8. (安徽省) I don’t know_______ they could pass the exam or not.

A. why B. when C. that D. whether

9. (潍坊市) The shop assistant said he knew_______.

A. where does the manager live B. where the manager lives

C. where did the manager live D. where the manager lived

10. (厦门市) —Could you tell me_______?

—He is an actor.

A. who he is B. what is he

C. what he is

11. (青海省) I don’t know if he_______ tomorrow. I’ll call you if he_______.

A. comes;comes B. will come;comes

C. will come;will come

12. (上海市) —Can you tell me_______?


A. when did he buy the car B. where did he buy the car

C. when he bought the car D. where he bought the car

13. (沈阳市) —Would you please tell me_______ next?

—Think it over. You’ll find a good way.

A. when to do B. how to do it

C. what to do D. where to do

14. (成都市) All the hats look beautiful. I don’t know_______.

A. how to choose B. where to choose

C. which one to choose

15. (成都市) —Excuse me,please tell me_______.

—There’s a supermarket over there. You can get some there.

A. how I can find a supermarket

B. where the supermarket is

C. where I can buy some fruit

16. (海南省) —Could you tell_______?

—Next month.

A. when he came back B. when he will come back

C. when will he come back

17. (兰州市) My mother always asks me_______ on the Internet,though most mothers can.

A. how she can use QQ B. how can she use QQ

C. when can she use QQ D. when she can use QQ

18. (新疆建设兵团) —Do you know_______?

—It’s about five minutes’ walk.

A. where No.8 bus stop is

B. which is the way to No.8 bus stop

C. how far the No.8 bus stop is from here

D. when did you arrive at No.8 bust stop

19. (长春市) —Excuse me. Could you tell me_______?

—Yes. There’s a video shop on River Road.

A. where can I buy some CDs?

B. where I can buy some CDs

C. when can I buy some CDs

D. when I can buy some CDs

20. (山西省) —Do you know_______,Mike?

—On May 12th,2008.

A. when the earthquake took place in Wen Chuan

B. when did the earthquake take place in Wen Chuan

C. when the earthquake will take place in Wen Chuan

21. (南通市) —Have you decided_______ the children in the poor areas?

—By sending them books and schoolbags.

A. how you will help B. what you will give

C. when will you call D. how much will you send

22. (福州市) —Excuse me,could you tell me_______?

—Certainly. Go straight ahead and you’ll see it on your left.

A. where the post office is

B. when you will visit the museum

C. where is the post office

D. when will you visit the museum

23. (上海市) Do you know_______?

A. when will the Beijing Olympic Games end

B. when the Beijing Olympic Games will end

C. when would the Beijing Olympic Games end

D. when the Beijing Olympic Games would end

24. (广州市) —I hear we’ll have a new foreign teacher soon. Do you know when_______?

—Sorry,I have no idea.

A. he will come B. will he come

C. Is he coming D. he was coming

25. (贵阳市) —Could you please tell me_______?

—It’s next to the hotel

A. where’s the museum B. the museum is where

C. where the museum is

26. (青海省) Could you tell me_______?

A. Lucy is where B. where Lucy is

C. where is Lucy

27. (乌鲁木齐市) Tom fell asleep during the class,so he didn’t know_____.

A. what his teacher says B. what did his teacher say

C. what his teacher said D. what does his teacher say

28. (包头市) —What did your father say?

—He asked us_______.

A. that we mended the recorder

B. what to mend the recorder

C. where did we mend the recorder

D. how to mend the recorder

29. (湘潭市) I am not sure_______.

A. which shirt I should buy B. which shirt should I buy

C. I should buy which shirt

30. (宁夏自治区) Can you tell me_______ the machine without any help?

A. what did he repair B. what he repaired

C. how did he repair D. how he repaired

Key:1- 5 CABAA 6-10 BADDC 11-15 BCBCC


1.They(leave)for Beijing yesterday.2.Listen!Tom’s sister(sing)for her good frends now.4.I enjoy(study)English with my classmates.5.We would like(have)a job for you as a reporter.?

7.Old Tom(visit)the Great Wall again last week.8.The boy 9.There 10.There(be)an English evening next Sunday.12.We enjoy ourselves(learn)and(speak)English.(relax).14.How about 15.Each of the students in our class(be)of mediem build.16.Please(put)your bike under the big tree.17.The students(not have)a class meeting yesterday.18.Who(teach)you English this year ?

19.Look!The bus(come).19.The children here like(make)some interesting kites.21.(not be)late for class.22.What elseshe(have)to do next?

24.(not fight)with each other in your school.25.I hear Tom’s sister(sing)in her room now.26.It’27.You had better(wear)sunglasses to protect(保护)your eyes.30.We must(work)very hard and make great progress(取得很大步).32.I saw a little boy(lie)on the ground just now.34.We can’35.How many sheep(be)there on the farm last year ?

’clock yesterday.38.Yesterday we(have)a math test.I(get)full marks.(be)an English teacher in the future.40.Everyone in our class(enjoy)their holiday.43.Y(wait)for you over there.45.(listen)to your teacher carefully in class!

47.No(talk)in the classroom.48.You mustn’(take)the mobile phone into the classroom.49.It’s not good

50.Today is a good day for(walk)for everyone.Keys:

1.left2.is singing3.to buy4.studying5.to have 6.did;go7.visited

8.does9.was10.will be11.shop12.learning;speaking13.relaxed

14.eating15.is16.put17.didn’t have18.teaches19.work20.work21.Don’t be22.does;have23.will be24.Don’t fight25.singing

26.opening27.wear28.not to talk29.swimming30.work31.giving32.lying33.was34.live35.were36.playing37.writing38.had39.to be

40.enjoys41.does;look42.is43.is waiting44.running45.Listen


时态的运用比较复杂,好多同学因为做题时不知应用哪种时态而挠头皮。其实你只要把易混的时态掌握好,对你来说时态就没有什么难点可言了。而你易混的时态无非是一般过去时和现在完成时,一般过去时和过去完成时的比较罢了。这有何难 看看下面的分析,你会发现一切as easy as A B C。


一般过去式只是表示事情发生在过去,陈述一个事实,它可以和确定的表示过去的时间状语如:last night, in , three days ago等连用。而现在完成时表示某一完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,强调的是现在的情况,所以它不能和确定的表示过去的时间状语连用。

如: We have seen that film. 我们已看过那部电影。对现在造成的影响是我们对影片已有所了解。We saw the film last night. 昨天晚上我们看了那部电影。只说明昨天晚上看电影这一事实。

注意:有些时间状语,如this morning,tonight, this month 等,既可用于一般过去时,又可用于现在完成时,但所表达的意义有所不同。用于现在完成时表示包括现在在内,而用于一般过去式则与现在无关。如:I have read this book this April.(说话时仍然为四月。) I read this book this April. (说话时四月份已过。)
