


动词的过去分词 篇1


1) 找出从句中谓语部分的主要动词。如:

When he finished his homework, he went out to play football.该从句中的finish是主要动词。

Although he has been told many times, he still couldn’t understand.该从句中tell是主要动词。

Because she didn’t know his telephone number, she had some difficulty getting in touch with John.该从句中know是主要动词。

The secretary worked into the late night, as he prepared a long speech for the boss.该从句中的prepare是主要动词。

2) 判断从句中的主要动词与主句主语的关系。若主句主语为从句主要动词的执行者, 考虑使用现在分词短语做状语;若主句主语为从句主要动作的承受者, 则考虑使用过去分词短语做状语。

在第一个句子中, 主句主语he是从句主要动词finish动作的执行者, 则finish考虑使用现在分词短语做状语。

在第二个句子中, 主句主语he是从句主要动词tell动作的承受着, 则tell考虑使用过去分词短语做状语。

在第三个句子中, 主句主语she是从句主要动词know动作的执行者, 则know考虑使用现在分词短语做状语。

在第四个句子中, 主句主语the secretary是从句主要动词prepare动作的执行者, 则prepare考虑使用现在分词短语做状语。

3) 去掉引导从句的连接词、主语以及谓语部分中的助动词, 主要动词变分词短语。上述四个句子可以变为:

Having finished his homework, he went out to play football. (因finish动作发生在主句动作go out动作之前, 所以用现在分词的完成式)

Told many times, he still couldn’t understand.

Not knowing his telephone number, she had some difficulty getting in touch with John. (因not know动作与主句动作have动作同时发生, 所以用现在分词的一般式)

The secretary worked into the late night, preparing a long speech for the boss. (因prepare动作与主句动作work同时发生, 所以用现在分词的一般式)

注意:过去分词短语实质上相当于现在分词的完成被动式。如上第二个句子也可以写成:Having been told many times, he still couldn’t understand.

当从句部分为否定意义时, not仍然要保留, 放在分词的前面即可, 如上述第三个句子。

若不能构成分词短语时, 则保留引导状语从句的连接词。如:

If it is heated, water can be changed into vapor.→If heated, water can be changed into vapor.

Though we are beaten, we are not discouraged.→Though beaten, we are not discouraged.

4) 若从句中的主动词跟句子主语构不成逻辑上的主谓关系或动宾关系, 则用分词独立主格结构来表达 (名词+分词) 。如:

As Miss Gao fell ill, Mr.Wang took her class instead.→

Miss Gao falling ill, Mr.Wang took her class instead.因为句子主语Mr.Wang即不是fell ill动作的执行者, 也不是fell ill动作的承受者。也就是从句中的主动词跟句子主语构不成逻辑上的主谓关系或动宾关系。选择现在分词还是过去分词, 看主动词跟从句主语的关系, 若从句主语是该动作的执行者, 选现在分词;若从句主语是该动作的承受着选过去分词。如:

If weather permits, we’ll go sightseeing.该从句中weather是permit动作的执行者, 所以要用现在分词。改写成:Weather permitting, we’ll go sightseeing.

When bread is cooked, you can enjoy it.该从句中bread是cook动作的承受着, 所以要用过去分词。改写成:Bread cooked, you can enjoy it.


1) a reply, he decided to write again.

A.Not receiving B.Receiving not C.Not having received D.Having not received (提示:主句主语he是receive动作的执行者, 且receive动作发生在decide to write动作之前, 所以要用现在分词的完成式, 否定词not放在—ing之前。选C)

2) The teacher stood there__ by the students.

A.to surround B.surrounding C.surrounds D.surrounded (提示:主句主语the teacher是surround动作的承受者, 所以要用过去分词。选D)

3) __from a plane, the park can be see n clearly.

A.Seeing B.Seen C.To see D.See (提示:主句主语The park是see动作的承受者, 所以要用过去分词。选B)

4) He had a wonderful childhood, __with his mother to all corners of the world.

A.travel B.to travel C.traveled D.traveling (提示:主句主语He是travel动作的执行者, 用现在分词。选D)

5) __the teacher’s suggestion, Tom finally found a way to settle the problem.

A.Following B.To follow C.Follow D.He followed (提示:主句主语Tom是follow动作的执行者用现在分词, 选A)

摘要:在非谓语动词的学习中, 很多学生对现在分词和过去分词的用法感到迷惑不解, 在应用的时候很容易混淆。本文就现在分词和过去分词做状语帮助学生理清学习思路, 找出状语从句和分词短语做状语的转换方法, 帮助学生快速有效地掌握其用法。

动词过去分词练习1 篇2


look______ _______ _______

help_______ ________ ________ decide________ _________ ________ use_______ ________ _______ dance_______ _______ _________

finish________ _______ _______ dance_______ _______ _______

live______ ________ _______ study______ ________ ________

plan________ ________ _______ travel_______ _________ ______

arrive_____ ______ ________

drop________ _______ _______

beg______ ________ _______ carry_______ ____ _______ 2.不规则变化 A-A-A cost_____ ______ ______

cut_______ ______ ______ hurt_______ ______ _______

let_______ _______ ______ Put_______ _______ _______

read________ _______ _______ Set_______ _______ ______

shut________ ________ _______ Spread_______ _______ _______

hit________ _______ _______ A-B-B bring______ _______ ______

build_______ ______ ______ burn______ _______ _______

buy_______ _______ _______ catch_______ ________ ________ dig_____ ______ _______ dream________ ________ _______ feel_______ _____ _______ fight_______ ________ ______

find______ _______ _______ get_______ ________ _______

hang________ _______ _______ have______ ________ _______

hear________ _______ _______ hold_______ ________ ______

keep_______ _______ ________ lay_______ _______ ________

head_______ _______ ______ learn______ ______ _________

lend________ ________ _______ leave______ _______ ________

light________ ________ _______ lose________ _______ ______

make______ ______ ______ mean_____ _______ _______

meet_______ _______ _______ pay______ ________ ________

say________ ________ ________ sell_____ ______ _____

send_______ _______ _______ shine_______ ______ _______

sit_______ ______ ________ sleep_______ _______ _______

smell______ ______ ________ speed______ ______ ________

spell_______ ________ ______ stand_______ ________ _______

stick_______ ________ _______ teach______ _________ ________

tell_______ _______ ________ understand_________ __________ ____________ think_______ __________ _______ win_____ ______ ________ A-B-C be__________ ________ _______

bear_________ ________ _______ begin_______ _________ ________ blow_________ _________ ____ break_________ _______ ________ choose______ _________ ______ do______ _______ ________

draw________ _______ ______ drink_________ _________ _ ______ drive_______ ________ ________ eat_________ _________ _______

fall________ _________ _______ fly________ __________ _______

forget_______ _________ ______ give______ ________ _________

go________ ________ ________ grow________ ________ ________ hide_______ ______ ________ know________ ________ ________ lie_________ _______ _______ mistake________ ________ _______ ride________ ________ _______ see______ _________ _________

shake_________ _________ ____ show_____ ______ _________

sing________ _______ _______ speak_________ ________ _______ steal_______ _______ _______ swim_______ ________ _______

take________ _________ ______ throw________ ________ _______

动词的过去分词 篇3

2. He turned around and disappeared in the distance, (避免遇到我). (avoid)

3. The young mother stood there

(看自己的孩子玩耍) with great satisfaction. (watch, play)

4. (先参观了) stadium, the foreign visitors were led to the school library. (show)

5. (当问到) whether the earth went around the sun, the boy was laughed at by all. (ask)

6. (被杀) by sharks was a common phenomenon in this area at that time. (kill)

7. With a local guide (带领他们), the tourists from the mainland avoided being cheated by the street traders. (lead)

8. Cells either divide too fast or at a wrong time, (使身体运转很难) properly. (make, it)

9. A kid (学步) often falls, so parents always watch over them closely. (learn)

10. (能够说英语) gave him an advantage over other employees and at last he was chosen. (able)

11. She stepped back (显得很惊讶) and put up her hands, as if in defense. (appear)

12. (得知他的妈妈病了), Hurry rushed out of the classroom immediately and hurried back. (tell)

13. (对他的作文很满意), the teacher praised him in class. (satisfied)

14. (考虑到环境) we live in, the waste can’t be thrown away around directly. (think)

15. (因为写得匆忙), this article was not so good as these he had written before. (write)

16. There (没有) enough experience, I failed to meet the requirements and I wasn’t offered the position. (be)

17. I was caught in a heavy traffic jam and felt quite anxious, (想着自己是否能到机场) in time. (wonder)

18. With a lot of courses (上课), little Jimmy was reluctant to get up in the morning. (attend)

19. (看见他倒在血泊中), I dialed 120 straight away. (see)

20. (讨论解决方法) to the problem for several days, we finally reached to the plan raised by Mr. Smith. (discuss)

21. When (把自己和我同桌比较), I found I still had a lot to improve. (compare)

22. When (问道年龄), the beautiful girl smiled politely and kept silent. (ask)

23. (坐在沙发上), he fixed his eyes on the TV screen. (seat)

24. Crazy fans gathered in front of the gate of the 5-star hotel, (希望见到这位影星). (hope)

动词的过去分词 篇4

1. 作定语

1) 持续性动词过去分词和及物动词现在分词的被动式都可以当定语, 但两者在时间关系上是有差别的。如果定语所表示的动作是在谓语动词表示的动作之前发生或者是没有一定的时间性, 一般用过去分词。例如:

This is his written promise.


I have got a radio made in shanghai.


如果定语所表示的动作在说话时正在进行或是与谓语所表示的动作同时发生, 则一般用现在分词的被动式。例如:

The bike being repaired is mine.


The problem being discussed is of vital important.


2) 现在分词被动式当定语一般只能置于被修饰的名词之后。例如:

Is this book being written?


The house being built is our reading-room.


3) 短暂性动词的过去分词可以作定语, 短暂性动词的现在分词被动式一般不可作定语。例如:

Right:The book bought yesterday is very interting.

Wrong:The book being boughtyesterday is very interesting.

4) 不及物动词的过去分词可以作定语, 表示主动的、完成的意思。例如:

He is the comrade come from Beijing.


The escaped prisoners were captured.


2. 作宾语补足语

1) 在使役动词have, get等后一般用过去分词而不用现在分词被动式。例如:

I must have these printed.


Have you had your watch stolen?


2) 在感观动词see, hear, feel, find等后作宾补的分词, 如果表示完成意思的就用过去分词, 如果表示说话时正在进行的动作, 或是与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生, 则用现在分词的被动式。例如:

I find his room cleaned.


I heard the song being sung.


3. 作状语


Combined with practice, the theory is easy to learn.

理论只有与实践相结合, 才容易学到。

Being combined with practice, th theory is easy to learn.

但是在这种情况下, 过去分词用得较多, 现在分词被动式用得甚少。如果强调这个动作是此刻正在进行的, 或是与谓语表示的动作同时发生的, 我们可以用现在分词的被动式形式。例如:

Being asked to sing af song, she couldn’t very well refuse.

有人请她唱支歌, 她不好拒绝。

Being protected by a tombstone he felt be was quite safe.

有墓碑掩护着, 他感到很安全。

注意:如果这个动作先于谓语动词表示的动作, 可以用完成时的被动式。例如:

Having been experimented several times, this new product wil be put into mass production.

经过数次试验后, 这种新产品将投入批量生产。

Having been invited to speak, I’ll start marking preparations tomorrow.

由于应邀讲话, 明天我将开始作准备。

如果不强调这个动作的时间性, 可用过去分词。例如:

Confined to bed, he needed to be waited on in everything.

他卧病在床, 什么事都需要伺候。

United as one, they are fighting a battle.


4. 作表语

及物动词和不及物动词的过去分词都可以作表语, 但现在分词被动式不可作表语。如可以说:He is married.而不能说The tree is fallen.可以说:He is being married.而不能说:The tree is being fallen.

动词的不规则过去式和过去分词表 篇5



cost cost cost 花费

put put put 放下

read read read 读(读音是ABB型)

hurt hurt hurt 伤


beat beat beaten打


come came come来

become became become变



burn burnt burnt燃烧

learn learned/learnt learned/learnt学习


build built built建筑

lend lent lent借给


pay paid paid付

辨明感官动词分词 巧做高考试题 篇6

原文如下:“Did I do something wrong?Don’t you love me any more, Mom?”were just a few of the questions he threw at me as I 40 asked him what was wrong.选项如下:40.A.interestingly B.bitterly C.politely D.laughingly正确选项是D。学生很容易排除B, C两个选项, 但是很多考生错选A项。因为从语境上分析既可以选择A.interestingly (有兴趣) 因为孩子突然打电话询问“妈妈难道我做错什么了吗, 难道妈妈不爱我了吗?”作为母亲当然有兴趣想知道;也可选择B.laughingly (笑着) , 从而体现妈妈对孩子的爱。为什么不能选用interestingly?此题的高明之处在于, 看似辨别两个副词的语意, 其实是通过构词法考查学生对现在分词和过去分词灵活运用。如果将A项interestingly改为interestedly, 那就对了。v.+ing+ly和v.+ed+ly的区别也就是现在分词v.+ing和过去分词v.+ed的区别。再看更多有关现在分词和过去分词构成的副词的例子:1.She waved excitedly as the car approached.意思是:She was excited as she waved.副词excitedly修饰动词wave, 表示主语人的感受。2.They were excitedly discussing plans for the vacation.意思是:They were excited when they were discussing plans for the vacation.副词excitedly修饰动词discuss, 表示人的感受。3.The site is interestingly designed and appears like a puzzle at first visit.意思是:The design is interesting.副词interestingly修饰动词design, 表示事物所具有的性质。4.Interestingly enough, they were born on the same day, in the same month, and in the same year!意思是:That they were born on the same day, in the same month, and in the same year is interesting.副词interestingly修饰副词enough, 表示事物所具有的性质。

下面谈一谈分词中和感觉有关的及物动词的现在分词和过去分词的区别。在词性上他们都保持了形容词特征, 现在分词往往表示主语所具有的特征, 过去分词往往表示主语所处的状态。在语义上, 现在分词往往表示主动意义, 它所修饰的人或者物是分词动作的执行者, 及令人有某种感觉, 有“令人……”的含义。过去分词含有被动含义, 即人被引起某种感觉, 有“感到……”的意思。现在分词多用来指事或物, 过去分词多用来指人。例如The question puzzled the boy.It means the question is a puzzling question.It is a puzzle to the boy.So the boy is puzzled.人的声音或者表示表情的名词如:voice, cry, scream, looks, steps, smile, face也常用过去分词修饰, 以表示人的感受。例1:Getting such a good job, he gave me a satisfied smile.意思是:The smile told us that he was satisfied.例2:His voice may sound excited.意思是Hi s voice told us that he is excited例3:There was an excited look on his face.意思是The look on his face toldus that he was excited.

试辨析the puzzling boy和the puzzled boy的区别。puzzling adj.令人困惑的;puzzledadj.感到困惑的。The puzzling boy means the boy is puzzling.表示这个男孩是令人困惑的。有让人费解的性质。The puzzled boy means the boy is puzzled.表示这个男孩是困惑的, 强调孩子的感受。例如:He stood there watching with puzzled despair.这里不用puzzling, 因为despair (失望) 体现了he (他) 困惑的感受, 表示他束手无策地站在那儿看着。


moving exciting

satisfying interesting

moved excited

satisfied interested

这类感官及物动词是高考考点, 现在分词和过去分词的区别不仅体现在作定语上, 还体现在作表语、状语、宾语补足语上。这就使非谓语动词略显复杂。例如:

(2007江苏) He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them______in his lectures.

A.interested B.interesting

C.interest D.to interest

答案:A此题考查make后加宾语补足语的用法。them是非谓语的逻辑主语, 根据them可判断用interested, 表示“them”感兴趣的感受。It means that they are interested.

(2003北京春季卷35) Mr.Smith, _____of the_____speech, started to read a novel.

A.tired;boring B.tiring;bored

C.tired;bored D.tiring;boring

答案:A.因为这个无聊枯燥的演讲, Mr.Smith感到厌烦。It means the speech was boring.boring作定语表示演讲的性质是令人枯燥的, Mr.Smith was tired of the speech.tired of作原因状语, 表示Mr.Smith的感受。

由以上诸例, 我们可以看到, 感官类动词在日常生活和交际中使用频率很高, 非常容易混淆, 是近年高考的一个重要考点, 我们有必要予以足够的重视。而要学好感官动词并辨别清楚其用法, 是离不开具体语境的。首先要分清逻辑关系, 在句子中找准主语, 或者逻辑主语, 看是表示令人有某种感觉, 还是表示具有某种感受, 再确定恰当的形式。要在具体的上下文中反复揣摩, 比较现在分词、过去分词的区别:看是表示主语所具有的特征, 还是主语所处的状态;是表示主动意义, 还是含有被动含义;是它所修饰的人或者物是分词动作的执行者, 令人有某种感觉, 有“令人……”的含义, 还是与中心词构成逻辑上的主谓关系, 即人被引起某种感觉, 有“感到……”的意思;是多用来指事或物, 还是多用来指人。弄清了这几个方面的区别, 再去做题便是迎刃而解了。

动词的过去分词 篇7

《普通高中英语课程标准 (实验) 》指出:英语课程改革的重点是改变英语课程过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解和传授, 忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养倾向, 强调课程从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发, 倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径, 发展学生的综合语言运用能力。这无疑是正确的, 但在教学实践中, 如一味强调情景教学等活动, 而过于淡化语法教学, 也会走到另一极端, 这样不利于英语教学。非谓语动词是高中英语二年级的一个重要语法项目, 其中, 分词作状语是考查的重中之重。由于非谓语动词的教与学存在巨大的困难, 笔者结合自己教学的实际, 尝试运用“比较法”对分词作状语这项语法进行教学, 结果发现, 通过“比较”的学习, 学生能更直观、更容易理解并能准确地运用这项语法, 教学实践的效果不错。


所谓“比较法”是指通过观察、分析, 找出研究对象的相同点和不同点, 从而认识实物的一种基本方法。比较教学法, 则是指在具体教学过程中, 作为传授者有意识地将不同的知识点放在一起进行比较, 通过纵横、正反等对比找出比较对象类似或是不同之处, 让学生在比较中学习掌握知识的一种教学方法。结合到英语教学中的比较法, 是指教师在英语教学中, 针对学生极易混淆而难以掌握的知识点, 利用教学内容相互联系和区别, 采用“异中求同, 同中求异”的比较教学法加以分析和讲解, 激发学生学习英语的潜能, 使学生能在有限的教学时间里准确掌握知识与技能, 尽快达成教学目标, 打造高效的英语课堂教学。


“求同辨异”是比较法教学中最基本、最主要的方法, 也是比较法最主要的功能。比较法教学法包含“求同法”和“求异法”。所谓“求同法”就是带着一定目的和问题去探求不同事物中相同的部分;相反, 所谓“求异法”就是从诸事物、诸要素间探求其不同的部分。以下, 笔者以北师大版高中英语第四模块非谓语动词之分词作状语教学设计为例来进一步说明“比较法”对该语法教学的指导。




教学背景分析:非谓语动词是高中英语二年级的一个重要语法项目, 非谓语动词理论内容抽象、种类多样、结构的建立形式复杂, 习题设置难度大, 于是成了教师难教、学生难学的内容。其中, 分词作状语是考查的重中之重, 也是出题较灵活、较难把握的一项语法项目。

(一) 教学目标

知识技能目标:学生可以掌握并在相应的语境当中正确使用doing, done, having done及having been done作状语。

过程与方法目标:在本课教学过程中, 将运用“发现法”“比较法”“合作探究”等教学方法, 激活学生原有的知识, 通过观察—发现—归纳—体验—操练等教学环节使学生能循序渐进地掌握新知, 并在活动中运用。

情感态度目标:通过课堂活动与评价使学生保持学习兴趣, 提升学习信心。

(二) 教学重点

1. 分词的形式。

2. 区分使用doing, done, having done, having been done的条件。

(三) 教学难点

1. 观察、比较并归纳doing和done的异同。

2. 观察、比较并归纳doing和having done的异同。

3. 观察、比较并归纳done和having been done的异同。

(四) 教学步骤及说明

板块1:以旧引新, 激活学生已有知识储备, 建立新旧知识的链接点


1. Being ill, he couldn’t go to school.

2. Given more time, I could work out the problem.

3. Having finished my homework, she returned to bed.

4. Having been bitten twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters.

活动2:思考并合作探究为什么有的用doing和done, 有的用having done和having been done。

此活动的目的是引导学生关注分词的形式, 以及思考如何区分并正确使用不同形式的分词作状语。

板块2:归纳实践、协作学习, 引导学生观察语法现象并归纳语法规则, 主动构建新的语法认知模式

活动3:给出两组句子, 让学生观察并结合自己原有的知识, 通过小组活动的方式归纳分词doing和done的异同。

1.As soon as we heard the news, we got excited.

改写为Hearing the news, we got excited.

2.If you work hard, you will succeed.

改写为Working hard, you will succeed.

3.If it is seen from the tallest building, the whole city of Beijing looks very beautiful.

改写为Seen from the tallest building, the whole city of Beijing looks very beautiful.

4.Although he was praised by the teacher, he still felt unhappy.

改写为Praisedbyhisteacher, hestillfelthappy.

此活动的目的是通过四个句子的观察和改写发现, 当主句的主语和从句的主语一致时, 若主语和从句的动词是主动关系用doing;若是被动关系用done。并且doing和done都既可以用来描述现在发生的事情, 也可以用来描述过去发生的事情。


1.__________ (hear) the good news, we couldn’t help crying.

2.__________ (encourage) by the teacher, they studied harder.

3.__________ (work) from morning till night, he didn’t feel tired.

4.__________ (ask) why he was absent, he hung his head in shame.

此活动的目的是通过这四个句子的练习, 检验学生对doing和done的掌握情况, 运用所学的新知识。

活动5:给出两组句子, 让学生观察并结合自己原有的知识, 通过小组活动的方式归纳分词doing和having done的异同。

1.When she was watching TV, she heard the noise.

改写为Watching TV, she heard the noise.

2.When I studied abroad, I picked up driving.

改写为Studying abroad, I picked up driving.

3.After I had finished my homework, I went out to play basketball.

改写为Having finished my work, I went out to play basketball.

4.After she had eaten at the restaurant before, Tina didn’t want to eat there again.

改写为Having eaten at the restaurant before, Tina didn’t want to eat there again.

此活动的目的是通过对四个句子的观察和改写发现, 当主句的主语和从句的主语一致时, doing和having done都表示的是主语和从句动作之间的主动关系;但doing强调主句的动作和从句的动作同时发生;而having done强调从句的动作在主句的动作之前发生。

活动6:新知识的运用, 改写下面的句子。

1.While he is watching the program, he makes notes.

2.After I had worked hard all day, I went to bed early.

此活动的目的是通过这两个句子的练习, 检验学生对doing和having done的掌握情况, 并学会运用所学的新知识。

活动7:给出两组句子, 让学生观察并结合自己原有的知识, 通过小组活动的方式归纳分词having been done和done的异同。

1.Because she was hit by a car, she had to stay at home.

改写为Hit by a car, she had to stay at home.

2.After we had been shown around the lab, we were taken to the library.

改写为Shown around the lab, we were taken to the library.或Having been shown around the lab, we were taken to the library.

3.Because he had been told many times, he finally understood it.

改写为Having been told many times, he finally understood it.

此活动的目的是通过三个句子的观察和改写发现, 当主句的主语和从句的主语一致时, have been done和done都表示的是主语和从句动作之间的被动关系;但done既强调主句的动作和从句的动作同时发生, 又可表示从句的动作先于主句动作发生;而having been done强调从句的动作在主句的动作之前发生, 并常常与many times, many years, twice等词搭配使用。


1.________________ (catch) in the rain, he was all wet.

2.________________ (discuss) by our leaders for a week, the plan was carried out.

此活动的目的是通过这两个句子的练习, 检验学生对having been done和done的掌握情况, 并学会运用所学的新知识。

板块3:拓展运用, 注重意义建构, 在交际中巩固语法, 强化情感体验

活动9:层层递进式的练习, 在实践中巩固并运用新知。

Task 1:改写句子

1.When they saw their teacher, the students stood up.

2.Because he was moved by her story, he decided to help the poor girl.

3.After she had been told there was no danger, she returned to bed.

4.Since she had stayed with the dog for a long time, she couldn’t stand leaving it alone.

Task 2:看图说话

Picture 1

Play diabolo (空竹) carefully/Li Xiangyi/not notice/his classmates go to the dining hall

Picture 2

Guide/by/our teacher/we/practice wrapping/in our classroom

Picture 3

stand straight/in the sun/for two hours/felt tired and thirsty/the young solider

Picture 4

Follow/our geography teacher/Li Jiaming/felt proud of/a volunteer

Task 3:翻译句子, 情境运用

1.听到这个好消息时, 我们都兴奋地喊起来。

2.在街上走着, 他听到有人叫他。

3.从龙山 (the Dragon Hill) 山顶上看, 我们的学校非常美丽。

4.被问及名字的时候, 这个男孩保持沉默。

5.被记者 (journalists) 跟踪很多天以后, 他突然消失了。

6.被寻找 (search for) 了多年后, 那个小男孩终于回到家里。



在上述教学设计中, 以四大板块中的共9项活动为教学组织的流程安排, 各项活动的设计展开都基于学生已有的语言知识基础, 所有活动安排都遵循了“最近发展区”原则, 在学生实际发展水平上, 根据教学内容的需要, 设计了学生通过体验、合作、实践能够达到的新的发展区。教师引导、支持学生感受、理解新知识, 并帮助学生在小组、同伴的协作下, 达到新发展要求。在教学活动开展过程中, “比较法”英语教学法渗透在本节课的许多环节中。

1.求同法:以四个分词作状语的句子作为切入点, 通过观察发现, 四个句子中的分词在句子中的作用都相当于一个状语从句, 从而了解分词作状语相当于一个简单化了的状语从句。在对三组不同形式的分词进行比较时, 总是发现“doing和done”“doing和having done”“having been done和done”这三组分词的使用条件的相同点, 让学生处于一种主动状态, 积极地接受信息, 因而促进了对这一语法现象的正确理解。

2.求异法:从状语从句入手, 通过用不同的分词来改写不同的状语从句的比较, 让学生在具体情境中发现并归纳“doing和done”“doing和having Done”“having been done和done”这三组分词作状语的区别, 并在练习中加以运用。


语法教学一直是语言教学的一个难题, 在把英语作为外语进行教学时这个问题显得尤其突出。英语语法规则较多而且特例也很多, 所以学生在学习英语语法时常常觉得枯燥乏味而且不容易理解。为了提高学生的学习兴趣, 在当前的英语课上, 从交际教学的角度出发, 教师多数只是把英语语法串讲一遍, 很少提及汉语并将两者进行对照讲解。其中的原因大概是:认为汉语在英语学习中起着干扰作用, 在英语课上尽量避免提及汉语, 学生就能够更加集中注意力去记忆英语语法, 从而学到地道的英语。汉语语法和英语语法共性不大, 因而没有进行对比的必要, 而通过游戏或者活动进行语法教学可以提高学生学习兴趣, 从而自觉进行英语语法归纳总结。然而, 根据美国著名教育心理学家加涅的学习层级理论, 学习任何新的知识都需要先前的学习, 而原有的知识必然会对新的语言系统的掌握产生影响。如果学生已经具备相关的前提性知识, 教师要考虑如何激活学生已有的知识, 并把这些知识纳入到新的学习中。大多数中国学生在学习英语时已经掌握了基本的汉语语法, 而不同语言的语法或多或少有相似的地方。所以, 忽视汉语语法在英语语法教学中的积极作用会导致学生在英语语法学习上的困难。如果不能将两者有机地联系起来, 不能使汉语在英语学习中发挥积极作用, 使两者相得益彰, 那就等于失去了语法学习的最佳途径。


通过实践使我深深体会到, 只要能在教学中适时地采用“比较法”这一教学方式, 就一定会大大丰富学生的英语语言知识, 从而培养他们的语感能力和辨别能力, 快速提高学生运用英语语言的准确性和灵活性。教学实践表明, “比较法”教学是行之有效的教学方法, 有利于发散思维, 是一项复杂的系统工程。如果教师在英语教学中能巧妙地运用“比较法”, 就一定可以激发学生们的学习热情和兴趣, 从而打造出高效的英语课堂教学, 获得令人满意的效果。

摘要:高中阶段, 非谓语动词既是学习的重点, 也是学习的难点, 同时又是历年高考必考的语法项目, 也是衡量学生写作水平高低的一个标准。由于其理论内容抽象、种类多样、结构的建立形式复杂、习题设置难度大, 于是成了教师难教、学生难学的内容。其中, 分词作状语是考查的重中之重, 也是出题较灵活、较难把握的一项语法项目。作者在教学实践中发现, 在分词作状语教学中运用“比较法”更容易让学生认识、理解, 并准确运用分词作状语这项语法, 从而提高学生的英语能力。



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李世华.2001.非谓语动词的用法区别[J].玉溪师范学院学报, (S1) .


张微.2009.PRETCO (A级) 历年非谓语动词考点归纳及应对策略[J].英语知识, (12) .

Claire K.2000.语言与文化[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社.
