


重点词汇专练 篇1

一、夯实基础, 在克服心理障碍后无声切入

英语这门课程在小学就已经开设了, 但是小学阶段的英语学习大多是基础知识的学习, 甚至很多时候小学英语教师开展教学多以娱乐为主, 并没有很好地帮助学生树立起学习英语的正确心态和养成良好的习惯。而这种启蒙式的英语教学活动对学生的英语学习却会产生重要的影响。随着初中阶段学习任务的加重, 很多学生对英语学习特别是词汇学习有一种心理的畏惧, 由于词汇的学习量越来越大, 词汇之间的区分要求也越来越高, 使得不少学生对英语词汇的学习莫明地产生一种畏难心理。

例如:在《Teenage problems》这个部分的学习之中, 就涉及achieve获得, advice意见, balance平衡, give up放弃, hand in交、提交, on time准时, solve解决, valuable很有用的、很有价值等几十个词汇, 同时, advice意见, solve解决, valuable很有用的、很有价值等词汇的学习难度又较大。由此可见, 初中英语的词汇学习难度较大, 学生接受起来自然就需要在心理上做出更多的准备。

这种现象的存在必然会影响英语词汇教学效率的提升, 也会影响学生能力的发展。因此, 笔者认为针对这一点首先应该实施的就是要增强学生学习的自信心, 克服学生产生的预期心理障碍, 从而使得学生在面对英语词汇学习的时候能够从容不迫, 更加充满自信, 也能够更好地投入到相关学习之中。

二、巧抓重点, 在捋顺教学主次后逐步解读

客服心理障碍是词汇教学三步走的第一步, 也是基础的一步, 那么突出重点、分清主次进行讲解则是三步走中承上启下的关键一步。在教学中, 词汇教学关系着学生对词汇的理解和运用, 也影响着学生对词汇学习的兴趣养成与否。再者, 初中阶段的词汇学习已经具有一定的数量, 但是并非所有的词汇都需要进行详细的讲解。所以, 突出重点、分清主次开展词汇教学可以更好地实施教学, 也能够更好地推进教学的进步与发展。

例如:在《Teenage problems》这个部分的学习之中, achieve, advice, balance, give up, hand in, on time, solve, valuable这些词汇都是重点词汇。而advice这个词因为词性的区别在用法上也有较大的差异。而valuable这个词还应该和value进行区分学习。词汇教学中突出重点进行讲解, 需要将重点词汇的音、义、用等内容讲解透彻, 甚至对一些重点词汇有需要区分的地方还要进行比较教学。通过这样的方式就可以做到有主有次, 能够更好地开展教学活动。

这样将具体章节内词汇的主次分清楚之后, 不仅可以做好词汇教学工作, 还可以为其他的教学内容空出时间, 这样就能够有效地促进教学效率的发展, 从而更好地实现英语词汇教学效率的提升。

三、凸显效果, 在活用记忆方法后有效提升

词汇是英语这门交流语言的基础, 任何一个句子、一个对话场景都是一串串的词汇构成的。所以, 笔者认为教师应该认识到这一点, 并且抓住这一特点来创设词汇学习的语境, 从而帮助学生更好地记忆相关词汇。创设情境强化词汇记忆主要是要让学生在一个具体的语言情境或者是其他情境中去重新认识词汇, 并且在这种新鲜化的认识下更好地记忆, 而这种词汇在学生的记忆中也将更加深刻且生动。

例如:在名词部分的学习之中, 单复数是一个重点问题, 而且还涉及多种形式的单复数。其中一个部分就是常见的不可数名词, 在初中阶段主要有bread、chalk、furniture、meat、damage、news、rice、money等词汇。而如何让学生更好地记住这些不可数名词, 笔者认为可以按如下方式做。教师说:大家知道什么是不可数名词吗?学生摇摇头。教师说:从字面意思来看就是无法进行度量、数度的事物, 好比大家知道的meat, 我们都知道meat是用“斤、两”进入我们的生活的, 但是并没有谁可以很好地用“个”或者是别的名词来描述meat。因此, meat就成了一个不可数名词。就这样学生能够在这种形象化的生活情境和语言情境下更好地记忆meat这个单词。所以, 在教学中, 教师还应该更加积极地创设出除此以外的其他情境从而更好地促进词汇教学有效性的提升, 也让学生更好地记忆词汇。

当然, 做好词汇教学工作还有很多其他的方法, 词汇教学是英语教学的重要组成部分, 作为英语学习的基础知识点, 词汇教学本身的特殊地位使得词汇有效性教学这个话题成为一个永恒。所以, 其教学方法也值得每一个英语教师在教学实践中加以探究, 从而更好地做好教学工作。


七年级(下)重点词汇专练 篇2

1. Jack is very happy because his parents gave him a nice p____.

2. My friend Mike is m____ build, and he has short hair.

3. ——When did you a____ at school?

——At about 6:30 am.

4. Please don’t pick flowers when you are in the g____.

5. T____ is someone next to the pay phone. Go and see who it is.

6. The foreigner is learning our language and c____.

7. Look!The girl is holding a book in her hand. She is doing some r____ now.

8. Our teacher is s____ in class, but kind after class.

9. We had a wonderful dinner. The food was d____.

10. The T-shirt is too e____. I don’t have enough money to buy it.

11. His mother didn’t a____ with him, because she thought he was too young.

12. ——What does she think of talk shows?

——She can’t s____ them.

13. China is famous for the G____ Wall.

14. Liu Tao is the c____ of the basketball team.

15. Gansu is in the w____ of China.

16. This is a very big shop. We can buy all k____ of things.

17. My father w____ to work every day.

18. ——Who is your f____ movie star?

——Jackie Chan.

19. I w____ like to go with you. But I’m too busy now.

20. When spring comes, it’s g____ warmer and warmer.

21. Some vegetables are very c____ in summer.

22. Did you listen to the weather r____ last night?

23. Jim sits in the c____ of the classroom, on the right side.

24. Can you p____ the box on the desk?

25. The s____ is very dangerous(危险的). We have to ask for help.

26. Mr Green lost his w____ yesterday; there was lots of money in it.

27. Please speak l____. We can’t hear you.

28. Don’t stand o____. Come in, please.

29. After that, they didn’t f____ any more. They became good friends.

30. I have to go to bed b____ 9:00.


1. Can you ____ (描述) what the young man looks like?

2. My teacher often tells me how I can ____ (改进;提高) my English.

3. We usually have ____ (面条) for supper.

4. Try to ____ (放松) before you go to bed, then you’ll sleep well.

5. Excuse me, where is the ____ (图书馆)?

6. Look, how ____ (懒散的) the boy is!

7. There is ____ (没有什么) but a piece of paper in the box.

8. All the goods sell well in the supermarket. Look! It is ____ (拥挤的) now.

9. Jim can speak a few ____ (语言).

10. There are many people in the Science ____ (博物馆) on weekends.

11. Mary likes ____ (色彩鲜艳的) clothes very much.

12. There are many ____ (山脉) in the west of China.

13. Millie ____ (从不) watches TV from Monday to Friday.

14. The music ____ (听起来) beautiful. We like it so much.

15. ____ (每个人) in our class knows her.

16. My grandfather’s ____ (笑话) made us laugh loudly.

17. The children had ____ (开心) in the playground.

18. Do you know the two ____ (歌唱家) from America?

19. It is one of the most beautiful ____ (海滩) in China.

20. We have some great ____ (特色菜) for dinner.


1. His brother speaks ____(Japan).

2. There are five ____(library) in our city.

3. He is a football fan. He enjoys ____(play) this game.

4. A good ____(begin) makes a good ending.

5. We have great fun ____(see) so many animals in the zoo.

6. We hope ____(visit) the Great Wall.

7. The ____(box) are on the desk.

8. They are all ____(friend) to us.

9. Koalas usually eat ____(leaf) at night.

10. Lions are ____(danger) animals.

11. We often go ____(shop) on Sunday.

12. It’s a ____(sun) day today.

13. Look!The dog is ____(lie) on the ground.

14. The people on the beach are really very ____(relax).

15. Thanks for ____(tell) me the good news.

16. Jim likes ____(eat) noodles.

17. I like ____(potato).

18. Would you like ____(go) to the zoo with us?

19. What about ____(stay) at home?

20. She often practices ____(play) the guitar in the afternoon.

21. It’s time ____(have) lunch.

22. Who made the boy ____(cry)?

23. We decided ____(visit) the Palace Museum.

24. Would you mind ____(close) the windows?

25. They ____(water) the flowers yesterday.

26. Stop ____(talk)!It’s time for class.

27. I’m sorry for ____(be) late.

28. The boy can’t ____(look) after himself.

29. Mr. Green has two ____(child).

30. There are twenty ____(woman) teachers in our school.


1. Who ____(else/other) are you waiting for?

2. He came back a week ____(after/later).

3. ____(Every/Each) of them has an English-Chinese dictionary.

4. I sometimes ____(walk/go) to the factory, but I often go there by bike.

5. Yesterday we went to the park and we ____(enjoy/like) ourselves there.

6. Mount Tai is a ____(tall/high) mountain.

7. He often ____(take/spend) his time helping his parents on the farm.

8. We are going to visit the People’s ____(Large/Big/Great) Hall.

9. I want to ____(say/talk) to you about the coming trip.

10. Do you often ____(look/see/watch) a football match, Jenny?

[Key:Ⅰ.1.present 2.medium3.arrive4.garden 5.There 6.culture 7.reading 8.strict 9.delicious 10.expensive 11.agree 12.stand 13.Great 14.captain 15.west 16.kinds 17.walks 18.favorite 19.would20.getting 21.cheap 22.report 23.corner 24.put 25.situation 26.wallet27.louder28.outside 29.fight 30.by/before

Ⅱ.1.describe 2.improve 3.noodles 4.relax 5.library 6.lazy 7.nothing 8.crowded 9.languages 10.Museum 11.colorful12.mountains 13.never 14.sounds 15.Everyone 16.joke 17.fun 18.singers 19.beaches20.specials

Ⅲ.1.Japanese 2.libraries 3.playing 4.beginning 5.seeing 6.to visit 7.boxes 8.friendly 9.leaves 10.dangerous 11.shopping 12.sunny 13.lying 14.relaxed 15.telling 16.eating 17.potatoes 18.to go 19.staying 20.playing 21.to have 22.cry23.to visit 24.closing 25.watered 26.talking27.being28.look 29.children 30.women

七年级(下)重点句子专练 篇3

1. The students are having a good rest.

____ the students____ a good rest?

2. They’d like some rice.

____ they ____ rice?

3. Mike likes reading comic books.

____ Mike ____ reading comic books?

4. Mary put the cards in the box.

____ Mary ____ the cards in the box?

5. We usually had lunch at school last term.

____ you usually ____ lunch at school last term?

6. We have to listen to music outside the classroom.

____ you ____ to listen to music outside

the classroom?

7. It was rainy yesterday.

____ rainy yesterday?


1. Please watch TV after school.

____TV after school, please.

2. My sister does her homework every day.

My sister ____ her homework every day.

3. Let him help you fly the kite.

____ him help you fly the kite.

4. There are some books on the desk.

There ____ books on the desk.

5. Last week we visited the farm.

Last week we ____ the farm.

6. He can do his homework this afternoon.

He ____ his homework this afternoon.

7. His sister was at home last night.

His sister ____ at home last night.

8. The children are playing football now.

The children ____ football now.


1. His uncle is a doctor.

____ his uncle do?

2. It was windy and cold yesterday.

____ the weather yesterday?

3. The bank is across from the library.

____ the bank?

4. Because they are cute, I like them.

____ you like them?

5. She’d like to drink apple juice.

____ to drink?

6. The pizza is $98.

____ is the pizza?

7. I’m short and thin.

____ you ____?

8. They watched a talk show last night.

____ they ____ last night?

9. They are waiting for their teacher.

____ are they waiting ____?

10. I think the movies are great.

____ do you ____ the movies?

11. They played soccer last Sunday.

____ they ____ soccer?

12. We have to eat in the dining room.

____ you have to eat?

13. She doesn’t mind action movies.

____ does she ____ action movies?

14. She’d like beef and tomato noodles.

____ noodles ____ she like?

15. I am reading a book.

____ you ____?


1. You don’t put things on the floor.


____ things on the floor.

2. Does he like English?

(用Chinese 改为选择疑问句)

Does he like English ____?

3. Peter often watches TV in the evening. (用 now 改写)

Peter ____ TV now.

4. His mother is washing clothes now.

(用yesterday morning 改为一般过去时)

His mother ____ yesterday morning.

5. There is a woman teacher in our school. (改为复数)

There are ____ in our school.

6. Is there an elephant in the zoo?



7. Are those children doing their homework now? (作肯定回答)

Yes, ____.

8. Can’t you read it in English?



9. They didn’t like the pictures, either.


They ____ the pictures, ____.

10. He can’t speak Japanese. I think.


I ____ he ____ speak Japanese.


1. Where is Millie from?

Where ____ Millie ____?

2. Thank you for joining us.

____ joining us.

3. Can you tell me how to get to the bookshop?

Can you tell me ____ the bookshop?

4. How is the weather in summer?

____ the weather ____in summer?

5. Let me look at this comic book.

Let me ____ this comic book.

6. She would like some orange juice.

She ____ some orange juice.

7. What is your brother?

What ____ your brother ____?

8. Can I help you?

____ can I ____ for you?

9. How do you like your country?

____ do you ____ your country?

10. Mary is my friend. She is 14 years old.

My friend Mary is a ____ girl.

11. What else would you like?

What ____ would you like?

12. It’s time for dinner.

It’s time ____ dinner.

13. What about going for a walk with me?

____ going for a walk with me?

14. You’d better not talk to the driver on the bus.

Please ____ to the driver on the bus.

15. My favorite animal is the panda.

I ____ the panda ____.

[Key:Ⅰ.1.Are; having 2.Would; like any 3.Does; like 4.Did; put 5.Did; have 6.Do; have 7.Was it

Ⅱ.1.Don’t watch 2.doesn’t do 3.Don’t let 4.aren’t any 5.didn’t visit 6.can’t do 7.was not 8.aren’t playing

Ⅲ.1.What does 2.How was 3.Where is 4.Why do 5.What would she like 6.How much7.What do; look like 8.What did; watch 9.Who; for10.What; think of 11.When did; play 12.Where do 13.How; like 14.What kind of; would 15.What are; doing

Ⅳ.1.Don’t put 2.or Chinese 3.is watching4.washed clothes 5.women teachers 6.No, there isn’t7.they are 8.No, I can’t9.liked; too 10.don’t think; can

新目标七年级下期末词汇复习专练 篇4

1. Where is ____(you) pen pal from?

2. He’s from ____. He’s a ____(Japan).

3. China is a very ____(interest) country.

4. It’s a ____(fun) story.

5. I hope you have a good ____(trip).

6. He’s ____(friend) to us all.

7. We’re an ____(international) school for children of 5-10.

8. ——How’s the weather in Nanjing?——It’s ____(sun).

9. They are ____(strawberry) for Nick.

10. What do you think of sports ____(show)?

11. The street on Sundays is very ____(crowd).

12. The most ____(success) team in China is the women’s national team.

13. Let’s give them our best ____(wish).

14. Halloween started ____(hundred) of years ago in Britain.

15. Let’s go to the ____(child) Palace to learn the piano.

16. Nancy is ____(do) her homework now.

17. Thank you for ____(tell) me that news.

18. Look! A man is ____(lie) on the ground.

19. Do you like ____(read) newspapers?

20. Peter never stops ____(talk) after class.

21. Nobody ____(know) me here.

22. Do you often go ____(swim) in summer?

23. ——What ____ you ____(do) last weekend?

——I read books.

24. He put on his hat and ____(go) out.

25. ——How did they spend the holidays?

——They ____(visit) the farm.

26. I ____(write) a new song and practiced my guitar.

27. They enjoyed ____(listen) to Beijing Opera(京剧).

28. I found a small boy ____(cry) in the corner.

29. His words made me ____(feel) very happy.

30. What did you decide ____(do)?


1. Where is her pen p____ from?

2. Peter is fifteen y____ old.

3. ——He likes talking to people. He meets them every day and asks them questions. Is he a r____?

——Oh, yes, he is.

4. He has a camera. He wants to take p____ in the zoo.

5. Is the library b____ the hotel and the mall?

6. Where is the panda from? She is from C____. She’s very shy.

7. ——What does Lucy look like?

——She is tall. She h____ curly hair.

8. He’s good at singing. He’s a good s____.

9. I looked for my keys but I couldn’t f____ them.

10. ——Can I have a look? ——Yes.What do you s____?

11. Don’t listen to music in the classroom o____ the hallways.

12. ——I knew some western cultures.

——Do you know e____ cultures?

13. ——What language do the Chinese s____?

——They speak Chinese.

14. My favorite s____ in school is P.E. It’s fun.

15. Can you tell me the w____ to the post office?

16. I am a doctor. I work in the h____.

17. I____ is a wonderful net(网). We can look for things on it.

18. ——How’s the w____ in Shanghai? ——It’s warm and windy.

19. My friend, Gloria Green, doesn’t w____ glasses.

20. ——What s____ bowl of noodles would he like?

——He’d like a small bowl of noodles.


1. It’s down Bridge Street ____ the right.

2. There’s a small house with ____ interesting garden.

3. ——Why do you want to see the lions?——____ they’re cute.

4. What’s he waiting ____?

5. Sydney is a city in ____.

6. ——What does your friend look ____? ——She is medium build.

7. ——What did you do ____ your last vacation?

——I went to Australia with my family.

8. We can’t go out ____ school nights.

9. What club does Betty play ____?

10. We play ____ teams from other schools at weekend.

11. I played soccer on my computer ____ Saturday morning.

12. He was ill. He must stay ____ bed.

13. I do ____ homework from 7 to 8 in the evening.

14. Please don’t be late ____ school next time.

15. What ____ is your sweater? Is it blue?

16. This shopping basket is heavy, but that one is ____.

17. When English people meet each other, they often talk about the ____.

18. He’s my father, but I’m not his son. I am his ____.

19. The sign means ____.

20. Is your e-friend ____ or old?

21. The capital of England is ____.

22. ____ Day is on December 25.


1. I like going to the movies with my friends and ____(玩) football.

2. The pay phone is ____ ____(靠近) the library.

3. ____ ____(对不起), where’s the Fuhua Hotel?

4. I want to ____(成为) an actor.

5. Do you like to write ____(故事)?

6. The people are ____(真正地) very relaxed.

7.It's cold and ____(刮风).

8.____(西红柿) are my favorite vegetables.

9.Is there a restaurant on ____(第五) Avenue?

10. Do you often go to the ____(超市)?

11. How many ____(图书馆) are there in their school?

12. It ____(听起来) good.

13. Mike is my ____(堂兄). He's very helpful.

14. You can see a panda ____(在……之间) the lion and the penguin.

15. My father is medium ____(体形).

16. What kind of ____(饺子) would you like?

17. Did you like playing ____(排球)?

18. Can you lend me some ____(杂志)?

19. What do you think of the ____(太阳镜)?
