




Unit 2 Teenagers should be allowed to choose

their own clothes. 复习52 【复习目标】

1.扎实掌握Section A(1a—2c)的词汇和句型并能灵活运用;

2.通过自主复习,听力与口头练习,能运用所学谈论家规与校规; 3.培养良好的生活习惯,遵守家规与校规。激情投入,做最好的自己。 【重、难点】

1.听懂关于家规与校规的有关信息。 2.含有情态动词的被动语态。 【复习过程】

Step 1 预习相关内容,写出下列词组。






6.和某人一起逛商店 7.理发





12.需要时间做某事 13.代替做某事 Step2. Listening test 1. How did John want to go to the mall with Anna? A. By bus

B. On foot

C. Drive his car 2.Should Anna be allowed to mall with John by car? A. No, she shouldn’t

B. Yes, she should

C. I’m not sure. 3. Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced? A. Yes, I think so.

B. No, I don’t know

C. I think so if they want 4. Is Anna allowed to choose her own clothes? A. Yes, she is B. No, she isn’t C. I don’t think 5. How did Anna go to the mall? A. By train

B. By bus

C. By car 【能力提升】


1.Tom is not a_______ to go out on school nights. 2.Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to get their ears p________. 3.It was s_______ in the hot sun without a hat. 4.He told me to stop _______ (sing). It’s time to have classes. 5.I ______ (not think)he is a clever boy, is he? 6.More trees should ________(plant)to make our hometown beautiful. Ⅱ.单项选择

1.I find this computer game _____ to play. A. enough easy

B. enough easily

C. easy enough 2.When she won the first prize, she was just a ______ girl. A. twelve years old

B. twelve-years-old

C. twelve-year-old 3.Tomorrow I will get my hair ______. It’s too long. A. cut

B. cutting

C. to cut 4. Workers in our company have _____personal computers. A. their own

B. they own

C. own their 5. –I think teenagers should be allowed to have part-time jobs.—______ .Studying is more important for them. A. I think so.

B. I disagree with you

C. Me, too.

复习53 【复习目标】 知识目标:

重点单词:so; either; by 重点短语:on school nights; stay up 重点句型:

1)—We have a lot of rules at my house.—So do we. 2) I’m allowed to go to the movies with friends on Friday nights. 3)I’m not allowed to go out on school nights either.


情感目标:使学生明白在家里被允许做什么,不允许做什么,增强自己遵规守纪的意识。 【复习过程】

Step 1 自主复习 阅读相关内容找出下列词组



4.例如_______/_________ 5.在校期间的晚上

6.到10:00为止_____________/______________ 7.和朋友一起购物


9.清理、清除 Step 2 用所学的句型,写出在家里不允许的事情和可以做的事情: I’m allowed to _____________________________. I’m allowed to _____________________________. I’m not allowed to ___________________________. I’m not allowed to____________________________. 【巩固练习】


1.The old man should be _________ (speak) to politely. 2.The man seems to ________ (work)in a shop. 3.Did Tom go to the movies _________ (代替)watching TV? 4.Don’t _________(熬夜)late. You have to get up 5.You don’t know the _______ (important) of the job. 6.在上学期间的晚上,我不能出去。 I can’t go out ______ ______ ______.

7.我很活泼,他也一样. I am outgoing. _______ ______ _____. 8.你应该打扫一下你的房间。You should _______ _______ your room. 9.她不得不待在家里照看她的妹妹。She has to ______ _____ _____ to look after her sister. 10.—He hasn’t finish the work.—N______ have I. Ⅱ.单项选择

1.—Li Lei will help the poor children of Wenchuan.—_______. A. So will I

B. So I will

C. So do I 2.I’m allowed to go out on school nights, But I have to be home _______ 10:oo pm. A. on

B. by

C. at 3.These young trees should _______.

A. look after well

B. be look after

C. be looked after well 4.He is not allowed ________ late. A. stay up

B. to stay up

C. staying up 5.It’s not a good habit to ______ late because the next day you’ll feel tired. A. get up

B. make up

C. stay up

复习54 【复习目标】

1.扎实掌握Section B(1a—3a)的词汇和句型并能灵活运用; 2.通过小组合作口头练习运用所学句型,谈论复习中的困惑; 3.通过听力训练,提高学生听力能力; 4.通过对短文的阅读了解学校的规章制度;

5.掌握复习方法,提高效率。全力以赴,激情投入,高效复习。 【重、难点】

1.关于学生应遵守的规则的表述;2.理解短文知识点;3.运用所学知识给别人提供复习英语方法。 【复习过程】

Step 1(1)写出下列词组:1.上课迟到


3.提前完成考试 4.担心考试




8. 考试及格

9.数学考试不及格 (2)写出下列词组:







7.小组复习 8.做某事的好方法






14.对于某人来说是一个很好的经历 Step 2.Listening test 任务1 听对话选择正确答案

1.What’s the matter with Peter? A. He thinks he’s going to fail a math test. B. He has a headache. C. He argued with his father. 2.Is he allowed to get to class late? A. Yes, he is.

B. No, he isn’t

C. Sometimes 3.What will happen if he get to class late? A. He isn’t allowed to take the test. B. He is also allowed to take the test. C. He will be told to go back home. 4.Does he think the rule is fair? A. No, he doesn’t B. Yes, he does C. He doesn’t talk about it. 5.How does Peter do that? A. He writes a letter to school. B. He talks with his friends C. He talks to the teacher. 【能力提升】


1. We all think he will f______ a test because he never works hard. 2. I’m glad that I have p______the exam. 3.We call the persons between 13 and 19 years old t______. 4.As a student, we must be s______ in our study. 5.Don’t w_______, there is a little time left. 6.When the movie actors came out, the audience(观念) got _____ (noise). 7.That is the best way to keep them ______ (happiness). 8. Eating vegetables is a good way ______ (keep) healthy. 9.I don’t think this kind of book should _______ (buy) 10. Peter has an opportunity ______ (work) in Beijing. Ⅱ.单项选择

1.—Will you come to the dinner party?—I won’t come unless Jenny _____. A. will be invited

B. can be invited

C. invite 2.The children often take time to do things like _______. A. volunteer B. to volunteer C. volunteering 3._____ Lucy ______ Lily are going to Hangzhou. A. Either; or B. Both;and C. Not only; but also 4. She failed _____ the early bus this morning . Because she got up too late. A. catch

B. to catch

C. catching 5. It’ s hot in the room. Please keep the door ______. A. opening

B. to open

C. open

复习55 【复习目标】

1.知识目标:mess; sleep; reply 重点短语:old people’s home ; take time to do things ; have Friday afternoons off 重点句型:1)On Friday afternoons, many students are sleepy after a long week of classes. 2) Some students should be allowed to have Friday afternoons off to volunteer and help others. 3) I would like to reply to the article ―Helping and Learning‖ in your last newsletter. 2.能力目标:使学生学会用英语来表达自己的意思。 3.情感目标:让学生从事例中学会去帮助别人。 【复习过程】

Step1. 写出下列词组。














14.同意某人 15.八小时睡眠



18.在你的上一篇时事通讯中 Step 2 小组合作,利用3a信息,仿照3b, 编对话。

Step3 单独完成P.23 Part 1 根据所给单词的正确形式填空。并翻译成汉语。 Step4 阅读后回答问题. 1.What should they be allowed to do? 2.What should they do? 3.What do I want to do? 4. What does Tian Ge want to do? 5. What should some students be allowed to do? 【能力提升】


1.What a m______! You must clean it up at once. 2. Last year they went to an old p______ home and made the old happy. 3. At p_______ , teenagers are very busy with their study. 4. I can’t choose which book ______ (buy). 5. Everyone needs to have at least eight _______(hour) sleep at night. Ⅱ.单项选择

1.To make our city more beautiful, rubbish(垃圾) ________ into the river. A. mustn’t be thrown

B. can’t throw

C. may not throw 2. I wouldn’t like _____ this letter. A. answer

B. to reply to

C. to answer to

3. I didn’t have a good _____ last night, so I was so ____ that I fell ____ in class . A. sleep; asleep; sleepy

B sleep; sleepy; asleep

C. sleepy; sleep; asleep 4.This dress looks good _____ you. A. for

B. with

C. on 5. My father is very busy, he hasn’t had a day ______ for two months. A. on

B. off

C. in

复习56 【复习目标】



3.学会调节自己的生活,勇敢地面对挑战。全力以赴,激情投入,高效复习。 【重、难点】 1.理解并复述课文

2.分析长难句 【复习过程】

Step.1 迅速浏览课文,跳过生词,捕捉关键信息,把握文章主题,回答问题。 1. What do teenagers often think about their hobbies? 2. What does Liu Yu want to be? 3. Do Liu Yu’s Parents allow him to train as much as he want? And why? 4. Why do Liu Yu’s parents think that he won’t achieve his dream? 5. Does Liu Yu think he will succeed? And when will he have the chance? Step2 仔细阅读课文写出重点词组和短语














14.没有什么反对做某事 Step3 根据自己的理解,翻译句子。

1.Teenagers often think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want. 2.We want to see Liu Yu achieve his dreams. 3.Being a professional runner is the only thing I have ever wanted to do. 4.But they are always talking about what will happen if I don’t succeed. 5.Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream. 【巩固练习】


1.Wang Baoqiang tried his best to perform and he ______ (success0 in the end. 2.Everyone wants __________(achieve) his or her dream. 3.Most teenagers have a lot of different ________(hobby). 4.What are the rules that should _________ (obey) by a teenager? 5.Liu Xiang is a ________(run) star. 6.____________(实现)your dream through great effort is really cool. 7.Anyone can see the _________(重要性) of good health. 8.If at first you don’t __________(成功),try again. 9.These hobbies can __________(妨碍)schoolwork. 10.I think I should be allowed to ____________(作决定)for myself. Ⅱ.单项选择

1.English is very ________ and all the students know the ______ of English. A. important; importance

B. importance; importance

C. important; important 2.He _______ fixing the new machine yesterday! Look! It is running well again. A. felt like

B. succeeded in

C. failed in 3. Watching TV too much can get _______ the way of his study. A. in

B. out

C. at 4.Is the girl serious about _______ a singer? A. become

B. becomes

C. becoming 5.—Who did it better, Bill or Henry?—I think Bill did just ______ Henry. A. as well as

B. as good as

C. as better as



百尺一中关贺丽 九年级英语

Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark.SectionA教学反思

本节课主要是让学生学会描述自己和他人在外貌、性格、爱好等方面的变化。学生学会使用used to结构来表示过去经常而现在已不存在的习惯或状态。在课前,我要求学生收集自己或他们喜欢名人以及周围朋友或亲人的一些新旧照片。在课堂上,再通过新旧照片的对比来引出本课的教学重点并复习再现了一系列描述人的外貌特征及性格的性形容词,诸如;tall,short,thin,heavy,short hair,long curly hair,funny,serious,quiet,shy,outgoing。通过让学生谈论自己和他人的各种变化来巩固练习used to 的用法,如,I used to be thin ,but now I am a bit heavy.I used to be quiet,but now I am outgoing.I used to have short hair,but now I have long curly hair。I used toplaypingpong,but now I play the piano.并且,由词至句的操练,帮助学生掌握used to用法. 同时,让学生模仿老师从以上几点来描述自己的前后变化。然而,整个教学过程的检测体现于pair work之中,让学生利于自己收集来一些新旧照片和同伴之间自由交谈,例如:Look!That is Yao Ming. He used to play basketball in NBA.He used to be thin.这样,利用学生熟悉的人,使学生有话可说,愿意说,敢于说,既提高了学生学习的兴趣,有巩固了本节课的重点。


然而,在pair work 和Guess活动中,我发现有些学生对used to 的用法并未完全掌握。因此,在下节课的教学过程中,我会进一步渗透 used to 的用法,找出学生错的根源,并把各种错误进行汇总, 变换方式训练,达到举一反三的目的。同时,把含有used to 短语,如:used to do sth.Be/get used to doing sth.be used to do sth.be used for doing sth.通过看图写话,设置情景等方式不断强化,以达到灵活运用的目的。


【课 题】

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are deliciou

Section A 1a-1c 教师复备栏或



掌握生词lantern /lnt (r)n/ n. 灯笼 p.9

掌握短语What a great day! kind of like


【学习重点难点】 掌握感叹句结构、直接引语和间接引语

【学法指导】 运用已有经验--听---说---听力训练—作业巩固


一、 导入(启发探究 3分


泼水节 龙舟节

春节 元宵节


二、自学(自主探究 6分钟)

找出4种节日的英语,朗读并记忆,完成1 a

泼水节 Water Festival 龙舟节 the Dragon Boat Festival

春节 The Spring Festival 元宵节 the lantern Festival

三、交流(合作探究 10分钟)


1、 朗读1b句子,理解含义

2、 Listen and circle T for true or F for false.3、 同桌核对答案

4、 听后填空

Mary: What a day!

Bill: Yes, it was really fun !

Mary: What did you like best?

Bill: I loved the ! They were really to watch. How fantastic the boat teams were!

Mary: Yes! And look at the colors of the boats. How they were!

Bill: I agree! But I guess it was a little too .Mary: I don’t know…I kind of like to have more people around. It makes things exciting.

Bill: That’s true. Oh, and I really liked zongzi.

Mary: Oh, me too! The sweet ones are my favorite.

Bill: I if they’ll have the races again next year.

Mary: Of course! They have them every year.

Bill: Then I believe that I’ll be back again next year to watch the races!

Mary: Me, too!


What a great day! kind of like

It makes things more exciting be back again to + V


感叹句是表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子。一般说来,感叹句是由 what 或 how 开头的,其余与陈述句结构相同, 句末用感叹句,朗读时用降调。



1. What+a(an)+(形容词)+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!如:

What an apple this is!

What a fine day it is!

2. What+(形容词)+可数名词复数或不可数名词+主语+谓语!

What kind women they are!

What nice music it is!


how用来修饰形容词、副词或动词。其结构是:How+形容词(副词)+主语+谓语! How hard the worker are working!

How clever the girl is!

How quickly the boy is writing!

6、给下列句子加上适当的主句Mary Bill thinks guesses believse让其成为宾语从句:

They were really interesting to watch

The colors of the boats were pretty

It was a little too crowded.It makes things more exciting.

They’ll have the races again next year.

I’ll be back again next year to watch the races!

四、总结(引深探究 15分钟)



引述别人的原话叫直接引语,用自己的话转述别人的话叫间接引语。一这两种引语都是宾语从句,但直接引语放在引号内,不用连词连接;间接引语不用引号,通常用连接词与主句连接.典型例句:1. She said ,” I like English very much. “ (直接引语)


典型例句:2. She said she liked English very much. (间接引语)







Eg:She said. “My brother wants to go with me.”

→She said her brother wanted to go with her.


Eg:He said to Kate,"How is your sister now?"

→He asked Kate how her sister was then.


Eg:Mr. Smith said,“Jack is a good worker.”

→Mr. Smith said Jack was a good worker.

五、练评(包含“考点链接” 应用探究 6分钟)

I 选填How What完成感叹句练习

1. ____ great fun it is to swim! 2._________ useful book this is !

3._____ a fine day it is today ! 4._______ hard work it is !

5.______ bad weather it was yesterday! 6.______ hard job this is!

7.______ terrible news we heard last night

8.______ good time we have every weekend!

9.______ long the bridge is! 10.______ long bridge this is!

11. ______ happy children ! 12. ______ friendly these kids!

13. ______ interesting book he has! 14. ______ time flies!

II 将下列直接引语变为间接引语。

1.Miss Gao said,“I like living here.”

Miss Gao said that living .2.He said,“I’ll go tomorrow.”

He said that he .

3.My mother said:“I am going to make dumplings”.


4.She said:“I do homework every day.”____________________________________.

5.He said:“I will play basketball this night.”


III 填空完成句子

1. 李明说他对玩电脑游戏感兴趣。

Li Ming says _______ _______ interested in playing computer games.

2. 我认为玛丽不回来了。

I don’t think Mary ______ ______.

3. 山姆给我说他准备去上海。

Sam told me that he _______ _______ for Shanghai.

4. 请你告诉我去钟楼怎麽走吗?

Could you tell me _______ I can get to the Bell Tower?

5. 父亲说他买了一台新电脑。

Father said that he ________ ________ a new computer..


刘营初中 九 年级 英语 教学案

执 笔 龚琴 审 核 初三英语组 课 型 听说课 课 时

1授课人 授课时间 姓 名 学案编号

2【课 题】

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are deliciou

Section A 2a-2c 教师复备栏或




stranger /streind (r)/ n. 陌生人 relative /reltiv/ n. 亲属;亲戚

掌握短语put on 增加(体重);发胖

句子June would be a perfect time for you to visit.

【学习重点难点】 继续学习宾语从句

【学法指导】 自学单词---听说句子----听力练习----巩固练习


一、导入(启发探究 3分钟)


Where have you been in this summer holiday?

When did you go ?

Why did you go there ?

二、自学(自主探究 6分钟)


stranger /streind (r)/ n. 陌生人p.10

relative /reltiv/ n. 亲属;亲戚 p.10

put on 增加(体重);发胖 p.10

pound /paund/ n. 磅(重量单位);英镑p.10



2、put on 增加(体重),发胖

put on 穿上 put on weight put on ten kilos

3、pound n. 磅(重量单位)英镑(英国货币单位)

增加10磅 put on 10 pounds

The apples cost one dollar a pound.生词检测

I am new in this city , so I am a ___________.

He often eats a lot,so he 20 pounds again.

Jenny is the only in that big city.

三、交流(合作探究 10分钟)


Read the sentencs in 2a,try to know their meanings

Listen to the conversation between Wu Ming and Harry and CIRCLE the correct words in the sentences.Listen again, Wu Ming did a lot of fun activities, but there were also downsides. Listen again and fill in the chart.

Check the answers to 2a and 2b in pair.


Harry: What did you do on your vacation, Wu Ming?

Wu Ming: I visited my aunt and uncle in Hong Kong.

Harry: Wow! So what did you do?

Wu Ming: Well, we out a lot.

I believe that we ate at least five meals a day!

How delicious the food is! I’ve put on five pounds!

Harry: Haha! Yes, the food in Hong Kong i s delicious.

What else did you do?

Wu Ming: Shopping, of course. Hong Kong is a great place for shopping! I spent so much money.

Harry: So what was the best of the trip?

Wu Ming: Oh, the Dragon Boat Festival for .

They had teams from all over the world!

Harry: I’m planning a to Hong Kong next year.

I wonder whether June is a good time.

Wu Ming: Yes, if you want to see the boat races.

But it’s hot in June. That’s one thing I didn’t like.

Harry: Oh, I don’t mind hot .

Wu Ming: OK, then I think that June would be a perfect time for you to visit.


eat out a lot at least

five meals a day put on five pounds!

What else did you do ? a great place for shopping!

for sure a trip to+地点名词

That’s one thing I didn’t like

June would be a perfect time for you to visit.四、总结(引深探究 15分钟)





1. She said. “I have lost a pen.” →She said she had lost a pen.2. She said. “We hope so.” →She said they hoped so.

3. She said,“He will go to see his friend。”

→She said he would go to see his friend. (一般将来 → 过去将来)



Eg: “The earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth”, the teacher told me.

→ The teacher told me the earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth。


Eg:Jack said, “John, where were you going when I met you in the street?”

→Jack asked John where he was going when he met him in the street.


Eg: Xiao Wang said,“I was born on April 20, 1980.”

→Xiao Wang said he was born on April 20, 1980.


Eg:He said, “I get up at six every morning.”

→He said he gets up at six every morning.

⑤如果直接引语中的情态动词没有过去时的形式(例:ought to,had better,used to)和已经是

过去时的形式时,(例:could, should, would, might)不再变。

Eg:Peter said,“You had better come have today.”

→Peter said I had better go there that day.




成绩_____________ 一,英译汉(10%) 1.several____________ 2.stream_______________ 3.chest__________ 4.sandstorm__________ 5.law_____________ 6.escape____________ 7.divide_____________ 8.suppose__________ 9.shake_____________ 10,towel____________ 二,汉译英(30%)


2.废弃的,丢弃的______________ 3.聋的_______________ 4.行为,举止_____________ 5.水平线________________6.气体,煤气__________ 7.无礼的,粗鲁的_________ 8.距离______________ 9.打扰,扰乱______________ 10同意(名词)___________ 11.血液________________ 12.生产_________________ 13.虽然_____________ 14.沙漠______________ 15.点头_________________ 三,词组汉译英(30%)

1.天哪,啊呀_____________ 2.有害的________________ 3.一种,一类_______________ 4.听力丧失_______________ 5.结果________________ 6.砍倒__________________ 7.切断_______________ 8.酸雨_________________ 9.准时__________________ 10.把……分成……____________ 11.拿走______________ 12.到处,各处____________ 13.高血压______________ 14.一天天________________ 15.大量的,无数的____________ 四,句子汉译英(30%)


________________________________________________________________________________ 2.所有的花,草和鱼都消失了。

________________________________________________________________________________ 3.我不能忍受这里的环境。

________________________________________________________________________________ 4.许多肥沃的土地变成了沙漠。

________________________________________________________________________________ 5.你这么做真好(真善良)。

________________________________________________________________________________ 6.购物时你经常用什么类型的袋子?











本单元知识和能力目标:要求学生能够用英文表达四个季节以及每个季节可以做的事情,按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读相应对话及短文,并能将所学内容应用于实际生活。本节课的教学目标为:学生能够在图片的帮助下读懂短文并能完成短文下面所给题目;能够理解lots of,everywhere的意思,能够按照意群朗读短文;最后用写作的方式来介绍自己最喜欢的季节。




教学重点:体现在能读懂“Read and write”部分及选择和填空任务,复习本单元的主要词汇和句型。


6.教学方法选取 :任务型教学和PWP阅读教学模式


步骤1:Warm up: Sing the song:four seasons



Free talk:

T:What can you do in spring/summer/autumn/winter?

S:I can ...设计意图:复习本单元涉及到的短语,为本节课做准备。


Listen and answer the question:Which season do Robin like?


步骤4: Answer the question according to the passage.One picture by one picture.


步骤5:Fill in the blanks together.


步骤6:Listen and repeat.








步骤10:写作:My favourite season.



Talk about your favourite season.



评价方法: 教师对学生进行语言鼓励,奖励Sticker;

学生互相评价,用手势语言赞扬或鼓励彼此 ;



Unit2 B Read and write.

I like sping Because beautiful flowers

summer paint a picture

autumn lots of snow

winter white everywhere








二、教学方法: 任务教学法,学生中心教学法,多媒体教学 ,学案





Step1: 组织教学

Step2: 导入新课Ask the students: How many plants can yo name?


Then ask: How many parts do plants have? (引出新课)

Say: In lesson 10 we can find the answer.(2分钟)

Step3: Task1:(3分钟) Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.(听力材料见学案)

Task2: Reading:(10分钟)

Read passage1-passage5 and answer the following questions.




Task3: Ask two students to read passage1-passage5. Correct the prounciation.


Task4:Read passage1-passage5 again. Fill in the form.(表格见学案)(5分钟)

Task5:Ask the students to draw a plant and tell the plant parts and what they are for. Ask two students to say theirs.(6分钟)

Step4: T: 1. Today we have learnt plant parts and what they are for. Every day we eat many plants, such as: vegetables, rice wheat and so on. But we eat different parts of these plants. For example, a carrot is a root, we eat the leaves of cabbage.(展现胡萝卜和洋白菜的图片。)

Now work in pairs and fill in the form.(表格见学案。)

2. Ask a student to read the last passage . Explain the use of “billion”.


There are 60 billion people in the world.

Billions of people eat rice. (5分钟)

Step5: Summary: Ask the students to say what they have learnt in lesson 10.(4分钟)

Step6: Close your books and do the exercises.(7分钟)

Step7: Homework:1.Write a passage to introduce a kind of plant.

2. Prepare Lesson11.(1分钟)

Step8: Class is over.


above over

below under

billions of
