


直接引语 篇1

1.1 直接引语的概念

直接引语是一个语言学上的概念, 是指直接引用别人的原话。在新闻学的范畴之内, 直接引语是新闻写作之中的一个组成部分, 有着极其重要的意义, 在大部分的新闻报道中都是必不可少的, 在西方国家的新闻学之中更是有没有直接引语便不成新闻的说法。直接引语在新闻报道中的运用方法是把新闻人物说的话用引号引起来, 在新闻写作中直接引语一定要真实准确, 做到与新闻人物所说的原话一字不差。间接引语也是新闻写作中常用的一种写作方法, 间接引语是相对于直接引语的一个概念, 是指在新闻报道中用自己的话去转述新闻人物所说的话, 不用使用引号去引起来, 新闻工作从业者在日常的新闻写作中要注意区分这两个概念。

1.2 直接引语的使用现状

在我国的新闻报道中间接引语的使用非常普遍, 但是直接引语的使用率却是远远不够, 尤其是在比较重大的时政事件的报道写作中直接引语更是少见, 李希光教授就认为中国新闻文风的癌症是没有直接引语。我们经常能够在报纸上见到通篇使用间接引语来转述新闻人物的讲话以及重大的会议内容, 这样的方式几乎已经形成了我国新闻报道的惯例。对于广大的平面媒体受众来说这样千篇一律的僵化呆板新闻报道完全没有可读性, 很多原本故事性很强的新闻也是听不到人的声音, 导致愿意去读报纸看新闻的人越来越少, 核心传播力逐渐式微, 整个新闻行业的发展都受到影响。

1.3 我国新闻缺乏直接引语的原因分析

造成我国新闻业中直接引语缺乏的原因是多方面的, 其中意识形态层面的深层原因是最重要的原因。新闻本质理解的最直接体现要靠新闻写作去完成, 我国主流媒体的新闻写作中强调组织性和指导性, 常常以强势的话语风格去对受众形成灌输的姿态, 把整个新闻报道上升为一种缺乏个性色彩的普遍性集体意识。间接引语与直接引语相比显得更加不露声色, 广大新闻工作者会更喜欢使用间接引语, 久而久之, 这似乎已经成为了我国新闻界约定俗成的文风, 究其原因还是来自于意识形态层面的原因。

2 直接引语在新闻写作中的作用

2.1 增强新闻人情味、感染力

新闻报道的目的是为了传播给受众, 新闻写作的文风能否感染受众在一定程度上决定了这篇新闻报道的传播效果。在新闻语言中直接引语的运用可以让受众去感受新闻中说话者的真情实感, 这样的真实情感才能对读者有较强的感染力。对于重大时政题材的新闻报道, 很多新闻从业者都认为并不适合在新闻写作中使用直接引语, 但是笔者并不这样认为, 长久以来在我们的意识形态中政治新闻就应该是严肃而正式的, 其实这并不是新闻学本身对新闻写作的要求, 而是我们已经形成了这样的固定思维模式。但是事实证明, 严肃僵化缺乏直接引语的新闻报道越累越不能被受众接受了, 时代和社会的进步要求新闻要有更强的人情味和感染力, 只有这样才能使得我国的新闻文风能被更多的受众所接受, 新闻的传播效果才能最大化。

2.2 增强新闻真实性、现场感

实事求是是新闻报道必须要遵守的基本原则, 可是现在很多的新闻报道虽然是非常真实的新闻事件, 但是却会让受众感觉不到真实感, 是什么样的原因造成这样的情况出现呢?最直接的原因就是新闻写作的文风不能感染广大新闻受众, 直接引语在新闻写作中的巧妙运用是可以在很大程度上解决这一问题的, 在报道中直接引用新闻人物的原话, 可以让受众有一种身临其境的现场感, 这种现场感让受众感觉自己就是整个事件的亲历者一样, 可以与报道中新闻人物直接对话, 这种感觉必定会让受众觉得新闻一定是真实的。

2.3 展示人物个性色彩

我国的新闻报道严重的缺乏个性色彩, 我们能见到的新闻报道大多都是千篇一律的写作文风, 这样的新闻写作方式已经不能完全适应当前时代受众的阅读需求。所谓的个性色彩一方面就是在新闻写作中有自己区别于其他人的独特风格, 另一方面是新闻报道中出现的人物也要有生动形象的个性。新闻报道中出现的人物不能只是干瘪的新闻素材, 一个生动鲜活的形象才能被受众所接受, 直接引语在新闻写作中的使用可以让新闻人物活起来, 充满个性色彩。作为新闻从业者应该认识到在新闻报道中展现人物个性色彩的重要性, 在使用直接引语改变文风的同时还要总结分析其他的方式和方法。

2.4 深化新闻主旨

虽然直接引语在我国的新闻写作中运用并不是十分广泛, 但是少数一些有经验的记者还是会在报道中做很少的直接引语的运用, 来弥补陈述事实方面平铺直叙的不足, 新闻主旨也可以更加的深化。新闻报道的主旨要靠新闻当事人的话语去深化, 而在新闻写作中一定要用直接引语才能凸显该篇报道的权威性, 同时直接引语的运用还可以留给读者受众无尽的想象空间, 在受众读者的思考中新闻报道的主旨自然就会的到深化。

2.5 借口说话, 涵化立场

对于新闻工作者来说, 在新闻写作的过程之中经常会遇到自己想表达却又不便直接说出来的观点和立场, 这个时候直接引语就可以帮助写作者借助他人之口来表达自己的立场。

2.6 活泼版面, 美化新闻

新闻报道不同于文学创作, 其写作方式是有一定的规矩的, 主要是以连篇累牍的陈述性语言为主, 而且新闻报道的篇幅一般都很长, 间接引语在陈述性文字中适当的使用可以帮助新闻报道优化篇章结构, 缓解读者的视觉压力。直接引语在美化新闻、活泼版面方面有非常明显的作用, 往往几句直接引语的运用就可以让原本死气沉沉的报纸版面变得多姿多彩起来, 很多个性十足的群众语言可以使整个新闻事件更加生动活泼, 整个内涵也会得到极大的丰富。

摘要:网络已经成为重要的新闻媒介, 网络时代的到来给新闻写作提出了更多的要求, 新闻工作者在坚持新闻报道客观、公正、真实、准确原则的前提下, 要充分考虑到新闻写作文风的改变, 只有更加生动活泼的语言风格才能让更多的受众接受新闻传播的内容, 也才能让新闻传播的效果达到最佳。



直接引语与间接引语教案 篇2




②引用或转述别人的话时,采用两种形式:一是一字不改的将别人的话加以引用,这叫直接引语;二是用自己的话加以转述,这叫做间接引语。一般地讲,直接引语须放在括号内,间接引语不必用引号,而用宾语从句表达。例:She said“I was ill yesterday”.她说:“昨天我病了。”

→She said that she had been ill the day before.她说她前一天病了。⒉直接引语变为间接引语时,人称代词要根据转述人的立场作相应的变动。例:He said ,“I am busy.” →He said that he was busy.⒊间接引语中动词时态的变化。

① 当引述的动词为现在时形式,间接引语中的动词时态不变。例:Tom says,“Our teacher is kind to us.”

→Tom says that their teacher is kind to them.② 当引述动词为过去时形式时,间接引语中的动词作如下变化: 一般现在时→一般过去时现在进行时→过去进行时 现在完成时→过去完成时一般过去时→过去完成时 过去完成时→不变一般将来时→过去将来时 例:He said,“I will leave for Beijing tomorrow”.→He said that he would leave for Beijing the next day.注:如果所转述的内容表示客观真理或有表示某一具体时间的状语,间接引语中动词的时态不变。

例:The teacher said,“The earth is round.”老师说:“地球是圆的。” →The teacher said that the earth is round.例:He said,“I was born in 1980.”他说:“我出生于1980年。” →He said that he was born in 1980.⒋直接引语变为间接引语时,指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和表示“方向”动词的变化。(略)


直接引语是陈述时,间接引语用that 引导,但在口语中that可以省去。从句中的人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语和状语等要作相应变化。例:She said to me,“I came back an hour ago.”她对我说:“我一小时以前回来的。” →She told me that she had come back an hour before.注:直接引语是陈述句时,主句动词“said to sb”可以改为“told sb.”,也可不变。

⒍直接引语是一般疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句时,间接引语中用whether或if引导。① 原句若为一般疑问句时,则用whether或if转述;原句若为选择疑问句时,用whether…or../…or not;原句若为反意疑问句,则常用whether或if转述.② 疑问句语序变为陈述句语序。③ 主句中的谓语动词为said时,要改为asked;没有间接引语时,可以加一个间接宾语(如me ,him等)。④ 句末用句号。

⑤ 从句中的人称、动词时态和状语等也要作相应变化。例:He said,“Are you interested in English?”他说:“你对英语感兴趣吗?” →He asked me if/whether I was interested in English.⒎直接引语为特殊疑问句时,间接引语用原句中的wh-类的词引导。

如果直接引语是特殊疑问句,改为间接引语时,仍用原句中的wh-类的词引导,其余的变化同直接引语为一般疑问句中的情况②-⑤条一样。“What is your name?”he asked me.他问我:“你叫什么名字?” →He asked me what my name was.⒏直接引语是祈使句时,在间接引语中用作宾语补足语。

① 须将原祈使句中谓语动词变成不定式;如果祈使句为否定句,则用不定时的否定形式,即在不定式前面加not。

② 原主句谓语动词said 须改为asked,told,ordered,warned或advised等含有祈使意义的能带宾补的及物动词,③ 原句有“please”时,主句谓语多用asked(请求)。

总之,直接引语是祈使句,变为间接引语可用如下的结构:“主语+asked/+told/advised sb.(not)to do sth.”



直接引语与间接引语 篇3





“Shes preparing her lessons,” I said. 我说:“她正在准备功课。”

→I said (that) she was preparing her lessons. 我说她正在准备功课。

I said to them, “Hell get excited.” 我对他们说:“他会兴奋的。”

→I told them (that) he would get excited. 我告诉他们他会兴奋的。

He said to me, “Jane spent all her time doing that.”


→He told me (that) Jane had spent all her time doing that.


2.直接引语中的谓语动词为一般过去时,如果与一个具体的表示过去的时间(如in 2005, last week等)连用,在变为间接引语时时态可以不变

My father said to me, “I read the book in 1998.”


My father told me (that) he read the book in 1998.



The geography teacher said, “The earth turns around the sun.”


The geography teacher told us (that) the earth turns around the sun.




“Sorry, Ive broken your CD player,” he said to me.


→He told me (that) he had broken my CD player.


[注意]this, these要相应地变为that, those。



“Ill come and see you again this evening, Dave,” he said.


→He told Dave (that) he would go and see him again that evening.




当直接引语是陈述句时,间接引语常由that引导(口语中常可省略),引述动词常用say, tell等。同时,根据主句的情况,间接引语应在人称、时态及其他方面作相应的变化。例如:

The teacher said, “John, you must bring your book to the class tomorrow.” 老师说:“约翰,你明天必须把书带到班上来。”

→The teacher told John (that) he must bring his book to the class the following day. 老师告诉约翰第二天必须把他的书带到班上去。

He said, “I like this book.” 他说:“我喜欢这本书。”

→He said (that) he liked that book. 他说他喜欢那本书。

He said, “I saw her yesterday.” 他说:“我昨天看见她了。”

→He said (that) he saw her the day before. 他说他前一天看见她了。



She asked, “What is it? Whats going to happen now?”


→She asked what it was and what was going to happen then.


The boy was wondering, “How does the computer work?”

那个男孩想知道: “电脑是怎样工作的?”

→The boy was wondering how the computer worked.


“Why do you speak English so fluently?” I said to him.


→I asked him why he spoke English so fluently.


“Is there anything wrong, Madam?” asked the policeman.


→The policeman asked the woman whether/if there was anything wrong. 警察问那位妇女是否出什么事了。

“Its Mary, isnt it?” asked Jane. 简问道:“那个人是玛丽,对吗?”

Jane asked whether it was Mary or not. 简问那个人是不是玛丽。


当直接引语为祈使句时,主句中的谓语动词在变化时往往根据直接引语中的语气而改用ask, tell, order等动词,直接引语中的谓语动词则要变成动词不定式。例如:

“Please explain why youre two and a half hours late,” the boss said. 老板说:“请解释一下你为什么迟到了两个半小时。”

→The boss asked him to explain why he was two and a half hours late. 老板要他解释一下为什么迟到两个半小时。

“Dont give up!” Father shouted to him. 父亲对他喊道:“不要放弃!”

→Father told him not to give up. 父亲告诉他不要放弃。

“Get everything ready in half an hour,” the teacher said to the students. 老师对学生们说:“半小时内把一切都准备好。”

→The teacher ordered the students to get everything ready in half an hour. 老师命令学生们在半小时内把一切都准备好。


1. Where was Alices sister? →I dont know where ____.

A. was Alices sisterB. Alices sister was

C. is Alices sisterD. Alices sister is

2. What did he say? →I dont know what ____.

A. did he sayB. he saysC. he has saidD. he said

3. I dont know ____.

A. the reason why can beB. why the reason may be

C. what the reason can beD. the reason may be

4. I wonder ____. Which of the following is not the right choice?

A. whether she will be fit for the job or not

B. whether or not she will be fit for the job

C. if she will be fit for the job

D. what she will be fit for the job

5. Is Mr Wu from Beijing? →I dont know ____.

A. where does he come fromB. from where does he come

C. which city he comes fromD. what city does he come from

6. Can you make sure ____?

A. that he will come here today

B. when he will come here today

C. will he come here today

D. whether will he come here today

7. Do you happen to know ____?

A. where is her addressB. in which place is her addressC. what her address isD. the place her address is

8. Excuse me, but can you tell me ____?

A. where can I get to the libraryB. where I can get to the libraryC. how can I get to the libraryD. how I can get to the library

9. John asked me ____ to visit his uncles farm with him.

A. how would I likeB. if or not would I like

C. whether I would likeD. which I would like

10. Id like to know ____ Chinese.

A. when he began to learn

B. when did he begin to learn

C. when did he begin learning

D. for how long he began to learnKey(2)

直接引语及其在新闻语篇中的使用 篇4

在语言学中对于话语分析的研究已有不短的时间了, 而对于语篇转述的研究特别受到语言学家的关注。从现代话语/语篇分析的角度看, 这种研究存在两个局限性。首先, 它往往只关注对孤立句子之间的句法关系的描写;其次, 它往往只局限于对文学作品中的言语和思想转述进行分析研究, 对象几乎总是处在叙事语境中。现代的话语研究者早已注意到了这些局限性, 并试图在这方面的研究中另辟蹊径。直接引语则是转述性语言中重要的一则。


直接引语 (direct speech, DS) 和间接引语 (indirect speech, IS) 是最主要的两种转述方式, 前者指报道者忠实地引述别人的原话;后者指转述原话的命题内容, 而不拘泥于其措辞。与间接引语相比, 直接引语更具表达力, 因为它能准确地保留原话的风格, 而间接引语受其形式的限制, 常常无法保留原话的口语特征、习语和韵律特征。在文学作品中作者使用转述言语的最基本的目的是让读者直接或间接地听到各种人物的声音, 这也是新闻报道者的目的。在语篇中不管选择哪种形式的转述言语都会有利于造成语篇的巴赫金式的“复调” (polyvocality) 。另一方面, 无论是小说家还是记者, 他们都会根据各自的交际目的来以各种方式或多或少地介入被转述者和读者之间, 已达到通过被转述的话语来向读者施加影响, 取得自己希望产生的效果。因此, 探讨不同形式的转述言语的语用功能, 首先应考察转述者对被转述话语的介入程度以及通过这种介入所要达到的交际目的。Leech和Short、区分了转述言语的5种形式, 除了直接引语和间接引语之外还有自由直接引语 (free direct speech, FDS) 、自由间接引语 (free indirect speech, FIS) 和言语行为的叙述性报道 (the narrative report of speech acts, NRSA) 。


1. 转述言语与新闻语篇

新闻语篇按不同的标准可以做出不同的分类, 这些标准包括传播途径、传播内容、事件发生的地点和范围等。由于新闻语篇都必须经由新闻记者根据不同的报道形式即体裁来采写, 因而在对新闻语篇进行语言学分析时, 新闻体裁的分类似乎更加重要。Bell区分了四类新闻体裁; (1) 硬消息 (hard news) ; (2) 特写 (feature articles) ; (3) 特殊主题新闻 (special-topic news) ; (4) 标题 (headlines) 、小标题 (crossheads or subheadings) 、作者姓名 (bylines) 、图片解说 (photo captions) 。这种分类至少有两个问题。首先, 分类标准不一致。硬消息是按事件的性质分类的, 指比较严肃、具有一定时新性的客观新闻事实, 这些事实与我们的日常物质生活直接相关, 例如事故、冲突、犯罪、通告、发明和发现等。特写是按采写方式分类的, 它往往只摄取新闻事实中最富有特征和表现力的片断进行生动地刻画, 使之具有强烈的感染效果。而特殊主题新闻则是按内容分类的, 例子包括体育、商业/金融、艺术、农业、计算机等方面的新闻。其次, 第四种体裁中列举的例子通常只是一篇报道的构成成分, 其中一些 (如小标题和作者的名字) 从来不会单独构成一条消息。

张建把新闻体裁分为三大类:消息、特写和新闻评论。张建把消息又分为单一事件报道、综合报道、连续报道和深度报道。但从语言分析的角度看, 这样的分类并不合适, 因为无论是语言特征还是体裁特征这四类消息都可能存在很大的重叠性。例如连续报道是对重要事件或人物在一定时期内的追踪报道, 但是其每一次报道的方式与单一事件报道很可能没有多大区别;另外, 从综合报道和深度报道的区分中我们也很难看出两者在语言、语篇和体裁上有何明显的独特之处。辛斌教授将消息分为两类:事件消息 (event news) 和转述性消息 (speech-reporting news) , 前者旨在向读者展示发生于外部世界中的事件或现象, 后者则旨在“投射” (project) 重要人物、权力机构或社会组织的话语。事件消息和转述性消息又都可按其对话性程度分为独白式的和对话式的。在中文报纸新闻语篇中对官方话语 (如领导人讲话, 政党、政府或其他重要的社会组织机构的方针、政策、法律、法规等) 的转述性报道, 其独白性一般都比较高, 而对会见、会议、问答和座谈讨论等中各方话语的报道, 其对话性则比较高。表面看, 这也许取决于所报道的言语活动的性质, 但是本文的分析将表明事实并非完全如此。在转述性消息中, 报道者一般尽量避免个人的观点或评论, 以给人以忠实于原话的感觉。独白式的事件消息也可叫做“纯消息报道” (spot news或者straight news) , 一般篇幅都比较短, 三言两语, 点到为止。它与独白式的转述性消息一样都是直白式地描述新闻事件, 绝少报道者的评论, 目的是力求客观忠实地把事件呈现给读者;它们的主要区别在于前者报道的是发生了什么, 后者报道的是谁说了什么。对话式的事件消息采取夹叙夹议的方式, 就是在报道事件, 引用他人话语的同时或多或少地加入自己的评论。

2. 新闻语篇章中的直接引语

西方新闻界十分重视直接引语的使用, 学界是这样, 业界也是如此。在西方、特别在美国, 新闻院校都把直接引语的使用列为重要讲授内容。密苏里大学出版的《新闻报导与写作》一书中写道, “直接引语会使新闻增加色彩, 提高可信程度。使用直接引语, 你是在告诉你的读者, 你已使他们与说话人建立起了直接联系。一看见引号, 读者马上就会意识到:下面的内容必定非同一般。直接引语还能改变新闻的节奏和韵律, 使板着的面孔骤然‘多云转晴’。”在美国新闻界, 记者几乎无一例外地热衷于直接引语的采访和使用。可以这样认为:在美国, 没有直接引语, 新闻简直就构不成新闻。西方记者采写直接引语的热情非常执着。近几年来, 这一做法有逐渐加强的趋势。前几年, 美联社增开了一个“Quotable Quotes”的栏目, 专门播发当天重要人物发表的重要见解, 供读者作为新闻阅读, 也供研究人员作为可靠的新闻资料使用。

中文新闻写作有许多优点, 但在直接引语使用方面也存在缺憾。西方新闻写作有其弊病, 但它的长处也足可让人借鉴。

3. 使用直接引语的要求与注意事项

首先, 要更新观念, 勇于学习。应率先更新观念的是新闻院校的教师, 因为他们担负着培养新一代记者、编辑的任务。如果他们能更新观念, 那么, 他们的理论、他们的教材, 甚至他们布置的作业, 都会直接影响到青年学生, 这样培养出的人才自然会带着一种新的理念、新的方法投入新编实践。应更新观念的还有现职的编辑和记者。只有具备了“一定要在新闻中写入直接引语”的明确意识, 编辑才会向记者发出有关指示, 提出相关要求, 记者采访时才会不遗余力地去获取重要、精彩的直接引语。政府官员、新闻工作者应消除顾虑。官员们之所以不愿记者直接引述他们的话, 主要是怕承担责任, 害怕他们的话“带着引号”见诸报端后一旦有错而被上司追究。记者之所以不愿使用直接引语, 主要是怕惹麻烦, 担心会因引述不妥而招惹是非、带来法律责任。解决这些问题的关键在于培养一种强烈的事业心。既然选择为官, 就应为民做主, 份内的事就要勇於承担责任;既然立志以新闻报导为终身职业, 心里就应装着广大读者, 养成一种“舍得一身刮, 敢把皇帝拉下马”的无畏气概。若此, 诸如要不要在新闻里写入直接引语、敢不敢写入直接引语的问题就会迎刃而解。

其次, 是方法层面的事, 涉及问题较多, 关键是要搞清楚在什么情况下使用直接引语最为合宜。文无定法, 直接引语的写作也无固定模式。用与不用、在什么情况下使用、使用多少, 都要根据具体情况。

最后, 直接引语必须准确无误, 不可有违原文, 更不可违背原意。不能无中生有, 也不能断章取义。切不可为了使新闻显得完美无暇而修改自己的采访记录。不能杜撰新闻来源。提供新闻来源时, 应同时提供他的全名和职务。如引述内容较多, 用引号引起来的应该是最为关键的部份。写作引语时, 最好能将直接引语、间接引语和部份引语交错使用, 以增加文字的变化, 令文章显得错落有致, 层次分明, 生动活泼。

摘要:近年来, 应用语言学越来越受到人们的重视。由于话语分析的实用性比较强, 所以一直以来也是炙手可热的研究项目。而其中的直接引语的使用, 特别是在新闻语篇中的使用, 也已成为学界关注的焦点。本文则着重介绍直接引语以及在新闻消息中的具体使用。



[1]娄开阳.现代汉语新闻语篇的结构研究[M].北京:北京世图出版社, 2008.

直接引语转换为间接引语的技巧 篇5


1. 直接引语中的第一人称,一般转换为第三人称

如:He said,“I am very sorry.”→He said that he was very sorry.

2. 直接引语中的第二人称,如果原话是针对转述人说的,应转换为第一人称

如:“You should be more careful next time.”my father told me.→ My father told me that I should be more careful the next time.

3. 直接引语中的第二人称,如果原话是针对第三人称说的,要转换成第三人称

如:She said to her son, “I’ll check your homework tonight.”→ She said to her son that she would check his homework that night.

4. 人称的转换包括人称代词、物主代词和名词性物主代词等

如:He asked me,“Will you go to the station with me to meet a friend of mine this afternoon?”→He asked me whether I would go to the station with him to meet a friend of his that afternoon.

5. 口诀巧记人称变化



如:He said,“I am forty.”→ He said that he was forty.


如:He said,“Are you coming tomorrow?”→He asked me if I was coming the next day.


如:He said,“Is she an English teacher?”→ He asked if she was an English teacher.


如:He said,“Are you interested in English?”→ He asked us if we were interested in English.




如:“I am very glad to visit your school”,she said. →She said she was very glad to visit our school.

Tom said,“We are listening to the pop music.”→ Tom said that they were listening to the pop music.

Mother asked,“Have you finished your homework

before you watch TV?” → Mother asked me whether I had finished my homework before I watched TV.

He asked the conductor,“Where shall I get off to change to a No. 3 bus?”→ He asked the conductor where he would get off to change to a No. 3 bus.

“Why did she refuse to go there?” the teacher asked. →The teacher asked why she had refused to go there.


1. 直接引语为陈述句时,用连词that引导,that在口语中常省略。主句的谓语动词可用said,也可用told来代替。请注意,可以说said that, said to sb. that或者told sb. that,不可直接说told that。

如:He said,“I have been to the Great Wall.”→He said to us that he had been to the Great Wall.

He said,“I’ll give you an examination next Monday.”→He told us that he would give us an examination the next Monday.


如:The doctor said,“You are not seriously ill, you will be better soon.”→The doctor said(that)I was not seriously ill and that I would be better soon.

2. 直接引语为一般疑问句时,间接引语用连词whether或if引导,原主句中的谓语动词said要改为asked,语序是陈述句的语序,这一点非常重要。

如:He said,“Do you have any difficulty with

pronunciation?”→He asked(me) whether/if I had any difficulty with my pronunciation.

He said,“You are interested in English, aren’t you?”→He asked whether I was interested in English.

3. 直接引语为选择疑问句时,间接引语用whether...or...表达,而不用if...or...,也不用either...or...,语序是陈述句语序。

如:He asked,“Do you speak English or French?”→ He asked me whether I spoke English or French.

I asked,“Will you take bus or take train?”→ I asked him whether he would take bus or take train.

4. 直接引语为特殊疑问句时,原来的疑问词作为间接引语的连词,主句的谓语动词用ask(sb.)来表达,语序改为陈述句语序。

如:He asked,“What’s your name?”→He asked(me)what my name was.

He asked us,“How many car factories have been built in your country?”→He asked us how many car factories had been built in our country.

5. 直接引语为祈使句时,间接引语用带to的不定式表达,谓语动词常是ask, advise, tell, warn, order,request等。如ask sb. to do(用于肯定祈使句),ask sb. not to do(用于否定祈使句)。不定式短语中的时间状语、地点状语、人称及时态都做相应的变化。

如:He said,“Be seated, please.”→ He asked us to be seated.

“Do be careful with your handwritting.”he said →He told me to be careful with my handwriting.

“Don’t touch anything in the lab without permission”,the teacher said. → The teacher warned the students not to touch anything in the lab without permission.

6. 有些直接引语含有“建议”“劝告”的祈使句,可用suggest,insist,offer等动词转述。

如:He said,“Let’s have a rest.”→He suggested us having a rest.

He said,“Let me help you.”→ He offered to help me.

7. 当直接引语形式上是疑问句,有表示“请求”“建议”的意义时,可用ask sb. to do sth.,advise sb. to do sth.等形式转述。

如:“Would you mind opening the door?”he asked. →He asked me to open the door.

“Why not going out for a walk?”he asked us. →He advised us to go out for a walk.

8. 直接引语是感叹句时,可用what或how引导,也可用that引导。

如:She said,“What a lovely day it is!” → She said what a lovely day it was. /She said that it was a lovely day.


1. 当主句的谓语动词是一般现在时时

如:He always says,“I am tired out.”→ He always says that he is tired out.

2. 当主句的谓语动词是一般将来时时

如:He will say,“I’ll try my best to help you.”→ He will say that he will try his best to help me.

3. 当直接引语部分带有具体的过去时间状语时

如:He said,“I went to college in 1994.”→ He told us that he went to college in 1994.

4. 当直接引语中有以when, while引导的从句,表示过去的时间时

如:He said,“When I was a child, I usually played football after school.” →He said that when he was a child, he usually played football after school.

5. 当直接引语是客观真理或自然现象时

如:Our teacher said to us,“Light travels faster than sound.” →Our teacher told us that light travels faster than sound.

6. 当直接引语是谚语、格言时

如:He said,“Practice makes perfect.” → He said that practice makes perfect.

7.当直接引语中有情态动词should,would,could,had better,would rather,might,must,ought to,used to,need时

如:The doctor said,“You’d better drink plenty of water.” → The doctor said I’d better drink plenty of water.

He said, “She must be a teacher.” → He said that she must be a teacher.

He said,“She ought to have arrived her office by now.” →He said that she ought to have arrived her office by then.

She asked,“Must I take the medicine?” → She asked if she had to take the medicine.

聚焦直接引语与间接引语 篇6

1. 时态的变化:







【考点拓展】 如果直接引语是客观真理,变为间接引语时,时态不变。

The teacher said in class, “The moon moves around the earth.” → The teacher said in class that the moon moves around the earth.

2. 人称的变化


He said to me , “ I met your brother.” → He told me that he had met my brother .

【考点拓展】 如果说话者转述自己的话,人称不变。

I said to her , “ I have done my best .” →I told her that I had done my best .

3. 指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和少数动词等的变化

二、 各种句式的直接引语变间接引语:

(1) 直接引语是陈述句,变为间接引语,要把陈述句改为由that引导的宾语从句,并且that可以省略。

The manager said to me, “You must go there next week.” →The manager told me (that)I had to go there the next week.

(2) 直接引语是一般疑问句,变为间接引语,要把一般疑问句改为由if 或whether引导的宾语从句,并且时态等要作相应变化。

The teacher asked, “Has she read enough this week?” → The teacher asked whether/if she had read enough that week.

(3) 直接引语是特殊疑问句,变为间接引语,要把特殊疑问句改为由疑问词(who,what, how, why , when , where引导的宾语从句, 要把疑问句的语序改为用陈述句语序,并且时态等要作相应变化。

The villager said, “Who had they taken away when it got dark?” →The villager asked who they had taken away when it got dark.

(4) 直接引语是祈使句,变为间接引语,要把祈使句改为不定式短语形式,同时根据语气选用适当的谓语动词,动词常是ask / tell / order / advise / beg等。

The teacher said to the boys, “Pay attention to this.” →The teacher told the boys to pay attention to that.

The mother said, “Doctor, please save my son.” →The mother asked the doctor to save her son.

(5) 以Let’s 开头的祈使句变间接引语,要选用“suggest +动名词或+that从句”或advise sb + to do sth 或 + that从句。

I said to him, “Let’s start at once.” → I suggested to him that we (should) start at once.

(6) 将感叹句变为间接引语可用what 或how引导也可用that引导。

He said: “How fast he runs!” →He said how fast he ran.

Or: He said that he ran fast.



1. I shall tell him, “I have written to you and her twice.”

I shall tell him that_______have written to and_______twice.

A. I; him; herB. you; him; her

C. I; you; meD. you; me; her

2. Tom said to me,“ You look worried today.”

Tom told me that_______worried_______.

A. he looks; today

B. you look; today

C. we looked; that day

D. I looked; that day

3. The man thought,“ I shall take it back tomorrow.”

The man thought that_______take it back _______.

A. I shall; tomorrow

B. I shall; the next day

C. he should; tomorrow

D. he would ; the next day

4. —I’m going away for the weekend.

—But you_______you_______out to dinner with me.

A. say; will come

B. say; come

C. said; would come

D. had said; will come

5. Catherine said, “ What did he hear about a week ago ?”

Catherine asked_______about_______.

A. that he heard; a week ago

B. if he heard; the week ago

C. what he had heard; a week ago

D. what he had heard; the week before

6. She asked,“ Whose house will he break into next time?”

She asked whose house_______break into_______.

A. will he; next time

B. would he; the next time

C. he will; next time

D. he would; the next time

7. The teacher asked her, “Does the sun set in the west ?”

The teacher asked her_______the sun_______in the west.

A. if; setB. if; setted

C. whether; setsD. whether did; set

8. He said, “Catherine, introduce yourself to them, please.”

He_______Catherine_______to them.

A. asked; to introduce yourself

B. asked; to introduce herself

C. told; introduce yourself

D. ordered; introduce herself

9. He said to the soldiers, “Put down your guns at once.”

He_______the soldiers_______down_______guns at once.

A. ordered; to put; their

B. told; to put; their

C. ordered; put; your

D. told; put; your

10. She told me that her mother_______for several days.

A. has been illB. had been ill

C. is illD. was ill

11. “My brother joined the army in 1996.”Said Lucy.

Lucy said that her brother_______the Party in 1996.

A. joinedB. had joined

C. would joinD. joins

12. She said to us, “_______”

A. Not to make fun of me

B. Don’t to make fun of me

C. Never make fun of me

D. Not make fun of me

13. “Would you like coffee or tea?” asked Mother.

Mother asked me_______.

A. if I would like coffee and tea

B. if would I like coffee or tea

C. whether I would like coffee or tea

D. whether would I like coffer or tea

14. He didn’t tell me_______or go home.

A. whether to wait

B. if to wait

C. to wait

D. if that she shout to wait

15. He suggested_______the umbrella at the door.

A. to leaveB. to let leave

C. leavingD. to let

直接引语 篇7



将陈述句直接引语转换为间接引语时,只要记住“一连五变五不变”,便可万无一失。“一连”即一个连接词that; “五变”即人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和方向性动词做相应的变化;“五不变”是指五种时态不变的情况。

(1) “一连”



Amy said,“I won’t lose heart.”

→Amy said (that) she wouldn’t lose heart.

(2) “五变”

① 人称的变化



I said,“I can’t wait to see what Africa is like.”

→I said I couldn’t wait to see what Africa was like.


Mr. Smith told Jack,“You’ve won the first place in the singing contest.”

→Mr. Smith told Jack that he had won the first place in the singing contest.


Mary told me,“Mike is feeling much better.”

→Mary told me that Mike was feeling much better.

② 时态的变化



1. The girl said,“I’m sorry for being late for class.”

→The girl said that she was sorry for being late for class.

2. He said,“I have worked out the maths problem.”

→He said that he had worked out the maths problem.

3. “I have been waiting for an hour but he still hasn’t turned up.” she complained.

→She complained that she had been waiting for an hour but he still hadn’t turned up.

4. The big big wolf said,“I’ll be back again.”

→The big big wolf said that he would be back again.

③ 指示代词、时间状语、地点状语、方向性动词的变化


(3) “五不变”


① 直接引语有确定的过去时间。

The book said,“Zhu Yuanzhang founded the Ming Dynasty on January 23,1368 and selected Nanjing as its capital.”

→The book said that Zhu Yuanzhang founded the Ming Dynasty on January 23,1368 and selected Nanjing as its capital.

② 只着眼于转述事实,而不侧重动作先于转述动作的时间。

Alice said,“I found the city greatly changed.”

→Alice said that she found the city greatly changed.

③ 强调动作或状态现在仍然如此时。

Mom said,“I’ll be back tomorrow.”

→Mom said that she will be back tomorrow.

④ 当直接引语表示真理或经常性的特点时。

Our teacher said,“Light travels faster than sound.”

→Our teacher said light travels faster than sound.

⑤ 当直接引语是虚拟语气时。

James Bond said to his partner,“It’s time they were taught a lesson.”

→James Bond told his partner that it’s time they were taught a lesson.



Our head teacher asked me,“Do you remember your parents’ birthday?”

→Our head teacher asked me if/whether I remembered my parents’ birthday.



The mother said to the son,“Never throw your things about.”

→The mother told the son never to throw his things about.


一、 以下是电影《狮子王》中的一段对白,请你把下列直接引语的句子改成相应的间接引语形式。

Scar: Life’s not fair. I... shall never be King.

Zazu: Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?

Scar: What do you want?

Zazu: I’m here to announce that King Mufasa is on his way. So you’d better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning.

Scar: Zazu,you’ve made me lose my lunch.

Zazu: Hah!You’ll lose more than that when the King gets through with you.

二、 单项选择

1. Would you please tell me ________?

A. when he came back

B. when did he come back

C. whether would he come back

D. when does he come back

2. Jim asked Lucy ________ feed their cat.

A. didn’t forget to

B. isn’t forget to

C. not to forget to

D. not forget to

3. These pictures will show you ________.

A. what does our hometown look like

B. what our hometown looks like

C. how does our hometown look like

D. how our hometown looks like

4. I’d like to know ________ Japanese.

A. when you began to learn

B. when did you begin to learn

C. when did you begin learning

D. for how long you began to learn

5. Excuse me,but can you tell me ________?

A. where can I get to the library

B. where I can get to the library

C. how can I get to the library

D. how I can get to the library

6. Can you make sure ________?

A. that he will come here today

B. when he will come here today

C. will he come here today

D. whether will he come here today

7. Amy is eager to know ________ to help lose weight.

A. what to do

B. how could she do

C. whether she can do

D. what can she did

8. —What did the salesman say?

______ —The salesman asked you to read what some of your customers said.

______ —Sorry?

______ —The salesman said,“ ________”

A. What did some of your customers read?

B. how did some of your customers say it?

C. Read what some of your customers say.

D. Must you read what some of your customers said?



Scar told Zazu that life was not fair and he should never be King.

Zazu asked Scar whether his mother had ever told him not to play with his food.

Scar asked Zazu what he wanted.

Zazu said that he was there to announce that King Mufasa was on his way. And he advised Scar to have a good excuse for missing the ceremony that morning.

Scar told Zazu that he had made him lose his lunch.

Zazu told Scar that he would lose more than that when the King got through with him.

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